TTG-7000 operation manual - AvionTEq

TTG-7000 operation manual - AvionTEq TTG-7000 operation manual - AvionTEq


Figure illustrates the TTG-7000 Block Transmission Add Message Menu. This menu allowsthe user to define the parameters for the new message that was added. The menu allows selection of1030/1090 messages, Mode S/ATCRBS, power, phase, and transmission time.Figure – TTG7000 Block Transmission Add Message MenuSoftkeyMessage TypeMessage NameFrame DetailsAddress OriginatorTransponder AddressPhasePower LevelTimeFunctionMessage Type allows selection of Mode S Interrogation, Mode SReplies, ATCRBS Interrogation, or ATCRBS Replies.Message Name is the subcategory of message within the MessageType selected. For example, Message Type is Mode S Replies, thenMessage Name could be DF0, DF4, DF5, DF16, etc.Opens a new menu that illustrates the detail information about themessage defined.The value used in the AP field to generate the PI field of a Mode Sreply. [DF Messages]The value used in the AP field to generate the PI field of a Mode Sinterrogation. [UF Messages]Allows setting the phase of the message from 0 to 359 degrees.Allows setting the power level of the message.Allows setting the transmission time within the block of messages.TTG-7000 User’s Manual Page 5490-7000-0001 Rev E

Figure illustrates the TTG-7000 Block Transmission Message Frame Detail Menu. This menuallows the user to update the fields of the selected message.Figure – TTG7000 Block Transmission Frame Detail MenuTTG-7000 User’s Manual Page 5590-7000-0001 Rev E

Figure illustrates the <strong>TTG</strong>-<strong>7000</strong> Block Transmission Add Message Menu. This menu allowsthe user to define the parameters for the new message that was added. The menu allows selection of1030/1090 messages, Mode S/ATCRBS, power, phase, and transmission time.Figure – <strong>TTG</strong><strong>7000</strong> Block Transmission Add Message MenuSoftkeyMessage TypeMessage NameFrame DetailsAddress OriginatorTransponder AddressPhasePower LevelTimeFunctionMessage Type allows selection of Mode S Interrogation, Mode SReplies, ATCRBS Interrogation, or ATCRBS Replies.Message Name is the subcategory of message within the MessageType selected. For example, Message Type is Mode S Replies, thenMessage Name could be DF0, DF4, DF5, DF16, etc.Opens a new menu that illustrates the detail information about themessage defined.The value used in the AP field to generate the PI field of a Mode Sreply. [DF Messages]The value used in the AP field to generate the PI field of a Mode Sinterrogation. [UF Messages]Allows setting the phase of the message from 0 to 359 degrees.Allows setting the power level of the message.Allows setting the transmission time within the block of messages.<strong>TTG</strong>-<strong>7000</strong> User’s Manual Page 5490-<strong>7000</strong>-0001 Rev E

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