[MS-VDS]: Virtual Disk Service (VDS) Protocol Specification

[MS-VDS]: Virtual Disk Service (VDS) Protocol Specification

[MS-VDS]: Virtual Disk Service (VDS) Protocol Specification


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MethodGetPropertiesDescriptionRetrieves the properties of the provider that is represented by the object exposing thisinterface and method.Opnum: 3All methods MUST NOT throw exceptions. IVdsSwProvider InterfaceSoftware providers implement the IVdsSwProvider interface in order to support management ofdisk packs.The UUID for this interface is {9AA58360-CE33-4F92-B658-ED24B14425B8}.The IVdsSwProvider methods are specified in section in RPC Opnum OrderMethodQueryPacksCreatePackDescriptionRetrieves the provider disk packs.Opnum: 3Creates a disk pack.Opnum: 4All methods MUST NOT throw exceptions. IVdsHwProvider InterfaceHardware providers implement the IVdsHwProvider interface to support management ofsubsystems.The UUID for this interface is {D99BDAAE-B13A-4178-9FDB-E27F16B4603E}.The IVdsHwProvider methods are specified in section methods MUST NOT throw exceptions.Methods in RPC Opnum OrderMethodQuerySubSystemsOpnum04NotUsedOnWireOpnum05NotUsedOnWireDescriptionRetrieves the subsystems that are managed by the provider.Opnum: 3Reserved for local use.Opnum: 4Reserved for local use.Opnum: 5128 / 360[<strong>MS</strong>-<strong>VDS</strong>] — v20110610<strong>Virtual</strong> <strong>Disk</strong> <strong>Service</strong> (<strong>VDS</strong>) <strong>Protocol</strong> <strong>Specification</strong>Copyright © 2011 Microsoft Corporation.Release: Friday, June 10, 2011

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