[MS-VDS]: Virtual Disk Service (VDS) Protocol Specification

[MS-VDS]: Virtual Disk Service (VDS) Protocol Specification

[MS-VDS]: Virtual Disk Service (VDS) Protocol Specification


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<strong>Virtual</strong> <strong>Disk</strong> Providers and <strong>Virtual</strong> <strong>Disk</strong>s: Similar to hardware-providers, the client invokesIVds<strong>Service</strong>::QueryProviders with the flag <strong>VDS</strong>_QUERY_VIRTUALDISK_PROVIDERS to obtain alist of <strong>VDS</strong> virtual disk providers, each of which implement an IVdsVdProvider interface. The clientinvokes the IUnknown QueryInterface method to retrieve an IVdsVdProvider interface on thevirtual disk provider object. The client then invokes IVdsVdProvider::QueryV<strong>Disk</strong>s to obtain a listof virtual disks that the provider maintains. The server responds with a IEnumVdsObject interface,which enumerates a list of IUnknown interfaces, one for each virtual disk. The client invokesIUnknown::QueryInterface to retrieve an IVdsV<strong>Disk</strong> interface on the virtual disk object.<strong>Service</strong> and Unallocated <strong>Disk</strong>s: The client invokes IVds<strong>Service</strong>::QueryUnallocated<strong>Disk</strong>s to obtaina list of disks that do not have a recognized disk partitioning format. The server responds with anIEnumVdsObject interface, which enumerates a list of IUnknown interfaces, one for eachunallocated disk that is available on the server. The client invokes IUnknown::QueryInterface toretrieve an IVds<strong>Disk</strong>, IVds<strong>Disk</strong>2, IVds<strong>Disk</strong>3, IVdsAdvanced<strong>Disk</strong>, IVdsAdvanced<strong>Disk</strong>2,IVds<strong>Disk</strong>PartitionMF, IVds<strong>Disk</strong>PartitionMF2, IVdsCreatePartitionEx, Ivds<strong>Disk</strong>Online, orIVdsRemovable interface on the disk object.<strong>Service</strong> and <strong>Disk</strong>s: The client invokes IUnknown::QueryInterface on the IVds<strong>Service</strong> interfaceto retrieve the IVds<strong>Service</strong>Uninstall<strong>Disk</strong> interface. The client invokesIVds<strong>Service</strong>Uninstall<strong>Disk</strong>::Uninstall<strong>Disk</strong>s to uninstall one or more disks that are installed on theserver. See section The client invokes IUnknown::QueryInterface on the IVds<strong>Service</strong>interface to retrieve the IVds<strong>Service</strong>SAN interface. The client invokesIVds<strong>Service</strong>SAN::GetSANPolicy to query the current SAN policy setting, andIVds<strong>Service</strong>SAN::SetSANPolicy to set the SAN policy.<strong>Service</strong> and File System Types: The client invokes IVds<strong>Service</strong>::QueryFileSystemTypes to obtaina list of the file system types that are available for use in formatting volumes. The server returns alist of <strong>VDS</strong>_FILE_SYSTEM_TYPE_PROP structures.<strong>Service</strong> and Drive Letters: The client invokes IVds<strong>Service</strong>::QueryDriveLetters to obtain a list ofdrive letters on the system. The server returns a list of <strong>VDS</strong>_DRIVE_LETTER_PROP structures;the bUsed member indicates whether the drive letter is in use.<strong>Service</strong> and HBA Ports: The client invokes IUnknown::QueryInterface on the IVds<strong>Service</strong>interface to retrieve the IVds<strong>Service</strong>Hba interface. The client invokesIVds<strong>Service</strong>Hba::QueryHbaPorts to obtain a list of the HBA ports that are connected to theserver. The server responds with an IEnumVdsObject interface, which enumerates a list ofIUnknown interfaces, one for each HBA port that is connected to the machine. The client invokesIUnknown::QueryInterface to retrieve an IVdsHbaPort interface on the HBA port object.<strong>Service</strong> and Initiator Adapters: The client invokes IUnknown::QueryInterface on theIVds<strong>Service</strong> interface to retrieve the IVds<strong>Service</strong>Iscsi interface. The client invokesIVds<strong>Service</strong>Iscsi::QueryInitiatorAdapters to obtain a list of the iSCSI initiator adapters that areconnected to the server. The server responds with an IEnumVdsObject interface, whichenumerates a list of IUnknown interfaces, one for each initiator adapter that is connected to themachine. The client invokes IUnknown::QueryInterface to retrieve anIVdsIscsiInitiatorAdapter interface on the initiator adapter object.<strong>Service</strong> and Initiator Portals: The client invokesIVdsIscsiInitiatorAdapter::QueryInitiatorPortals to obtain a list of the iSCSI initiator portalsthat the initiator adapter maintains. The server responds with an IEnumVdsObject interface, whichenumerates a list of IUnknown interfaces, one for each initiator portal. The client invokesIUnknown::QueryInterface to retrieve an IVdsIscsiInitiatorPortal interface on the initiatorportal object.[<strong>MS</strong>-<strong>VDS</strong>] — v20110610<strong>Virtual</strong> <strong>Disk</strong> <strong>Service</strong> (<strong>VDS</strong>) <strong>Protocol</strong> <strong>Specification</strong>Copyright © 2011 Microsoft Corporation.Release: Friday, June 10, 2011144 / 360

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