Nation-Building and Contested Identities - MEK

Nation-Building and Contested Identities - MEK

Nation-Building and Contested Identities - MEK

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ZOLTÁN KÁNTORthe EU at a considerably latter stage. 26 As a consequence, many Hungariansliving in these states will find it hard to travel to Hungary. This posesthe fear that a new Iron Curtain will separate the Hungarians from theabove-mentioned countries <strong>and</strong> their “homel<strong>and</strong>.”As a response to this new situation, some representatives of theHungarian national minorities advanced the idea of giving double citizenshipto Hungarians living in neighboring states. 27 In the electoral campaignof 1998, the present government parties also suggested double citizenshipas a solution. The idea was dropped after the elections, but, inorder to keep (partially) its promise, the government included the framingof the “Status Law” into its agenda.The newly formed government expressed the following goals regardingnational policy:The Government’s policy on ethnic Hungarian minorities in neighboringcountries aims to build <strong>and</strong> develop political, cultural, <strong>and</strong> economic tiesbetween Hungary <strong>and</strong> Hungarian communities abroad as part of the generalprocess of European unification, as well as to help Hungarians livingin neighboring countries to live <strong>and</strong> prosper in their own homel<strong>and</strong>.In order to achieve this, the bonds between ethnic Hungarian minorities<strong>and</strong> Hungary must be settled within a framework of legislation <strong>and</strong>government, so as to preserve the organic ties of Hungarian communitiesto Hungary, even after its accession to the European Union. 28This program reinforces Hungary’s special relationship with the Hungarianminorities in the neighboring countries, but emphasizes the importance ofsettling this relationship within the legislative framework. In addition, forthe first time it is expressed that, similar to the accession to the EU, theorganic ties of the Hungarian communities <strong>and</strong> Hungary are of primaryimportance. The official argument for framing the “Law on HungariansLiving in Neighboring Countries” is:The main aim of this Law is to ensure special relations of the Hungariansliving in neighboring countries to their kin state, the promotion <strong>and</strong>preservation of their national identity <strong>and</strong> well-being within their homecountry; therefore to contribute to the political <strong>and</strong> economic stability ofthe region, <strong>and</strong> through this to contribute to the Euro-Atlantic integrationprocess of Hungary in particular <strong>and</strong> the Central <strong>and</strong> Eastern Europeanregion in general. In this context the Law promotes the preservationof the cultural <strong>and</strong> social cohesion as well as the economicconsolidation of Hungarian communities abroad. 29262

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