Majalah ICT English No.26-2014

Majalah ICT English No.26-2014

Majalah ICT English No.26-2014


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HOT NEWSC5 <strong>Majalah</strong> I No. 26• July <strong>2014</strong>Tfrequency band use of radio 2.1GHz which applied Universal MobileTelecommunication System.“Therefore as the effortof development, Ministry ofCommunication and Informaticsintends to regulate reallocationof 1.9 GHz radio frequencyband use which applies PersonalCommunication System 1900 to2.3 GHz radio frequency band,considering based on Minister ofCommunication and Informaticsregulation Number 17/PER/M.KOMINFO/10/2005 regardingLicensing Methods and OperationalProvisions on Radio FrequencySpectrum Use, as amended byMinister of Communication andInformatics Regulation Number23/PER/M.KOMINFO/12/2010,it is stated that one of the basisof reallocation of radio frequencyspectrum use, is the effort ofpreventing the radio frequencyharmful interference,” explainedIsmail.

HOT NEWSIsmail said that thesubstances regulatedunder Bill of Ministerof Communicationand Informatics wereamong others 1.9 GHzRadio Frequency useon 1903.125 – 19190MHz range paired with1983.125 – 1990 MHzwhich applies personalCommunication system1990 reallocated to 2.3GHz Radio FrequencyBand on 2330 MHz radiofrequency range for thepurpose of Cellular MobileTelecommunicationOrganizing whichrequires the coordinationwith other 2.3 RadioFrequency Band usersbefore developing a RadioStation to avoid harmfulinterference.“The use of 2.3 RadioFrequency Band on 2330-2360 radio frequencyrange MHz for thepurpose of Cellular MobileTelecommunicationOrganizing is imposedwith advanced paymenteach year for Use RightFee for Radio FrequencyBand License pursuantto the provisions of theregulations.All costs and risksincurred by thereallocation process areborne by 1.9 GHz RadioFrequency Band useron 1903.125 – 1990MHz range paired with1983.125 – 1990 MHzwhich applies PersonalCommunication System1900 reallocated to 2.3GHz Radio FrequencyBand,” said ismail.By being reallocatedto the ‘new ‘home’complex, which at thistime the majority isinhibited by BroadbandWireless Access (BWA)– Wimax tender winningoperator, Smart Telecomwill obtain a quite largeallocation, 30 MHz TDD.This frequency sizecan be compared to 15MHz FDD. TDD is a timedivision duplex in whichthe frequency range ofdispatching and receivingfrequency is unified,meanwhile for frequencydivision duplex (FDD),the frequency range ofdispatching and receivingfrequency allocationis separated. SmartTelecom is expected tocomplete migration witha deadline of December14, 2016.“1.9 GHz RadioFrequency Band use on1903.125 – 1910 MHz”2.3 Radio Frequency Band Users on2330 – 2360 MHz radio frequencyrange for the purposeof Cellular MobileTelecommunicationOrganizing isimposed withadvanced paymenteach year.<strong>Majalah</strong> <strong>ICT</strong>No. 26• July <strong>2014</strong>36

HOT NEWS”Smart Telecom will beimposed with BHP inaccordance with theinhibited frequency inthe size of 30 MHz TDDand is imposed with upfront free and annualfee to obtain suchfrequency.range is paired with1983.125 – 1990 MHzwhich applies PersonalCommunication System1990 reallocated to 2.3GHz Radio FrequencyBand on 2330 – 2360MHz radio frequencyrange,” says Minister Billdocument on Article 4paragraph (1). “1.9 GHzRadio Frequency Bandreallocation as intendedin paragraph (1) shall beconducted in stages andmust be completed atthe latest on December14, 2016,” says anotherprovision in Article 4paragraph (2).Frequency BHPregulation is draftedseparately from Bill ofMinister of Communicationand Informatics regarding2.3 GHz Radio FrequencyC7 <strong>Majalah</strong> I No. 26• July <strong>2014</strong>TBand for the purposeof Cellular MobileTelecommunicationOrganizing andReallocation of 1.9 GHzRadio Frequency Band Usewhich applies PersonalCommunication System1900 to 2.3 GHZ RadioFrequency Band.In such Bill, the exactamount to be paid bySmart Telecom has notbeen clarified.However, it is describedin Article 7 paragraph(1) “2.3 GHz RadioFrequency Band User on2330 -2360 MHz radiofrequency range forthe purpose of CellularMobile TelecommunicationOrganizing shall beimposed with Use RightFee payment for RadioFrequency Band Licensepursuant to the provisionsof laws and regulations”.Meanwhile in paragraph(2) it is stated that“Use Right Fee for RadioFrequency Band Licenseshall comprise up frontfee and annual radiofrequency spectrum UseRight Fee based on theoutcome of 2.3 GHz radiofrequency band selectionon 2360-2390 MHz radiofrequency adjusted withtechnological neutralityand the type of CellularMobile TelecommunicationOrganizing.”This means, SmartTelecomm will be imposedwith BHP in accordancewith the inhibitedfrequency in the size of30 MHz TDD and up frontfee and annual fee toobtain such frequency.

HOT NEWSBlock 3G at 2.1 GHz Is Ready toBe Auctioned, However….At the acquisitionprocess of PTAXIS TelekomIndonesia (AXIS)by PT XL Axiata (XL),the government tookover 5 MHz which wasallocated for AXIS and 5MHz allocated for XL onthe 3G frequency range.Therefore the mergerprocess which supposedto provide frequencyin the size of 25 MHzin total, then with theremaining 15 MHz which isprovided to XL.In its early decision,the government revokedthe allocation of Axis onblock 12 and reduced XLfrequency on block 8.Therefore the existingfrequency is on blocks 9,10 and 11. However, thenthe government decidedto provide allocation to XLblock adjacent to 8, 9 and10.According to a memberof BRTI M. Ridwan Effendi,such change is pursuantto KM 592 of <strong>2014</strong>regarding minister decisionNo. 1192 of 2013. “Itis true that XL obtainsblocks 8, 9 and 10 for3G. This is in accordancewith KM 592 of <strong>2014</strong>regarding amendment ofminister decision No.1192of 2013 regardingallocation of radiofrequency band as a resultof the comprehensivestructuring of 2.1 GHzradio frequency band”said Ridwan. With suchdecision, the voidfrequencies which areready to be auctioned areblocks 11 and 12.Ridwan added that XLwas still provided withdeadline until this comingOctober to utilize the oldfrequency block.“Inaccordancewith theregulation, [XL] will beprovided with a deadlineof four months as of theissuance of the decision<strong>Majalah</strong> <strong>ICT</strong>No. 26• July <strong>2014</strong>38

HOT NEWSin June <strong>2014</strong>. Whereasblocks 11 and 12 will beauctioned,” he said.Despite being ready tobe auctioned, interferenceissue still holds whetherthere are existing 3Gtelecommunicationplayers such as Telkomsel,Indosat, Hutchinson 3Indonesia (3) as well asXL itself who intend to fillsuch blocks. And it seemsthat the governmentcan see the emergingsigns. Therefore, Ministryof Communication andInformatics at the sametime is preparing a plan todisplace Smart Telecomwhich connects 1900 MHzfrequency to be relocatedto 2.3 GHz.According to Head ofInformation and PublicRelation of Ministryof Communicationand Informatics IsmailCawidu the relocationC9 <strong>Majalah</strong> I No. 26• July <strong>2014</strong>Tof Smart Telecomwas conductedsince based themonitoringimplementedby Ministryof Commu–nication andInformatics,harmfulinterferencepotential wasdiscoveredcaused by theuse of 1.9 GHzradio frequencywhich appliesPersonal CommunicationSystem 1900 againstthe use of 2.1 GHz radiofrequency band whichapplies Universal MobileTelecommunicationSystem.“Therefore as adevelopment effort,Ministry of Communicationand Informatics intendsto regulate 1.9 GHzradio frequency band userelocation which appliesPersonal CommunicationSystem 1900 to 2.3 GHzradio frequency band,considering that based onMinister of Communicationand Informatics RegulationNumber 17/PER/M.KOMINFO/10/2005regarding Methods ofLicensing and Provision ofRadio Frequency SpectrumUsage Operation, asamended by Ministerof Communication andInformatics RegulationNumber 23/PER/M/KOMINFO/12/2010,it is stated that oneof the basis of theimplementation of radiofrequency spectrum usereallocation is the effortof avoiding radio spectrumharmful interference,”explained Ismail.

REGULATIONATSI Invites All Sides to SupportPrepaid Registration ProgramTelecommunicationOrganizerAssociation AllOver Indonesia(ATSI) invites all sidesto support prepaidregistration program.This is to answer thechallenge of the flare ofthe misuse of cellularnumber and Fixed WirelessAccess (FWA) usedfor activities which arenot in accordance withthe telecommunicationregulation.According to GeneralChairman of ATSI,Alexander Rusli, one of theefforts in reducingthe misuse oftelecommunicationfacilities is by increasingcustomers’ data accuracyon the stage of prepaidprime card registration.“We invite distributingpartners to activelyparticipate in improvingthis registration process.With the increase ofprepaid customers’ dataaccuracy, the governmentand operators protectprepaid customers fromfraud or spam sms/telephone through prepaidtelecommunicationservices, as well as able toconduct law enforcementfor fraudsters,” he said.Alex explained thatregistration could bedone among others withcustomer service, SMSto 4444, web, up tohandset applications orSIM Tool Kit (STK) ofeach operator. “All thistime registration hasbeen done individuallyby prepaid prime cardpurchasers supportedby the facilities providedby telecommunicationoperators. And nowwe together with ATSImember operators aresocializing to the public,particularly in improvingregistration processin the service centerof our members. Suchsocialization continuesand we thank you forthe support of Ministryof Communication andInformatics and BRTI inthis socialization effort,”he explained.Alex said that inimplementing verificationand validation, operatorsexperienced customerdata verificationconstraints due tothe unavailability ofconnection to nationalpopulation database.Meanwhile,Member of IndonesiaTelecommunicationRegulation Board (BRTI)<strong>Majalah</strong> <strong>ICT</strong>No. 26• July <strong>2014</strong>310

REGULATIONIndonesiaTelecommunicationRegulating Board(BRTI) firmly statedthat counterfeit dataproviding had to beterminated.”Riant Nugroho said thatin using prepaid SIM cardwithin the last 9 years,the people had beenprovided with the freedomto register their names,addresses as well as IDcards.However, suchhoneymoon seemsto be over. IndonesiaTelecommunicationRegulation Board (BRTI)firmly stated thatcounterfeit data providingmust be terminated. In thefuture users are expectedto provide true data.“The people honeymoonperiod in providing data asthey please has finished!In the future we welcomemodern society in which‘know your customer’(KYC) mechanism isstarted,” said Riant whenproviding explanation tothe press on the plan ofimplementing PrepaidCard Registration startingAugust 1 st .According to Riant,by knowing users’ dataaccurately, it would beuseful for the futuretelecommunicationTC11 <strong>Majalah</strong> I No. 26• July <strong>2014</strong>industry development.“As the registrationruns well, the existingdata, there will be knowyour customer condition(KYC). When KYC runs,we invite Bank Indonesiato run mobile money.Mobile money serviceis still constrained bytelecommunication sectorwhich has not run theknow your customer[mechanism],” he added.With the developmentof mobile money, he said,this would drive financialinclusion.“Telecommunicationoperators can rake 60percent from mobilemoney market. We don’thave time since <strong>2014</strong> hasstarted and in 2015 AFTAwill also start. And in2015, mobile money mustcover 30 million peoplefrom middle lower classwhich are unbankable, anduntouched by banking.This is the nation’s duty,”he said.BEWARE OF SCORCHEDNUMBERSStarting August 1, thegovernment togetherwith telecommunicationoperators will startapplying registrationnew system or prepaidSIM Card registration.Previously users registeredtheir prepaid card holderidentifications through4444, with the newpolicy users cannot doit individually, insteadthey have to use valid IDcards in operators officialgalleries.According to AlexanderRusli, with prepaidcustomer registrationonly conducted by sellers,outlets as well as galleriesautomatically will causeprepaid customers notto register individually.“Following such change,to obtain complete andaccurate data customersmust be supported byidentity cards,” he said.Alex added thatoperators will equipthemselves withDistribution MonitoringSystem, therefore we canknow immediately whichoutlet such customerregistration is conducted.

REGULATION“All prepaid customersregistration systemswill be improved. Wewill also assist ATSImembers in improvingregistration process bymaking prepaid customersmethod guidance to bethe reference for itsmembers,” he explained.This man who is alsoPresident and CEO of PTIndosat expects that thisprocess change is able todrive the improvementof prepaid customerdata accuracy. Withthe increase of prepaidcustomer data accuracy,the government andoperators protect prepaidcustomers from fraudor SMS or telephonespan through prepaidtelecommunication service,as well as conducting lawenforcement action forfraudsters.Ministry ofCommunication andInformatics seems tobe intolerant in applyingregistration provisions forprepaid cellular telephonecards. For those whodo not register, as wellas telecommunicationoperators who do notsuccumb and comply withregulations set out byMinistry of Communicationand Informatics, sanctionsawait. This prepaid carduser registration will startthis August.“It is about time wedisciplined the telephoneusers. This is a part ofpublic education,” saidRiant. He added thatsomething had to bedone. If [you] don’tregister [you] must go.“[You] must go, right!Something has to bedone,” he said.Meanwhile DirectorGeneral of Minister ofCommunication andInformatics PPI KalamullahRamli, who is alsoChairman of IndonesiaTelecommunicationRegulating Board (BRTI)several days ago, saidthat on the field severalreal indications thatcustomer registration andprime card activities withtrue data have not run asexpected were discovered.According to himthousands of customernumbers were usedfor SIM box whichwas the conducts oftelecommunicationorganizers which werenot in accordance withtelecommunication lawsand regulation.“Thousands of SIMcards are thrown awayeveryday due to anti-SIM Box blocking andalso thousands of newSIM cards are activatedto replace them. Thispractice causes numberof customer data as ifcontinue to grow andARPU (Average Revenueper Use) value to beinvalid,” said Kalamullah.He added, at prime cardprovider galleries thereare many deactivated SIMCards. These cards thenpurchased by the publicin a large number to sendSMS polling to severalTV shows or to othervarious uses. In addition,SIM Card submissionis without asking theidentity card of customernominee therefore itcan be ascertained thattelecommunicationorganizers do not havecustomer data which isindicated on such identitycards.Riant Nugroho remindedthat customers had toregister to operatorregistered outlets, and notto those available on thesides of the streets. “Thesanction for customerswho do not register istheir numbers will bedeactivated,” he said.<strong>Majalah</strong> <strong>ICT</strong>No. 26• July <strong>2014</strong>312

PROFILEVentura ElisawatiSocial Media RolesAre Taken IntoAccount MoreHaving been involved in any field,success seems to get along withthis mother of two. Having beeninvolved in journalistic worldand becoming the Managing Director of<strong>Majalah</strong> SWA, Lisa or Ve, that’s how sheis usually called, changed direction tothe telecommunication industry.With the position of Head of CorporateCommunication in her hand, she used tobe Head of Marketing Communication ata telecommunication company engagingin cellular telecommunication services,PT Excelcomindo Pratama, which thenchanged its name to become PT XLAxiata (XL).C13 <strong>Majalah</strong> I No. 26• July <strong>2014</strong>TShe is Ventura Elisawati, a figure whichnow actively develops her own businessunder the flag of Inmark Digital.Ve is a reflection of an independentwoman. Even since she was a little girl,this woman who was born on July 1in Yogyakarta has been used to beingindependent and behaving maturely infacing various vawes of life, despite nothaving a father since she was little. Suchmaturity was getting more fertilizedwhen she decided to go into the worldof jounalistic.Despite having finance and bankingbackground, Ve felt comfortable livingher work as a journalist. This eldest oftwo siblings was even trying to givethe best for the company, therefore

PROFILEshe achieved the positionof Managing Editor at anEconomic News Magazine,SWA.Ve said that her professionas a journalist providedher with much science andknowledge that she didnot obtain when she wasat school. “Coincidently atthat time I was taught bya very good mentor and atthe end of the day I enjoyedlearning. That is when I feltshaped well, mentally andknowledge wise,” said Ve.Accordng to her, the worldof press is different, it isthe world that is able toprovide a very extensiveknowledge. She cannot imagine if sheworks at banking sector, which shethinks does not move anywhere, onlyfocuses on a certain position and seesissues from one perspective only.However then, this author of “36 Casesof Indonesian Orignal Marketing” whichshe wrote together with Indonesianmarketing expert Hermawan Kartajaya,also felt that she needed more challengethan just merely writing. Then shelanded as a telecommunication operatorat XL in 1998.At the time Ve was in charge ofopening communcation network in orderfor news about the company to continueto be published and the public candiscover it.Then XL was largely developed thatforeign investors from Malaysia andMiddle East entered. Ve felt luckyto be able to develop and obtainmuch knowledge from this company.The position of Head CorporateCommuncations was in her hand, thenshe also held the posittion of Head ofMarketing Communication. When she wasthe Head of Corporate Communications,certainly this was not a foreign work forT314<strong>Majalah</strong> ICNo. 26• July <strong>2014</strong>

PROFILEher, since her previous profession as ajournalist made her able to run friendshipnetwork with journalists to communicatethe development company business aswell as XL new products socialization,including when BlackBerry was firstlyintroduced.Ve was known to her friends as aperson who ‘poisons’ her close friendsto use BlackBerry. Nor only her closefriends, but also several well knowncelebrities. Such strategy was used inorder for celebrities to influence othercelebrities and his/her fans to use theservice which at the time could openemails despite not being at the officeor chat through BlackBerry Messenger(BBM). Ve was considered as one of thepeople who made BlackBerry popular inthis country.Seeing that several of her close friendsat XL then “graduated” or resignedfrom the company to set up their ownbusinesses, this mother of AdnyanaBening Wangiprameswari (Wangi) andAbhniwesa Pinandita Acandrarkathayi(Ebhin) intended to become independentand develop her own business. Ve thenestablished Inmark Digital. “Inmarkprovides communication solution bothfor Public Relation, marketing publicrelation (MPR) and corporate socialresponsibility (CSR) through socialmedia,” explained Ve.Running one’s own business is certainlydifferent from working for a company.According to her, when you have yourown business, everything must be dealtwith by yourself, from drivers to officeboys. The main thing is Ve must alsothink of strategies in order to advanceand success her business in the middleof uneasy challenges.“Challenges in the future areborderless, therefore specific skills areneeded such as content making, as wellas the uniqueness in creativity, since thesuccess of a program for the campaignTC15 <strong>Majalah</strong> I No. 26• July <strong>2014</strong>of product A cannot be replicated forproduct B,” she explained.Being involved in social media industry,this wife of Yusro Santoso becameactive in utilizing social media such asFacebook or Twitter. On Twitter Ve has

PROFILEan account @venturaE with nick nameBunda Ve. When asked if she oftenplayed with Twitter, Ve said that she didnot play with Twitter. “I work, not playbecause my work is related to the socialmedia,” she said.TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT MOREConcerning social media role, this fanof bicycling opines that social media atthis time is taken into account more. Inthe Presidential Election this time aroundfor instance, social media conversationbecame one of the indicators ofpresident nominees’ popularity. “Twopairs of President nominee and VicePresident nominee also tried to winconversation over the social mediastatistic,” she said.Ve added, that meant people becomemore realized that social media also hadvalue compared to the existing media.“The speed of information distributionand the crowd in social media becomethe target of president nominee andhis sucess team, before then beingelaborated by mainstream media,”explained Ve.And such role, according to thiswoman whose hobbies are reading andphotography, will be stronger not only asa compliment. “But also equal to othermedia. And certainly the internet as wellas social media will never kill the existingmedia, they even compliment eachother,” said Ve.Ve emphasized that what the publicneeded to pay attention to was the needof education on how to utilize this newmedia, and always check and balance allinformation disseminated by the socialmedia. How about the governmentrole? “I think there is none. The onewho regulates social media is the socialmedia actors themselves. As long associal media actors follow ToS (terms ofservice) made by each platform, I thinkthe social media will be OK,” she said.<strong>Majalah</strong> <strong>ICT</strong>No. 26• July <strong>2014</strong>316

BROADCASTINGMetro TV and TVOneReceive ReprehensionsMinistry ofCommunicationand Informaticsprovidesreprehensions for TVOne and Metro TV.These reprehensionswere addressed afterobtaining inputs from KPIand a number of pressfigures. From Ministry’sperspective under TifatulSembiring, reprehensionswere provided since bothTV stations wereconsidered as notbeing neutral onC17 <strong>Majalah</strong> I No. 26• July <strong>2014</strong>Tsuch Presidential election.“Ministry ofCommunication andInformatics firmly providesreprehensions to TV Oneand Metro TV in orderto comply with justiceprinciple based on LawNumber 40 of 1999regarding the Pressand maintaining theneutrality of content ofbroadcasting pursuant toLaw Number 32 of 20002regarding Broadcastingin broadcast organizing.If thesereprehensions areignored, this can implyon two options namelythe revocation of suchtelevision IPP LPS andthe non extension forsuch television IPP LPSwhich will terminate in2016,” said Tifatul whosummoned such twotelevisions on July 18.He explained thatMinistry of Communicationand Informatics hadthe authority in theframework of enforcingprinciples, directionas well as objectivesof BroadcastingLaw particularly instrengthening nationalintegration, educatingthe live of thenation, developingthe democraticpeople as well asmaintaining thenation’s unity andunification, andsuch matter waspursuant to Article36 paragraph (4)Law Number 32 of2002 regardingBroadcasting whichstated that thecontent ofbroadcasting

BROADCASTINGmust be kept neutral andcannot prioritize groups’certain interests.Prior to issuingreprehensions, the CentralIndonesia BroadcastingCommission (KPI) hadaddressed reprehensionletters to Metro TVand TV One concerningviolation on public interestprotection and neutralityof program content ofjournalistic broadcastingon news about Presidentand Vice Presidentnominee participantsof <strong>2014</strong> Presidentialelection. KPI opines thatboth types of violationare based on duration,number of frequenciesand tone (tendency) ofconveying the news toknow the implementationof principles of journalisticbroadcasting programs,particularly justiceprinciples and balancednews objects.According to Chairman ofCentral KPI Judharisawan,both TV stations haveviolated KPI BroadcastingBehavior Guidance of2012 Article 11 andArticle 22 paragraph(1), paragraph (2) andparagraph (3) as well asIndonesia BroadcastingCommission BroadcastingProgram Standard of 2012Article 11 paragraph (1)and paragraph (2), Article40 point a and Artilce 71paragraphs (1), (2) and(3).“We discoveredviolations by TV One onJune 4, <strong>2014</strong>. We alsodiscovered the sameviolation on 2 and 3 ofJune <strong>2014</strong>. Meanwhileon Metro TV we sawviolations on the same dayas TV One,” he explained.According to Judha,Central KPI addressedreprehension lettersNumber 1225/K/KPI/05/14 on May 30,<strong>2014</strong> to broadcastinginstitutions includingTV One and Metro TVin order for them toemphasize neutrality ofthe broadcasting contentas regulated under Article36 paragraph (4) ofBroadcasting Law, Article14 paragraph (4) ofGovernment RegulationNumber 50 of 2005as well as journalisticprinciples that have beenregulated under P3 andSPS.In addition, continuedJudha, KPI and the Panelof Press on June 2,<strong>2014</strong> addressed a jointstatement regardingbroadcasting mediaindependence in whichthere are findings ofindependence principlesviolation indications andthe tendency to utilizethe news for certaingroup interest on TVstations.In such opportunity,Chairman of Central KPIrequested that MetroTV and TV One not toviolate again consideringKPI had sought variousefforts in order for allbroadcasting institutionsto comply with lawsand regulations and P3and SPS particularly inmaintining public interestprotection and neutralityof broadcasting content.It is also firmly stated inthe second reprehensionfor both tv stationsthat Central KPI willrecommend Ministryof Communicationand Informatics to reevaluateeach station’sBroadcasting OrganizingLicense (IPP) should anyviolation is dicovered.In taking decision,according to TifatulSembiring, Ministry ofCommunication andInformatics, he alsoobtains a lot of inputsfrom the public includingthe press figures sincethis matter has disturbedjustice sense in whichfrequency use belongingto the public has beenused for certain groups.<strong>Majalah</strong> <strong>ICT</strong>No. 26• July <strong>2014</strong>318

SPOTLIGHTThere have been 4 companies which are interestedXL Will Sell ItsTowersSince acquiring PTAXIS Telekom,PT XL Axiata Tbkhas seemed to bebusy seeking additionalrevenue, both in the formof loan and by sellingits telecommunicationtowers.In the openess ofIndonesia Stock Exchange(BEI) information, XLBoard Of Commissionersand Directors haveagreed to form anauction committee tohold an open auction.This committee willdraft a recommendationon the auction winnerto the directors andcommissioners to obtainapproval.Further, pursuant tothe company articles ofassociation and goodcompany governance, onlymembers of directors andcommissioners who donot have any conflict ofinterest in such transitionplan will participate in thedecision making.Some of the proceedingof this tower sales will beused to pay up [XL] loan.This transaction planwill include materialtransaction pursuantto the provisions ofBapepam-LK RegulationNumber IX.E.2 regrdingC19 <strong>Majalah</strong> I No. 26• July <strong>2014</strong>T

SPOTLIGHT”Some of theproceeding of thistower sales willbe used to pay up[XL] loan.Material Transaction andMain Business ActivityChange.In its development,now there are four towercompanies which areinterested and lurking atsuch XL towers. Thesecompanies are PT TowerBersama InfrastructureTbk, PT Sarana MenaraNusantara Tbk, PT Solusitunas Pratama Tbk and PTInti Bangun Sejahtera Tbk.President Director ofPT UtamaTowerBersama, Herman SetyaBudi said that TowerBersama still had sufficientfund to purchase towers.“As a tower companywe are always open toparticipate in auctions.The fund source canbe sought. We are stillcapable to acquire towerin large number,” he said.He added that TowerBersama had threesources of fund for capitalexpenditure/capex. Thefirst source was debtprogram in the amountof US$2 billion from 25banks. From such facility,the fund that had notbeen withdrawn was in theamount of US$1 billion.In addition to TowerBersama, Sarana Menarais also interested inpurchasing XL towers.“We have purchasedtowers in a large number,so I feel with the conditionat this time we are stillcapable of purchasing1,000 – 2,000 towers,”he ascertained.Meanwhile Inti BangunSejahtera also stated itsinterest in bidding againstXL towers, as conveyedby Financial Diretor ofInti Bangun Sejahtera,Stefanus Sudyatmiko,Inti Bangun still has theoutput of rights issuepublic bidding in theamount of IDR66.07billion. In addition, hisside is now consideringapplying for a loan in theamount of IDR 1 billionfrom four banks.XL tower auction isplanned to be participatedby Solusi Tunas Pratama,Predisent Director ofSolusi Tunas Pratama,Nobel Tanihana said hiscompany had calculatedthis year fund expansionwith tower acquisitionbudget. “Our financialposition is sufficient toparticipate in the auction,”said Nobel.<strong>Majalah</strong> <strong>ICT</strong>No. 26• July <strong>2014</strong>320

SPOTLIGHTTelecommunication NetworkIs Stated as Ready To Welcomethe Travel Flow & Eid MubarakTelecommunicationoperators are consideredready to face the surgeof travel flow trafficthis eid mubarak. Suchconsideration wasexposed based on theoutput of field testconducted by IndonesiaTelecommunicationRegulating Board(BRTI) together withtelecommunication serviceorganizers of both cellularand fixed wireless access(FWA).According to a BRTImember, Ridwan Effendieto <strong>Majalah</strong> <strong>ICT</strong>, BRTI hadconducted new lanetesting starting thisyear in the form of trainlane, from Jakarta toSurabaya, then Yogyakartato Bandung and back toJakarta. It means, bothNorth and South laneshave been tested with‘live’ traffic attemptedto be conductedusing drivetest usingmeasurement instrument,as well as direct testingby telephone calling aswell as SMS sending.“In general coverageC21 <strong>Majalah</strong> I No. 26• July <strong>2014</strong>Tthrough Jakarta-Surabayatrain lane has been 100percent,” said Ridwan.To face the surge inwelcoming Eid MubarakFeast Day, Telkomselprepares 762 hotspotsand 41 new BaseTransreceiver Stations.During Ramadhan andEid Mubarak this year,Telkomsel predictsthe traffic surge inseveral areas of traveldestinations with averagesurge between 0% - 5%for Voice service and10% - 15% on SMSservice meanwhile Dataservice increases sharplyto become between 25%- 35% compared to theregular days.Just like in the previousyears, such matter willbe anticipated with theavailability of VLR (VisitorLocation Register) orthe sufficient customeraccommodating powercapacity, along the mainlane of Java-Bali travel andseveral locations of traveldestiations there havebeen 20% - 40% freedomsuch as in West Java with

SPOTLIGHTcapacity freedom of 45%,Central Java and East Javain the amount of 55%.Telkomsel NetworkDirector, Abdus SomadArief said, “Havingseen the trend of datause increase by ourcustomers, in which up tothe first semester of this<strong>2014</strong> the increase hasreached 14% comparedto last year, therefore inaddition to ascertainingcustomers’ comfort touse basic services suchas voice and SMS, wealso pay more attentionin order for customersto be more comfortablein accessing data andenjoying our various digitalservices everywhere andanytime.Meanwhile TransportNetwork OperationTelkomsel GeneralManager, Moelky Furqon,said that networkpreparation was dividedinto four groups, namelypublic area, praying area,malls and indoor locations,entertainment centersand massive areas suchas travel lanes and townopen spaces. “Thesepoints have almost beencompleted paticularlydeveloped including 155new BTS development,”he said.He further said that suchdevelopment was a partof the development of 13new BTS in <strong>2014</strong>, anndrenewal of 1,000 BTSfrom 15 thousand BTSrenewals.PT XL Axiata (XL)also ascertains that itsnetwork is ready to useto face travel flow andthe Feast Day of EidMubarak, XL has preparedits network far before thebeginning of travel flowand Eid Mubarak in whichtelecommunication trafficwill increase sharply.“We have providedvarious resources toascertain that our servicesduring Ramadhan to theholiday of Eid Mubarakremain well maintained,”said PT XL Axiata East2 Sales Manager GeneralManager, Dodyk Supriyono.For such purpose, hesaid, in order to maintainservices for customers toremain in prime conditionduring the Eid Mubaraktravelling season, XLassigns technicians whoare ready 24 hours aday and the neededdevices, including mobiletransmitters (BTSmobile) in areas in whichconversations, SMS trafficand the use of data is high.USERS ARE NOTINVOLVEDThe result oftelecommunicationnetwork testingconducted by Ministryof Communication andInformatics togetherwith telecommunicationorganizer operators isdoubted by IndonesianTelecommunication Group.This is caused by the nonindependent testing since<strong>Majalah</strong> <strong>ICT</strong>No. 26• July <strong>2014</strong>322

SPOTLIGHTit was only conducted bytwo sides, the governmentand operators withoutasking users to test thesophistication conducted.On the other hand,Secretary General ofIDTUG MuhammadJumadi said, his side hadrepeatedly reminded, ifin the future the testingwould be designated fortelecommunication users,users and independentinstituions should be invitedto jointly do the testing.“The testing shouldinvolve users or customersas well as independentinstitutions in order toobtain fair result,” saidJumadi.”Everyone knows thetelecom munication servicequality is poor. The voiceservice is just like usingcan telephone meanwhilethe data service speed isstill slow,” he said.This man who is alsoactive in InternationalTelecommnication UsersGroup (INTUG) addedthat independencewas important sinceat the present despitethe presence of thegovernment, the qualityfelt by users doest notbecome any better.“For instance severaltimes BBM (BlackBerryMessenger) users hadto be dissapointedwith this service sincethe messages weredelayed and even downseveral times. Not tomention backbone fibreoptic which was oftenbroken. Everyone knowstelecommunication qualityis now poor. The voiceservice quality is like usingcan telephone. Meanwhilefor data service the speedis also slow,” he said.According to Jumadi,with the progress of dataservice use, voice andSMS services still needto be tested, however,data service also needsto be tested by applyingdifferent method withvoice and SMS services.“I see the governmentand telecommunicationoperators have notperformed testingaccording to the existingtesting standard,” saidJumadi.C23 <strong>Majalah</strong> I No. 26• July <strong>2014</strong>T

TELECOMMUNICATIONFrom 500xyz to 1500xyzLarge Change OnCall Center Access CodeThe governmentconduct somenumberingchanges for callcenter or contact center.Such changes with theaddition of the numberof digits from 6 digitsto become 7 digits. Inaddition call center whichwas previously 500xyznow becomes 1500xyz.Therefore if you are usedto pressing 500600 forPizza Hut Delivery, if thenumber does not changeit will become 1500600.Or, Hoka Hoka Bentofrom 500505 to become1500505.According to theexplanation from Ministryof Communication andInformatics, such changeswere conducted since500xxx allocation wassupposed to be used forPSTN customers.“From evalation resulton telecommunicationnumbering usesupervision, Ministryof Communication andInformatics discoveredseveral numbers onNumber Block 500XYZused as call center accessnumber. In Minister ofCommunication andInformatics regulationnumber 09/KEP/M.KOMINFO/06/2010regardingThe SixthAmendmenton Minister ofTransportationDecision Number KM.4of 2001 regardingIndonesia NationalTelecommunicationDevelopment TechnicalBasic Plan Stipulation2000, 500XYZ numberblock is supposed to beused for PSTN customernumber, meanwhile forcall center service accesscode 140XYZ and 150(A)XYZ numbers have beenallocated,” explainedCommunication andInformatics in its officialwebsite.It is also explained thatsince 500xxx numberhad been used for callcenter access, Ministryof Communication andInformatics had discussedseveral times withoperators who manage500XYZ number block,namely PT. Telkom. “Fromdiscussion output, finallyMinistry of Communicationand Informatics decidedthat 500XYZ numbercustomers must be moved(migrated) to 1500XYZnumber. Consideringthat 1500XYZ numberis access code number<strong>Majalah</strong> <strong>ICT</strong>No. 26• July <strong>2014</strong>324

TELECOMMUNICATIONfor call center serviceaccess therefore 1500XYZcustomer status is callcenter service customerand the service providedby call center organizershave obtained organizinglicense and 1500XYZcall center accesscode use stipulation,”Communication andInformatics explained.Since PT. Telkomfocuses on its corebusiness, PT. Telkomwill deliver 1500XYZ callcenter management andorganizing to PT InfomediaNusantara, as thesubsidiary of PT. Telkom,which hasC25 <strong>Majalah</strong> I No. 26• July <strong>2014</strong>Towned call centerorganizing license.Minister ofCommunicationand Informaticsbased on thedecision Number520 of <strong>2014</strong>has stipulated1500XYZ accesscode use forthe organizingof call center toPT. InfomediaNusantara. Inproviding such1500XYZservices,PT

TELECOMMUNICATIONInfomedia Nusantarawill cooperate withPT. Telkom. With thestipulation of PT.Infomedia Nusantara touse 1500XYZ access code,the 500XYZ customerstatus will shift from thecustomer of PT. Telkom tobecome customer of PT.Infomedia Nusantara.TelecommunicationIn the imigrationprocess the number500XYZ which becomes1500XYZ will beimposed with transitperiod of 2 (two) yearsas of the issuance of1500XYZ access codeuse stipulation to PT.Infomedia Nusantara andcan be extended afterevaluation. During thesuch transition period thenumber 500XYZ can stillbe used, however, whenthe transition period hasended, the use of number500XYZ will be returnedto its original function asPSTN number block.For the purpose of thismigration PT. Telkomwill coordinate withcustomers of number500XYZ in status transferprocess and access codenumber use will becomethe customers of PT.Infomedia Nusantaraby using access code1500XYZ. The existing500XYZ customersare provided with analternative to migrate andbecome PT. InfomediaNusantara customers orif they are not willing tobecome PT. InfomediaNusantara customers,they can only use thenumber 500XYZ until theend of transition period.In the framework ofmonitoring and supervisingthis migration process, ajoint team will be formedbetween MinistryofCommunication andInformatics and PT.Telkom which will workuntil the end of 500XYZto become 1500XYZmigration.<strong>Majalah</strong> <strong>ICT</strong>No. 26• July <strong>2014</strong>326

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYDigital Aspiration ofIndonesian YoungstersOredoo, the parentcompany ofIndosat launchedthe newest onlinesurvey result titled “NewHorizons: Indonesia DigitalGeneration”’ to providea picture of young digitalgeneration’s behaviorand aspiration all overIndonesia. The interestingfinding is 91% of Indonesiayoung generation statedthat the internet drovethem more to haveentrepreneurship spiritand 83% were interestedor had established onlinebusiness.In addition, nine out often youngters in Indonesiaare optimistic on theirprospects in the comingyears. When asked abouttechnologicalrole in thesociety, 95%believed thattechnologywas thebasis of theestablishmentof modernsocietywho thinkprogressively andfunctionally. Interms of carreradvancement,C27 <strong>Majalah</strong> I No. 26• July <strong>2014</strong>T93% believed that theinternet facilitated themin job hunting abroad,while 77% regularlyused the internet toincrease access and theireducational quality.More than 1400 peoplemen and women agedbetween 18 and 30 fromIndonesia participatedin this online surveyand were one of thedeepest researchprojects ever conductedagainst respondents.This research focuses onthe large intention ofseeking more extensiveinternet coverageand Indonesia younggeneration’s behavioragainst economic andeducational issues,particularly its relationto seeking for jobs andstarting their business.H.E. Sheikh AbdullahBin MohammedBin SaudAl Thani,Chairman of Ooredoosaid “Indonesian younggeneration has strongintention to increasecareer, education,entrepreneurshipprospects and extendtheir knowledge by beingconnected one anotherwith the outside world.This research showsthat young generation inIndonesia understands theinformative

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYstrength which is availablethrough TIK.The company, thegovernment andorganization need torealize and capture thiscreative signal, and findways to maintain itssustainability,therefore wecan fully utilizethe younggenerationcontributionfor the sakeof Indonesia’sfuture.Meanwhile,AlexanderRusli, PresidentDirector & CEOof Indosatsaid this wasa very important momentfor Indonesia since wewere entering digitalevolution important stageand certainly Indosatwas proud to become aninseparable part of thisjourney.“This study is inaccordance with ourbelieve that TIK plays animportant role in assistingthe young generationof a country to identifythe existing opportunityand potential. Indosattogether with Ooreedoo,our parent company, arecommitted to increase thelives of the people anddrive community growthin company business areaand we hope that these“New Horizons” studyfindings will assist us all inunderstanding Indonesiayoung generation,” hesaid.This research is verypositive on social andeconomic benefit potentialwhich can be created from<strong>ICT</strong> sector for Indonesiaand there is an awarenessthat Indonesia is on an“important point” ofdigital evolution. However,basic infrastructure isstill the main obstaclefor for such materializedpotential.How [Do We] Develop IndonesiaDigital Generation?Ooredoo, Indosatparent companylaunched the newestonline survey resulttitled “New Horizons:Indonesia DigitalGeneration,” to providea picture on behaviorand aspiration of youngdigital generation allover Indonesia. Theinteresting finding is toplan a brighter futurefor Indonesia, [we] needto understand more of<strong>Majalah</strong> <strong>ICT</strong>No. 26• July <strong>2014</strong>328

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYwhat people need anddesire from informationand communicationtechnology in theframework of providingthe best solutionadjusted with suchneed and to overcomeobstacles which limittheir capabilities inaccessing TIK foreconomic and socialpotential optimally.Informatics andcommunicationtechnology connectsIndonesian younggeneration with moreextensive world more.This can be theinstrument toextend horizon andunderstanding, andfacilitate econimicactivities and result inprosperity.There are more andmore young generationwho admits this and aremore innovative in theway they access and useit.As to what must bedone, this researchconducted by FTIConsulting Ltdrecommends thefollowing:1. The importanceof infrastructure: Inorder for Indonesiato be an interestingdeveloping market,Indonesia needs toprioritize infrastructuredevelopment, particularlyC29 <strong>Majalah</strong> I No. 26• July <strong>2014</strong>Tin areas in which signalcoverage is poor andelectricity is unrealiable.Providing physicaldispatch of networkwhich can be accessed,affordable and fastavailable in each societywhich is better andenable young generationwho are entrepreneursto empower their ownlives.2. Utilize smartphonemarket: The numbershows - the Indonesiayoung generation isabsorbed by socialmedia and smartphonemarkets. Public andprivate organizationsneed to assist carryingthis tendency to thenext level, thereforeapplications are nolonger only usedfor chatting andentertainment, but alsoto develop business andeconomic prosperity.3. Collective effortsto broaden the horizon:the internet enablesthe young generationto connect with theoutside world and findopportunities fornthemselves. Ther aremore things to do tocreate financial valueproportion for all layersof society in Indonesia,therefore everybodyobtains the opportunityto broaden their horizonsand learn about othercultures and becomemore tolerant.4. Empower smallbusiness society:enthusiasm at thistime to establishsmall business needsto be driven further.Telecommunicationoperators should notonly support thismatter by offeringvaluable packages tostart their business,however other serviceproviders such as banks,insurance, law firmsand other consultantsneed to show theironline offerings toascertain that beginnerentrepreneurs haveaffordable range ofproducts at the tips oftheir fingers despitetheir locations.5. More productivesociety: Indonesianyoung generation hashigh interest on jobs,prosperity and selfimprovement. Thereare more things to dothrough promotion andtraining facilities andonline job opportunities.Entrepreneurs in publicand private sectorsmust also consider theinternet to promotejob opportunities inthe future to ascertainthat Indonesian peoplecan work with their fullcapacities with their bestcapabilities.

GALLERYTelkom Achieved Second Position at Indonesia’s Top 100 MostValuable Brand <strong>2014</strong>PT TelekomunikasiIndonesia, Tbk (Telkom)achieved the secondposition in Indonesia’sTop 100 Most ValuableBrand <strong>2014</strong> event held by<strong>Majalah</strong> SWA and BrandFinance at Hotel Shangri-La, Central Jakarta.Telkom also receivedtwo other awards, namely1st Rank In StrongestIndonesia Brands and2nd Rank of The HighestBrand Value Growth Inindonesia. Such awardswere given directly byEditor in chief of SWA,Kemal Gani and ManagingDirector of Brand FinanceAsia Pacific, Samir Dixit,to Director of Enterprise &Business Service Telkom,Muhammad Awaluddin.In such award event,Awaluddin also obtainedan opportunity to beone of the speakers bydelivering a materialon “Leveraging BrandValue in TIMES Industry.”Awaluddin explainedthat at this time Telkomwas on the fifth rank inMatket Capitalizationwith a value of IDR267Trillion and this provedthat Telkom intended toshow good performanceto the public, since brandwas a part of Telkomcorporate reputation.Therefore to form a goodreputation, one of theefforts is by showing goodperformance.“Brand value is one ofimportant factors whichdetermine and supportsustainable companygrowth. To create agood company image wealso need to show ourcompany identities, ourachievement in the formof awards and how wemaintain brand value tobe developed. With goodmanagement a goodcompany image will alsobe created,” explainedAwaluddin.GXL Provides Smart Electricity Meter Services for PLN CustomersPT XL Axiata Tbk (XL)launched Two Way SmartElectricity Meter Service,as an effective solutionfor The State ElectricityCompany (PLN). Thisinnovative solution is asuccess from XL synergywith PT PLN Persero andPT Sistem Mikro ElektronikCerdas Co-Design (SMC).This Smart ElectricityServices are developed toincrease PLN customers’sexperience as well asproviding facilities forcustomers in conductingelectricity token topup. This launching wassigned by the signing ofcooperation by PresidentDirector of XL AxiataHasnul Suhaimi, PresidentDirector of PLN, Nur<strong>Majalah</strong> <strong>ICT</strong>No. 26• July <strong>2014</strong>330

GALLERYPamudji and PresidentDirector of PT SMC,Burhanuddin Razak, inJakarta.Through this cooperation,XL becomes the firsttelecommunicationoperator in Indonesiawhich launched TwoWay Smart ElectricityMeter Service from PLN.President Director of XLhasnul Suhaimi said,” Thiscooperation is one of XLcommitments to providefacilities for customersoptimally. Now customerscan easily top up theirelectricity tokens throughtheir cellular phones. Wehope this cooperation willprovide new experiencefor customers as well asstrengthening XL M2Mbusiness in corporationmarket and strengthen XLto be the first operator inmarketing Smart Electricityservice from PLN.”GCanon Achieved Top Brand for DigitalCamera and CamcorderCanon through PTDatascript as its imagingproduct sole distributorin Indonesia onceagain proved its brandleadership by achievingTOP BRAND Award <strong>2014</strong>in Camcorder Categoriesnamely Digital Camera,the awards for suchtwo categories are theseventh TOP BRANDAward which have beenachieved by Canonconsecutively since2008.“We thank you forcustomers’ trust inCanon brand all thistime therefore for theseventh time Canondigital camera andcamcorder productssucceeded onceagain in achievingTop Brand Award.Canon will continueto present the bestquality products in linewith the technologicaldevelopment andin accordance withcustomers’ needs alongwith the increasing aftersales services,” saidMerry harun – CanonDivision Director ofDatascript.C31 <strong>Majalah</strong> I No. 26• July <strong>2014</strong>T

GADGET REVIEWIndonesia technologyhas taken onestep forward, aftersucceeding in theproduction of cellularphones with thenewest technologicalconnectivity, 4G.Smartphone with Ivobrand is the first 4Ghandphone made inIndonesia and willbe marketed withaffordable prices, onlyapproximately IDR2million.This 4G LTE cellularphone is designed byPT Tata Sarana Mandiri(TSM) and producedby PT Sat NusapersadaTbk. “Compared to 4Gcellular phones fromother brands, there’sno product which costsunder IDR7 million.We offer [products]with price range ofIDR 2 million. This issomething amazing,”said Director of PT TataSarana Mandiri (TSM)Sam Ali.Sam explained 4Gcellular phone pricein the market wasrelatively expensivesince such cellularphone was produced byinternational brands andhad high specifications.For such purpose, Ivotargets local customerswho wish to enjoy 4Gconnection speed withaffordable price.In order to beinexpensive, Ivo admitsthat there are someuneccessary featuredecrease. However,it is certain that suchcellular product ismanufactured with hightechnology productionprocess.This 4G smartphonecan also work on variousIvo4GCellularPhoneLocallyMade<strong>Majalah</strong> <strong>ICT</strong>No. 26• July <strong>2014</strong>332

GADGET REVIEWother LTE frequenciessuch as 1800Mhz, 2300Mhz, 2600Mhz including3G and 2G data frequencytherefore it can operate invarious countries.This cellular phone ispowered by QualcommSnapdragon 400processor with a speed of1.2 GHz, memory of 1 GB,storage room of 8 GB andequipped with camera witha resolution of 8 MP.Meanwhile for cellularfeatures, Ivo uses dualsimcard with the firstsimcard which can be usedfor 4G, 3G and 2G networkand the second sim canonly be used for 2G. Thecellular phone screenis 5 inches with QHDresolution, 960 X 540.the battery capacity is2300 mAh strong enoughto be used to play videostreaming for four hoursnon stop.For component content,30 percent is derived fromlocal component and therest are stil componentsfrom China, US, Taiwan,Korea and Japan.C33 <strong>Majalah</strong> I No. 26• July <strong>2014</strong>TGOVERNMENT SUPPORTDespite the 4Gsmartphone localcomponent has onlyreached 30 percent,Ministry of IndustryMohamad S Hidayat stillsupports such Indonesiamade first 4G smartphonedevelopment to build anduse local component in itsproduction.Moreover, local contentis targeted to increase by60 percent.“We will fully support.I will struggle all theprovisions that may stillenable them to obtainfacilities,” said Hidayat.According to him, theuse of local componentcan be increased instages, therefore Ministerof Industry promises toprovide several incentivesin terms of production andimport.Hidayat added that ifsuch industry began to bestrong, the governmentwould protect the same,since it was believed thatit would reduce cellularphone substitution whichreached 60 million peryear.“We have provided

GADGET REVIEWNow, imported cellular phonesdominate local cellular phone use, butin five years, the government believesthat the condition will reverse. Localcellular phones will be able to controlIndonesian market up to 80%.a target to them. Weprovide incentive,including tax holiday, ifthey also run programs tomake components locally,and they are capable,” hesaid.He added that if thisproduces, cellular phoneimport will decrease.“therefore the localproduction will be givenmany incentives to beable to be stronger,” saidHidayat.Meanwhile DirectorGeneral of Seed Industrieswith High TechnologyBasis of Ministry ofIndustry Budi Darmadibelieves that importedcellular phones at thistime dominate cellularphone use locally, but infive years the conditionwill reverse. Local cellularphone will dominateIndonesian market up to80%.Budi explained thatcellular phone import valuein 2013 reached 62 millionunits, meanwhile cellularphone import value sinceJanuary to June this yearreached 27 million units.With the presence of localcellular phones, Ministry ofIndustry is optimistic thatcellular phone volume canbe pressed to 10 percentthis year and 80 percentin the next five years.“In five years, I predictIndonesian made cellularphones can be up to 80percent in the market,”said Budi Darmadi.He added cellular phoneproduct demand willalways increase eachyear. Even at this timeIndonesia is recorded asthe fourth largest marketfor the world tablet andcellular phone producers.For such purpose, his sidedrives investors to investby establishing cellularphone manufacturers inIndonesia. “If each month500 thousand units areproduced, then one yearsix million units [can beproduced]. That meansthere are almost 10percent from last year’simport volume,” he said.Budi predicted that infive years there wouldbe 10 – 12 local brandedcellular phones and 80to 100 cellular phonecomponent industriestherefore it is predictedthat local cellular phonescan dominate local marketup to 70 – 80 percent,moreover, with thecooperation between PTSat Nusapersada Tbk andPT Tata Sarana Mandiri(TSM) which has launchedtheir newest cellular phonewith the brand Ivo.<strong>Majalah</strong> <strong>ICT</strong>No. 26• July <strong>2014</strong>334

<strong>Majalah</strong> <strong>ICT</strong>Wishes YouHappyIed MubarakPlease forgive us@indoictFor any oversightand mistakes in ourpresentation<strong>Majalah</strong> <strong>ICT</strong>Mengucapkan1435 H

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