Nation-Building and Contested Identities - MEK

Nation-Building and Contested Identities - MEK

Nation-Building and Contested Identities - MEK

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Contrasting/Conflicting <strong>Identities</strong>SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHYAlex<strong>and</strong>rescu, Sorin. Paradoxul Român (The Romanian Paradox). Bucharest:Univers, 1998.Bogza, Geo. Basarabia: Þarã de pãmânt (Bessarabia: L<strong>and</strong> of soil). Bucharest:Ara, 1991.Boldur, Alex<strong>and</strong>ru V. Basarabia ºi relaþiile româno-ruse: Chestiunea Basarabiei ºidreptul internaþional (Bessarabia <strong>and</strong> the Romanian-Russian relations:The problem of Bessarabia <strong>and</strong> international law). Bucharest: Albatros,2000.Brezianu, Andrei. Historical Dictionary of the Republic of Moldova. Lanham: TheScarecrow Press, 2000.Bruchis, Michael. One Step Back, Two Steps Forward: On Language Policy of theCommunist Party of the Soviet Union in the <strong>Nation</strong>al Republics. Moldavian:A Look Back, a Survey, <strong>and</strong> Perspectives, 1924-1980. Boulder: EastEuropean Monographs, 1982.________ . The Republic of Moldavia: From the Collapse of the Soviet Empire to theRestoration of the Russian Empire. Boulder: East European Monographs,1996.Cantemir, Dimitrie. Descrierea Moldovei (The Description of Moldavia).Bucharest: Minerva, 1971.Ciobanu, ªtefan. Unirea Basarabiei (The Union of Bessarabia). Chiºinãu: Universitas,1993.Ciorãnescu, George. Bessarabia: Disputed L<strong>and</strong> Between East <strong>and</strong> West. München:Jon Dumitru Verlag, 1985.Clark, Charles Upson. United Romania. New York: Dodd, Mead <strong>and</strong> Company,1932. Reprint, New York: Arno Press, 1971.Crihan, Anton. Drepturile Românilor asupra Basarabiei dupã unele surse ruseºti(The Rights of the Romanians on Bessarabia according to some Russiansources). Bucharest: Eminescu, 1995.Dima, Nicholas. From Moldavia to Moldova: The Soviet Romanian Territorial Dispute.Boulder: East European Monographs, 1991.Dur<strong>and</strong>in, Catherine. Histoire des Roumains. Paris: Fayard, 1995.Dyer, Donald, ed. Studies in Moldovan: The History, Culture, Language, <strong>and</strong> ContemporaryPolitics of the People of Moldova. Boulder: East EuropeanMonographs, 1996.Forter, Norman L., <strong>and</strong> Demeter B. Rostovsky. The Roumanian H<strong>and</strong>book. London:Simpkin Marshall, 1931. Reprint, New York: Arno Press, 1971.Gellner, Ernest. Culture, Identity <strong>and</strong> Politics. Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress, 1987.Ghibu, Onisifor. Pe baricadele vieþii: În Basarabia revoluþionarã, 1917-1918 (On thebarricades of life: In revolutionary Bessarabia, 1917-1918). Chiºinãu:Universitas, 1990.________ . Trei ani pe frontul basarabean (Three years on the Bessarabian front).Bucharest: Editura Fundaþiei Culturale Române, 1996.________ . De la Basarabia ruseascã la Basarabia româneascã (From the RussianBessarabia to the Romanian Bessarabia. Bucharest: Semne, 1997.177

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