Moat Home News 32:Moat Home News 32

Moat Home News 32:Moat Home News 32

Moat Home News 32:Moat Home News 32


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moatIssue <strong>32</strong>September 2010

Involvement works!Continued from page 3maintenance issues with officers. It has been influential inareas such as:• creating a replacement programme of hard-wiredsmoke alarms to ensure that all properties are withinthe Government’s guidelines. This will be done when theproperties have their five-year electrical check.• planning to continue the internal redecorations schemefor vulnerable residents, which had a full take-up of itsbudget last year. We will now be looking at furtherfunding for next year to make sure that as manyvulnerable residents as possible can receive this service,although we obviously need to consider the overallfinancial picture.• MPSG and MRF raised some issues with regards to theredecoration vouchers that <strong>Moat</strong> offer. We hadfeedback that at times it was difficult for people to usethe vouchers for a number of reasons, such as transport,age and disability. <strong>Moat</strong> has now entered into anagreement with Crown Paints and all the materials cannow be delivered to the resident’s home. (see page 9)Other areas where residents had an influence include:• the voids and lettings task force: residents were heavilyinvolved in setting the new standards, and checking that itwas working effectively. (see page 8)• the anti-social behaviour review: members from theMRF and other interested residents took part in thereview and with staff developed an action plan toimprove the service.• mystery shopping: trained residents regularly check thecontact centre and other services, and report back tothe head of customer experience. This is used toimprove the overall service.• ideas-catcher panel: residents who have agreed to beconsulted in a variety of ways – for example to dosurveys and focus groups.This feeds into the overallprocess, culminating in the MRF, PPSWP, MPSG and othergroups making better decisions on behalf of residents.• rent in advance: we are continuing to discuss issuesraised by the pilot scheme with <strong>Moat</strong> officers.As we said, this is just a snapshot of 12 months ofworking with <strong>Moat</strong>. Can we make a difference? YES, WECAN – AND WE DO!We always welcome new residents. If you think you maybe interested in becoming aresidents’ voice in your areaplease contact yourcommunity developmentofficer.You’ll find theircontact details on theback page of <strong>Home</strong> <strong>News</strong>.You askedWE DIDGarden masterpiecesMrs Betty Bambridge in her prizewinning back garden, whichscooped the overall winner prize for the south region.Be part of it!■ Recruitment: Members canget involved with recruitmentfor jobs that have a lot ofinteraction with ourcustomers.They could beasked to help with readingand commenting onapplication forms, or take partin the interview and selectionprocess.■ Repairs partnering: <strong>Moat</strong> isin the process of choosing a long term partner for our repairs service.Ideas catcher members completed a questionnaire for us, giving us theircomments and ideas for improving the service.■ Annual report: Members helped us decide on the design and contentof our new annual report for residents and homeowners, to ensure thereport was clear and transparent.■ Customer Service Standards: In April 2010, <strong>Moat</strong> implementedrevised customer service standards to help us continue monitoring ourperformance. Ideas catcher members helped by completing a simplequestionnaire and feedback form.■ Income Recovery: Ideas catcher members have been invited tobecome a part of the project group reviewing all our rent arrears lettersto ensure they are clear and customer focussed.Residents at Bell Hammer, whose communal garden wasthe overall winner in the London area.<strong>Moat</strong>’s new residents’ panel, the ideascatcher, now has 170 members, givingus essential feedback on our existingservices and ideas for new ones.Membership is open to all of our residentsand participation can be as much or as little as you like.Here are some of the areas the ideas catcher has helpedus with so far.You askedWE DID■ Text Service: <strong>Moat</strong> is currently looking to introduce a new service usingtext messaging as a way to communicate with our residents. Ideas catchermembers are completing a questionnaire to give us feedback and commentson our proposals.■ Website: We are in the process of updating our website.We intend toinvite members of the panel to join a focus group to test the website andgive feedback and advice on the design and content. Input from residents isessential to ensure we are giving residents what they expect from our site.Residents’ opinions, good or otherwise, are vital to help us review andimprove our services to you.Your feedback will highlight areas for furtherimprovement as well as letting us know where we are doing things right.You can get involved in various ways – telephone surveys, text or emailsurveys, mystery shopping, discussions groups and many more.So if you want to have your say about subjects such as antisocialbehaviour, repairs and maintenance, customer services and many more, thenthe ideas catcher could be for you!If you would like to get involved and would be interested in joining theideas catcher, please call our customer service team on 0845 600 1006 formore information.<strong>Moat</strong> in Bloom attracted many colourful andfragrant entries again this year, with residentsworking hard to ensure that their gardencaught the eye of the judges.Congratulations to the winners, who will eachreceive a £50 B&Q gift card. The overall winners willreceive an extra £50 gift card from their local arearesidents’ association. Here are the results.EssexBest communal garden Gladden Court, HarlowBest pots or containers Janet Cutting, MaldonBest front gardenMr & Mrs Aldridge,MaldonBest back gardenJane Wells, TollesburyBest vegetables andoverall winnerAlan Birkin, TolleshuntLondonBest communal gardenand overall winner Bell Hammer, EastGrinsteadBest pots or containers Mrs C Junnier and Mrs JLeedham, East SussexBest front gardenMr D Grady,WellingBest back gardenMrs T Jarvis, HaywardsHeathBest use of small space Mrs P Steele, WellingtonCourt, SurreySouthBest communal garden Hamlyn Court, DuntonGreenBest pots or containers Mrs Smith, WesterhamBest front gardenMr R Jackson, TonbridgeBest back garden andoverall winnerMrs Bambridge,CanterburyBest use of small space Dave Harris, Rochester<strong>Moat</strong> would like to thank our contractors, WealdensServices Ltd, New Green and Connaught for theirgenerosity in sponsoring the categories.This fantastic display by Mr and Mrs Aldridge from Maldontook the prize for best front garden in Essex.45▲

Going digitalCommunal aerial systems: answersto some of your questionsFletchers Close celebrates its 30th birthdayResidents of Fletchers Close in Bromley, Kent, were joinedby family and friends in August to celebrate the shelteredscheme’s 30th birthday.Organised by residents and with support and funding from<strong>Moat</strong>, the party included entertainment from local musicianMaureen Morris and birthday cake all round. Each resident wasgiven a gift of a <strong>Moat</strong> personal safety alarm key ring.Mystery shopping is a great way forresidents to get involved and helpus improve our services.Mystery shoppers are <strong>Moat</strong> residents who,at our request, contact the various teamswithin <strong>Moat</strong> and then report back to us onthe standard of the customer experience.The programme provides us with valuablefeedback about our services from thecustomer’s point of view. It shows us wherewe’re doing well and which areas of ourservice we still need to improve.In the year up to March, we recruited andtrained 16 residents as mystery shoppers andanother 17 put their names forward to betrained.During the year, we carried out 13 mysteryshops. Here are some examples of the results.■ The <strong>Home</strong>Buy services team: our mysteryshoppers reported generally good callhandling and said that staff were polite,courteous, assertive and helpful.As a result: the team now runs mysteryshopping feedback sessions, where theydiscuss the areas that need improvement.■ Reception: our receptions were describedas easy to find and presenting a welcomingfirst impression, although some areas neededimproving.As a result: we now make sure that signs areclearly displayed in all receptions and arechecked during each shop. The stock ofleaflets has been updated and is kept up todate by the receptionist.■ Telephone calls: Our shoppers told us thatnot all of our calls were being answered withthe correct telephone greeting.As a result: we have reminded staff to use<strong>Moat</strong>’s standard telephone greeting and toupdate voicemail messages daily. Due tocontinued monitoring, in February 2010,77% of calls were answered with correcttelephone greetings, a rise of 22% since May.■ Customer service centre: 100% of emailswere replied to within 24 hours and 100%of callers were greeted perfectly. Our resultsshowed a fast turn around and efficiency incompleting a repair.As a result: to maintain this high standard, wenow conduct a mystery shopping feedbacksession during team meetings, undertakemonthly coaching on call handling and run amonthly knowledge assessment quiz coveringall areas of the business.Among the guests were Cllr Ruth Bennett, Deputy Mayor ofthe London Borough of Bromley, <strong>Moat</strong>’s chief executive, BrianJohnson, and <strong>Moat</strong>’s director of support services, Tony Morgan.Resident Margaret Baldwin says: “The event surpassed myexpectations.“It was excellent that Cllr Bennett, Brian Johnson and TonyMorgan spent time talking to us all. A+ all round!”No mystery about resultsYou askedWE DID■ Neighbourhood teams: when we testedthe 48-hour call back standard, the resultswere disappointing.As a result: service standards were discussedat team meetings and monitoring wasintroduced. When we repeated the mysteryshop, there had been a vast improvement.The service level for a call back has now beenreduced from 48 hours to 24 hours.By raising the profile of our mysteryshopping programme, we hope to recruitmore residents and increase the diversity ofthose taking part.If you would like to become involved in themystery shopper programme, call us on0800 600 1006.With your help, we canreach our goal of delivering excellentcustomer service.■ I already have a Sky aerial.Whatshould I do?Once our installation is working,residents who have put up theirown dishes will be asked toremove them.■ Will this affect my contractwith Sky?No, the installation willallow you to connectto any existingpackages you alreadyhave. There should beno disruption to yourservice.■ What If I have Virgin Media?The work we are doing will not affect anyVirgin Media subscribers, as these services aredelivered via cable. Once the work is finished,you will be able to choose betweenterrestrial, satellite and, where available, cable.■ How will the works be carried out?Depending on the number of homes in eachblock, the contractor is likely to install one setof aerials and two satellite dishes, one for Skyand the second, for European languagechannels, known as Hotbird. These will serveall the homes in the block.The wiring will depend on the design ofeach block. In some cases, the contractor willneed to run the wiring into your homethrough the outside wall. Disruption will bekept to a minimum and the contractor willonly need to come into your home for about30 to 45 minutes.■ I have two televisions, what arrangementshave you in place?We are working on the basis that each homehas one television socket. If, for example, theaerial wire for your bedroom television runsfrom the back of the main TV in thelounge, then this will bereconnected for you. However,if you want extra sockets, youwill have to make your ownarrangements with thecontractor.■ When will work begin?Switchover to digital willhappen between 2011 and2012, although the actual datehas not yet been released. Weare aiming to have your homeupgraded before switchover. Insome cases it may happen this year,but the vast majority of the work willbe carried out during 2011.■ What will happen if I do nothing?Unless you have a digital TV you won’t be ableto watch television after the switchover.■ Will my video or DVD recorder still workafter the switchover?You will still be able to play video tapes andDVDs and record digital TV programmes.However, unless you have a digital recorder,you won’t be able to record a programme onone channel while you are watching another.■ My TV is very old. Will I have to throw itout and buy a new one?No. Almost all TVs, even black and white ones,can be converted to digital with a set-topdigital box.We’ll keep you informed about ourprogress and let you know theswitchover dates for your area assoon as we know them.Watch outfor further information in futureeditions of <strong>Home</strong> <strong>News</strong>.Digit Al image by VisMediaFun and gamesat Pollards HillPollards Hill residents enjoyed afun-filled neighbourhood day inAugust, with activities rangingfrom an army assault course andpaintballing to a roundabout andbouncy castle.There was music and dance fromaround the world, a local karategroup and a barbecue. Visitorsincluded the Mayor of Merton, CllrOonagh Moulton.The day was organised by residentswith support and funding from <strong>Moat</strong>,the New Horizon centre and PollardsHill library.New youth clubopens its doorsThe new Heybridge Youth Club,run by local volunteers foryoung people aged 11-18,is now open every Tuesday in termtime from 6.30pm and 8.30pm atPlantation Hall, Colchester Road.It has been set up by the HeybridgeYouth Partnership, which includes<strong>Moat</strong> and other agencies, afterconsultation with the local community.For more information, contactNicola Syder on 01621 876549 oremail nicola.syder@moat.co.uk6 7▲

How to avoida repair billwhen youmove home■ Look after your home andkeep it in the same state aswhen you moved in.We willcharge you for any repairs notcaused by normal wear andtear.■ You are responsible forrepairing any damage caused bya member of your householdor visitors to your home.■ If fixtures or fittings aredamaged deliberately or breakbecause you haven’t lookedafter them properly, we willcharge you for repairing them.■ If you want to make anyimprovements to your home,including things like layinglaminate flooring, get writtenapproval from us first.We willremove any unauthorisedimprovements and charge youfor the work.■ Some of the commonreasons for repair chargesinclude:• clearing the property of allbelongings, furniture andrubbish, including carpets,floor coverings or items left inthe loft, garden and sheds• removing white goods such ascookers and washingmachines and disposing safelyof unwanted fridges andfreezers• repairing or replacingdamaged internal doors,hinges, locks, brackets andkitchen fittings• repairing damaged plasterwork and decorations• replacing cracked or brokeninternal glazing.A new way of working<strong>Moat</strong> takes action to cut down the time homes stand empty<strong>Moat</strong> is working in partnership withresidents and our repairs contractor,Mears, to completely revitalise the waywe manage empty homes, which we refer toas ‘voids’.Since June, our voids and lettings team, membersof our neighbourhood teams, and contractorsfrom Mears have been inspecting homes early –before the outgoing resident has left – andidentifying any work that’s needed beforesomeone else can move in.This speeds up therepairs process and reduces the time homes areleft empty.We have also been giving home seekers moreinformation earlier on in the process.Here’s a breakdown of how it works:•With agreement from the outgoing resident, wearrange a visit to the property with the personwho wants to move in.•The new resident has the opportunity to askabout local amenities, such as schools, shoppingand other services, while staff from Mears canNew <strong>Moat</strong> resident KerryChapman is pictured herewith Stephen Tucker (left),<strong>Moat</strong>’s voids and lettingsofficer for Medway, andAndy Roalf, Mears voidmanager.Kerry was nominatedfor a <strong>Moat</strong> home byDover District Council inJune. She was interviewedand inspected a propertyon 1 July.She moved in later thatmonth with her two sons,on the same day that theprevious resident movedout.Thanks to <strong>Moat</strong>’s newvoids and lettingsprocedures, the propertydidn’t stand empty for asingle day!Kerry is happy to havefound permanentaccommodation in Dover,close to her family andconvenient for the localschool.Re-letting our homesThe average time to re-let all general needshomes (not including sheltered schemes)has decreased.Numberof letsTurnaroundtime2008/2009 1,378 46 days2009/2010* 1,764 38 days* at 31 March 2010assess the condition of the property and decidewhat work, if any, is needed to bring it up to theDecent <strong>Home</strong>s Standard.•We then make an offer to the prospectiveresident. Once they have accepted, we can workmore closely with them and with Mears to decidewhich work can be completed during the firstweek of the tenancy. When possible, the new residents aregiven the opportunity to make choices about their newhome – for example, they may be able to select finishes orchoose the way the kitchen is laid out.• On the day the resident moves out, an inspection iscarried out. If everything is in order and all alterations orrepairs have been completed as agreed, the new residentcan move in, subject to the necessary health and safetychecks.We are currently running a pilot scheme with PCLEnergy Services, which provides gas and electric keys andcards. As soon as someone tells us they intend to moveout of their home, we notify PCL so that they can arrangeto reset the meters.We can also commission a new gas boiler, if required,before the new resident moves in.The aim of this pilot is to cut down on delays and makefor a smoother handover to the new resident. So far theprocess is working well – so well, in fact, that, as our picturestory on the left shows, we have just achieved our first‘nil void turnaround’ – one family moved out and anothermoved in on the same day!Sign up pack willcut down stressNew residents signing tenancy agreements with<strong>Moat</strong> for the first time now receive moreuseful information and in a more user-friendlystyle with our new sign up pack.We have been working with existing residents forseveral months to get it right and already we’ve hadsome very positive feedback from new residentsreceiving the pack.As well as updating our current <strong>Moat</strong> literature, wehave included more local information, such as details ofrefuse collection days and the locations of hospitals,doctors, schools, local authorities and benefits offices.Neighbourhood officers will hand out the packs tonew residents and we will also be putting them on ourwebsite so that people can access the information beforethey move into their new home.We hope that the new packs will help make movinghome as stress-free as possible.<strong>Moat</strong> signs up to nationalhome decorator schemeKeeping your home looking its bestis easier and cheaper than ever,now that <strong>Moat</strong> hassigned up to anational <strong>Home</strong>Decorator’s Packscheme withCrown.This is in addition to our existingvoucher schemes with B&Q and <strong>Home</strong>base.■ Benefits for all new and existing residents and leaseholdersNew residents who qualify will receive a Crown <strong>Home</strong> DecoratorPack voucher, which will entitle them to claim a selection of paint anddecorating tools.There are 21 carefully selected colours to choosefrom and free technical advice and support from your local CrownDecorating Centre. Everything will be delivered free, direct to yourdoor.Current residents and leaseholders can claim great discounts of upto 20% off the trade price when they purchase Crown decoratingproducts using the Crown Residents Discount Scheme. Paints, wallcoverings, brushes, rollers and much more – everything you need todecorate your home, as well as expert advice from friendly,professional staff and FREE delivery.■ How to claim the discountAll you need to do is:• order your goods online at www.crowndecoratorcentre.co.uk or• visit a Crown Decorating Centre or• call 01634 262566 and ask for your contact Vicky Whitehill• remember to quote Residents Discount Schemenumber 712200 when making your purchase.The special discount prices will be automatically calculated anddelivery is free regardless of the size or value of the order.Tracy Kinton, <strong>Moat</strong>’s voids and lettings manager says:“We havebeen working with our residents to improve satisfaction levelsand we want to give all our new residents the best possiblestart in their new homes by providing them with choices ofdecoration schemes.“We also want to encourage our existing residents andenable them to look after their homes, so we hope that theywill take advantage of the new discount scheme.”Up to 20%off withResidentsDiscountSchemenumber7122008 9▲

▲MoneymattersUnderstanding service chargesThe service charge is the money youpay towards the day-to-day runningcosts of the scheme or propertywhere you live. Depending on where youlive, and whether you are living in a house oran apartment, service charges may coverthe cost of:• maintenance to a scheme’s communalgrounds• cleaning of communal areas• electricity for communal areasLucky winnerThe lucky winner of our direct debitprize draw is Mrs E L Hollis, wholives in Surrey. She receives £150worth of Sainsburys vouchers.Mrs Hollis was automatically enteredinto the prize draw when she electedto pay her rent by direct debit, theeasiest way to pay your rent, servicecharges or other charges.It is very easy to set up and thepayments are debited from your bankor building society accountautomatically.You don’t have toremember to pay each week or month,so you are less likely to miss paymentsand risk losing your home.At the moment you can choose tomake your payment on the 1st, 15th or25th of each month.To find out more, call us on0845 600 1006.Our service charge team is busy producing the 2009/2010 final accountsfor residents who pay a variable service charge. They are looking at theactual expenditure for each scheme or neighbourhood in the last year andcomparing it with our estimates, so that, where necessary, your accountcan be adjusted. This article explains how the cycle works• contract costs for lifts or door entrysystems• other costs as detailed in your tenancyagreement.Sometimes these services are notprovided by <strong>Moat</strong>, but by a managing agentor management company, and their chargesare passed on to you.Where your tenancy agreement allowsfor a ‘variable’ service charge, here’s anexplanation of what that means.■ Estimating the service chargeAt the beginning of each year, we will workout how much we think it will cost toprovide you with services for the comingfinancial year, which runs from 1 April to31 March.We will do our best to make this asaccurate as possible, basing it on what wespent in previous years, along with ourexperience and knowledge of your schemeor property.We will use contract figures wherepossible, such as for cleaning and groundsmaintenance costs, but we will have toestimate other costs, such as utility accounts.We will write to you by the end ofFebruary each year to inform you of thenew estimated weekly charges, which willcommence in April of that year.■ Actual service chargeAt the end of the financial year, we willcompare what you have paid for the yearwith what we actually spent on the schemeMake your payments by textCommunicating by text is nothing new – over 5,000 text messages are sentevery second in the UK and over 75% of the adult population now ownsa mobile phone. Since August, you can even choose to pay your rent orservice charges by text message, using Allpay’s secure SMS text messaging billpayment option.You will need a UK registered mobile phone, a valid Allpay swipecard and acurrent debit or credit card. Then you’ll need to complete the quick and simpleAllpay online registration at https://www.allpayments.net/textpayOnce registered, you will be able to make payments any time and anywhere youchoose. All you do is text your code and the amount you wish to pay to adesignated number every time you want to make a payment.If you want to start making payments this way, visit the Allpay website athttps://www.allpayments.net/textpayor property where you live. We will send youa statement by the end of September eachyear, setting out all the costs and informingyou of any credit or deficit on your servicecharge account. We may owe you money oryou may owe us money.A letter will accompany the statement totell you how this adjustment will be dealt with.If you have any questions, please contact uson 0845 600 1006 and ask to speak to amember of the service charge team.Or you can contact us by email atcustomer@moat.co.ukmoatRepair/Service Gas Engineers RequiredWorking in Partnership with <strong>Moat</strong>☎EXCELLENT PACKAGEIMMEDIATE START020 88763 5333 or 077252 46340BSW is an equal opportunities employerNeed some friendly advice?If you’re struggling to manage your money, you don’t have to do it alone. <strong>Moat</strong>’swelfare benefits service is here to offer help, support and advice on moneymatters. You can reach us by calling 0845 600 1006.Welfare benefits officers Helen Goldsmith and Lynn Lennon make regular visitsto our regional offices. If you’d like to chat to them – in complete confidence – youcan book an appointment by calling 0845 600 1006.Here’s where they’ll be for the rest of the year.Pollards Hill ............every ThursdaySevenoaks ..............every FridayMaldon ...................every ThursdayMedway ..................every FridayChristian Fields ....the last Monday ofevery month from27.09.10Stanhope ................every otherWednesdayfrom 25.08.10If your rent account is in credit and you think you might be entitledto a refund, write to us at the following address:Income Recovery Team, <strong>Moat</strong>, Mariner House, Galleon Boulevard,Crossways, Dartford, Kent DA2 6QEJoining a credit union canhelp you plan your spendingCredit unions are community savings and loans co-operatives owned andcontrolled by their members. They aim to help you take control of your money,by encouraging you to save what you can and borrow only what you canafford to repay.Credit union members pool their savings to lend to one another. Any profits are eitherreinvested in the organisation or given to members in the form of a dividend – just likegetting interest on your savings. As well as savings and loan accounts, most credit unionsoffer life or loan protection insurance and some offer other insurance products, includingtravel, motor and home insurance.If you’re on a low income or have no previous history of borrowing, a credit union maybe more willing to help you than a high street bank or building society. They charge muchless interest than banks – and much, much less than loan sharks.Contact our customer services centre on 0845 600 1006 for a list of credit unions inyour area.Annual report is on its wayThis year’s <strong>Moat</strong> annual report is currently in production andshould be landing on your doormat at the beginning of October.It’s full of information about the way we’ve responded to whatyou’ve told us over the year and sets out what we’ve done – and arecontinuing to do – to improve the services we provide for you.We hope you’ll enjoy reading it.1011

100 reasons tocelebrate the<strong>Moat</strong> mortgagerescue schemeThrough the Government’sMortgage Rescue Scheme,<strong>Moat</strong> has been able to help100 families in Essex, Kent and Sussexto stay in their homes andcommunities, rather than facerepossession and homelessness.Mortgage Rescue is one of a numberof options available to eligiblehomeowners who are in danger ofhaving their homes repossessed.As well as helping families andindividuals, it also benefits the widercommunity, as families can remain livingin their homes, keep their jobs andtheir children’s school places, and stillbe part of the community.“We are extremely proud to be thelead provider for Mortgage Rescue inEssex, Kent and Sussex,” says SarahHolman, <strong>Moat</strong>’s <strong>Home</strong> Ownershipmanager.“We are also delighted that we havebeen able to transform the lives of somany families by removing the threat ofhomelessness.”…TOP TIP…Don’t get caught outby the cold weatherTest that your heating isworking properly by putting iton for an hour every monththroughout the summer.Thatway, you’ll have time to get anyproblems fixed before the coldweather arrives.Your chance toget a foot on theproperty ladderDo you think buying your ownhome is a distant dream?<strong>Home</strong>Buy may be able to helpyou make that dream a reality.<strong>Home</strong>Buy helps people – usually first timebuyers – to buy or rent a home that suitstheir household needs.Tenants of housing associationsand local authorities aregiven top priority for<strong>Home</strong>Buy so, as a<strong>Moat</strong> resident, this could bejust the opportunity youare looking for!If your household has asalaried income of at least£18,000 and you haveaccess to savings of £5,000or more, you could be eligible.The <strong>Home</strong>Buy options that could beavailable to you include sharedownership (also known as part buy, partrent) whereby you can buy ashare of just 25% of a property and pay asubsidised rent on the remaining part.Alternatively, equity loans of up to 30%are available to help you buy a new homewith <strong>Home</strong>Buy Direct.<strong>Home</strong>Buy also helps people to rentwhilst saving a mortgage deposit.With many of the <strong>Home</strong>Buyoptions, you have theopportunity to buyadditional shares inyour home when you canafford to, until you eventuallyown it outright.The application process iseasy.You can apply online atwww.<strong>Home</strong>Buyoptions.co.ukor call us on 0845 359 6161 and we’ll sendyou an application packTo find out more about <strong>Home</strong>Buy, alongwith available properties, housing news anddetails of <strong>Home</strong>Buy events, please visitwww.<strong>Home</strong>Buyoptions.co.ukSocial <strong>Home</strong>Buy: the flexibleway to own your own homeSocial <strong>Home</strong>Buy is proving to be a popular and realistic way for <strong>Moat</strong>residents to purchase a share in the home they are renting, or to buy itoutright.This spring, three <strong>Moat</strong> residents successfully became homeownersthrough the scheme.All our rented homes are available for Social <strong>Home</strong>Buy. To be eligible for thescheme you must meet the following criteria:■ if your first social housing tenancy began on or after 18 January 2005, you musthave been a tenant for a minimum of five years■ your rent account must be up to date.For more information about Social <strong>Home</strong>Buy, Right to Buy and Right to Acquireschemes, you can visit our website – www.moat.co.uk – where you can downloadmore information, and an application form. Alternatively, please contact a memberof the <strong>Home</strong> Ownership team on 0845 359 6161.<strong>Moat</strong>’s just the job for Donna and TanyaWhen a vacancy came up in the sales and marketing team atour main <strong>Moat</strong> office in Dartford, we were keen to offer itas a job opportunity for someone local.We wrote to 700 <strong>Moat</strong> households with details of the job on offer, aswell as advertising on our website, and received nearly 60 applications.The quality of the eight people we interviewed was so goodthat we were able to fill two further vacancies as well.Pictured here are two of the successful applicants,Donna Thandi (left) and Tanya Cooper, both now happilyworking for <strong>Moat</strong>.If you or someone in your family is lookingfor work, why not check out jobopportunities with <strong>Moat</strong> atwww.moat.co.uk£4 million to be spenton home improvementPlanned work will target homes where fixtures and fittingscan’t be repaired and need bringing up to date<strong>Moat</strong> will be working with ourcontractor Apollo to deliver a£4 million programme thisyear, replacing kitchens, bathrooms,windows and doors, carrying outelectrical rewires and replacing consumerunits (fuse boards).We are in the middle of carrying outstock condition surveys on all ourproperties so that we can plan the workas accurately as possible. Once this task iscomplete, we hope to be able to publishthe planned works programme on theinternet, along with more information forresidents, such as the kitchen designs andstyles of front door available.It’s our usual policy to replace kitchens,bathrooms and windows when theyhave come to the end of their useful life.For kitchens, that’s 20 years, forbathrooms and windows, 30 years.Apollo, our planned works partneringcontractor, has two teams, one workingin Essex and the other working acrossKent, Surrey, London and Sussex.Each team has a dedicated residentliaison officer to consult with residentsabout the work to be done. Residentsare able to choose from three kitchendesigns and a range of colours.Works completed last year were:■ 297 kitchens■258 bathrooms■443 doors■75 rewires■386 consumer units.Now that we have almost finishedthe work we needed to do to bring ourhomes up to the ‘decent homes’standard, we would welcome yourcomments on how you think we couldimprove the work we do on kitchensand bathrooms in future.Let us know what you think.Call us on 0845 600 1006 and ask forHayley Vause, project manager forProperty Services, or email her onhayley.vause@moat.co.ukKeeping a local focusThe new regulator for social housing, theTenants’ Standards Authority (TSA), requires<strong>Moat</strong> to consult with residents to develop ‘localoffers’ – locally agreed standards for some of theservices we provide.Our plans for introducing local offers need tobe in place by this October, and we will beconsulting with residents soon in a variety of ways.1213▲

Even if you don’t fancy enteringour competition, we’d still like tohear your views on <strong>Home</strong> <strong>News</strong>.Please answer the followingquestions and add yourcomments and suggestions forimproving your news magazine.■ I find <strong>Home</strong> <strong>News</strong> informative and usefulStrongly agreeDisagreeAgreeStrongly disagree■ I think that the articles in <strong>Home</strong> <strong>News</strong> arerelevant to meStrongly agreeDisagreeAgreeStrongly disagree■ I would like to see more articles about<strong>Moat</strong>’s policies and proceduresWhat <strong>Moat</strong> is doing to improve servicesProperty and estate servicesEducation & training opportunitiesHousehold hints & tipsResident involvement■ Comments and suggestions (please use aseparate sheet if necessary). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Please complete the name and address panel onthe right and send this page to the FREEPOSTaddress given above it.14Three lucky entrantswill each win £30 in vouchers in ourautumn wordsearch competitionAcornsApplesAutumnBerrie sDFPECREMIWLNAVEGSARVEOTRWLTOEKAAEEYAPPLESTTSETCLColoursFallFruitGatheringCMELUTCOMUOAHEOUUISRATEOUSTEHSRODNTGTKUBRRRSQSNGOGHWAAEMOISSEUSSHarvestLeavesPr oduceRusse tName . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Postcode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Telephone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Entries close on 22 October 2010.The competition is open to <strong>Moat</strong> residents only.The first three correctentries drawn will win £30 in vouchers.The editor’s decision is final and no correspondence will be enteredinto. Employees of <strong>Moat</strong> and their families are not eligible to enter.Congratulations to the winners of the competition in the last edition of <strong>Home</strong> <strong>News</strong>, who were Sharon Mayfrom Gillingham, Selina Groom from Crowborough and Marianne Lewis from Maldon.RESRERIGNHIDORTDPNLTRAHGRVATDOIFFRXIEUTETOERRNMQHPESTLSIRNSEVAELSeasonStoreTreesWeatherMark the words clearly on the grid. Fill in your details below, then cut out this pageand send it to FREEPOST RRCB-HHJS-LXXR, MOAT, DARTFORD DA2 6QE. Nostamp is required.RSLDSMUSEIESAEESEHAIUREREHTAEWSMHIAJFALLVTTGMAFT✂New to the <strong>Moat</strong> teamCongratulations and a warm welcome to our new customerservice advisers (back row from left) Esther Grant, DaveCatt, Colleen Cronin, (front row) Hayley Connor, Kim Hadnett andHannah Wilson, who have all successfully completed our new‘rolling recruitment’ process. All six of them achieved fantasticresults in our entrance exams.They are the third set of new starters to complete ourrecruitment programme since it was updated last year. They all hadto pass the revised three-part interview process, complete anintensive four-week training programme and then achieve at least80% in exams to test their knowledge and IT skills.Xtravaganza in EssexAnother great opportunity for residents to get togetherThe third Essex HousingXtravaganza was held inAugust at Hylands Housein Chelmsford. Landlords fromacross the county joined forces toprovide a free afternoon of funactivities for local people.The event was opened byAfrican dance company Iroko,who held dance workshopsduring the afternoon. Other fun activities included a tea dance,arts and crafts, a circus skills workshop, bouncy castles andfairground attractions and much more. On the more seriousside, there was information about job opportunities, housingand benefits.Over 1,500 local people attended and <strong>Moat</strong> staff were onhand to give advice about Choice Based Lettings, CV writing,employment advice, information on benefits and the supportservices <strong>Moat</strong> has available. Representatives from the local<strong>Moat</strong> residents’ association, MERA, were there to answer anyresident association queries.Open for businessThe new Stanhope Centre in Otterden Close openedfor business in August. The brand new building willhouse the <strong>Moat</strong> neighbourhood office, Lovell Respond(formerly Powerminster Gleeson Services) and theStanhope Library.The new neighbourhood office will be open to visitors from 8am to 5pm Monday to Friday.We will no longer have late night opening on a Thursday due to lack of demand.The address of the new centre is 67A Otterden Close, Stanhope, Ashford, Kent TN23 5TH.The telephone number remains unchanged – 01233 647396.Watch out forthe new <strong>Moat</strong>website launchin NovemberWe’re redesigning the <strong>Moat</strong>website to make it clearerand easier for residents to use.We’re using your feedback to guidethe project and will be enhancing thecurrent ‘My <strong>Moat</strong>’ facility. This is thesecure part of the site where you can:• check your rent and service chargestatements• pay your rent or make rent paymentarrangements• find out about local estateinspections and news in your area• update your personal details• sign up for newsletters.In order to register, residents willneed to make sure that their personaldetails are up-to-date on our records.To do this, just contact the customerservice team on 0845 600 1006 andwe’ll check to make sure we haveyour current information so that youwill be able to register to access thesite once it becomes available.15▲

Visit our website at: www.moat.co.ukAt your service…✂Our customer service team is happy tohelp with all your general enquiries.Whichever area you live in, the numberto call is0845 600 1006or email customer@moat.co.ukOur customer service centre is open from8am to 6pm, Monday to FridayYour can contact your community development teamby calling our customer service number 0845 600 1006 orcall them direct as follows:Medway and Sevenoaks neighbourhoodsAnne Atkinson 0845 359 6212anne.atkinson@moat.co.ukJan Henry (Stanhope) 0845 359 6582jan.henry@moat.co.ukMaldon and Harlow neighbourhoodsNicola Syder 0845 359 6549nicola.syder@moat.co.ukCaroline Kay 0845 359 6531caroline.kay@moat.co.ukClaire Lomax (Harlow) 0845 359 6511claire.lomax@moat.co.ukWallington, Pollards Hill and Greenwich neighbourhoodsColin Tanner (Wallington) 0845 359 6661colin.tanner@moat.co.ukRose Joseph 0845 359 6635rose.joseph@moat.co.ukIf you need this document translated (or in a different format,large print or Braille or audio) please confirm which language youprefer by ticking the box. Complete your name and address andreturn this page to our office.Need a repair?To report a repair, call us on 0845 600 1006 to make anappointment with one of our maintenance contractors.If you have access to the internet, you can report a repaironline at www.moat.co.ukFor emergency repairs outside office hours, please call:Pollards Hill Mascot 0208 542 8621All other areas Invicta Careline 0845 762 6977IMPORTANT: a repair is only classed as anemergency if there is a risk to someone’s life or ifserious damage will occur unless the repair is doneimmediately.You may be re-charged if you callthe emergency number and your repair is not agenuine emergency.Regional residents’ associationsMERA (<strong>Moat</strong> East Residents’ Association)phone (residents’ shop) 01621 856438emailrcm@mera-online.orgwebwww.mera-online.orgSARA (South Area Residents’ Association)phone 07858 460944emaillorraine-sara@hotmail.co.ukwebwww.sara-online.org.ukWe offer Language Line services topeople whose first language is notEnglish. Please call us on 0845 6001006 if you require this service.Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Post to: FREEPOST RRCB-HHJS-LXXR, MOAT, DARTFORD DA2 6QE. No stamp is required.

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