[MS-VDS]: Virtual Disk Service (VDS) Protocol Specification

[MS-VDS]: Virtual Disk Service (VDS) Protocol Specification

[MS-VDS]: Virtual Disk Service (VDS) Protocol Specification


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Return value/code0x80042820<strong>VDS</strong>_E_VOLUME_EXTEND_FVE_CORRUPT0x80042821<strong>VDS</strong>_E_VOLUME_EXTEND_FVE_RECOVERY0x80042822<strong>VDS</strong>_E_VOLUME_EXTEND_FVE0x80042823<strong>VDS</strong>_E_SECTOR_SIZE_ERROR0x80042900<strong>VDS</strong>_E_INITIATOR_ADAPTER_NOT_FOUND0x80042901<strong>VDS</strong>_E_TARGET_PORTAL_NOT_FOUND0x80042902<strong>VDS</strong>_E_INVALID_PORT_PATH0x80042903<strong>VDS</strong>_E_INVALID_ISCSI_TARGET_NAME0x80042904<strong>VDS</strong>_E_SET_TUNNEL_MODE_OUTER_ADDRESS0x80042905<strong>VDS</strong>_E_ISCSI_GET_IKE_INFO0x80042906<strong>VDS</strong>_E_ISCSI_SET_IKE_INFO0x80042907<strong>VDS</strong>_E_SUBSYSTEM_ID_IS_NULL0x80042908<strong>VDS</strong>_E_ISCSI_INITIATOR_NODE_NAME0x80042909<strong>VDS</strong>_E_ISCSI_GROUP_PRESHARE_KEYDescriptionThe volume could not be extendedbecause it is locked due to a BitLockererror. Use BitLocker tools to recoverthe volume and retry the operation.The volume could not be extendedbecause it is marked for BitLockerrecovery. Use BitLocker tools torecover the volume and retry theoperation.The volume could not be extendedbecause it is encrypted by BitLockerand Fveapi.dll could not be loaded todetermine its status. For this operationto succeed, Fveapi.dll must beavailable in%SystemRoot%\System32\.The sector size must be non-zero, apower of 2, and less than themaximum sector size.The initiator adapter was not found.For calls to GetPathInfo(), the initiatoradapter is associated with the path endpoint.The target portal was not found. Forcalls to GetPathInfo(), the target portalis associated with the path end point.The path returned for the port isinvalid. Either it has an incorrect porttype specified, or, the HBA portproperties structure is NULL.An invalid iSCSI target name wasreturned from the provider.Call to set the iSCSI tunnel mode outeraddress failed.Call to get the iSCSI IKE info failed.Call to set the iSCSI IKE info failed.The provider returned a NULLsubsystem identification string.Failed to get the iSCSI initiator nodename.Failed to set iSCSI group pre-sharedkey.111 / 360[<strong>MS</strong>-<strong>VDS</strong>] — v20110610<strong>Virtual</strong> <strong>Disk</strong> <strong>Service</strong> (<strong>VDS</strong>) <strong>Protocol</strong> <strong>Specification</strong>Copyright © 2011 Microsoft Corporation.Release: Friday, June 10, 2011

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