Kennon Earl and Tom Davila - Top Agent Magazine

Kennon Earl and Tom Davila - Top Agent Magazine

Kennon Earl and Tom Davila - Top Agent Magazine


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<strong>Kennon</strong> <strong>Earl</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Tom</strong> <strong>Davila</strong>

<strong>Kennon</strong> <strong>Earl</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Tom</strong> <strong>Davila</strong>Rare Properties<strong>Kennon</strong> <strong>Earl</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Tom</strong> <strong>Davila</strong> may be two of thebest matched partners in the real estate industry.Personal friends for decades, the two formed abusiness partnership under the Keller Williamsname nearly four years ago, combining talents<strong>and</strong> skills they acquired individually outside ofthe real estate realm.<strong>Kennon</strong>, for instance, who grew up surroundedby family members who were successful realestate sales professionals as well as developers,paved his own way in the marketing field holdingpositions in the entertainment <strong>and</strong> fashionindustries for such big names as TwentiethCentury Fox, Giorgio Armani, Barneys New York<strong>and</strong> Guess.“Because of the nature of the [real estate] businessbeing so up <strong>and</strong> down, I wanted a normal paycheck.I wanted a somewhat normal life,” he says.Meanwhile, <strong>Tom</strong>, whose fondest childhoodmemories consist of looking at homes with hismom <strong>and</strong> designing <strong>and</strong> fixing up his family’sresidences, went into the film production businesswhere he ended up as president of Warner Bros.Copyright <strong>Top</strong> <strong>Agent</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>

From left to right: Nancie Richards, Chad Crawford, Hanene Nicoletti,Victoria Romeyn, Amy Byer, Denise Rosner, <strong>Kennon</strong> <strong>Earl</strong>, <strong>Tom</strong> <strong>Davila</strong>, Sophie McLean.“We try to make the process asseamless as possible for our clients.”signature visual effects studio working on cuttingedgetechnology seen in such blockbusters likeThe Matrix sequels.Funnily enough, during this time both <strong>Kennon</strong><strong>and</strong> <strong>Tom</strong> couldn’t fully escape their real estateroots as they each bought <strong>and</strong> flipped severalhomes <strong>and</strong> investment properties on the side.Sometimes they would even flip homes togetherin <strong>Tom</strong>’s favorite getaway, Palm Springs.Thus, when <strong>Kennon</strong>’s entire division at Fox waseliminated, he couldn’t ignore it was a sign to starthis own real estate career. A few years later, <strong>Tom</strong>,who was fed up with unhinged film producers <strong>and</strong>was looking for a new challenge, joined <strong>Kennon</strong>.“Our strengths complement each other <strong>and</strong> wereally respect one another,” <strong>Kennon</strong> says. “Ihonestly think it’s the best partnership. We’venever had one argument or disagreement.”The two became equal partners in Rare Properties,a br<strong>and</strong> <strong>Kennon</strong> developed about eight years agothat truly speaks to their belief that every propertyhas a rare <strong>and</strong> unique quality to it. They also feelCopyright <strong>Top</strong> <strong>Agent</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>

“Our strengths complement eachother <strong>and</strong> we really respect oneanother. I honestly think it’s thebest partnership. We’ve never hadone argument or disagreement.”the two have created a team consisting of somenew agents who they have mentored as well assome very experienced real estate pros. Thisallows them to be very well versed on more thanjust the Los Angeles market but on areasstretching from Silver Lake to Malibu <strong>and</strong> into thevalley. They’ve even recently broadened theirreach into Palm Springs.they offer a rare <strong>and</strong> different way of representingtheir clients <strong>and</strong> marketing their properties.From their influence on the web to their divingheadfirst into every aspect of social media,<strong>Kennon</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Tom</strong> offer abundant resources whichultimately results in a multitude of referrals frompast, satisfied clients. Their reputation has grownso much that HGTV came calling. In fact, <strong>Kennon</strong>will be featured on “Selling Los Angeles,” a newshow set to start this fall.In addition to their incredible marketing efforts,The goal is to be as full service as possible <strong>and</strong> agrowing team allows them to do that. “We try tomake the process as seamless as possible for ourclients,” says <strong>Tom</strong>. “That’s what makes us specialto our clients,” adds <strong>Kennon</strong>. “We try to anticipatewhat they are going to need whether they aremoving in or moving out.”This approach has earned the team a consistent topspot in its Keller Williams’ office, plus the teamwas number one in 2010 for gross commissionincome <strong>and</strong> units sold. “We never say no; wealways say yes,” says <strong>Kennon</strong>. “We have thepersonnel to be able to do that.”To learn more about <strong>Kennon</strong> <strong>Earl</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Tom</strong> <strong>Davila</strong>,please call (310) 432-6492 or send an email toinfo@rarepropertiesinc.com. You can also visitwww.rarepropertiesinc.com.Copyright <strong>Top</strong> <strong>Agent</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>

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