Competition Guide - Orange County Fair

Competition Guide - Orange County Fair Competition Guide - Orange County Fair

DIVISION DESCRIPTIONDivision 269 Crafts – Any media.Division 270 Drawing – Any media.Division 271 CollageDivision 272 Painting – Any media. Framed exhibits must be wired or equipped forhanging. No wet paint.Division 273 Sculpture – Any mediaDivision 274 Masks – They must be equipped for hanging.Division 275 Pottery & Ceramics – No unfired clay.Division 276 LEGO – Must be youth’s original, unique design. No kits.Division 277 Graphics – Non-computer.Division 278 Mixed Techniques – A combination of three or more types of material ortwo or more techniques. Not collage.Division 279 Woodworking – Any wood project made under the supervision of a teacheror leader. Projects from kits are not acceptable.Division 280 Creative Writing – Exhibits must be clearly written or typed with doublespacing. Illustrations may be included.Division 281 Science Projects –Judges are looking for science fair projects, inventions,experiments, charts, etc. Label all parts inconspicuously with theexhibitor’s name. Projects must be self-standing for display. Youth Expowill not be responsible for live plants or small objects on projects. No videoentries will be accepted.Division 282 Social Studies – Judges are looking for charts, displays, dioramas, reliefmaps, etc. Label all parts inconspicuously with the exhibitor’s name.Projects must be self-standing for display. No video entries will be accepted.Division 283 Computer Technology - Individual – Project generated on a computer.Clearly label the CD with program used - (A) Web pages, (B) Power-Pointpresentations, (C) Music, (D) Movies,(E) Video games.Division 284 Color Photography – Using film process and printed by students. Anysubject. *Division 285 Black & White Photography – Using film process and printed by students.Any subject. *Division 286 Color Photography – Using a digital camera. Any subject. *Division 287 Black & White Photography – Using a digital camera. Any subject. *Division 288 Special Effect Photography – Using software to alter an image. Anysubject. ** Prints must beDivision 289 Other Projects – Any projects not offered inmounted. No glassany other division. No kits accepted.frames.Division 290 Group Projects – Any subject.• A Group is 3 or more youth.• All group projects are entered under teacher, leader or parent name.Do not enter Groups as individuals.• Attach a list of each youth who participated in the project.• Limit of one project per group.5

Special Group Projects <strong>Competition</strong>Division 291 – Division 298• Special Group Projects are for groups of three or more youth. Please attach a list ofeach youth participating (excluding Yearbooks and Publications) to the entry.• Group entries must be in the name of the Instructor, Group Leader or Parent.• All parts of the project are to be planned, designed and assembled by the youth.Advisors may supervise only. Projects must be created during the 12-month periodprior to Youth Expo 2011.• Each project must have Display Tag and ID Tag.Entry Limit• Each Group is limited to one entry per division.Awards• American Judging System evaluates exhibits against one another and presents one 1 st ,2 nd and 3 rd Place award per division. Judges may select one Division Winner per levelin each division. For a Division Winner award to be given, the division must contain aminimum of 3 entries to provide an adequate judging pool. The Division Winner musthave received a 1 st Place ranking.1 st Place: $50 2 nd Place: $35 3 rd Place: $25Division Winners will receive a trophy in addition to their 1 st Place cash award.Required Entry Form• Please submit the Special Group Project Entry Form with a list of each youthparticipating (excluding Yearbooks and Publications), to the project. The entry form isavailable at or on Page 10.• Deadline: By 11:30 p.m. on March 21, 2011.• Return by mail to Youth Expo Program Office, OC <strong>Fair</strong> & Event Center, 88 <strong>Fair</strong> Dr.,Costa Mesa, CA 92626.• Or e-mail at• Or fax to (714) 708-1876.86

DIVISION DESCRIPTIONDivision 291Division 292Division 293Division 294Division 295Division 296Division 297Division 298Banners – Banners must be 4 foot by 4 foot and capable of being hung.The use of grommets is recommended. No paper banners will beaccepted.Floats – Floats must be no smaller than a shoebox and no larger thanthe top of a school desk. Create a parade with a minimum of three (3)individual youth’s floats or one Group float.Quilts – Fabric quilts will only be accepted; no paper quilts. Size ofdisplay must not exceed 6 feet wide by 8 feet tall. Minimum size of3 feet wide by 5 feet tall.Scarecrow - Scarecrows will be displayed during Youth Expo as well asduring the 2011 OC <strong>Fair</strong>, July 15-August 14. All scarecrows must beself-standing. Nothing may be removed from the scarecrow afterjudging. All scarecrows will become the property of the OC <strong>Fair</strong> & EventCenter. Division-winning group will receive admission tickets to the 2011OC <strong>Fair</strong>. In addition, all group entering a scarecrow will be entered in aspecial drawing for admission tickets to the 2011 OC <strong>Fair</strong>.Wall Mural/Panel - Wall Murals/Panel size must be maximum 8 foot by4 foot, minimum 6 foot by 3 foot. NO WOOD.Yearbooks – Yearbook projects must have been published anddistributed for the 2009 – 2010 school year.Publications – Newspaper projects must be the latest published anddistributed before entries are delivered to the Youth Expo office.Computer Technology - Group – Project generated on a computer.Clearly label the CD with program used - (A) Web pages, (B) PowerPoint presentations, (C) Music, (D) Movies, (E) Video games.7

April 8*-10Are your kids “barn to be wild”?Herd them over to The Youth Expo Experience2011!o Pet baby chickso See live bugs and critterso Gayle Webb Sports Showo Petting zoo, too!April 8*- 10, 2011Admission: FREEParking: $5***Friday Field Trip Day is April 8. Teachers, bring your students for anamazing farm and garden adventure.**Buses and cars park free on Friday, April 8.Parents and Scout Leaders: Find fun hands-on activities for all ages.Your best entertainment event for Spring Break!Visit for detailsand event schedule.OC <strong>Fair</strong> & Event • 714.708.1500

Required Display and ID TagsEach project must have a Display Tag and an ID Tag securely attached.Downloadable and printable Display Tag and ID Tag are available online or photocopy the tags below.1. DISPLAY TAG: staple to the bottom right corner of the project.2. ID TAG: attach by gluing to the back center of each project.FULLY COMPLETE DISPLAY TAG AND ID TAG FOR EACH ENTRY.DISPLAY TAG_______________________________Exhibitor Name______________ ________________Level Division #__________________________________Teacher, Leader or Parent Name__________________________________School Name & City or Home City__________________________________Youth Organization Name & City← ← ------- C u t ------- → →ID TAG____________________________________School Name or Name of Organization____________________________________Teacher/Leader/Parent Phone #____________________________________Teacher/Leader/Parent E-mail-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FULLY COMPLETE DISPLAY TAG AND ID TAG FOR EACH ENTRY.DISPLAY TAG_______________________________Exhibitor Name______________ ________________Level Division #__________________________________Teacher, Parent or Leader Name__________________________________School Name & City or Home City__________________________________Youth Organization Name & City← ← ------- C u t ------- →ID TAG____________________________________School Name or Name of Organization____________________________________Teacher/Leader/Parent Phone #____________________________________Teacher/Leader/Parent E-mail9

SPECIAL GROUP PROJECTS ENTRY FORMDivisions 291 - 298YOUTH EXPO 2011• “Group” consists of three or more youth.• Each Group is limited to one entry per Division.• A list of participating youth must accompany the entry form.PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY. All fields are required.• Use Teacher, Leader, or Parent Name.LAST NAME _____________________________________FIRST NAME _____________________________________Youth Level (e.g. Level B) _______________School or Youth Organization Name (if applicable) ______________________________School, Organization, or Home Address ______________________________________City, State, Zip_________________________________________________________Phone # ___________________________________Email _________________________________________DIVISION #I verify the entered project meets the requirements set forth in the OC <strong>Fair</strong> Youth Expo rules:____________________________________Instructor/Leader/Parent SignatureRETURN ENTRY FORM TO:OC FAIR & EVENT CENTER, EXHIBIT DEPARTMENT88 FAIR DRIVECOSTA MESA CA 92626 (714) 708-1553ENTRY FORMS DUE MARCH 21, 2011DON’T FORGET: Attach a “ID Tag” & a “Display Tag” to each project.10

Lil’ Sprouts Farm & Garden <strong>Competition</strong>• Open to preschool - 12th grade students, youth groups and clubs only; no pre-registrationrequired. Lil’ Sprouts Farm & Garden <strong>Competition</strong> is judged Danish Style with each entryreceiving a ribbon. Entries will be accepted Friday, April 8, 2011, at Centennial Farm from 8a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Only one entry per person per class.• All entries must be grown by the entrant. No purchased fruit, vegetables or flowers will beallowed. Entries may be displayed in baskets or other containers. Youth Expo is notresponsible for lost or damaged containers.• Entries not claimed by 3:30 p.m. on Monday, April 11, will be discarded.FRUITSDIVISION 6601Class 01 CitrusClass 02 MelonsClass 03 BerriesClass 04 TomatoesClass 05 OtherVEGETABLESDIVISION 6602Class 01 BroccoliClass 02 BeansClass 03 CucumbersClass 04 RadishesClass 05 OtherFLOWERSDIVISION 6603Class 01 DaisiesClass 02 PansiesClass 03 MarigoldsClass 04 SunflowersClass 05 Other11

GIRLtopia“Toward an Ideal World for Girls”Create It! Art Showcase for Girl Scout SeniorsThe GIRLtopia “Toward an Ideal World for Girls” Create It! Art Showcase presents an opportunity for girlsto share their vision of an ideal world for girls by showcasing their art projects in a gallery setting in theexhibit building at Youth Expo. The GIRLtopia Create It! Art showcase will be displayed during YouthExpo from April 8-10, 2011, at the OC <strong>Fair</strong> & Event Center, Costa Mesa.What is the GIRLtopia Create It! Art Showcase?Girl Scout Seniors, girls in grades 9-10, and are invited to envision a perfect world – a utopia – for girls. Aspart of the Girl Scout GIRLtopia leadership journey girls have an opportunity to create a GIRLtopia artproject (in any medium, and as an individual or team effort) that represents their unique vision for GIRLtopia– a perfect world for girls - and then share it. Girls might choose to make a poster, build a sculpture, make adrawing, write a story or play, a poem, a song or a rap, paint a picture, or create a sketch, film, or video torepresent their unique vision for GIRLtopia - an ideal world for girls. This is not an art competition, but anopportunity for girls to share their vision through art with others. The exhibit will be a showcase of creativevisions for GIRLtopia which focus on girl-led projects, cooperative learning, and learning by doing.Participation ribbons will be presented to all participants.Who can participate in GIRLtopia Create It! Art Showcase?All Girl Scout Seniors, girls in grades 9-10, are encouraged to share their vision through the GIRLtopiaCreate It! Art Showcase by submitting their art project for the exhibit. Girls who are not registered GirlScouts but would like to participate may visit or contact the Girl Scout Council of <strong>Orange</strong><strong>County</strong> at (949) 461-8800 for information on how to become a member and to purchase the GIRLtopiajourney book. This unique opportunity is also available to any Girl Scout currently in grades 11-12 whohave completed the GIRLtopia art project in the past year.Why participate in GIRLtopia Create It! Art Showcase?By participating in the GIRLtopia Create It! Art Showcase, Girl Scout Seniors will not only have anopportunity to share their creative vision for GIRLtopia, they will also complete one of the three steps towardthe Girl Scout Senior Visionary Award as described in “GIRLtopia: It’s Your World, Change It – ALeadership Journey.” The Visionary Award may be earned as part of the GIRLtopia leadership journey forGirl Scout Seniors, girls in grades 9-10. As part of the new guidelines for earning the Girl Scout GoldAward, the highest award a girl may earn in Girl Scouting, girls are required to complete two leadershipjourneys.How to Enter- Send us an email reservation- so we know you will beparticipating. Give us your name and phone number, the size of your artwork and if it hangs or sits on atable. In the subject line write- GIRLtopia. Please email on or before March 21, 2011.Prepare your project- Art should be mounted or framed (no glass please) and properly wired or equippedfor hanging. All artwork is required to have a display tag and ID tag, see Page 9.Project Delivery- Deliver your artwork to the OC <strong>Fair</strong> & Event Center Projects Building #12on Wednesday, March 30, 2011, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Directional signs will be posted.Pick-up- All projects on Monday, April 11, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.12

Youth Expo 2011 Bus PassApplication Deadline: March 15, 2011The OC <strong>Fair</strong> & Event Center is joining together with <strong>Orange</strong> <strong>County</strong> businesses andcommunity partners to offer elementary schools an opportunity to receive bustransportation to Youth Expo on Friday, April 8, 2011. Buses are limited. Applicationsare accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.Complete and return the Bus Pass form below. The cost of the bus will be covered up to$250. This program is limited to one bus pass per school to allow more schools toparticipate.Each educator will need to schedule a bus for April 8, 2011, with his or her districttransportation department. Please have that department send the bill to Youth Expo BusPass Program, OC <strong>Fair</strong> & Event Center, 88 <strong>Fair</strong> Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626, Attn: ChrisGunst.For more information contact Chris Gunst at (714)-708-1553.Youth Expo 2011 Bus Pass ProgramSchool NameAddress City ZipTeacherContact PhoneMail completed form to:Youth Expo Bus Pass ProgramOC <strong>Fair</strong> & Event Center88 <strong>Fair</strong> DriveCosta Mesa, CA 92626Attn: Chris Gunst13

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