Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae Curriculum Vitae
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DR. DEFNE ERSİN TUTANPresentEmploymente-mailEducationalBackgroundCertificatesWorkExperienceAcademicVisitsBaşkent University,Department of American Culture and Literature,Bağlıca Campus,Eskişehir Yolu,Ankara, TR 06530Office:+90 312 246 66 66 / Ext:, – 2006 : PhD in British Cultural Studies, Department of English Language and Literature,Faculty of Letters, Hacettepe University, Ankara [Dissertation Title: „PostmodernFabulation in the Postcolonial Novels of Salman Rushdie and Ben Okri‟,Advisor: Prof. Dr. Serpil Oppermann]1996 – 1999 : MA in British Cultural Studies, Department of English Language and Literature,Faculty of Letters, Hacettepe University, Ankara [Thesis Title: „Change andContinuity in the Urban Working Class Family in Britain‟, Advisor: Prof. Dr.Gülsen Canlı]1992 – 1996 : BA in English Language and Literature, Department of English Language andLiterature, Faculty of Letters, Hacettepe University, Ankara1985 – 1992 : American Collegiate Institute, İzmir1980 – 1985 : Mustafa Reşit Paşa Elementary School, İzmir- Turkish Ministry of Education English Language Teaching Certificate- University of Warwick (U.K.) Postgraduate Certificate in “British Studies”- The British Council “Media Studies”, “Popular Culture Studies” and “Art and the Empire Studies”Certificates- “TS-EN-ISO 9000: 2000” Quality Management Systems Basic Training CertificateSeptember 2000 - : Lecturer, Department of American Culture and Literature, Faculty ofScience and Letters, Başkent University, AnkaraSeptember 1997 – September 2000: Research Assistant, Department of English Language andLiterature, Faculty of Letters, Hacettepe University, AnkaraAugust 1996 – September 1997: Instructor, Department of English, School of Foreign Languages,Hacettepe University, Ankara- Visit to Dalarna University, at Falun, Sweeden, 3-7 December 2007, as Visiting Lecturer throughthe Erasmus Exchange Program- “Alternative Africa: Ben Okri‟s Famished Road as a Magic Realist Manifestation”,Proceedings of the Third International IDEA Conference: Studies in English, Eds. Rezzan KocaönerSilkü, Aylin Atilla, and İdil Aydoğan Biçer, Ege University Press, İzmir, 2009, pp: 247-257 [ISBN978-975-483-808-4]- “Translation in the Service of Colonization: Brian Friel‟s Translations and the Power ofLanguage”, Internationalist Review of Irish Culture: Ireland in Translation, Eds. Andrea Binelli,Enrico Terrinoni, and Brian Thomson, Rome: Yorick Libri S.r.l., 2007, pp: 139-145 [ISBN: 978-88-95175-03-4]Publications- “Hamam: Reflections on a Turkish Bath” (co-written with Dr. Leslie Frost), Globalization andthe New World Order: Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Ege University Cultural Studies Symposium,Ege University, İzmir, 2003, pp: 108-115 [ISBN 975-483-588-8]- “Stepping into Private Spheres: The State of the British (Working Class) Family”, The Journalof English Literature and British Culture, Department of English Language and Literature, HacettepeUniversity, Ankara, 1999-2000, No: 8, pp: 23-41 [ISSN 1302-9265]- “Whose History Are We Reading? The Crisis of Representation in History”, Proceedings ofCultural Encounters and Cultural Differences Conference, Hacettepe University, Ankara, 1999, pp:57-66 [ISBN 975-491-088-X]

DR. DEFNE ERSİN TUTANPresentEmploymente-mailEducationalBackgroundCertificatesWorkExperienceAcademicVisitsBaşkent University,Department of American Culture and Literature,Bağlıca Campus,Eskişehir Yolu,Ankara, TR 06530Office:+90 312 246 66 66 / Ext:, – 2006 : PhD in British Cultural Studies, Department of English Language and Literature,Faculty of Letters, Hacettepe University, Ankara [Dissertation Title: „PostmodernFabulation in the Postcolonial Novels of Salman Rushdie and Ben Okri‟,Advisor: Prof. Dr. Serpil Oppermann]1996 – 1999 : MA in British Cultural Studies, Department of English Language and Literature,Faculty of Letters, Hacettepe University, Ankara [Thesis Title: „Change andContinuity in the Urban Working Class Family in Britain‟, Advisor: Prof. Dr.Gülsen Canlı]1992 – 1996 : BA in English Language and Literature, Department of English Language andLiterature, Faculty of Letters, Hacettepe University, Ankara1985 – 1992 : American Collegiate Institute, İzmir1980 – 1985 : Mustafa Reşit Paşa Elementary School, İzmir- Turkish Ministry of Education English Language Teaching Certificate- University of Warwick (U.K.) Postgraduate Certificate in “British Studies”- The British Council “Media Studies”, “Popular Culture Studies” and “Art and the Empire Studies”Certificates- “TS-EN-ISO 9000: 2000” Quality Management Systems Basic Training CertificateSeptember 2000 - : Lecturer, Department of American Culture and Literature, Faculty ofScience and Letters, Başkent University, AnkaraSeptember 1997 – September 2000: Research Assistant, Department of English Language andLiterature, Faculty of Letters, Hacettepe University, AnkaraAugust 1996 – September 1997: Instructor, Department of English, School of Foreign Languages,Hacettepe University, Ankara- Visit to Dalarna University, at Falun, Sweeden, 3-7 December 2007, as Visiting Lecturer throughthe Erasmus Exchange Program- “Alternative Africa: Ben Okri‟s Famished Road as a Magic Realist Manifestation”,Proceedings of the Third International IDEA Conference: Studies in English, Eds. Rezzan KocaönerSilkü, Aylin Atilla, and İdil Aydoğan Biçer, Ege University Press, İzmir, 2009, pp: 247-257 [ISBN978-975-483-808-4]- “Translation in the Service of Colonization: Brian Friel‟s Translations and the Power ofLanguage”, Internationalist Review of Irish Culture: Ireland in Translation, Eds. Andrea Binelli,Enrico Terrinoni, and Brian Thomson, Rome: Yorick Libri S.r.l., 2007, pp: 139-145 [ISBN: 978-88-95175-03-4]Publications- “Hamam: Reflections on a Turkish Bath” (co-written with Dr. Leslie Frost), Globalization andthe New World Order: Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Ege University Cultural Studies Symposium,Ege University, İzmir, 2003, pp: 108-115 [ISBN 975-483-588-8]- “Stepping into Private Spheres: The State of the British (Working Class) Family”, The Journalof English Literature and British Culture, Department of English Language and Literature, HacettepeUniversity, Ankara, 1999-2000, No: 8, pp: 23-41 [ISSN 1302-9265]- “Whose History Are We Reading? The Crisis of Representation in History”, Proceedings ofCultural Encounters and Cultural Differences Conference, Hacettepe University, Ankara, 1999, pp:57-66 [ISBN 975-491-088-X]

- „The Intellectual Silk Road: Cross-Media and Cross-Cultural Adaptations‟, 6 th Annual Associationof Adaptation Studies Conference, 29-30 September 2011, Yeni Yüzyıl University, İstanbul, with thepresentation titled “Adapting the East into Western Paradigms: Robert Irwin‟s ArabianNightmare”- „Studies in English‟, Third International IDEA conference, 16-18 April 2008, Ege University,İzmir, with the presentation titled “Alternative Africa: Ben Okri‟s Famished Road as a MagicRealist Manifestation”- „Studies in English‟, Second International IDEA conference, 17-19 April 2007, HacettepeUniversity, Ankara, with the presentation titled “From Latin American Magic Realism to BritishPostmodern Postcolonial Fabulation”- „Englishness: Embodiment, Identity and the Hero(in)ic‟, Fourth Annual Conference of theInternational Institute for the Study of Englishness, 28-29 September 2006, University of the BalearicIslands, Palma Mallorca, Spain, with the presentation titled “„English‟ or „Other‟? Hero(in)es orVillains?: Salman Rushdie‟s Midnight’s Children and Shame as Alternative Representations ofEnglishness”- „Crosscurrents‟, Second Postgraduate Conference in Irish and Scottish Studies, 25-27 April 2003,Queen‟s University, Belfast, Northern Ireland, with the presentation titled “Mistranslation orMalformation?: Brian Friel‟s Translations and the Power of Language”ConferenceParticipations- „Words, Wars, Worlds: Confronting the Polemics of Narration‟, Fifth English LiteratureConference, 2-3 May 2002, Eastern Mediterranean University, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus,with the presentation titled “Good Timing, Wrong Maneuver?: Keeping up of the ThatcheriteAppearance through the Falklands War”- „Culture and Texts: Interrelations and Subversions‟, Second International Students‟ Conference, 27-29 March 2002, Başkent University, Ankara, with the workshop titled “Stepping beyond theBoundaries of Typical Short Stories”- „Globalization and Transcultural Issues in the New World Order‟, Sixth Cultural StudiesSymposium, 9-11 May 2001, Ege University, İzmir, with the joint presentation titled “Hamam:Reflections on a Turkish Bath”- „Firing the Canon‟, Sixteenth Oxford Conference on the Teaching of Literature, 1-7 April 2001,The British Council, Oxford, England, with the presentation titled “The Mad Woman in the AtticDemands her Share in the Canon: Wide Sargasso Sea versus Jane Eyre”- „Patterns, Perceptions, Perspectives‟, First International Students‟ Conference, 29-30 March 2001,Başkent University, Ankara, with the workshop titled “Profiling History: Fact or Fiction?”- „Cultural Encounters and Cultural Differences‟, First International Hacettepe Conference, 11-12February 1999, Hacettepe University, Ankara, with the presentation titled “Whose History are weReading? The Crisis of Representation in History”- „A Miscellany of English Studies‟, 22-23 May 1998, Erciyes University, Kayseri, with the jointworkshop titled “Teaching Cultural Awareness: Re-Evaluating Popular National Images”- „Popular Culture(s)‟, Third Cultural Studies Seminar, 13-15 May 1998, Ege University, İzmir, withthe joint workshop titled “Re-Evaluating Popular National Images”

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