The right Air Oil Separator ... ... for any installation ... - Air Now Supply

The right Air Oil Separator ... ... for any installation ... - Air Now Supply

The right Air Oil Separator ... ... for any installation ... - Air Now Supply


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2Overview Catalogue Contact Products Quick search <strong>for</strong> product Exit<strong>The</strong> <strong>right</strong> <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Oil</strong> <strong>Separator</strong> ...... <strong>for</strong> <strong>any</strong> <strong>installation</strong> situationOperatingTypes Figure Installation site Residual oil1 to 3 mg/m 3contenttemperaturemg/m 3120 °CPressuredrop<strong>for</strong> a given nominalflow ratebarAvailable nominalflow rates(at 7 bar (0.7 MPa)AdvantagesStandard WrapElementPage 5inpressurereservoir0.172 to 42 m 3 /min• High process reliability by using top quality filtration media• Low oil consumption due to low residual oil content• Thoroughly tried and tested and reliableDepth <strong>Separator</strong>ElementPage 7inpressurereservoir0.23.5 to 39 m 3 /min• High process reliability by using top quality filtration media• Low oil consumption due to low residual oil content• Space saving achieved through compact design<strong>Air</strong> <strong>Oil</strong> <strong>Separator</strong>BoxPage 9up<strong>right</strong> onpressurereservoir0.251 to 5.5 m 3 /min• High process reliability by using top quality filtration media• Simple and time-saving assembly and disassembly• Cost advantages with services as compared withtraditional air oil separators• Low oil consumption due to low residual oil content<strong>Air</strong> <strong>Oil</strong> <strong>Separator</strong>FilterPage 11suspended inthe compressedair pipe0.31 to 11 m 3 /min• High process reliability by using top quality filtration media• Simple and time-saving assembly and disassembly• Cost advantages with services as compared withtraditional air oil separators• Low oil consumption due to low residual oil content<strong>Air</strong> <strong>Oil</strong> <strong>Separator</strong>Element<strong>for</strong> vacuumpumpsinpressurereservoir0.250.1 to 2.9 m 3 /min• High process reliability by using top quality filtration media• Low oil consumption due to low residual oil contentPage 13

Overview Catalogue Contact Products Quick search <strong>for</strong> product ExitMANN <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Oil</strong> <strong>Separator</strong>s...<strong>The</strong> use of compressed air is now an integralfeature of every industrial firm. Compressorsand vacuum pumps are used in the constructionindustry, mechanical engineering and inhighly sensitive sectors such as the foodstuffs,pharmaceuticals and electrical engineeringindustries. MANN <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Oil</strong> <strong>Separator</strong>s are importantquality components in the compressed airprocessing chain.Functional descriptionMANN <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Oil</strong> <strong>Separator</strong>s work according to the„principle of coalescence“. Micro-glass-fibrelayers separate drops of oil from the compressedair and return them in large drops to the oilcircuit of the compressor. <strong>The</strong> separation processis effective <strong>right</strong> down to the submicronrange. This ensures that oil consumption in thecompressors and oil entrainment into the compressedair networks are kept to a minimum.Vapour oil particles are not separated.MANN <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Oil</strong> <strong>Separator</strong>s can be used with alltypes of standard compressor lubricating oils,irrespective of whether they are mineral-based,synthetic or partially synthetic products.Separation of oil dropsDepending on the size of the drops, variousphysical separation effects result in the finedrops being adsorbed by the micro-glass fibres.<strong>The</strong> number of fibres, fibre diameter and flowvelocity have a major impact on separation efficiency.If the design is modified, interaction betweeninertia, sealing and diffusion effects isoptimised.<strong>The</strong> larger drops produced in the first separationphase by the coalescence of fine drops arepressed through the glass-fibre layer and sinkto the bottom on the dry side under the influenceof gravity. <strong>The</strong> remaining air-borne proportionof smaller drops is separated in the secondphase. Selection of the correct materials in conjunctionwith low flow resistances ensures thatnearly all oil drops left in the air flow can beseparated or drained off. This also applies toload fluctuations around the nominal utilisationpoint.Return of separated oilDepending on the make of compressor, oil isreturned in a number of different ways. In thestandard design of MANN <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Oil</strong> <strong>Separator</strong>s, oilflows from the outside to the inside and thedrainage oil is drawn off on the dry side througha centrally positioned pipe running from thebase cup of the separator.<strong>Oil</strong> separation according to the «principle ofcoalescence»3

Overview Catalogue Contact Products Quick search <strong>for</strong> product Exit... <strong>for</strong> constant compressed air qualityDesignMANN <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Oil</strong> <strong>Separator</strong>s contain either two orthree layers. <strong>The</strong> first separation layer is normallythe fine particle layer made of borosilicateglass fibres in defined layer thicknesses andpore sizes. <strong>The</strong>se almost binder-free microfibrepapers ensure resistance to different types oflubricating oil even at relatively high operatingtemperatures. <strong>The</strong> second separation layer ismade of a polyester fleece.In difficult pre-separation conditions, a third preseparationlayer can protect the other two layersagainst overloading, thus increasing the servicelife of the air oil separator. Please askabout pre-separation layers.In accordance with the requirements of thetrade association of the chemical industry, themetal parts of MANN <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Oil</strong> <strong>Separator</strong>s <strong>for</strong>compressors have an electrically conductiveinterconnection in order to transfer <strong>any</strong> staticcharges reliably. Suitably prepared mountingseals produce conductive connections to thecompressor housing.MANN <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Oil</strong> <strong>Separator</strong> Element with two-layerseparationMANN <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Oil</strong> <strong>Separator</strong> Element with threelayerseparationFlow resistanceDepending on their type, MANN <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Oil</strong><strong>Separator</strong>s have flow resistances of between0.17 bar (17 KPa) and 0.22 bar (17 KPa),referred to the oil-moistened operating stateat nominal volumetric flow and at operatingtemperature.Widerstand Resistance (bar)0,4 0.40,3 0.30,2 0.2Quality Features• High resistance to differential pressure• Operating temperature: up to 120 °C• Residual oil content: 1 to 3 mg/ m 3 or ppm(<strong>for</strong> nominal flow load)• Nominal flow rates: (at 7 bar/0.7 MPa)• Standard wrap element: 2 to 42 m 3 /min• Depth separator element: 3.5 to 39 m 3 /min• <strong>Air</strong> oil separator box: 1 to 5.5 m 3 /min• <strong>Air</strong> oil separator filter: 1 to 11 m 3 /min• <strong>Air</strong> oil separators <strong>for</strong> vacuum pumps:0.1 to 2.9 m 3 /min0,1 0.1050 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150Relative Rel. Nennbelastung nominal load (%)Flow resistances of MANN <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Oil</strong> <strong>Separator</strong>Elements4

Overview Catalogue Contact Products Quick search <strong>for</strong> product ExitMANN Standard Wrap Element ...Separation efficiency<strong>The</strong> residual oil content at nominal flowrate and at 7 bar (0.7 MPa) operatingpressure is approximately1 to 3 mg/m 3 (1 to 3 ppm).Service life<strong>The</strong> rise in flow resistance and thusservice life primarily depend on thecleanness of the oil and the quality of the airfilter. A service life of several thousand hourscan be achieved with a well-functioning system.Fitting adviceMANN Standard Wrap Elements are available ina variety of sizes. <strong>The</strong>y will only function properlywhen there is no leakage between the wetand the dry sides. <strong>Air</strong> should be guided in sucha way as to prevent the air oil stream impactingdirectly on the surface of the filter element.Design and functionThis product is suitable <strong>for</strong> flow from the outsideto the inside. It can be used <strong>for</strong> the entirerange of current versions of screw-type and slidingvane compressors.<strong>The</strong> standard wrap elements are particularlyinsensitive to design variations and achieveoptimal results with regard to separation efficiencyand service life.SealsPressure drop<strong>The</strong> pressure drop at nominal flow rate andat 7 bar (0.7 MPa) operating pressure with anew element is 0.17 bar (17 KPa). If a higherresistance is permitted, the volumetric flowrate can be doubled without downgrading per<strong>for</strong>mance.Pressure resistanceMANN <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Oil</strong> <strong>Separator</strong>s are designed <strong>for</strong> differentialpressures of up to 5 bar (0.5 MPa).Compressed air inlets <strong>for</strong> oil saturated air(3 inlet alternatives)to oil injectionoil-free compressed air5Installation of MANN Standard Wrap Element inpressure reservoir

Overview Catalogue Contact Products Quick search <strong>for</strong> product Exit... tried and tested thousand timesd 3d 2h 1h 2d 1Part No.PackagedmodelFlowrate 1)[m 3 /min]d 1d 2Dimensions in mmd 3h 1h 249 000 51 53149 000 51 41149 000 51 20149 000 51 12149 000 51 11149 000 51 10149 000 51 17149 000 51 32149 000 51 13149 000 51 19149 000 51 18149 000 51 22149 000 51 52149 000 51 48149 000 51 54149 000 51 58123. 000900121212121212121212121212121212201) Flow rate according to DIN 1945 at 7 bar (0.7 MPa) operating pressure.Specially adapted sizes are available on request.6

Overview Catalogue Contact Products Quick search <strong>for</strong> product ExitMANN Depth <strong>Separator</strong> Element ...Design and functionThis product takes up very little space and issuitable <strong>for</strong> the entire range of current versionsof screw-type and sliding vane compressors. Inthe depth separator element, oil flows from theoutside to the inside.Pressure drop<strong>The</strong> pressure drop at nominal flow rate and at7 bar (0.7 MPa) operating pressure with a newelement is approx. 0.2 bar (20 KPa). If a higherresistance is permitted, the volumetric flow ratecan be increased to 1.5 times the nominal flowrate without downgrading per<strong>for</strong>mance.Pressure resistanceMANN Depth <strong>Separator</strong> Elements are designed<strong>for</strong> differential pressures of up to 5 bar (0.5 MPa).SealsSeparation efficiency<strong>The</strong> residual oil content at nominal flow rate andat 7 bar (0.7 MPa) operating pressure is approx.1 to 3 mg/m 3 (1 to 3 ppm).Service life<strong>The</strong> rise in flow resistance and thus service lifeprimarily depend on the cleanness of the oiland the quality of the air filter. A service life ofseveral thousand hours can be achieved with awell-functioning system.Compressed air inlets <strong>for</strong> oil saturated air(3 inlet alternatives)to oil injectionoil-free compressed airInstallation of MANN Depth <strong>Separator</strong> Elementin pressure reservoirFitting adviceMANN Depth <strong>Separator</strong> Elements are availablein a variety of sizes. <strong>The</strong>y will only function properlywhen there is no leakage between the wetand the dry sides. <strong>Air</strong> should be guided in sucha way as to prevent the air oil stream impactingdirectly on the surface of the filter element.7

Overview Catalogue Contact Products Quick search <strong>for</strong> product Exit... high per<strong>for</strong>mance in a confined spaced 3d 2hd 1Part No.PackagedmodelFlowrate 1)[m 3 /min]d 1Dimensions in mmd 2d 3h49 301 53 13149 301 53 10149 302 53 13149 303 53 12149 303 53 11149 304 53 10149 305 53 11149 305 53 10149 306 53 1024.56.591620222833.539135170170300275300300300300170200200355328355355355355751091092202092202202202202002303053054004005006007001) Flow rate according to DIN 1945 at 7 bar (0.7 MPa) operating pressure.Specially adapted sizes are available on request.8

Overview Catalogue Contact Products Quick search <strong>for</strong> product ExitMANN <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Oil</strong> <strong>Separator</strong> Box ...Flow ratesMANN <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Oil</strong> <strong>Separator</strong> Boxes are available <strong>for</strong>nominal flow rates of 1 m 3 /min up to 5.5 m 3 /min(35 to 194 cfm) at an operating pressure of7 bar (0.7 MPa).Pressure drop<strong>The</strong> pressure drop at nominal flow rate and at7 bar (0.7 MPa) operating pressure is approx.0.25 bar (25 KPa) with a new element.Pressure resistance<strong>The</strong> housings of the MANN <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Oil</strong> <strong>Separator</strong>Boxes are designed <strong>for</strong> operating pressures upto a maximum of 20 bar (2 MPa) or a maximumof 14 bar (1.4 MPa) (please see table on page10). <strong>The</strong> built-in filter elements can withstandpressure differences up to 5 bar (0.5 MPa).Separation efficiency<strong>The</strong> residual oil content of the compressed airat nominal flow rate and 7 bar (0.7 MPa) operatingpressure is approximately 1 to 3 mg/m 3(1 to 3 ppm).pressureproofhousingAdapter union(supplied)O-ringFilter head(Srew-on base,not supplied)Fig. 1De-oiledcompressed airoutputDe-oiled compressedairExtraseparatorFineseparatorpressure-stablesupporttubeSeparatedoilInlet ofair-oilmixtureService life<strong>The</strong> rise in flow resistance and thus service lifeprimarily depend on the cleanness of the oil andthe quality of the air filter. A service life of severalthousand hours can be achieved with a wellfunctioningsystem.Fitting adviceMANN <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Oil</strong> <strong>Separator</strong> Boxes are fitted vertically(Fig. 1) by hand on the firmly installed filterhead using a suitable adapter union.MANN+HUMMEL recommends <strong>installation</strong> in amaintenance-friendly position.Maintenance<strong>The</strong> air oil separator boxes must be replaced ifthe flow resistance reaches 1 bar (0.1 MPa).<strong>The</strong> box may only be replaced when the systemis depressurised. A commercially available beltwrench is sufficient to remove the box. <strong>The</strong> boxis fitted and tightened manually.9

Overview Catalogue Contact Products Quick search <strong>for</strong> product Exit... <strong>for</strong> simple maintenanced 1h 1d 2d 3d 4d 4d 1h 2h 4 h 315h 140 SW d 2d 3d 5Fig. 1 Fig. 2MANN <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Oil</strong> <strong>Separator</strong> Box (Fig. 1)Part No.Flowrate 1)[m 3 /min]d 1Dimensions in mm and inchesd 2 d 3 d 4d 5h 1max.working pressure[bar] [MPa]LB 719/2LB 962/2LB 1374/2LB 11 102/2LB 13 145/312345.5M 22 x 1.5M 24 x 1.5M 39 x 1.5M 32 x 1.5M 39 x 1.562621009310071711111041117693136108136809614011014012721217726030220 220 220 214 1.420 2Adapter Union (Fig. 2)Part No.d 1d 2Dimensions in mm and inchesd 3 d 4 h 1 h 2h 3h 4swsuitable <strong>for</strong>separator box21 024 15 98121 027 15 99121 036 15 99121 042 15 991M 22 x 1.5M 24 x 1.5M 32 x 1.5M 39 x 1.5M 24 x 1.5M 27 x 1.5M 36 x 1.5M 42 x 1.51415223019.219.828.135.8135135155175383841.547.525.425.427.434.4666727324146LB 719/2LB 962/2LB 11 102/2LB 1374/2LB 13 145/31) Flow rate according to DIN 1945 at 7 bar (0.7 MPa) operating pressure.10

Overview Catalogue Contact Products Quick search <strong>for</strong> product ExitMANN <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Oil</strong> <strong>Separator</strong> Filter ...Service life<strong>The</strong> rise in flow resistance and thus service lifeprimarily depend on the cleanness of the oil andthe quality of the air filter. A service life of severalthousand hours can be achieved with a wellfunctioningsystem.Fitting advice<strong>The</strong> air oil separator filters are fitted in an easilyaccessible position either vertical or suspendedin the pipe downstream of the compressed airtank. Please observe the marked flow direction.<strong>The</strong> oil return pipe supplied by the customer(steel pipe 8x1C-PHR) is oiled by the screwconnection in the head. <strong>The</strong> steel pipe is notpart of the scope of supply.Flow ratesMANN <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Oil</strong> <strong>Separator</strong> Filters are available <strong>for</strong>nominal flow rates of 1 m 3 /min up to 11 m 3 /minat a compressor pressure of 7 bar (0.7 MPa).Pressure drop<strong>The</strong> pressure drop at nominal flow rate and at7 bar (0.7 MPa) operating pressure is approx.0.3 bar (30 KPa) with a new element.Maintenance<strong>The</strong> air oil separator boxes of the filters mustbe replaced if flow resistance reaches 1 bar(0.1 MPa). <strong>The</strong> box may only be replaced whenthe system is depressurised. A commerciallyavailable belt wrench is sufficient to remove thebox. <strong>The</strong> box is fitted and tightened manually.Pressure resistance<strong>The</strong> housings of the MANN <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Oil</strong> <strong>Separator</strong>Filters are designed <strong>for</strong> operating pressures upto a maximum of 20 bar (2 MPa) or a maximumof 14 bar (1.4 MPa) (please refer to values in thetable on page 12). <strong>The</strong> built-in filter elementscan withstand pressure differences up to 5 bar(0.5 MPa).to theconsumerto the screwfrom thecompressorSeparation efficiency<strong>The</strong> residual oil content of the compressed airat nominal flow rate and at 7 bar (0.7 MPa)operating pressure is approx. 1 to 3 mg/m 3(1 to 3 ppm).Fig. 1Installation of the MANN <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Oil</strong> <strong>Separator</strong> in thecompressed air pipe11

Overview Catalogue Contact Products Quick search <strong>for</strong> product Exit... low maintenance and flexible <strong>installation</strong>d 2 M 10 20 deep tief+50 - 0.8 0,8d 1 dd+25 - 0.8 0,8+f35 - 0.3 0,3abe+80 - 2+80 - 0,3 0.3aM 10 20 deep tief+80 - 0,3 0.3becd 2Fig. 2 Fig. 3Part No.Matchingseparator boxFig.Flowrate 1)[m 3 /min]abDimensions in mm and inchesc dd 1 d 2efmax. workingpressure[bar] [MPa]49 303 62 10149 306 62 10149 308 62 10149 312 62 10149 316 62 10149 330 62 101LB 719/2LB 962/2LB 1374/2LB 11 102/2LB 13 145/32x LB 13 145/322222312345.5119595135130135320505054815468127212177260302302G 3 /4G 3 /4G 1 1 /4G 1 1 /4G 1 1 /4G 23636505050–769313610813613634344146415847.547.55647.556–20 220 220 214 1.420 220 21)Flow rate according to DIN 1945 at 7 bar (0.7 MPa) operating pressure.12

Overview Catalogue Contact Products Quick search <strong>for</strong> product ExitMANN <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Oil</strong> <strong>Separator</strong>s <strong>for</strong> vacuum pumps ...Design and functionThis product is designed <strong>for</strong> flow from the outsideto the inside. <strong>The</strong> air oil separators listed inthe table on page 14 are particularly suitable <strong>for</strong>integration in oil-flooded vacuum pumps. Any<strong>installation</strong> position is acceptable.Pressure resistance<strong>The</strong> MANN <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Oil</strong> <strong>Separator</strong>s <strong>for</strong> vacuumpumps are designed <strong>for</strong> differential pressures ofup to at least 1.5 bar (150 KPa).Service life<strong>The</strong> rise in flow resistance and thus service lifeprimarily depend on the cleanness of the oiland the quality of the air filter. A service life ofseveral thousand hours can be achieved with awell-functioning system.Fitting advice<strong>The</strong> full separation efficiency of the air oil separatorsis only available fully when there is noleakage between the wet and dry sides.Separation efficiency<strong>The</strong> residual oil content at nominal air flow isapprox. 1 to 3 mg/m 3 .13

Overview Catalogue Contact Products Quick search <strong>for</strong> product Exit... flexible <strong>installation</strong>d 1d 3+9 - 1d 2d 1hhFig. 1 Fig. 2Part No.Fig.Flowrate[m 3 /min]d 1Dimensions in mm and inchesd 2d 3h49 000 52 10849 000 52 35149 000 52 35249 000 52 35349 000 50 61149 000 52 39149 000 52 10749 000 52 10349 001 52 11249 001 52 15249 001 52 151111112121220.–40–40–––––––35–35–3535607580125145202250252330377502Customized versions are available on request. Please contact us.14

Overview Catalogue Contact Products Quick search <strong>for</strong> product ExitPractical Tips and TricksService life of air oil separatorsDirt deposits, e.g. old oil products, air contaminationor abrasion reduce the service life of airoil separators. Various final differential pressuresare determined by the user. In practice, finalvalues of between 0.8 bar (80 KPa) and 1 bar(100 KPa) are normal <strong>for</strong> compressors andapprox. 0.5 bar (50 KPa) <strong>for</strong> vacuum pumps.Fouling which accumulates in the air oil separatormay also increase on account of higher oilflow. This is measurable as drainage flow. <strong>The</strong>drainage flow volume depends directly on thestructural design of the pre-separation mechanismsin the compressor. Optimum values <strong>for</strong>drainage flows are around 1 g of oil per m 3 ofoil.Measures to secure an economic service lifeof air oil separatorsCorrect oil care is a basic precondition <strong>for</strong> asatisfactory service life of air-oil separators.Generally speaking, the service life of air oilseparators is only restricted by deposits of solidparticles (old oil products, abrasion) in the fineseparation layer and the resulting increase indifferential pressure. <strong>The</strong> entry of fouling into thelubricating oil can be restricted by changing theair and oil filters in good time and by observingthe oil change intervals. <strong>The</strong> amount of foulingentering the air oil separator is thus kept to aminimum and this has a positive effect on maintenanceintervals. <strong>The</strong> selection of oil also playsan important role as regards service life. Onlyapproved, aging-resistant and water-insensitiveoils should be used. Unsuitable oils with insufficientoxidation resistance may block the air oilseparator even after a relatively short operatingperiod due to the build-up of deposits whichhave a similar consistency to jelly. Acceleratedoil aging is the result of high operating temperatures.Accordingly, attention must be paid to thesupply of cooling air and to cooler contamination.During oil changes, all used oil should beremoved to avoid initial damage caused by residualoil or incompatibility between oils if themake of oil is changed. In order to take fulladvantage of the long service life of syntheticoils, <strong>any</strong> existing mineral oil residues must beremoved completely.In rare cases, oil may age prematurely due togaseous <strong>for</strong>eign substances which are entrainedin with the ambient air.Reduced service life due to operational faultsin compressorsMANN <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Oil</strong> <strong>Separator</strong>s are insensitive to normalback flows or pulsation. However, abnormallylarge backflows may lead to defects in thefine separation layer of the air oil separators.This damage is generally not visible and there<strong>for</strong>ecannot be detected with the naked eye.However, even small defects in the separationlayers may produce higher residual oil contents.In order to identify this damage, extensive testssuch as residual oil measurements and destructivetests must be carried out.Economic service life<strong>Oil</strong> careSelection of oilOperating conditions<strong>Oil</strong> change interval<strong>Oil</strong> filter change interval<strong>Air</strong> filter change interval<strong>Oil</strong> compatibility<strong>Oil</strong> contaminationAging resistanceInsensitivity to waterCompressor suitability<strong>Air</strong> separation efficiency(LVA DIN 51381)Ambient temperatureSystem cooling,<strong>Oil</strong> temperatureForeign harmful bodiesin air15

Overview Catalogue Contact Products Quick search <strong>for</strong> product ExitPractical Tips and TricksResidual oil measurementsResidual oil contents are measured most effectivelyusing suitable absolute filters. In this case,it is important to measure both the oil dropsand the wall flow since larger drops tend to bedeposited on the wall. In order to avoid problemscaused by condensation water,MANN+HUMMEL recommends that residual oilmeasurements be carried out in pressure-relievedcondition. Measuring devices containingelectronic particle counters only detect the airborneproportion of oil drops and do not take<strong>any</strong> account of the wall flow.Improvements in pre-separation in existingcompressorsIn spite of the above reasons, the air oil separatorsin compressors with imperfect pre-separationmay still have an adequate service life ifthree-layer elements are used. <strong>The</strong> so-calledthird layer consists of an open-pore fleece infront of the fine separation layers and separatesa considerable proportion of the large oil drops.In individual cases, this pre-separation layer canbe retrofitted.<strong>Oil</strong> consumption in the compressorOperating and marginal conditions which havean effect on the oil level in the pressure reservoirof the compressor, oil degasification processes,the effectiveness of pre-separation andthe drainage system may result in increased oilflow rates in the short or long terms. For example,blockages in the drainage system lead toan accumulation of oil on the dry side of the airoil separator. Depending on the accumulatedquantity, different quantities of oil may be accumulated.An excessive oil level in the pressure reservoirmay have similar effects. If a marked phaseseparation zone cannot be <strong>for</strong>med between theoil and air either temporarily or permanently,this will impair the pre-separation of the oildrops and also have a negative effect on theresidual oil content downstream of the air oilseparator after a certain size.Overfilling the receiver tank with oil may lead tothe penetration of abnormally large amounts offoaming oil into the air oil separator under certainoperating conditions at low oil temperaturesIncreased oil consumptionBlockeddrainage lineType of oil<strong>Oil</strong> vapour contentOverfilled sump<strong>Air</strong> release<strong>Oil</strong> foam build-upand when slowly degassing oils are used.<strong>The</strong> oil flow rate may rise substantially due tooverwetting of the air oil separator.In addition to the above-mentioned influencesand operating faults which have a negativeeffect on oil consumption, the vaporous oil portionmay reach a considerable level and thusalso simulate faults in an air oil separator.Depending on the type and make of oil, oilvapour contents of up to 10 mg/m 3 are possibleat normal operating temperatures of 80 °C.Protection against corrosionMANN <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Oil</strong> <strong>Separator</strong>s are galvanised andthus protected against corrosion.16

Overview Catalogue Contact Products Quick search <strong>for</strong> product ExitInstallation and maintenance tipsAn air oil separator or an air oil separator boxmust be changed when it reaches the final differentialpressure which is determined <strong>for</strong> eachproduct and is dependent on economic considerations.MANN <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Oil</strong> <strong>Separator</strong>s and <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Oil</strong><strong>Separator</strong> Boxes are easy to handle and install,and pose no special problems. However, thetime taken to install or replace MANN <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Oil</strong><strong>Separator</strong>s and <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Oil</strong> <strong>Separator</strong> Boxesdepends on the particular <strong>installation</strong> conditionsand may increase in the case of larger systemswith greater dimensions and componentweights.Whenever an air oil separator is installed orreplaced, care should be taken to ensure thatthe associated seals are in a perfect state andthat they are seated properly. In normal cases,the seals are selected and supplied by the compressormanufacturer.In the case of standard elements with flow fromthe outside to the inside and up<strong>right</strong> <strong>installation</strong>,special attention must be paid to the dischargeof drainage oil. <strong>The</strong> scavenge pipe must havethe correct length and extend as far as the basecup of the element.It is very easy to replace the so-called air oilseparator boxes which are merely screwed onor off from the outside.Zero defect production through FMEADesign FMEA (failure mode and effects analysis)plays a vital role in defect avoidance and thusto achieve zero defect production. FMEA isused with new product developments in orderto detect <strong>any</strong> weak points in the design and todefine future quality characteristics. In order todetect weak points in production and definetest specifications and processes, design FMEAis supplemented by process FMEA.Quality is no coincidence<strong>The</strong> quality features and product advantages offilters and elements are often not noticed atfirst glance. It is there<strong>for</strong>e important, however,to compare service life, separation efficiencyand design features.Products by MANN+HUMMEL are subjected toquality planning and assurance from developmentthrough to series maturity.Our quality assurance system satisfies therequirements of DIN/ISO 9001 and incorporatesquality in technical and organisational processes.MANN+HUMMEL employees are capable ofassuming responsibility <strong>for</strong> their own work andtest the quality of manufactured products themselves.Important process parameters and testfeatures are documented in order to monitor themanufacturing process. Quality awards from ourcustomers document the high quality standardsof our products.A good basis <strong>for</strong> co-operation.17

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