Nation-Building and Contested Identities - MEK

Nation-Building and Contested Identities - MEK

Nation-Building and Contested Identities - MEK

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SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY 1990-2000ARTICLESAntohi, Sorin. “Românii în anii ’90: Geografie simbolicã ºi identitate colectivã (The Romaniansin the nineties: Symbolic geography <strong>and</strong> collective identity). In Exerciþiul distanþei:Discursuri, societãþi, metode (The exercise of distance: Discourses, societies, <strong>and</strong>methods). Bucureºti: Nemira, 1997, pp. 302-316.Jakó, Zsigmond. “Istoria poporului român ºi istoriografia Europei Centrale în epocaLuminilor” (The history of the Romanian people <strong>and</strong> the Central European historiographyin the Enlightenment period). In Violeta Barbu, ed. In Honorem Paul CernovodeanuBucureºti: 1998, pp. 187-200.Pãun, Radu G. “De ce Sud-Estul Europei?” (Why Southeast Europe?). Sud-Estul ºi contextuleuropean (1996) 6, pp. 43-50.Pippidi, Andrei. “Reformã sau declin, a doua perioadã a studiilor sud-est europene înRomânia” (Reform or decline, the second period of Southeast European studies inRomania). Revista Istoricã 2 (1991) 11-12, pp. 641-649.Pippidi, Andrei. “Sursele vechi ºi ambiþiile noi ale naþionalismului în sud-estul Europei”(The old sources <strong>and</strong> the new ambitions of nationalism in Southeast Europe). Lettreinternational (1994) 10, pp. 2-3.Pop, Ioan Aurel. “Locul si rolul românilor în sud-estul Europei” (The place <strong>and</strong> role of theRomanians in Southeast Europe). Transilvania. Historische-Literarische Zeitschrift(Essen) (1990) 11, pp. 33-34.Slusanschi, Dan. “Sud-Estul Europei în contextul european” (Southeast Europe in theEuropean context). Sud-Estul ºi contextul european (1996) 6, pp. 35-36.I. 2 HUNGARY: CENTRAL EUROPEBOOKSBencsik, Péter. Helységnévváltozások Köztes-Európában 1763-1995 (The changing of placenames in Middle-Europe, 1763-1995). Budapest: TLA, 1997. 347 p.Bíró, Gáspár, Judit Hamberger, Gusztáv Molnár, Imre Szilágyi, <strong>and</strong> István Tóth.Autonómia és integráció (Autonomy <strong>and</strong> integration). Budapest: Magyar Szemle,1993. 185 p.Bojtár, Endre. Kelet-Európa vagy Közép-Európa? (Eastern Europe or Central Europe?).Budapest: Századvég, 1993. 242 p.Brunner, Georg. Nemzetiségi kérdés és kisebbségi konfliktusok Kelet-Európában (The nationalityissue <strong>and</strong> minority conflicts in Eastern Europe). Budapest: TLA, 1995. 99 p.Bulla, Béla <strong>and</strong> Tibor Mendöl. A Kárpát medence földrajza (The geography of the Carpathianbasin) Budapest: Lucidus, 1999. 420 p.Fejtõ, Ferenc. A népi demokráciák története (The history of the people’s democracies). 2Vols. Budapest: Magvetõ, 1991. 379 p.Glatz, Ferenc. Minorities in East-Central Europe: Historical analysis <strong>and</strong> a policy proposal.Budapest: Europa Institut Budapest, 1993. 63 p. Translated in German as Minderheitenin Ost-Mitteleuropa: Historische Analyse und ein politischer Verhaltenskodex.Budapest: Europa Institut Budapest, 1993. 65 p. Translated in Romanian as Minoritãþiîn Europa centralã (Minorities in East-Central Europe). Budapest: Europa Institute,1993, 63. p.Kiss, Gy. Csaba. Közép-Európai nemzetek, kisebbségek (Central-European nationalities <strong>and</strong>minorities). Budapest: Pesti Szalon, 1993. 326 p.Kosáry, Domokos. Az európai kisállamok fejlõdési típusai (Types of development of thesmall states in Europe). Budapest: Akadémiai, 1990. 112 p.Lendvai L. Ferenc. Közép-Európa koncepciók (Conceptions of Central Europe). Budapest:Áron, 1997. 307 p.Pándi, Lajos. A kelet-európai diktatúrák bukása, 1985-1990 (The fall of dictatorships in EasternEurope, 1985-1990). Szeged, 1993. 680 p.316

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