Detailed Syllabus- Outline, End Term Exam Guidelines, Structure, etc.

Detailed Syllabus- Outline, End Term Exam Guidelines, Structure, etc.

Detailed Syllabus- Outline, End Term Exam Guidelines, Structure, etc.


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(ii)UNIT III(i)(ii)UNIT IV(i)(ii)(iii)General WillBENTHAM AND J.S. NILLBentham: Theory of UtilitarianismJ.S. Mill: Views on LibertyKARL MARXDialectical MaterialismTheory of Surplus ValueClassless and Stateless SocietyEssential/Selected Readings:L. Colleti. From Rousseau to Lenin. New Delhi: Oxford University Press,1969.G.H. Sabine. A History of Political Theory. New Delhi: J.L. Thorson, Oxfordand IBH, 1937.C.E. Vanghan. The Political Writings of Jean Jacques Rousseau, 2 Vols. NewYork, Jojn Wiley, 1962.C.L. Wayper, Political Thought. Bombay: B.I. Publication, 1977.H. Warrender. The Political Philosophy of Hobbes: His Theory of Obligation,Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1957.A. Hacker, Political Theory: Philosophy, Ideology Science. New York:Macmillan, 1961.J. Dunn. The Political Thought of John Locke – An Historical Account of theArgument of the Two Treatises of Government. Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press, 1968.S. Avineri Karl Marx: Social and Political Thought, New Delhi: S. Chand.1976.L. Althusser. For Marx. London: Allen Lane, 1969.E. Barker. Social Contract: Locke, Hume Rousseau London: OxfordUniversity Press, 1960.J.S. Mill. Utilitarianism, On Liberty and Considerations on RepresentativeGovernment. London: Fontana, 1902.J.P. Plamentaz. The English Utilitarians. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1966.33

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