[MS-VDS]: Virtual Disk Service (VDS) Protocol Specification

[MS-VDS]: Virtual Disk Service (VDS) Protocol Specification

[MS-VDS]: Virtual Disk Service (VDS) Protocol Specification


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ValueMeaning0x00000007FILE_DEVICE_DVD0x00000033The device is a DVD.dwMediaType: The media type of the disk; it can have the following values.ValueUnknown0x00000000RemovableMedia0x0000000BFixedMedia0x0000000CMeaningThe disk media type is unknown.The disk media is removable.The disk media is fixed.ullSize: The size of the disk, in bytes.ulBytesPerSector: The size of the sectors for the disk, in bytes.ulSectorsPerTrack: The number of sectors per track on the disk.ulTracksPerCylinder: The number of tracks per cylinder on the disk.ulFlags: The combination of any values, by using a bitwise OR operator, that are defined in the<strong>VDS</strong>_DISK_FLAG enumeration. This field may be zero if none of the <strong>VDS</strong>_DISK_FLAGvalues apply.BusType: The value from the <strong>VDS</strong>_STORAGE_BUS_TYPE enumeration that indicates the typeof bus where the disk resides.PartitionStyle: The value from the <strong>VDS</strong>_PARTITION_STYLE enumeration that indicates thepartitioning format of the disk.dwSignature: The MBR disk signature of the disk.<strong>Disk</strong>Guid: The GUID in the GPT that identifies the disk.pwsz<strong>Disk</strong>Address: The null-terminated Unicode address of the disk, if the disk uses a SCSI-likeaddress; otherwise, NULL. If present, a client can use this property to determine the portnumber, bus, target number, and LUN of the disk.pwszName: The null-terminated Unicode name that the operating system uses to identify thedisk. If present, a client can use this property to determine the disk's PNP device number. Thisis the number obtained from the DeviceNumber member of STORAGE_DEVICE_NUMBER (see<strong>MS</strong>DN-STRGEDEVNUM). For a hard disk, this name has the format \\?\PhysicalDriveN, whereN signifies the device number of the disk. For a DVD/CD drive, this name has the format\\?\CdRomN, where N signifies the device number of the DVD/CD drive. A client can use thisproperty to identify the disk.pwszFriendlyName: The null-terminated Unicode friendly (human-readable) name of the diskas assigned by the operating system. This property MAY be NULL. If present, a client can usethis property to display a human-readable name of the disk.[<strong>MS</strong>-<strong>VDS</strong>] — v20110610<strong>Virtual</strong> <strong>Disk</strong> <strong>Service</strong> (<strong>VDS</strong>) <strong>Protocol</strong> <strong>Specification</strong>Copyright © 2011 Microsoft Corporation.Release: Friday, June 10, 201173 / 360

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