Nation-Building and Contested Identities - MEK

Nation-Building and Contested Identities - MEK

Nation-Building and Contested Identities - MEK

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BARNA ÁBRAHÁM33 “We could all show some villages that became wealthy or even flourishing,thanks to the priest, the schoolteacher <strong>and</strong> some other leaders. In contrast, wecould name such villages that degenerated <strong>and</strong> got to the margins of the abyssmainly because of the faults of their leaders.” Romul Simu, Comuna “Viitorul:”Sfaturi ºi pilduiri pentru înaintarea unui sat prin sine însuºi (The commune“Viitorul” [Future]: Advice <strong>and</strong> examples for the advancement of a village byits own forces) (Sibiu, 1907), p. 1. The first step was to persuade the people toattend church; the religious education for children <strong>and</strong> the forming of a churchchoir were followed by the establishment of a school for adults, <strong>and</strong> only afterthe dissolution of the darkness in the peasants’ heads could the priest set to themodernization of the economy. The savings bank was the signpost of the bourgeoisway of living <strong>and</strong> the means of procuring modern machines, improvedgrafts, seeds <strong>and</strong> breeding animals: “Step by step we will urge everybody to usethe money rationally, not for hospitalities, funeral feasts, confectioned clothes<strong>and</strong> a lot of useless <strong>and</strong> often unnecessary things, but for things that make thefarmer’s wealth <strong>and</strong> improve him spiritually, too.” Simu, Comuna “Viitorul,” p.30.34 M. M. Jude <strong>and</strong> N. Cordoº, “Prima reuniune de agriculturã la românii transilvãneni”(The first agricultural reunion of the Translvanian Romanians), ActaMusei Napocensis 13 (1976), pp. 523-533.35 Earlier, he was the editor of Telegraful Român, afterwards he taught atRãºinari, <strong>and</strong>, eventually, he became the inspector of the “Transilvania” insuranceassociation <strong>and</strong> one of the founders of Albina, the most important Romanianbank in the province. He had a crucial influence upon the financial institutionof Rãºinari, which started immediately to stagnate after his departure,<strong>and</strong> finally went bankrupt in 1881. See Bujor Surdu, “Societatea de pãstrare ºiîmprumut din Rãºinari” (The savings <strong>and</strong> credit association of Rãºinari), ActaMusei Napocensis 3 (1966), pp. 317 <strong>and</strong> 322-323.36 Surdu, “Societatea de pãstrare,” pp. 327-32837 “A nation can become free <strong>and</strong> independent only to the extent it can manufacture<strong>and</strong> sell some products”, since “industry is the center, which, like the Sun,diffuses light <strong>and</strong> warmth upon all agricultural goods; no serious developmentis possible without it <strong>and</strong> the whole economic activity of a nation turns aroundit, like the planets turn around the Sun.” See Nicolae Cordoº, “Problemaindustrializãrii în paginile revistei ‘Economul’din Blaj (1873-1880)” (The problemof industrialization in the review “Economul” from Blaj, 1873-1880), ActaMusei Napocensis 13, p. 533.38 Cordoº, “Problema industrializãrii”, p. 534.39 “We will go to Romanian shops, we will give our crucers into our sons’ h<strong>and</strong>s<strong>and</strong> from the profit no synagogue will be built, no enemies of the nation will befed, but such sons will be supported who have the nation <strong>and</strong> the church attheir heart, <strong>and</strong>, from the money received from the Romanian nation, a nationalwealth will emerge.” B...a, “Cei mulþi înainte!” (Go ahead, multitude!),Revista Orãºtiei, 28 October 1895, p. 2.40 Revista Economicã underlined not so much the aestethic, rather the financialaspect of the problem: “Romanian money moves to foreign pockets. But ifsome Romanian girls could be sent abroad with scholarships to learn the art ofmechanical weaving, it would be possible to found some factories of our

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