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MEssagE FrOM THE INTErIM HEadDear SEDTAPP students, friends, and colleagues:Welcome to <strong>the</strong> spring 2010 edition <strong>of</strong> SEDTAPP News!At Penn State, we believe that engineering education shouldprepare students for <strong>the</strong> competitive, global workplaces <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>future. In this tough economic climate, it is especially importantfor students to graduate with practical engineering experiencethat will enable <strong>the</strong>m to contribute quickly and in a meaningfulway to <strong>the</strong> goals <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir future employers. To this end, weencourage our students to get involved in engineering projects,starting in <strong>the</strong>ir first year and continuing throughout <strong>the</strong>irundergraduate education. Within SEDTAPP and more broadly,within <strong>the</strong> College <strong>of</strong> <strong>Engineering</strong>, <strong>the</strong>re are many opportunitiesfor students to engage in exciting projects that impact ourworld, including those <strong>of</strong>fered through our <strong>Engineering</strong> <strong>Design</strong>,<strong>Engineering</strong> Leadership Development, and <strong>Engineering</strong> Entrepreneurship programs.In <strong>the</strong> <strong>Engineering</strong> <strong>Design</strong> Program, first-year students begin <strong>the</strong>ir engineeringeducation by immersing <strong>the</strong>mselves in a client-driven project, <strong>of</strong>ten sponsored byan industry partner, through <strong>the</strong> EDSGN 100 Introduction to <strong>Engineering</strong> <strong>Design</strong>course. At University Park alone, approximately 1,000 first-year students participateeach year in this engineering design challenge, with <strong>the</strong> best teams from each section<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> course presenting <strong>the</strong>ir design to <strong>the</strong> sponsor and a panel <strong>of</strong> external judges.In two honors sections and one non-honors section <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> course, students workin collaboration with <strong>the</strong>ir peers in Singapore, Spain, and France on internationalindustry projects, which helps <strong>the</strong>m to develop both <strong>the</strong>ir technical skills and <strong>the</strong>irintercultural competence. In <strong>the</strong>ir first-year seminars, as well as through a newsummer abroad program, students have <strong>the</strong> opportunity to learn about and studyengineering in China. Upper-level students in <strong>Engineering</strong> Leadership Developmentcourses engage in multi-national design challenges in countries as far away asHungary and Morocco. Students in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Engineering</strong> and Community Engagementcertificate program are also making a real difference in places like Jamaica, ElSalvador, and Kenya, where applications <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir engineering skills are enhancing <strong>the</strong>lives <strong>of</strong> local people. Through <strong>the</strong> <strong>Engineering</strong> Entrepreneurship program, studentslearn how to channel <strong>the</strong>ir talents to create innovative ventures, products, andservices to compete in <strong>the</strong> global marketplace. A number <strong>of</strong> enterprising Penn Statestudents have already created several successful companies.Through all <strong>the</strong>se engagements, our students, faculty, and staff—in partnershipwith industry and international partners—are at <strong>the</strong> heart <strong>of</strong> curricular innovationin <strong>the</strong> College <strong>of</strong> <strong>Engineering</strong>. We invite you to follow and, more importantly, getinvolved with our efforts to produce world-class engineers who are leaders in designinnovation and entrepreneurship. It is truly our partnerships—and our engagementwith <strong>the</strong>m—that streng<strong>the</strong>n our programs and enrich all that we do.SEDTAPPwww.sEdTaPP.PsU.EdUThe <strong>School</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Engineering</strong> <strong>Design</strong>,<strong>Technology</strong>, and Pr<strong>of</strong>essionalPrograms (SEDTAPP) delivers effectiveengineering education through active,collaborative, project-based, andpr<strong>of</strong>essionally oriented classroomexperiences. SEDTAPP <strong>of</strong>fers a variety<strong>of</strong> programs that partner faculty,students, and industry in <strong>the</strong> study <strong>of</strong>real-life engineering problems. Ourprograms teach students to solvereal-life problems with innovativesolutions. In addition to our first-yearengineering seminars, SEDTAPP<strong>of</strong>fers three key programs at PennState’s University Park campus: <strong>the</strong><strong>Engineering</strong> <strong>Design</strong> Program, <strong>the</strong><strong>Engineering</strong> Entrepreneurship Minor,and <strong>the</strong> <strong>Engineering</strong> LeadershipDevelopment Minor.Publication andContact InformationadMINIsTraTIVE CONTaCTsSven BilénInterim Head, <strong>School</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Engineering</strong> <strong>Design</strong>,<strong>Technology</strong>, and Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Programs814-865-7580 / sbilen@psu.eduMat<strong>the</strong>w ParkinsonDirector, <strong>Engineering</strong> <strong>Design</strong> Program814-863-9079 / parkinson@psu.eduPhilip BoyerInterim Director, <strong>Engineering</strong>Entrepreneurship Program814-863-1550 / pgb10@psu.eduRichard SchuhmannWalter L. Robb Director <strong>of</strong> <strong>Engineering</strong>Leadership Development814-863-9074 / rxs34@psu.eduAndrew LauCoordinator, <strong>Engineering</strong>First-Year Seminars814-863-9075 / andylau@psu.eduEdITOrKatie Cuppett (kec210@engr.psu.edu)wrITErsKatie Cuppett (kec210@engr.psu.edu)Curtis Chan (cxc273@engr.psu.edu)Victoria Currier (vzc1@psu.edu)Kate Khoury30Sven BilénCONTrIBUTOrsPenn State LivePenn State Outreach MagazineLaYOUT aNd dEsIgNPenn State Multimedia & Print Center54 Awards56 Honors <strong>the</strong>ses and certificate recipients57 Partings58 Promotions and newcomers59 Announcements60 Departures2 | SEDTAPP NEwS | SPriNg 2010Penn State is committed to affirmativeaction, equal opportunity, and <strong>the</strong> diversity<strong>of</strong> its workforce. This publication is availablein alternative media on request.U.Ed. ENG 10-80 MPC10577461 <strong>School</strong> directorySPriNg 2010 | SEDTAPP NEwS | 3444<strong>Engineering</strong> <strong>Design</strong>4 Kenya eco-village6 Reflections on humanitarian engineering7 Anaerobic digester project8 International Journal for Service Learning in <strong>Engineering</strong>8 <strong>Engineering</strong> and Community Engagement Certificate9 The China experience11 Nano-Rama12 Center for Research in <strong>Design</strong> and Innovation13 The Devon Era14 New course on “systems design”15 Engineers explore ‘’ignore-osphere’’16 <strong>Engineering</strong> design in Singapore18 In <strong>the</strong> spotlight19 France Industry Tour20 German engineer lecturers on international engineering21 Computer-aided design at Penn State22 Harnessing <strong>the</strong> sun and <strong>the</strong> wind25 <strong>Engineering</strong> <strong>Design</strong> Certificate Program26 Students travel to Frank Lloyd Wright sites27 Solar Decathlon27 Lau contributes to energy code28 Solar Racers28 Zero Energy Homes29 International programs: <strong>Engineering</strong> <strong>Design</strong><strong>Engineering</strong> Entrepreneurship30 Innovating <strong>the</strong> developing world31 Milking <strong>the</strong> Rhino32 Penn State takes third at idea-to-product competition33 E-SHIP students continue collectable magnet business34 E-SHIP student launches business in Silicon Valley35 Entrepreneurship competition35 Class pitches business plans to local bank36 Entrepreneurs bring experience to <strong>the</strong> classroom37 I2V and AI2V workshops held at Penn State38 Gaelen Entrepreneurship Speaker Series40 Live case studies: Rockland Manufacturing41 Faculty, student create iPhone applications42 Alum Spotlight: Jared Mazzant43 International programs: <strong>Engineering</strong> Entrepreneurship<strong>Engineering</strong> Leadership44 Mondialogo: An intercultural dialogue and exchange47 Walter Robb gives $1 million gift to leadership program48 Graduate student spotlight: Dave Vargas49 Undergraduate student spotlight: Caitlin Zankowski50 ELDM sets engineering leadership example for MIT51 International programs: <strong>Engineering</strong> Leadership<strong>School</strong> News52 Lau celebrates 25 years at Penn State53 Grants

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