A Glossary of Constitutional Terms: English / Nepali

A Glossary of Constitutional Terms: English / Nepali

A Glossary of Constitutional Terms: English / Nepali


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142. comply vt. Act in accordance with a request orrule143. compulsoryservice* n. phraseService that must be peformed (<strong>of</strong>tenrefers to military service)144. concurrence n. Agreement: 'with the concurrence<strong>of</strong> …'145. concurrent adj. At the same time as; 'concurrentsentences' means sentences imposedfor more than one <strong>of</strong>fence are to beserved at the same time146. concurrent powern.Power given to governments <strong>of</strong> boththe national and constituent units in afederation147. confer [on] vt. To give a degree, title or privilege: 'anhonour was conferred on…'; 'X wasconferred with a degree…'148. confederation n. A union <strong>of</strong> states that are under lesscontrol from the national governmentthan a federation would be149. confidential adj. Refers to information or documentswhich should not be divulgedkfngf ug'{ -jfcg'¿k sfo{ ug'{'_clgjfo{ ;]jf;xdlt;djtL{-jf ;Fu;Fu}_;dfgfGt/ clwsf/pkflw jf ;'ljwfk|bfg ug'{;ª\3Lo k|0ffnLdfcfj4 :jtGq PsfOuf]Ko -jf uf]kgLo_19C150. consensus n. A general agreement about something ;xdltA <strong>Glossary</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Constitutional</strong> <strong>Terms</strong>

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