[MS-VDS]: Virtual Disk Service (VDS) Protocol Specification

[MS-VDS]: Virtual Disk Service (VDS) Protocol Specification

[MS-VDS]: Virtual Disk Service (VDS) Protocol Specification


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ullOffset: The byte offset of the partition from the beginning of the disk. This MUST be the offsetat the start of a partition.ppFileSystemSupportProps: A pointer to an array of<strong>VDS</strong>_FILE_SYSTEM_FORMAT_SUPPORT_PROP structures which, if the operationcompletes successfully, receives an array of properties of each supported file system.plNumberOfFileSystems: A pointer to a variable which, if the operation completes successfully,receives the total number of elements returned in ppFileSystemSupportProps.Return Values: The method MUST return zero or a non-error HRESULT (as specified in [<strong>MS</strong>-ERREF]) to indicate success, or return an implementation-specific nonzero error code toindicate failure. For the HRESULT values predefined by the <strong>Virtual</strong> <strong>Disk</strong> <strong>Service</strong> Remote<strong>Protocol</strong>, see section 2.2.3.ERROR_SUCCESS (0x00000000)When the server receives this message, it MUST validate the following parameters:•Verify that ppFileSystemSupportProps is not NULL.•Verify that plNumberOfFileSystems is not NULL.•Verify that the partition at offset ullOffset is an OEM, ESP, recovery, or unknown partition.The server MUST point ppFileSystemSupportProps to an array of<strong>VDS</strong>_FILE_SYSTEM_FORMAT_SUPPORT_PROP structures containing information about each filesystem that supports formatting a partition at the byte offset from the beginning of the disk thatullOffset specifies. The server MUST then point plNumberOfFileSystems to the size of the arrayand then return an HRESULT indicating failure or success. IVds<strong>Disk</strong>PartitionMF::FormatPartitionEx (Opnum 6)The FormatPartitionEx method formats an existing OEM, ESP, or unknown partition. This methodis only supported on OEM, ESP, recovery, and unknown partitions.HRESULT FormatPartitionEx([in] ULONGLONG ullOffset,[in, unique, string] WCHAR* pwszFileSystemTypeName,[in] unsigned short usFileSystemRevision,[in] unsigned long ulDesiredUnitAllocationSize,[in, unique, string] WCHAR* pwszLabel,[in] long bForce,[in] long bQuickFormat,[in] long bEnableCompression,[out] IVdsAsync** ppAsync);ullOffset: The byte offset of the partition from the beginning of the disk. This MUST be the offsetat the start of a partition.pwszFileSystemTypeName: A null-terminated Unicode string that contains the name of the filesystem with which to format the partition.[<strong>MS</strong>-<strong>VDS</strong>] — v20110610<strong>Virtual</strong> <strong>Disk</strong> <strong>Service</strong> (<strong>VDS</strong>) <strong>Protocol</strong> <strong>Specification</strong>Copyright © 2011 Microsoft Corporation.Release: Friday, June 10, 2011229 / 360

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