[MS-VDS]: Virtual Disk Service (VDS) Protocol Specification

[MS-VDS]: Virtual Disk Service (VDS) Protocol Specification

[MS-VDS]: Virtual Disk Service (VDS) Protocol Specification


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•Set the list of objects in the new enumeration object to equal the list of objects in thisenumeration.•Set the current index in the new enumeration to equal the current index in this enumeration.•Return an HRESULT that indicates failure or success. IVdsAsync Methods3. IVdsAsync::Cancel (Opnum 3)The Cancel method cancels the asynchronous operation.HRESULT Cancel();This method has no parameters.Return Values: The method MUST return zero or a non-error HRESULT (as specified in [<strong>MS</strong>-ERREF]) to indicate success or return an implementation-specific nonzero error code toindicate failure. For the HRESULT values predefined by the <strong>Virtual</strong> <strong>Disk</strong> <strong>Service</strong> Remote<strong>Protocol</strong>, see section 2.2.3.When the server receives this message, it MUST attempt to cancel the asynchronousoperation and return an HRESULT that indicates failure or success. If the server succeeds incanceling the operation, it MUST set the signal state of the async object to TRUE and set thereturn code to <strong>VDS</strong>_E_OPERATION_CANCELED.The server MAY set the percentage completed to 0. If the server is unable to cancel theoperation, it MUST return <strong>VDS</strong>_E_CANCEL_TOO_LATE or <strong>VDS</strong>_E_NOT_SUPPORTED and leavethe signal state of the async object and percentage completed as is. IVdsAsync::Wait (Opnum 4)The Wait method blocks and returns when the asynchronous operation has either finishedsuccessfully or failed.HRESULT Wait([out] HRESULT* pHrResult,[out] <strong>VDS</strong>_ASYNC_OUTPUT* pAsyncOut);pHrResult: A pointer to a variable which, if the Wait method successfully completes, receivesthe returned HRESULT.pAsyncOut: A pointer to a <strong>VDS</strong>_ASYNC_OUTPUT structure that, if the asynchronous operationis successfully completed, receives extra information about the operation, if any informationexists. Multiple methods from other interfaces also return async objects. Consult the methodthat returned the async object to determine what extra information to return, if any. If theasynchronous operation fails, pAsyncOut MAY be left as is without returning any value.Return Values: The method MUST return zero or a non-error HRESULT (as specified in [<strong>MS</strong>-ERREF]) to indicate success or return an implementation-specific nonzero error code toindicate failure. For the HRESULT values predefined by the <strong>Virtual</strong> <strong>Disk</strong> <strong>Service</strong> Remote<strong>Protocol</strong>, see section 2.2.3.[<strong>MS</strong>-<strong>VDS</strong>] — v20110610<strong>Virtual</strong> <strong>Disk</strong> <strong>Service</strong> (<strong>VDS</strong>) <strong>Protocol</strong> <strong>Specification</strong>Copyright © 2011 Microsoft Corporation.Release: Friday, June 10, 2011170 / 360

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