introducing the MotoroLA SoLutionS PArtnereMPoWer™ ProgrAM

introducing the MotoroLA SoLutionS PArtnereMPoWer™ ProgrAM

introducing the MotoroLA SoLutionS PArtnereMPoWer™ ProgrAM


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<strong>introducing</strong><strong>the</strong> MOTOROLASOLUTIONSPARTNEREMPOWER PROGRAMTransition Overview for Channel PartnersAsia Pacific

Dear Valued Channel Partner:At Motorola Solutions, we recognise how incredibly important our channel partners are to our success.That is why we are so pleased to be <strong>introducing</strong> <strong>the</strong> new Motorola Solutions PartnerEmpower Program(“PartnerEmpower”). A unified program which is designed to encompass all of Motorola Solutions’partners around <strong>the</strong> world as our channel ecosystem evolves. PartnerEmpower delivers new and improvedways for you to generate revenue through your partnership with Motorola Solutions.Building on <strong>the</strong> strengths of our existing programs, PartnerEmpower is designed to help us go to marketwith your company even more successfully. The PartnerEmpower program structure is value-based,recognising your overall competency and commitment to Motorola Solutions and our mutual customers,while providing you with a solid framework to achieve significant value from our partnership. Learn howPartnerEmpower can:• Help your company differentiate itself in <strong>the</strong> marketplace• Recognise your company’s total value to customers• Reward your company for investments made in developing expertise• Enable your company to drive new levels of growth and profitabilityOur PartnerEmpower implementation in Asia Pacific will move forward with <strong>the</strong> official launch in mid 2012.We are ensuring your smooth transition into PartnerEmpower, so that you can stay focused on your keybusiness objectives. Please feel free to contact your Channel Account Manager for more information about<strong>the</strong> transition process or any aspect of PartnerEmpower program.We deeply appreciate your dedication and support, and are excited about <strong>the</strong> new opportunities thatPartnerEmpower has to offer you. We believe <strong>the</strong> program offers a fantastic path to greater successfor all!Regards,Paul BlinkhornVice President, Asia Pacific Channels

BrochurePartnerEmpower transitionTHE PARTNEREMPOWERDIFFERENCEDriven by four key objectives, PartnerEmpower enables you to sell, market andsupport your customers more effectively—and in turn, build your mobility andcommunication business.GROWTHDriving growth and profitability• A comprehensive set of benefits supportsyou throughout <strong>the</strong> sales cycle, increases <strong>the</strong>effectiveness of your marketing and enhances yourcustomer support.• Our focus on your success drives <strong>the</strong> creationof benefits, promotions and initiatives designed toimprove your profitability.• Collaboration among PartnerEmpowermembers facilitates <strong>the</strong> development and deliveryof end-to-end solutions that meet customer demand.DIFFERENTIATIONHelping you stand apart in<strong>the</strong> marketplace• Your partnership with Motorola Solutions, youraccreditation in PartnerEmpower and yourspecialisations help you to differentiate from yourcompetition, take advantage of new opportunitiesand make strategic connections with o<strong>the</strong>rPartnerEmpower members.• Motorola Solutions’ legacy of innovation,quality and product leadership streng<strong>the</strong>n yourvalue proposition to your customers.expertiseRewarding expertise andspecialiSationvalueProviding a return on investment(roi)• A special tier of benefits recognises your expertiseand investments in key technologies and markets,as well as your contributions as a member of aspecialised community such as Solution Partners.• World-class training and certification provideyour sales and technical teams with <strong>the</strong> additionalskills to address customer requirements and providesupport increasingly complex solutions.• PartnerEmpower rewards you for investing inyour partnership with Motorola Solutions.• PartnerEmpower’s benefits and channelfocusedresources are designed to help yougenerate revenue, accelerate sales and go to marketmore effectively.• Selective product access protects yourinvestment in your Motorola Solutions partnershipand ensures customer satisfaction, as only qualifiedPartnerEmpower members can access <strong>the</strong> vastmajority of Motorola Solutions offerings.PAGE 3

BrochurePartnerEmpower transitionTHE RIGHT PROGRAMFOR EVERY CHANNELPARTNERThe Motorola Solutions channel ecosystem comprises a wide array of companies,each with a different go-to-market strategy and each focusing on a different subsetof Motorola Solutions products. The structure of PartnerEmpower enables MotorolaSolutions to successfully team with <strong>the</strong>se diverse companies in bringing innovative,market-leading solutions to customers. Your participation in PartnerEmpower is based on:YOUR COMMUNITYTo best meet your needs, Motorola Solutions categoriseschannel partners by community, based on <strong>the</strong> businessmodel. The community you belong reflects <strong>the</strong> scopeof your offerings and <strong>the</strong> way you interact with yourcustomers.Communities and PartnerEmpowerTransition:• APAC is implementing PartnerEmpower only forchannel partners in <strong>the</strong> selected communitiesdetailed below. O<strong>the</strong>r communities will be launchedat a later date.• Your company will be assigned to one of <strong>the</strong>secommunities based on your existing MotorolaSolutions business.Channel Partner CommunitiesCommunities to be rolled out in 2012:• Value-Added Reseller (VAR)• Application Partner (launching later in 2012)• Solution Partner (Mobile Solutions)• eTailer• DealerTHE TECHNOLOGIES YOU FOCUS ONMotorola Solutions recognises <strong>the</strong> unique expertiseof channel partners by offering many differenttechnology areas within PartnerEmpower. Based on yourmembership in a certain community, you can participatein one or more of <strong>the</strong>se technology areas. Participation ina technology area provides you with access to productsin that technology portfolio 1 .Technologies andPartnerEmpower Transition:• APAC is implementing PartnerEmpower in alltechnology areas• Your company will be assigned to one or more of<strong>the</strong>se technology areas based on your existingMotorola Solutions business.1Eligibility for access to individual products is basedon product classPartnerEmpower Technology AreasTechnology areas to be rolled out in 2012:• Advanced Data Capture• Mobile Computing• RFID• Business Radios• MOTOTRBO Systems• Professional and Commercial Radios• P25 Systems (Australia & New Zealand only)• Tetra Systems (Australia & New Zealand only)• Converged Communication• Wireless Local Area Networks• Wireless Outdoor Networks• Wireless SecurityPAGE 4

BrochurePartnerEmpower transitionPARTNEREMPOWER PROGRAM LEVELS: REWARDING YOUR SUCCESSOne of our key priorities is rewarding you for <strong>the</strong> success of your partnership with MotorolaSolutions. That is why at <strong>the</strong> core of PartnerEmpower is our tiered set of program levels:Authorised, Silver, Gold and Platinum. Your company’s accreditation reflects yourtotal achievements as a PartnerEmpower member and your total value tocustomers, whe<strong>the</strong>r you participate in one community and technology area or several.authoriSedsilvercommitment,contributioncustomersatisfactionincrementalbenefitscore benefitsgoldcommitment,contributioncustomersatisfactionincrementalbenefitsAccess To Products Within Specified Technologyplatinumcommitment,contributioncustomersatisfactionincrementalbenefitsbenefits criteriaDetermining Your Program Level{• At <strong>the</strong> baseline program level, Authorisedmembers must meet basic criteria.{accessing PartnerEmpowerprogram benefits• To achieve Silver, Gold or Platinum status, channelpartners must also meet increasingly higher programcriteria in <strong>the</strong> areas of Commitment, Contribution andCustomer Satisfaction (upcoming criteria).• All channel partners receive access to <strong>the</strong> same setof core program benefits.• Channel partners at <strong>the</strong> Silver, Gold or Platinumlevel gain access to an exclusive set of additionalbenefits that reward channel partners for <strong>the</strong>irinvestment in <strong>the</strong>ir Motorola Solutions partnershipYour PartnerEmpower program level is much more than just a label, it is a strategic tool for streng<strong>the</strong>ning yourstanding in <strong>the</strong> marketplace and for leveraging Motorola Solutions’ resources to enable fur<strong>the</strong>r business growth. YourPartnerEmpower program level enables you to:• Gain access to a special tier of high-value benefits• Stand apart from o<strong>the</strong>r PartnerEmpower members• Showcase your relationship with Motorola and in turn, win <strong>the</strong> confidence of your customersProgram Levels and PartnerEmpower Transition:• Your company will be assigned to a specific program level based on <strong>the</strong> scope of your Motorola Solutionsbusiness and previous contribution to revenue.• Your company will have until 31st December, 2012 to meet <strong>the</strong> criteria of <strong>the</strong> program level to which youwere assigned. If you exceed <strong>the</strong> criteria of that level, you may move to a higher program level, if you desire.PAGE 5

BrochurePartnerEmpower transitionPARTNEREMPOWER PROGRAM LEVEL CRITERIAYour PartnerEmpower program level is based on your accomplishments in three areasthat represent a company’s success as a Motorola Solutions channel partner and itsvalue to customers:criteria authoriSed silver gold platinumcommitmentChannel Partner CompetencyDemonstrating sales andtechnical expertise by achievingPartnerEmpower specialisations# Specialisations # Specialisations # SpecialisationsCONTRIBUTIONAnnual Revenue/ThresholdAttaining annual targets forMotorola Solutions revenuegeneration$ Amount $ Amount $ Amount $ AmountCUSTOMERSATISFACTIONCustomer SatisfactionSurveys (upcoming criteria)Obtaining feedback oncustomer satisfaction# SurveysCompleted# SurveysCompleted# SurveysCompletedPARTNEREMPOWER REQUIREMENTSBesides meeting <strong>the</strong> criteria that determine your company’s PartnerEmpower program level, all channel partnersmust also adhere to a core set of PartnerEmpower requirements on an ongoing basis. Similar to <strong>the</strong> existing MotorolaSolutions channel programs, <strong>the</strong>se requirements include up-to-date channel partner profile, sales-out reporting, Level Ihelp desk support, etc. These requirements will be detailed in <strong>the</strong> applicable PartnerEmpower program guide.PAGE 6

BrochurePartnerEmpower transitionBENEFITS: FOCUSED ON GROWTHFrom business planning support to product training, PartnerEmpower provides youwith a wide array of helpful resources. Many benefits are tiered, with accessgranted only to channel partners at <strong>the</strong> Silver, Gold and/or Platinum levels. Thisapproach rewards you for investing in your partnership with Motorola Solutions andbuilding your expertise.You will recognise <strong>the</strong> many benefits that have been carried over from <strong>the</strong> Motorola Solutions channel program in whichyou are currently participating. You will also notice some new and enhanced benefits that will help you market, sell andserve your customers more effectively. The following is a preview of just a few of <strong>the</strong> PartnerEmpower benefits:New andenhancedbenefits tohelp youmarket, selland serve yourcustomers.SELECT BENEFITSAVAILABLE TOALL CHANNELPARTNERSYou will soon receive aPartnerEmpower programguide that will includedetails on all benefits.Please note that availabilitymay differ by community ortechnology.PromotionsChannel PartnerPortalBusiness andMarketing FundsPartner LocatorCustomiSableMarketing MaterialsPre-Sale/Post-Sale TechnicalEnablement SupportGo to market more competitively, motivate your sales team and incentivisecustomers.Access <strong>the</strong> important information and tools you need. Your password-protectedonline channel partner portal features sales tools, product information,communications archives, and details on upcoming events, all in oneconvenient location.Market your offerings more successfully with <strong>the</strong> help of joint marketingsupport.Increase visibility of your company to customers, <strong>the</strong> Motorola Solutions salesteam, o<strong>the</strong>r channel partners and distributors.Create customised Motorola Solutions-developed marketing materials with aneasy-to-use, web-based tool.Gain a technical edge. Channel partners can improve deal success by leveraging<strong>the</strong> expertise of <strong>the</strong> Motorola Solutions technical team during <strong>the</strong> pre-sale andpost-sale process.SELECT BENEFITSAVAILABLE TOSILVER, GOLD AND/OR PLATINUMPARTNERSThe upcomingPartnerEmpower programguide will include details onall benefits and availabilityby program level.Empower CircleDemo EquipmentDiscountsJoin Motorola Solutions’ most successful channel partners in an all-expensespaidannual trip recognising revenue attainment, growth or o<strong>the</strong>r sales goals.Cut your demonstration costs through <strong>the</strong> purchase of Motorola Solutionsproducts at a discount.PAGE 7

BrochurePartnerEmpower transitionSPECIALISATION: RECOGNISING COMPETENCY, INCREASING YOUR BENEFITSCustomers value your company’s expertise. They want to work with a company thatbrings intimate knowledge of a technology, that understands <strong>the</strong> complexities of <strong>the</strong>irindustry, and that provides a comprehensive solution. Motorola Solutions recognisesthis expertise through PartnerEmpower’s Technology Specialisations, ApplicationSpecialisations (Launching later in 2012) and Market Specialisations (Launching laterin 2012).Rewarding your company for <strong>the</strong> investments made in developing expertise in a specific technology, application area ormarket, specialisations are one of <strong>the</strong> key components of PartnerEmpower because <strong>the</strong>y:• Enable you to move to a higher program level (Silver, Gold, Platinum)• Provide access to an exclusive set of additional marketing, sales and technical benefits• Help you build credibility and establish differentiation by promoting your specialisation• Increase return on your investment in your relationship with Motorola SolutionsSpecialiSation and PartnerEmpower Transition:• Your company will be assigned to certain specialisation(s) based on your current Motorola Solutions businessfor each technology area.• Your company will have until 31st December, 2012 to meet <strong>the</strong> criteria of <strong>the</strong> specialisation to which you weremapped. If you do not meet <strong>the</strong> criteria, your program level within PartnerEmpower may change.technologyspecialiSationsAvailable to:Value-Added ResellersSolution Partners (Mobile Solutions)eTailersDealersChannel partners that resell Motorola Solutions products can attain a TechnologySpecialisation in <strong>the</strong> technology area(s) in which <strong>the</strong>y are participating. To achievea specialisation, a company must meet criteria that may include sales and technicalcompetency and sales expectations.These specialisations provide your company with incremental benefits designed tohelp you drive sales success.Levels:SpecialistElite SpecialistAPPLICATIONspecialiSations(Launching Later in 2012)Available to:Application DevelopersSolution PartnersChannel partners that develop applications can attain an Application Specialisationin <strong>the</strong> technology area(s) in which <strong>the</strong>y are participating. Criteria may include sales/influence expectations, competency, and applications that have achieved MotorolaSolutions Compatible or Motorola Solutions Validated status.By achieving an Application Specialisation, your company gains access to benefitsdesigned to help streamline and improve <strong>the</strong> application development process.Levels:SpecialistElite SpecialistmarketspecialiSations(Launching Later in 2012)Available to:All channel partnersMarket Specialisations recognize expertise in a particular industry that iscritical to Motorola Solutions’ business strategy, such as retail, warehousing,and government. Criteria may include certain business practices and/ordemonstrated prior success in selling to this market.Levels:SpecialistPAGE 8

BrochurePartnerEmpower transitionPARTNEREMPOWER TRANSITION PROCESSAs Motorola Solutions prepares to launch PartnerEmpower in 2012, one of ourkey priorities is a seamless transition for you. We help you stay focused on <strong>the</strong>opportunities at hand and feel confident that <strong>the</strong> move into PartnerEmpower will notdisrupt your business. While exact transition details are still being fine-tuned, <strong>the</strong>summary below will provide you with an overview of <strong>the</strong> upcoming transition process.TRANSITION HIGHLIGHTSTRANSITIONIn April 2012, you will receive an email outlining <strong>the</strong>few simple steps you need to take to transition intoPartnerEmpower. You must complete <strong>the</strong> following stepsby 1st June 2012:• Update your company’s online Partner Profile• Resellers that purchase through distribution: Reviewand accept <strong>the</strong> online Master Terms and Conditionsfor PartnerEmpower• Resellers that purchase directly from MotorolaSolutions: Review, sign and return your new contractfor PartnerEmpower SpecialisationsBy 31st December 2012, your company will have to meet<strong>the</strong> criteria of <strong>the</strong> program level and specialisations towhich you were assigned. During this timeframe, you willhave <strong>the</strong> opportunity to move up to a higher level within<strong>the</strong> program by meeting <strong>the</strong> necessary criteria.Please note: If your company does not meet <strong>the</strong> assignedlevel criteria, you will not be placed into PartnerEmpowerand you will not retain your status as a Motorola Solutionschannel partner after <strong>the</strong> end date of your existing channelprogram. (However, if you are a Mobile Solutions reseller,your company will still be able to resell Class 1 products andis welcome to apply to <strong>the</strong> program in <strong>the</strong> future.)LAUNCHMotorola Solutions will assign your company status inPartnerEmpower based on your achievements for 2011Motorola business and existing training/certification.By mid 2012, you will receive a communication with yourprogram designation in <strong>the</strong> following areas:• Program Level• Community• Technology (or multiple technologies, ifappropriate)• SpecialisationsThe PartnerEmpowerProgram will officiallylaunch on 4TH June,2012.PAGE 9

FOR MOREINFORMATIONOver <strong>the</strong> coming months, you will receive more details on <strong>the</strong> transition processand timeline. If you have any questions regarding <strong>the</strong> program, please feel free tocontact your Channel Account Manager or <strong>the</strong> regional Partner Interaction Centerat pic.apac@motorolasolutions.com or visithttp://www.motorolasolutions.com/ap/partnerempower to learn more.MOTOROLA, MOTO, MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS and <strong>the</strong> Stylized M Logo are trademarks or registeredtrademarks of Motorola Trademark Holdings, LLC and are used under license. All o<strong>the</strong>r trademarks are<strong>the</strong> property of <strong>the</strong>ir respective owners. ©2012 Motorola Solutions. All rights reserved.

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