Making sure you're covered - New Zealand Post

Making sure you're covered - New Zealand Post

Making sure you're covered - New Zealand Post


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<strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> <strong>Post</strong> offers a varietyof services for sending letters andparcels within <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> andaround the world.We make every effort to en<strong>sure</strong>your item arrives on time and ingood condition, but unfortunatelysometimes things go wrong.This guide sets out:- what you are <strong>covered</strong> for whensending with us- what you can’t send- how to make a compensation claim.

• You can send items valued at more than our standardcompensation limit overseas by:– using a service with a higher compensation limit, or– buying additional cover (if available).If you do not buy additional cover, or it is not available,you cannot send the item.• For information about buying additional compensationcover please ask a staff member, call our CustomerService Centre on 0800 73 63 53 or refer to our websiteat www.nzpost.co.nz/compensation.What can’t be sentThere are two types of items that you need to know about –prohibited items and restricted items.• Prohibited items are items that you simply aren’t allowed tosend with us.• Restricted items are items that we will accept, as long as youmeet our specified conditions of carriage detailed on pages 4and 5. If you don’t meet our conditions of carriage, the itemis prohibited.Prohibited itemsItems are prohibited because they pose a risk to the safetyand security of our employees, customers and other peopleand equipment. They may appear harmless, but as almost allinternational items and many domestic items travel by air atsome stage, they can become dangerous.Our Customer Service Centre is always happy to help, but it isyour responsibility to check whether the item you want to sendis prohibited. If you send a prohibited item:• acceptance of that item by us does not free you of anyof your responsibilities• we won’t cover you for any loss or damage• we may hold you liable for any costs or damages incurredby us• we may open it (even if we only suspect that it is prohibited)• we may not deliver it• we may charge you for its disposal.There are also penalties for sending prohibited items underthe <strong>Post</strong>al Services Act 1998, Civil Aviation Act 1990 andother legislation.2

Prohibited items include, but are not limited to:• anything that is inadequately packaged or capable of causingdamage to people and property – you can find helpfulinformation about how to package certain items on ourwebsite at www.nzpost.co.nz/packageitems.• Any item capable of causing injury to people or damage toproperty must be appropriately packaged before it is broughtinto any <strong>Post</strong>Shop or <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> <strong>Post</strong> retail outlet.• dangerous goods – explosives, gases, flammable liquidsand solids, oxidising substances and organic peroxides,toxic (poisonous) and infectious substances, radioactivematerials, corrosives, or highly magnetic and polymerisablesubstances (these dangerous goods rules are governed bythe International Air Transport Association (IATA))• illegal items (whether in <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> or the destinationcountry)• firearms, firearm parts and ammunition. Firearm parts areany piece of a firearm that is designed or intended to bean integral part of a firearm, regardless of whether it is inworking condition. Firearm parts include, but are not limitedto, the breech/chamber, stock/butt, magazine, silencer,barrel, bolt and trigger assembly. Firearm accessories suchas sights, slings and bipods/tripods can be sent• lithium ion or lithium polymer batteries*• drugs (unless in prescription quantities and packagedcorrectly)*• unsolicited indecent items or representations of any kind• human remains, including ashes• noxious substances or things, or dead animals• live animals (except for correctly packaged bees, leeches,silkworms or harmless insects)• perishables• fragile items*• travellers cheques, deeds, negotiable instruments (includingany bearer security, bill of exchange or uncrossed cheque),bonds or shares, credit or bank cards, cash, currency, bullionor vouchers, gift cards, or tickets for any games of chance(such as raffle and lottery tickets)• jewellery, watches, precious metals or stones*• collectibles, antiques, paintings, sculptures or works of art*• unused stamps*.* Depending on where you want to send these items, or what service you wantto use, you may be able to send them. Refer to the section on restricteditems on pages 4 and 5.A list of common prohibited items can be found on page 10.3

Restricted itemsWe will accept the following restricted items, as long as you meet our spcondition of carriage, refer to the information on page 2 for details. If youSending within <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong>Letters, postcards, Standardand Tracked parcels andRegistered<strong>Post</strong>Courier and Courier &Signature parcelsAny item with contentsvalued at more than thestandard compensationlimits listed in the tableson page 1Electronic/electricappliances and devicesLithium ion or lithiumpolymer batteriesRadioactive substancesPoisons not classified asclass 6.1 Dangerous Goodsin the IATA RegulationsPerishable biologicalspecimens and substancesnot classified as class 6.2Dangerous Goods in theIATA RegulationsLiquids not otherwiseclassified as dangerousProhibited itemCan be sent, but maximumcompensation available isNZ$1,500Batteries must be removed and wrapped separately. If the batterparts. Additional restrictions apply if the appliance or device conPriority services 1Prohibited itemAll other servicesRefer to the requirements forelectronic/electric appliancesand devicesSpecial packagingrequirements must be met– for details, refer to theinformation on page 6May be sent in quantities exempted from the Radiation Protectio(e.g. household smoke alarms).Prohibited itemMust be packaged correctlyMust be sent using asignature required serviceProhibited itemMust be sent to arecognised laboratory,medical institution, medicalpractitioner or vetMust be packaged inaccordance with TheGuideline for Packagingand Shipping of InfectiousSubstances by theCommunicable DiseasesCentreMust be sent using asignature required serviceMust be packaged in a way to en<strong>sure</strong> no leakage or breakage ofDrugs (where allowable) Prohibited item Must be sent by anauthorised organisationMust be packaged correctlyMust be sent using asignature required serviceJewellery, watches, Prohibited itemProhibited itemprecious metals or stonesvalued under NZ$250Jewellery, watches, Prohibited itemProhibited itemprecious metals or stonesvalued over NZ$250Any collectible or antique Prohibited itemProhibited itemor any painting, sculptureor other work of art valuedunder NZ$1,500Any collectible or antique Prohibited itemProhibited itemor any painting, sculptureor other work of art valuedover NZ$1,500Unused stamps Prohibited item Prohibited itemFragile itemsCan be sent only if packagedto withstand transport andhandling – for details, referto the information belowProhibited item41 Priority domestic services are Fast<strong>Post</strong> letters and BoxLink

6Special packaging requirements for lithium ion and lithiumpolymer batteriesCheck the table on pages 4 and 5 to see what services you canuse to send lithium batteries.• The battery must be sufficiently wrapped and packagedseparately within the parcel and able to withstand a 1.2mdrop. This is the inside package.• If the battery is enclosed internally and cannot be removed(e.g. iPods), the whole item must be sufficiently wrapped andpackaged separately within the parcel and able to withstanda 1.2m drop. This is the inside package.• The inside package and the outer package must have aspecial warning sticker (MAIL285 sticker) attached, which isavailable at your local <strong>Post</strong>Shop.• A Lithium Battery document (ADV550) must be completedand included in the clear pouch with the other internationalsending documents.Packaging fragile itemsOur general handling and transport processes are the samefor all items, and we cannot provide any special treatment foritems that are fragile. It is your responsibility to en<strong>sure</strong> thatany item is well packaged and can withstand a 1.2m drop. Itis not enough to put ‘fragile’ or ‘handle with care’ labels onyour item.Country-specific requirementsWhen sending items overseas, you should also en<strong>sure</strong> that:• your item is not prohibited from export by the <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong>government, or that you meet any export restrictions (suchas an export permit) if there are any• your item is not prohibited or restricted in the country youare sending it to.For further information, contact the <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> Customsservice or the appropriate <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> or overseasgovernment authority.Other limitations and exclusionsIn addition to prohibited and restricted items, other limitationsand exclusions apply. In these circumstances, we are not liableto pay you any compensation. We may also be unable to deliveryour item and have to return it to you (at your expense).These include situations when:• you have not complied with all our relevant terms andconditions contained in the Public Contract and <strong>Post</strong>al Users’Guide, which are available in your local <strong>Post</strong>Shop or on ourwebsite at www.nzpost.co.nz/terms• the item is incorrectly addressed• the item is seized or confiscated by Customs or any othergovernment agency or border control authority

• you don’t complete any required documentation fullyand correctly• the loss or damage is the result of any negligence by you• you send something to a country where no postal or courierservice exists• the loss or damage is because of an event beyond ourreasonable control• the loss or damage occurs after delivery• you buy our goods or services for the purpose of yourbusiness and the loss or damage is consequential orindirect, loss of profits or economic loss• you make a claim for compensation outside our standardtimeframes or don’t provide the claims details that weask for.The provisions of the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 do notapply when you buy our goods or services for the purpose ofyour business.<strong>Making</strong> a compensation claimIf you want to claim compensation for an item posted fromoverseas, please ask the sender to start the claim with thepostal authority in the country it was sent from.All other claims should be made by the sender with<strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> <strong>Post</strong> or Courier<strong>Post</strong>, depending on theservice used.When the contents are damaged or some of the contentsare missingPlease take the item and its packaging to your nearest<strong>Post</strong>Shop within 7 days of receiving it. You should not try and fixup the item or its packaging, as we need to see the state that itwas in when you received it. If you have sent an item overseas,the person who received it should take it to the postal authorityin their country.We may need to keep the item while we look into whathappened.7

When the whole item goes missingServiceWho to make yourclaim withSending within <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong>Letters, postcards, Standard and Tracked parcels<strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> <strong>Post</strong>Courier and Courier & Signature parcelsand Registered<strong>Post</strong>Courier<strong>Post</strong>Sending overseasInternational Economy and International Air<strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> <strong>Post</strong>International Economy Courier andInternational Express Courier<strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> <strong>Post</strong>What you need to tell usWhen making a compensation claim, you need to provideus with the following information (where applicable):• time, date and place of posting• sender and addressee details• proof of posting – receipts or invoices• evidence of the value of the item, such as the costor replacement price, receipts or valuation notice(an online auction number is fine for these purposes)• tracking number• sender’s copy of the consignment note orcustoms declaration• GST number.Other things you need to know• When a claim is accepted, we will pay you, up to thecompensation limit for each service, the lesser of:– the value or declared value of the item– an indemnity value as determined by us– the cost of repairing the item.• We individually investigate each claim, which meansresolution may not be immediate and some internationalinvestigations may take several months to complete.• If you’re claiming compensation for second hand goods thatyou have sold (e.g. on online auction sites), compensationpayment will be based on the sale price.8

How to make your claimTimeframefor makingyour claimCall our Customer Service Centre on 0800 501 501 or fill in theinquiry form available online at www.nzpost.co.nz/inquiryformCall the Courier<strong>Post</strong> Customer Service Centre on 0800 268 74314 days14 daysCall our Customer Service Centre on 0800 73 63 53 or fill in theinquiry form available online at www.nzpost.co.nz/inquiryformCall our Customer Service Centre on 0800 73 63 53 or fill in theinquiry form available online at www.nzpost.co.nz/inquiryform90 days14 days• If you’re claiming compensation for goods sold in a businesssituation, compensation payment will be based on the costprice to you, not the retail price of the item.• We may choose to fix or replace items, rather than paycompensation.• Once we’ve paid compensation for a damaged item, we maydispose of it.• If we pay you compensation for a lost item, and it turns uplater, it will be our property. If you want it back, you will haveto refund the compensation we paid you.This guide is a summary of the key information contained inthe relevant sections of our Public Contract and <strong>Post</strong>al Users’Guide. The full documents are available on our website atwww.nzpost.co.nz/terms or at your local <strong>Post</strong>Shop.9

Quick reference guide to common prohibited itemsThis list is a guide only; it is not a complete list of all prohibited items.AcidAdhesive products (containingflammable liquid)Aerosol cans (e.g. hairspray)Air bags (car)Alarm devices (gas or battery powered)Alcohol (more than 5 litres)Alcohol (more than 70% by volume)AlkalineAluminium powderAmmonia-based productsAmmunitionAnimals (except correctly packagedbees, leeches, silkworms and harmlessinsects)Anti-freezeAppliances (containing batteries)AsbestosBarometersBatteries (contained in any appliance– batteries must be removed andpackaged separately)Batteries (made from lithium, someexceptions apply)Batteries (car or wet cell)Battery fluidBlasting capsBleachBrake fluidBulletsBullionButaneCamphorCaps for starting gunsCaps for toy gunsCarbon paperCash, currency or vouchers/gift cardsCaustic sodaCharcoalChemicalsChloratesChlorineChristmas crackersCigarette lightersCleaning materials (liquid or powder)Compressed airDeodorant (aerosols)DisinfectantsDrugs (unless in prescriptionquantities)Dry iceDyesEssential oils (e.g. eucalyptus, tea tree)FertilisersFibreglass repair kitsFire extinguishersFire lightersFirearms (including parts) andammunitionFireworks (e.g. skyrockets, sparklers,crackers)First Aid kitsFlaresFlint lightersJewellery, watches, precious metalsor stonesFurs and skins (untreated)Gas (e.g. propane, butane, hydrogen,helium)Gas cylinders (e.g. camping gascylinders – full or empty)Generators (fuel powered)Glue (e.g. flammable, quick drying)Grenades (including imitationgrenades)Hair colouring/bleachesHairspray (aerosol)Human remains (including ashes)IgnitersIndecent goodsInsecticidesKeroseneLaundry detergentsLighter fluidLiquid nitrogenMagnetic materialMagnetsMatchesMercuryMotor fuelsNail polishNail polish removerNarcoticsOven cleaners (containing caustic soda)Oxygen cylinders, includingcompressed airPaint (oil based)Party poppersPerfume (including aftershave,cologne)PeroxidesPetrolPhosphorusPlastic solventPoisons (e.g. cyanide, lead, arsenic)PolishPolyester resin kitsPropaneShock absorbers(gas or compressed air)Signals, distressSignals, smokeSodiumSolventsSparklersStun guns, tasers and stun batonsSulphuric acidSwimming pool chemicalsTea tree oilTextile dyesTheatrical flaresThermometers (mercury)Toner (e.g. photocopier toner,toner cartridges)Toy capsToys (containing batteries)TurpentineVarnish (e.g. removers, thinners)WatchesWeapons, including bows, crossbowsand arrows, harpoons, guns, spearguns, sling shots and catapultsWeed killersZinc powder10

Contact usYou can contact us by phone:0800 501 501Alternatively, ask for further information at your local <strong>Post</strong>Shop,or visit our website:www.nzpost.co.nzThe standard terms and conditions of the products and services offered by<strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> <strong>Post</strong> Limited, including information on the extent of our liability,are set out in the Public Contract and the <strong>Post</strong>al Users’ Guide. These areavailable for reference at <strong>Post</strong>Shops and selected <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> <strong>Post</strong> retailoutlets, or can be viewed on our website at www.nzpost.co.nz/terms. Otherconditions for <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> <strong>Post</strong> Account customers are contained in theterms and conditions provided when credit was arranged. InternationalEconomy, International Air, International Economy Courier, InternationalExpress Courier and <strong>Post</strong>Shop are trade marks of <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> <strong>Post</strong>Limited. Courier<strong>Post</strong> and Registered<strong>Post</strong> are trade marks of ExpressCouriers Limited.ADV102AG13 (July 2013)

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