Hanging Platform - Combisafe

Hanging Platform - Combisafe Hanging Platform - Combisafe


2115_004AssemblyCombisafe Hanging PlatformAssembly of Corner PlatformThe Corner Platform can be assembled in two ways: using a Corner Platform Attachmentor extended Hanging Platform Clamp.Assembly with Corner Platform Attachment1. Fit the Corner Platform Attachment using a suitable fixing on each side of thecorner. Each anchor must be capable of accepting a combined load of5.0 kN in withdrawal load and 6.3 kN in shear. With some fixings it may bepossible to drill straight through the Corner Platform Attachment, using it asa drill guide. Now continue to assemble the Corner Platform as per item 2Page 37.Figure 34. Assembly of Corner Platform AttachmentAssembly with extended Hanging Platform ClampThis assumes that the roof truss protrudes at a 45° angle in the corner. Check thebearing capacity of the roof truss.1. Fit an extended Hanging Platform Clamp to the corner roof truss, see assemblyof Hanging Platform Clamp. Page 27. Now continue to assemble the CornerPlatform as per item 2 Page 37.36

Combisafe Hanging PlatformAssembly2. Fit the Corner Telescope Arm in the Corner Platform and adjust the length.This can be adjusted later on site, but it helps if the length is right from thebeginning.Figure 35. Assembly of Corner Telescope Arm on Corner Platform37

<strong>Combisafe</strong> <strong>Hanging</strong> <strong>Platform</strong>Assembly2. Fit the Corner Telescope Arm in the Corner <strong>Platform</strong> and adjust the length.This can be adjusted later on site, but it helps if the length is right from thebeginning.Figure 35. Assembly of Corner Telescope Arm on Corner <strong>Platform</strong>37

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