Nation-Building and Contested Identities - MEK

Nation-Building and Contested Identities - MEK

Nation-Building and Contested Identities - MEK

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SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY 1990-2000Sãlãgean, Marcela. “Northern Transylvania – October 1944-March 1945: The SovietAdministration <strong>and</strong> its Problems.” Transilvanian Review 4 (1995) 1, pp. 60-67.ª<strong>and</strong>ru, Dumitru. “La bourgeoisie rurale de la Roumanie de l’entre-deux-guerres.” Nouvellesétudes d’histoire (1990) 8, pp. 259-272.ªtirban, Marcel. “Integration of Transylvania within the Unitary Romanian State, 1918-1940.” Transylvanian Review 2 (1993) 3, pp. 32-54.Traºcã, Ottomár. “Aspects of the Romanian-Hungarian relations between 1940 <strong>and</strong> 1941.”Transylvanian Review 4 (1995) 4, pp. 45-59.Vogel, Sándor. “Die Frage Siebenbürgens und die Lage der ungarischen Minderheit inRumanien in den Jahren 1920-1940.” In Heiner Timmermann ed. <strong>Nation</strong>alismus und<strong>Nation</strong>albewegung in Europa 1914-1945. Berlin: Duncker & Humblott, 1999, pp.327-340.VII. ROMANIAN-HUNGARIAN INTERSTATE RELATIONS.THE HUNGARIANS IN ROMANIA AFTER 1945In Romanian:BOOKSBoia, Lucian, ed. Miturile comunismului românesc (The myths of the Romanian communism).2 Vol. Bucureºti: Editura Universitãþii Bucureºti, 1995, 1997. Second edition,Bucureºti: Nemira, 1998.Caravia, Paul. Gândirea interzisã: Scrieri cenzurate. România, 1945-1989 (The forbiddenthinking: Censored writings. Romania, 1945-1989). Bucureºti: Editura Enciclopedicã,2000. 601 p.Ciubotã, Viorel, Gheorghe Lazin, Daniela Oltean, <strong>and</strong> Claudiu Porumbãcean, eds. Sovietizareanord-vestului României: 1944-1950 (The Sovietization of north-western Romania1944-1950). Satu Mare: Editura Muzeului Sãtmãrean, 1996. 320 p.Deletant, Dennis. Ceauºescu ºi Securitatea: Constrîngeri ºi dizidenþa în România anilor 1965-1989. Bucureºti: Humanitas, 1998. 391 p. Translation of the book Ceauºescu <strong>and</strong> theSecuritate: Coercion <strong>and</strong> dissent in Romania, 1965-1989. London: C. Hurst, 1995. 424p.Deletant, Dennis. România sub regimul comunist. Bucureºti: Fundaþia Academia Civicã,1997. 233 p. Published in English as Romania under communist rule. Bucharest: CivicAcademy Foundation, 1998. 269 p.Diaconu, Ioan Ion. Acea noapte sfântã: Inchis sub comuniºti pentru Transilvania (That holynight: Being imprisoned under the communist rule for Transylvania). Bucureºti: EdituraVictor Frunzã, 1996.Dur<strong>and</strong>in, Catherine. Nicolae Ceauºescu: Adevãrul ºi minciuni despre un rege comunist. n.p.:Editura Nemo, 1992, 157 p. Translation of the book Nicolae Ceauºescu: Vérités et mensongesd'un roi communiste. Paris: A. Michel, 1990. 260 p.Frunzã, Victor. Pentru drepturile omului în România (For human rights in Romania).Bucureºti: Editura Victor Frunzã, 1990. 225 p.Georgescu, Vlad. Politicã ºi istorie: Cazul comuniºtilor români, 1944-1977 (Politics <strong>and</strong> history:The case of the Romanian communists). Bucureºti: Humanitas, 1991. 165 p.Iancu, Gheorghe, Virgiliu Þârãu, <strong>and</strong> Ottomár Traºcã, eds. Colectivizarea agriculturii înRomânia: aspecte legislative, 1945-1962 (The collectivization of the agriculture inRomania: Legislative aspects, 1945-1962). Cluj-Napoca: Presa Universitarã Clujeanã,2000. 438 p.Lungu, Corneliu Mihai, <strong>and</strong> Mihai Retegan. 1956. Explozia: percepþii române, iugoslave ºisovietice asupra evenimentelor din Polonia ºi Ungaria (The Explosion: Romanian,Yugoslav, <strong>and</strong> Soviet perceptions of the events in Pol<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> Hungary). Bucureºti:Editura Univers Enciclopedic, 1996.363

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