Powering Ahead - SPC

Powering Ahead - SPC

Powering Ahead - SPC

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A <strong>SPC</strong> NewsletterFrom the CEO’s desk...<strong>SPC</strong> powers ahead with a new ROARTo mark one year since its inaugural issue, ROAR revamped itself with a new look. The dynamicand vibrant design exemplifies <strong>SPC</strong>’s aptitude for continuous change and innovation. Therenewed ROAR seeks to power <strong>SPC</strong> ahead to realise its vision to be a strong, integrated oil andgas company with a premium brand in the Asia-Pacific region.The bright red colour of the new ROAR masthead symbolises the Company’s passion forexcellence while evoking a sense of national pride as a Singapore company. Its slightly tiltedlettering complements the majestic leaping lion of the <strong>SPC</strong> logo. It signifies <strong>SPC</strong>’s ability toadapt swiftly to change. Additionally, it represents a company that is progressive with the drivingforce to advance its businesses. The turquoise colour represents the Company’s commitment toresponsible environmental practices and good corporate citizenship.Together, all the elements of the revamped ROAR symbolises <strong>SPC</strong>’s dynamism and innovation.All encapsulated in the new look that sets pace for <strong>SPC</strong>’s future growth.Continuous improvement is a process we all need to do. Asthe Chinese saying goes, “Doing well is like moving against thecurrents. You either progress, or lose ground”.We ended 2007 on a high note with solid revenue and recordprofits and entered the new year with fervour and optimism. Letus not lose ground. 2008 is shaping up to be a very challengingand volatile year. It is therefore vital that we improve constantlyand be agile all the time. We must continue to do our very best asa team in 2008.We have revamped our newsletter ROAR on the theme “<strong>Powering</strong><strong>Ahead</strong>”. This is particularly appropriate. Not only is “<strong>Powering</strong><strong>Ahead</strong>” our corporate motto, it also leads the way to maintainingand extending <strong>SPC</strong>’s strategic stance in an increasinglycompetitive and uncertain global environment. In the ensuingpages, you will see that this resolve to progress and betterourselves in everything we do has already won us recognition,particularly with <strong>SPC</strong> being awarded the “Best Managed Board” atthe recent Singapore Corporate Awards. We have also achieveda third place Corporate Governance award at the SIAS’ InvestorsChoice Awards 2007 and a merit award for “Most TransparentCompany”. These accolades reflect the collective passion of theBoard and the staff to excel in all that we do.Continuous improvement at the operating level means aligning andhoning our HR recruitment process to attract and retain talent. Wesuccessfully concluded our collective agreement (CA) for anotherthree years with the United Workers Petroleum Industry. This CAcontinues to build on and improve the strong relationship we havewith our workers over the years. Deserving staff members receivedtheir promotions recently; we are happy to share their joy. Welldone. Keep powering ahead as a cohesive team.To improve ourselves as a Company, we have restructured certaindivisions and appointed able personnel to provide stewardshipat the helm of these strategic units. We have also initiated anew Risk Group to sharpen our focus on risk management andmitigation strategies as we continue to grow all our businesses.These corporate improvements will enable <strong>SPC</strong> to better respondto new challenges in the business arena. As we progress, we alsowant to be aware of the legal framework within which we operate.In the article Competition Law, not only do we want to do the rightthings, we want to make sure we do them in the right way. Let thisbe part of the fine 39-year tradition <strong>SPC</strong> has built up.Our <strong>SPC</strong> logo bears the mark of a majestic leaping lion. Have youever thought what this signifies? Not many companies in Singaporeare privileged to bear the nation’s emblem. We are honoured tobear the national symbol that represents steadfastness, drive,stature and high standards. Let us remind ourselves what ourcorporate logo represents, and be worthy of all it stands for.As we power ahead, let us not forget our corporate socialresponsibility (CSR). We have established a cross-functional CSRteam to champion our cause toward the environment, communityengagement, health, safety and human rights. Our communityoutreach programme to help the elderly and needy is a traditionwe are proud of, and one that we seek to improve. Let us bean organisation with a lion’s heart. Let us keep doing better ineverything we do.Mr Koh Ban HengChief Executive Officer23

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