Nation-Building and Contested Identities - MEK

Nation-Building and Contested Identities - MEK

Nation-Building and Contested Identities - MEK

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SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHYThe Idea of Independent Romanian <strong>Nation</strong>al Economy in TransylvaniaB...a. “Cei mulþi înainte!” (Go ahead, multitude!). Revista Orãºtiei 1 (28 October1895) 44.Bodor, Antal. “Az erdélyrészi pénzintézetek” (The Transylvanian banks). KözgazdaságiSzemle (December 1904).Braun, Róbert. “A falu lélektana” (The psychology of the village). HuszadikSzázad 5-6 (1913).Cordoº, Nicolae. “Problema industrializãrii în paginile revistei ‘Economul’ dinBlaj (1873-1880)” (The problem of industrialization in the review“Economul” from Blaj, 1873-1880). Acta Musei Napocensis 13 (1976).Dobrescu, Vasile. Elita româneascã în lumea satului transilvan, 1867-1918(The Romanian elite in the world of Transylvanian villages, 1867-1918).Tîrgu Mureº: 1996.Éber, Ernõ. Fajok harca: Adatok az erdélyi nemzetiségi kérdéshez (The fight of theraces: Contributions to the nationality question in Transylvania).Budapest: 1905.Egyed, Ákos. “Polgárosodás, etnikum, udvar” (Embourgeoisment, ethnicity <strong>and</strong>the Court). Polgárosodás és modernizáció a Monarchiában (Embourgeoisment<strong>and</strong> modernization in the Monarchy). Special issue of the reviewMûhely (1993).Farkas, Pál. Az oláh kérdésrõl (On the oláh [i.e., Romanian] question). Budapest:Singer és Wolfner, 1907.Glodariu, Eugenia. “Din activitatea editorialã a Astrei: Biblioteca Popularãa Asociaþiunii” (On the editorial activities of the Astra: the PopularLibrary of the Association). Acta Musei Napocensis 8 (1971).Huszár, Antal. A magyarországi Románok: Bizalmas használatra (The Romaniansof Hungary: For confidential purposes). Budapest: 1907.Jude, M. M. <strong>and</strong> N. Cordoº. “Prima reuniune de agriculturã la românii transilvãneni”(The first agricultural reunion of the Translvanian Romanians).Acta Musei Napocensis 13 (1976).Kántor, Lajos. Itt valami más van … Erdélyi krónika (1911-1959) (Here is somethingelse... Transylvanian chronicle, 1911-1959). Budapest: HéttoronyKiadó, n.d.Lãpedatu, Ioan I. Probleme sociale ºi economice: Ajutã-te ºi Dumnedìu te va ajuta(Social <strong>and</strong> economic problems: Help yourself <strong>and</strong> God will help you).Braºov: 1904.Miskolczy, Ambrus. A brassói román levantei kereskedõpolgárság kelet-nyugatiközvetítõ szerepe (1780-1860) (The East-West mediating role of theRomanian levantine merchant citizenry of Braºov, 1780-1860).Budapest: Akadémiai, 1987.Moldovan, Silvestru. Þara nóstrã: Descrierea pãrþilor Ardélului dela Mureº spremédã-di ºi valea Muréºului (Our l<strong>and</strong>: Description of the parts of Transylvaniasouth of the river Mureº <strong>and</strong> the Mureº valley). Sibiu: 1894.Ornea, Zigu. Viaþa lui C. Stere (The Life of C. Stere). Vol. 1. Bucharest: CarteaRomâneascã, 1989.225

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