Activity: Meritocracy - NIUSI Leadscape

Activity: Meritocracy - NIUSI Leadscape

Activity: Meritocracy - NIUSI Leadscape


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AgendaOverview…………………………………………………………………………….10 minutesLecturette: What is Cultural Responsiveness? ………………………………………..10 minutes<strong>Activity</strong>: Ground Rules ……………………………………………………………...15 minutes<strong>Activity</strong>: <strong>Meritocracy</strong> or Invisibility of Privilege ……………………………………..30 minutesLecturette: Social Power, Privilege, and Institutional Racism ………………………..20 minutes<strong>Activity</strong>: Letter from Kai James ……………………………………………………...20 minutesBreak ………………………………………………………………………………..10 minutesLecturette: Power and Privilege in School……………………………………………15 minutes<strong>Activity</strong>: Bridging the Culture Gap ………………………………………………….30 minutesThings to Remember …………………………………………………………………5 minutesOutcomes Review ……………………………………………………………………10 minutesTotal …………………………………………………………………………………..2:50

What is Cultural Responsiveness?


Digging Deeper and Taking ActionEach person is culturally unique

<strong>Activity</strong>: Ground RulesMaterials:Time limit:Part 1:Part 2:Chart paper; markers; tape10 minutesSmall Group Dialog.What would it take to feel safe when talking, sharing, andparticipating in the academy? (5 minutes)Setting Ground Rules.As a whole group, share suggestions from the small groupactivity and summarize them into three to five groundrules for the academy. (5 minutes)

<strong>Activity</strong>: Ground RulesPart 1:Small Group Dialog.What would it take to feel safe when talking, sharing,and participating in the academy?Include in your dialogue how a safe, culturallyresponsive, and interactive learning environment canbe created through body language, words andlanguage, physical arrangement, and instructionaldesign.5 Minutes

<strong>Activity</strong>: Ground RulesPart 1:Small Group Dialog.What would it take to feel safe when talking, sharing,and participating in the academy?Include in your dialogue how a safe, culturallyresponsive, and interactive learning environment canbe created through body language, words andlanguage, physical arrangement, and instructionaldesign.4 Minutes

<strong>Activity</strong>: Ground RulesPart 1:Small Group Dialog.What would it take to feel safe when talking, sharing,and participating in the academy?Include in your dialogue how a safe, culturallyresponsive, and interactive learning environment canbe created through body language, words andlanguage, physical arrangement, and instructionaldesign.2 Minutes

<strong>Activity</strong>: Ground RulesPart 1:Small Group Dialog.What would it take to feel safe when talking, sharing,and participating in the academy?Include in your dialogue how a safe, culturallyresponsive, and interactive learning environment canbe created through body language, words andlanguage, physical arrangement, and instructionaldesign.1 Minute

<strong>Activity</strong>: Ground RulesPart 2:Setting Ground Rules.As a whole group, share suggestions from the smallgroup activity and summarize them into three to fiveground rules for the academy.List the rules on a chart paper and hang them on awall to remind everyone of the ground rules forparticipating in the academy.

<strong>Activity</strong>: Ground RulesPart 2:Setting Ground Rules.As a whole group, share suggestions from the smallgroup activity and summarize them into three to fiveground rules for the academy.List the rules on a chart paper and hang them on awall to remind everyone of the ground rules forparticipating in the academy.5 Minutes

<strong>Activity</strong>: Ground RulesPart 2:Setting Ground Rules.As a whole group, share suggestions from the smallgroup activity and summarize them into three to fiveground rules for the academy.List the rules on a chart paper and hang them on awall to remind everyone of the ground rules forparticipating in the academy.4 Minutes

<strong>Activity</strong>: Ground RulesPart 2:Setting Ground Rules.As a whole group, share suggestions from the smallgroup activity and summarize them into three to fiveground rules for the academy.List the rules on a chart paper and hang them on awall to remind everyone of the ground rules forparticipating in the academy.3 Minutes

<strong>Activity</strong>: Ground RulesPart 2:Setting Ground Rules.As a whole group, share suggestions from the smallgroup activity and summarize them into three to fiveground rules for the academy.List the rules on a chart paper and hang them on awall to remind everyone of the ground rules forparticipating in the academy.2 Minutes

<strong>Activity</strong>: Ground RulesPart 2:Setting Ground Rules.As a whole group, share suggestions from the smallgroup activity and summarize them into three to fiveground rules for the academy.List the rules on a chart paper and hang them on awall to remind everyone of the ground rules forparticipating in the academy.1 Minute

<strong>Activity</strong>:Time limit:Part 1:Part 2:Part 3:Part 4:<strong>Meritocracy</strong>30 minutesLine Up.Line up in the middle of the room and face one wall. (5minutes)<strong>Meritocracy</strong> Exercise.For each question posed, take either one step backwards, orone step forwards.(15 minutes)Small Group Discussion.Join with five others and talk about exercise. What were yourreactions? (5 minutes)Whole Group Debrief. (5 minutes)

<strong>Activity</strong>:Part 1:<strong>Meritocracy</strong>Line Up.Line up in the middle of the room and face one wall.

<strong>Activity</strong>:Time limit:Part 1:<strong>Meritocracy</strong>30 minutesLine Up.Line up in the middle of the room and face one wall. (5minutes)5 Minutes

<strong>Activity</strong>:Time limit:Part 1:<strong>Meritocracy</strong>30 minutesLine Up.Line up in the middle of the room and face one wall. (5minutes)4 Minutes

<strong>Activity</strong>:Time limit:Part 1:<strong>Meritocracy</strong>30 minutesLine Up.Line up in the middle of the room and face one wall. (5minutes)3 Minutes

<strong>Activity</strong>:Time limit:Part 1:<strong>Meritocracy</strong>30 minutesLine Up.Line up in the middle of the room and face one wall. (5minutes)2 Minutes

<strong>Activity</strong>:Time limit:Part 1:<strong>Meritocracy</strong>30 minutesLine Up.Line up in the middle of the room and face one wall. (5minutes)1 Minute

<strong>Activity</strong>:Part 2:<strong>Meritocracy</strong><strong>Meritocracy</strong> Exercise.For each question posed, take either one step backwards, orone step forwards.(15 minutes)

<strong>Activity</strong>:Part 2:<strong>Meritocracy</strong><strong>Meritocracy</strong> Exercise.For each question posed, take either one step backwards, orone step forwards.(15 minutes)15 Minutes

<strong>Activity</strong>:Part 2:<strong>Meritocracy</strong><strong>Meritocracy</strong> Exercise.For each question posed, take either one step backwards, orone step forwards.(15 minutes)14 Minutes

<strong>Activity</strong>:Part 2:<strong>Meritocracy</strong><strong>Meritocracy</strong> Exercise.For each question posed, take either one step backwards, orone step forwards.(15 minutes)13 Minutes

<strong>Activity</strong>:Part 2:<strong>Meritocracy</strong><strong>Meritocracy</strong> Exercise.For each question posed, take either one step backwards, orone step forwards.(15 minutes)12 Minutes

<strong>Activity</strong>:Part 2:<strong>Meritocracy</strong><strong>Meritocracy</strong> Exercise.For each question posed, take either one step backwards, orone step forwards.(15 minutes)11 Minutes

<strong>Activity</strong>:Part 2:<strong>Meritocracy</strong><strong>Meritocracy</strong> Exercise.For each question posed, take either one step backwards, orone step forwards.(15 minutes)10 Minutes

<strong>Activity</strong>:Part 2:<strong>Meritocracy</strong><strong>Meritocracy</strong> Exercise.For each question posed, take either one step backwards, orone step forwards.(15 minutes)9 Minutes

<strong>Activity</strong>:Part 2:<strong>Meritocracy</strong><strong>Meritocracy</strong> Exercise.For each question posed, take either one step backwards, orone step forwards.(15 minutes)8 Minutes

<strong>Activity</strong>:Part 2:<strong>Meritocracy</strong><strong>Meritocracy</strong> Exercise.For each question posed, take either one step backwards, orone step forwards.(15 minutes)7 Minutes

<strong>Activity</strong>:Part 2:<strong>Meritocracy</strong><strong>Meritocracy</strong> Exercise.For each question posed, take either one step backwards, orone step forwards.(15 minutes)6 Minutes

<strong>Activity</strong>:Part 2:<strong>Meritocracy</strong><strong>Meritocracy</strong> Exercise.For each question posed, take either one step backwards, orone step forwards.(15 minutes)5 Minutes

<strong>Activity</strong>:Part 2:<strong>Meritocracy</strong><strong>Meritocracy</strong> Exercise.For each question posed, take either one step backwards, orone step forwards.(15 minutes)4 Minutes

<strong>Activity</strong>:Part 2:<strong>Meritocracy</strong><strong>Meritocracy</strong> Exercise.For each question posed, take either one step backwards, orone step forwards.(15 minutes)3 Minutes

<strong>Activity</strong>:Part 2:<strong>Meritocracy</strong><strong>Meritocracy</strong> Exercise.For each question posed, take either one step backwards, orone step forwards.(15 minutes)2 Minutes

<strong>Activity</strong>:Part 2:<strong>Meritocracy</strong><strong>Meritocracy</strong> Exercise.For each question posed, take either one step backwards, orone step forwards.(15 minutes)1 Minutes

<strong>Activity</strong>:Part 2:<strong>Meritocracy</strong><strong>Meritocracy</strong> Exercise.For each question posed, take either one step backwards, orone step forwards.(15 minutes)1 Minute

<strong>Activity</strong>:Part 3:<strong>Meritocracy</strong>Small Group Discussion.Join with five others and talk about exercise. What were yourreactions? (5 minutes)

<strong>Activity</strong>:Part 3:<strong>Meritocracy</strong>Small Group Discussion.Join with five others and talk about exercise. What were yourreactions? (5 minutes)5 Minutes

<strong>Activity</strong>:Part 3:<strong>Meritocracy</strong>Small Group Discussion.Join with five others and talk about exercise. What were yourreactions? (5 minutes)4 Minutes

<strong>Activity</strong>:Part 3:<strong>Meritocracy</strong>Small Group Discussion.Join with five others and talk about exercise. What were yourreactions? (5 minutes)3 Minutes

<strong>Activity</strong>:Part 3:<strong>Meritocracy</strong>Small Group Discussion.Join with five others and talk about exercise. What were yourreactions? (5 minutes)2 Minutes

<strong>Activity</strong>:Part 3:<strong>Meritocracy</strong>Small Group Discussion.Join with five others and talk about exercise. What were yourreactions? (5 minutes)1 Minutes

<strong>Activity</strong>:Part 4:<strong>Meritocracy</strong>Whole Group Debrief. (5 minutes)

<strong>Activity</strong>:Part 4:<strong>Meritocracy</strong>Whole Group Debrief. (5 minutes)5 Minutes

<strong>Activity</strong>:Part 4:<strong>Meritocracy</strong>Whole Group Debrief. (5 minutes)4 Minutes

<strong>Activity</strong>:Part 4:<strong>Meritocracy</strong>Whole Group Debrief. (5 minutes)3 Minutes

<strong>Activity</strong>:Part 4:<strong>Meritocracy</strong>Whole Group Debrief. (5 minutes)2 Minutes

<strong>Activity</strong>:Part 4:<strong>Meritocracy</strong>Whole Group Debrief. (5 minutes)1 Minutes

<strong>Activity</strong>:Invisibility of PrivilegeMaterials:Time limit:Part 1:Part 2:Part 3:Chart paper; markers; tape20 minutesRead Invisibility of Privilege. (5 minutes)How are You Privileged/Not Privileged?. (10 minutes)Whole Group Debrief. (5 minutes)

<strong>Activity</strong>:Part 1:Part 2:Part 3:Invisibility of PrivilegeRead Invisibility of Privilege. (5 minutes)How are You Privileged/Not Privileged?. (10 minutes)Whole Group Debrief. (5 minutes)

Social Power

Forms of Social PowerEconomicGovernmentalPhysicalPoliticalMediaKnowledgePersonalSituationalCultural and InstitutionalJohn S. Atlee, Tom Atlee

An Illustration of Social Power


Connecting Power and PrivilegeWhenever one group of people accumulates more powerthan another group, the more powerful group creates anenvironment that places its members at the cultural centerand other groups at the margins.People in the more powerful group (the “in-group”) areaccepted as the norm, so if you are in that group it can bevery hard for you to see the benefits you receive.

Institutional Racism

Power Relations and Their Impact on Development aLearning

Now’s a good time to ask questionsor clarify something you heard…

<strong>Activity</strong>: Letter from Kai JamesMaterials:Time limit:Part 1:Part 2:Kai James Vignette15 minutesKai James Vignette.Read vignette about a high school student. (5 minutes)Small Group Discussion.Form small groups to discuss vignette. (10 minutes)

<strong>Activity</strong>: Letter from Kai JamesPart 1:Kai James Vignette.Read vignette about a high school student.Kai writes a letter to his teacher about thehistorical implications of power and privilege.

<strong>Activity</strong>: Letter from Kai JamesPart 1:Kai James Vignette.Read vignette about a high school student.Kai writes a letter to his teacher about thehistorical implications of power and privilege.5 Minutes

<strong>Activity</strong>: Letter from Kai JamesPart 1:Kai James Vignette.Read vignette about a high school student.Kai writes a letter to his teacher about thehistorical implications of power and privilege.4 Minutes

<strong>Activity</strong>: Letter from Kai JamesPart 1:Kai James Vignette.Read vignette about a high school student.Kai writes a letter to his teacher about thehistorical implications of power and privilege.3 Minutes

<strong>Activity</strong>: Letter from Kai JamesPart 1:Kai James Vignette.Read vignette about a high school student.Kai writes a letter to his teacher about thehistorical implications of power and privilege.2 Minutes

<strong>Activity</strong>: Letter from Kai JamesPart 1:Kai James Vignette.Read vignette about a high school student.Kai writes a letter to his teacher about thehistorical implications of power and privilege.1 Minutes

<strong>Activity</strong>: Letter from Kai JamesPart 2:Small Group Discussion.Form small groups to discuss vignette.Discuss questions found at the bottom of theKai James handout.

<strong>Activity</strong>: Letter from Kai JamesPart 2:Small Group Discussion.Form small groups to discuss vignette.Discuss questions found at the bottom of theKai James handout.10 Minutes

<strong>Activity</strong>: Letter from Kai JamesPart 2:Small Group Discussion.Form small groups to discuss vignette.Discuss questions found at the bottom of theKai James handout.9 Minutes

<strong>Activity</strong>: Letter from Kai JamesPart 2:Small Group Discussion.Form small groups to discuss vignette.Discuss questions found at the bottom of theKai James handout.8 Minutes

<strong>Activity</strong>: Letter from Kai JamesPart 2:Small Group Discussion.Form small groups to discuss vignette.Discuss questions found at the bottom of theKai James handout.7 Minutes

<strong>Activity</strong>: Letter from Kai JamesPart 2:Small Group Discussion.Form small groups to discuss vignette.Discuss questions found at the bottom of theKai James handout.6 Minutes

<strong>Activity</strong>: Letter from Kai JamesPart 2:Small Group Discussion.Form small groups to discuss vignette.Discuss questions found at the bottom of theKai James handout.5 Minutes

<strong>Activity</strong>: Letter from Kai JamesPart 2:Small Group Discussion.Form small groups to discuss vignette.Discuss questions found at the bottom of theKai James handout.4 Minutes

<strong>Activity</strong>: Letter from Kai JamesPart 2:Small Group Discussion.Form small groups to discuss vignette.Discuss questions found at the bottom of theKai James handout.3 Minutes

<strong>Activity</strong>: Letter from Kai JamesPart 2:Small Group Discussion.Form small groups to discuss vignette.Discuss questions found at the bottom of theKai James handout.2 Minutes

<strong>Activity</strong>: Letter from Kai JamesPart 2:Small Group Discussion.Form small groups to discuss vignette.Discuss questions found at the bottom of theKai James handout.1 Minute

Power and Privilege in Schools

What are schools like?

Students “labeled” disabled

Achievement on Assessments

Resource Allocation

Inequitable education

Bridging Cultures

Now’s a good time to ask questionsor clarify something you heard…

<strong>Activity</strong>:Materials:Time limit:Part 1:Part 2:Part 3:Bridging the Culture GapPATH Process25 minutesPATH Process and Ideal Outcome.The Ideal Outcome for bridging the culture gap between schooland students draws on resources from the community andimproving parental communication. (5 minutes)PATH Action Plan.How can you bridge the culture gap? (10 minutes)Share and Refine.Partner with another participant to share your plan. (10 minutes)

<strong>Activity</strong>:Part 1:Bridging the Culture GapPATH Process and Ideal Outcome.The Ideal Outcome’s mission is to bridge theculture gap between school and students. (5minutes)

<strong>Activity</strong>:Part 1:Bridging the Culture GapPATH Process and Ideal Outcome.The Ideal Outcome’s mission is to bridge theculture gap between school and students.5 Minutes

<strong>Activity</strong>:Part 1:Bridging the Culture GapPATH Process and Ideal Outcome.The Ideal Outcome’s mission is to bridge theculture gap between school and students.4 Minutes

<strong>Activity</strong>:Part 1:Bridging the Culture GapPATH Process and Ideal Outcome.The Ideal Outcome’s mission is to bridge theculture gap between school and students.3 Minutes

<strong>Activity</strong>:Part 1:Bridging the Culture GapPATH Process and Ideal Outcome.The Ideal Outcome’s mission is to bridge theculture gap between school and students.2 Minutes

<strong>Activity</strong>:Part 1:Bridging the Culture GapPATH Process and Ideal Outcome.The Ideal Outcome’s mission is to bridge theculture gap between school and students.1 Minute

<strong>Activity</strong>:Part 2:Bridging the Culture GapPATH Action Plan.How can you bridge the culture gap?Fill out remaining steps for bridging the culture gap. Usethe Recognizing Prejudice in the Classroom handout forideas.- What change should occur?-Who do we enlist?- What resources do we need?- Timeline for action.

<strong>Activity</strong>:Part 2:Bridging the Culture GapPATH Action Plan.How can you bridge the culture gap?Fill out remaining steps for bridging the culture gap. Usethe Recognizing Prejudice in the Classroom handout forideas.- What change should occur?-Who do we enlist?- What resources do we need?- Timeline for action.10 Minutes

<strong>Activity</strong>:Part 2:Bridging the Culture GapPATH Action Plan.How can you bridge the culture gap?Fill out remaining steps for bridging the culture gap. Usethe Recognizing Prejudice in the Classroom handout forideas.- What change should occur?-Who do we enlist?- What resources do we need?- Timeline for action.9 Minutes

<strong>Activity</strong>:Part 2:Bridging the Culture GapPATH Action Plan.How can you bridge the culture gap?Fill out remaining steps for bridging the culture gap. Usethe Recognizing Prejudice in the Classroom handout forideas.- What change should occur?-Who do we enlist?- What resources do we need?- Timeline for action.8 Minutes

<strong>Activity</strong>:Part 2:Bridging the Culture GapPATH Action Plan.How can you bridge the culture gap?Fill out remaining steps for bridging the culture gap. Usethe Recognizing Prejudice in the Classroom handout forideas.- What change should occur?-Who do we enlist?- What resources do we need?- Timeline for action.7 Minutes

<strong>Activity</strong>:Part 2:Bridging the Culture GapPATH Action Plan.How can you bridge the culture gap?Fill out remaining steps for bridging the culture gap. Usethe Recognizing Prejudice in the Classroom handout forideas.- What change should occur?-Who do we enlist?- What resources do we need?- Timeline for action.6 Minutes

<strong>Activity</strong>:Part 2:Bridging the Culture GapPATH Action Plan.How can you bridge the culture gap?Fill out remaining steps for bridging the culture gap. Usethe Recognizing Prejudice in the Classroom handout forideas.- What change should occur?-Who do we enlist?- What resources do we need?- Timeline for action.5 Minutes

<strong>Activity</strong>:Part 2:Bridging the Culture GapPATH Action Plan.How can you bridge the culture gap?Fill out remaining steps for bridging the culture gap. Usethe Recognizing Prejudice in the Classroom handout forideas.- What change should occur?-Who do we enlist?- What resources do we need?- Timeline for action.4 Minutes

<strong>Activity</strong>:Part 2:Bridging the Culture GapPATH Action Plan.How can you bridge the culture gap?Fill out remaining steps for bridging the culture gap. Usethe Recognizing Prejudice in the Classroom handout forideas.- What change should occur?-Who do we enlist?- What resources do we need?- Timeline for action.3 Minutes

<strong>Activity</strong>:Part 2:Bridging the Culture GapPATH Action Plan.How can you bridge the culture gap?Fill out remaining steps for bridging the culture gap. Usethe Recognizing Prejudice in the Classroom handout forideas.- What change should occur?-Who do we enlist?- What resources do we need?- Timeline for action.2 Minutes

<strong>Activity</strong>:Part 2:Bridging the Culture GapPATH Action Plan.How can you bridge the culture gap?Fill out remaining steps for bridging the culture gap. Usethe Recognizing Prejudice in the Classroom handout forideas.- What change should occur?-Who do we enlist?- What resources do we need?- Timeline for action.1 Minute

<strong>Activity</strong>:Part 3:Bridging the Culture GapShare and Refine.Partner with another participant, share yourplan, and revise it based on feedback.

<strong>Activity</strong>:Part 3:Bridging the Culture GapShare and Refine.Partner with another participant, share yourplan, and revise it based on feedback.5 Minutes

<strong>Activity</strong>:Part 3:Bridging the Culture GapShare and Refine.Partner with another participant, share yourplan, and revise it based on feedback.4 Minutes

<strong>Activity</strong>:Part 3:Bridging the Culture GapShare and Refine.Partner with another participant, share yourplan, and revise it based on feedback.3 Minutes

<strong>Activity</strong>:Part 3:Bridging the Culture GapShare and Refine.Partner with another participant, share yourplan, and revise it based on feedback.2 Minutes

<strong>Activity</strong>:Part 3:Bridging the Culture GapShare and Refine.Partner with another participant, share yourplan, and revise it based on feedback.1 Minute

Things to Remember• Social power and privilege are often invisible to those who possesthem, and must be purposefully sought out and challenged inorder to adjust the balance of inequity.• Students from culturally and linguistically diverse backgroundshave inequitable educational experiences because of systemicissues such as resource allocations, access to teachers withadequate experience, education and credentials, anddisproportional placement in special education.• Teachers possess the ability to bridge the gap between school andstudents’ cultures, creating a place that welcomes and honorseveryone.

Outcomes Review<strong>Activity</strong>: Outcomes ReviewMaterials:Outcomes Review HandoutTime Limit: 10 minutesPart 1:Part 2:Complete your chosen outcome and talk with yoursmall group about what you’ve learned. (5 minutes)Share your ideas with the whole group. (5 minutes)

Outcomes Review<strong>Activity</strong>: Outcomes ReviewPart 1:Complete your chosen outcome and talk withyour small group about what you’ve learned.Focus on one outcome, or at the most, twooutcomes.5 Minutes

Outcomes Review<strong>Activity</strong>: Outcomes ReviewPart 1:Complete your chosen outcome and talk withyour small group about what you’ve learned.Focus on one outcome, or at the most, twooutcomes.4 Minutes

Outcomes Review<strong>Activity</strong>: Outcomes ReviewPart 1:Complete your chosen outcome and talk withyour small group about what you’ve learned.Focus on one outcome, or at the most, twooutcomes.3 Minutes

Outcomes Review<strong>Activity</strong>: Outcomes ReviewPart 1:Complete your chosen outcome and talk withyour small group about what you’ve learned.Focus on one outcome, or at the most, twooutcomes.2 Minutes

Outcomes Review<strong>Activity</strong>: Outcomes ReviewPart 1:Complete your chosen outcome and talk withyour small group about what you’ve learned.Focus on one outcome, or at the most, twooutcomes.1 Minute

Outcomes Review<strong>Activity</strong>: Outcomes ReviewPart 2:Share your ideas with the whole group.

Outcomes Review<strong>Activity</strong>: Outcomes ReviewPart 2:Share your ideas with the whole group.5 Minutes

Outcomes Review<strong>Activity</strong>: Outcomes ReviewPart 2:Share your ideas with the whole group.4 Minutes

Outcomes Review<strong>Activity</strong>: Outcomes ReviewPart 2:Share your ideas with the whole group.3 Minutes

Outcomes Review<strong>Activity</strong>: Outcomes ReviewPart 2:Share your ideas with the whole group.2 Minutes

Outcomes Review<strong>Activity</strong>: Outcomes ReviewPart 2:Share your ideas with the whole group.1 Minute

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