Nation-Building and Contested Identities - MEK

Nation-Building and Contested Identities - MEK

Nation-Building and Contested Identities - MEK

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<strong>Nation</strong>al Prejudices, Mass Media <strong>and</strong> History TextbooksNOTES1This text is part of an ongoing research project, entitled “The ethno-nationalvulgata vs. the historians.” My present paper is a collection of samples concerningthe textbook sc<strong>and</strong>al.2In the spring of 2000, Senator Sergiu Nicolaescu rejoined the PDSR aftera long period of being an independent senator.3Sorin Mitu, Lucia Copoeru, Ovidiu Pecican, Liviu Þîrãu, <strong>and</strong> Virgiliu Þârãu,Istoria Românilor: Manual pentru clasa a XII-a (Romanian history: Twelfthgrade textbook) (Bucharest: Sigma, 1999).4The title of the chapter was “Ethno-genesis: How do Romanians imagine theirorigins.” See Mitu et al., Istoria Românilor, p. 10.5Prof. Dr. Doina Florica Ignat (Senator between 1992-1996), “Mafia manualelorde istorie: Parlamentul intervine energic!” (The Mafia of history textbooks:The Parliament firmly intervenes!), România Mare (10 November1999), p. 3.6Mitu et al., Istoria Românilor, p. 11.7Mitu et al., Istoria Românilor, p. 16.8See “O istorie a Bulgariei de care nimãnui nu-i e ruºine” (A history of Bulgaria,of which nobody is ashamed), Adevãrul (18 October 1999), p. 2.9The sentence is the following: “Michael the Brave, the favorite character ofRomanian historians, as he is depicted in a contemporary reproduction.” SeeMitu et al., Istoria Românilor, p. 27.10 Mitu et al., Istoria Românilor, p. 2711 Andreea Esca is a popular TV speaker, who presents the evening news forProTV.12 Professor Dan Zamfirescu, interviewed by Florin Condurãþeanu, “DacãMircea nu-i oprea pe otomani, Michelangelo ar fi devenit ienicer” (If Mirceadid not stop the Ottomans, Michelangelo would have become a janissary), JurnalulNaþional (28 October 1999), p. 3.13 Mitu et al., Istoria Românilor, p. 40.14 It was the argument brought by Marius Tucã, the moderator of a talk show hostedby Antena 1 on 6 October 1999. See Liviu Papadima, “Tribunalul Poporului”(The Tribunal of the People), Dilema 349 (15-21 October 1999), p. 14.15 PDSR derived from the former FSN (<strong>Nation</strong>al Salvation Front) that took thepower in December 1989. Initially a heterogeneous political entity around IonIliescu, FSN gradually became a party of former reform-communists <strong>and</strong> technocrats.During the radical political <strong>and</strong> social confrontations of 1990-1992,the legend of a group that “stole” the revolution was very fashionable.16 Between 1996 <strong>and</strong> 2000, the Democratic Convention in Romania formed thegovernmental coalition with the Social Democratic Union <strong>and</strong> the HungarianDemocratic Union in Romania.17 Bernard Paqueteau, “‘Congelatorul’ ideilor false: Naþionalism ºi comunism înEuropa de Est” (The “refrigerator” of false ideas: <strong>Nation</strong>alism <strong>and</strong> communismin Eastern Europe), Revista 22 34 (24-30 August 1994), p. 7; 35 (31August – 6 September 1994), p. 10; 36 (7-13 September 1994), p. 13; 37 (14-20September 1994), p. 12; <strong>and</strong> 38 (21-27 September 1994), p. 12. The article wasrepublished in France few months later as “Sous la glace. L’histoire: Les rap-113

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