A Glossary of Constitutional Terms: English / Nepali

A Glossary of Constitutional Terms: English / Nepali

A Glossary of Constitutional Terms: English / Nepali


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A33. agency n. An entity or organization providingspecified service or having certainresponsibilities: 'government agency';(less likely in C) used as an abstractnoun: 'through the agency <strong>of</strong>'34. agent n. A technical, legal word for a personacting on behalf <strong>of</strong> another; nontechnicalsense: 'agent <strong>of</strong> a foreignpower'; used <strong>of</strong> a thing or abstraction:'agent <strong>of</strong> change'35. aggregation n. The act <strong>of</strong> gathering together (e.g.the act <strong>of</strong> states gathering to make afederation)36. allegation n. Statement that someone has donesomething (usually a wrongful act)lgsfo -jf ;+:yf_clestf{;di6Ls/0fcf/f]k37. allege vt. To make an allegation cf/f]k nufpg'38. allegedly adv. Refers to the person or the act: 'Xallegedly committed an <strong>of</strong>fence'cf/f]k0f639. allegiance n. The loyalty that citizens owe to cf:yftheir country (or subjects to theirsovereign)40. allow vt. Permit cg'dlt lbg'41. allowance n. A sum paid (usually to coverexpenses)kfl/>lds -jf eQf_A <strong>Glossary</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Constitutional</strong> <strong>Terms</strong>

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