Yellow Media Kit 2012-v1 - Yellow Magazine

Yellow Media Kit 2012-v1 - Yellow Magazine

Yellow Media Kit 2012-v1 - Yellow Magazine


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<strong>2012</strong> <strong>Media</strong> <strong>Kit</strong>For over 5 years, <strong>Yellow</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>has been the unique voice in themarketplace, successfully reachingthe 1.5 generation* and beyond –a demographic no other publicationspeaks to.* The 1.5 generation are Asian Americans who came to the U.S. as children, and arepredominantly English-speaking or bilingual. “In language” advertising typically doesnot reach this target market.advertising@yellowmags.comP 713.528.6000F 832.436.17201990 Post Oak Blvd., Suite 815Houston, TX 77056Platform SizeDesigned to be read from cover to cover in one sitting, the largerformat of <strong>Yellow</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> gives maximum exposure to our advertisersin a cluttered and fast-paced world in which the reader’s attentionis difficult to hold. Our objective is for every advertisement to be seenby every reader.Strategic Distribution<strong>Yellow</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> is published monthly and distributed throughhigh-end consumer businesses, luxury high rises, and retailers in theDowntown, Galleria, Midtown, Bellaire, Uptown, River Oaks, WestUniversity and Southwest areas of Houston, and is restockedthroughout the month.Building Readership Loyalty<strong>Yellow</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> is highly involved in the community it serves byhosting and sponsoring numerous benefits, events, and partiesthroughout the year, and actively participating in increasing thevisibility of the Asian American community as a whole.Affluent ReadershipIn the Houston marketplace, <strong>Yellow</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> is the only luxury fashionand lifestyle publication targeting Asian Americans between the agesof 25 to 48. The average Asian American today is relatively younger,well-educated, bilingual, and possesses more discretionary income:• Asian Americans have 20% higher median annual income thanall families in the U.S. – that represents a powerful purchasingblock in a targeted space.• 44.1% of Asian Americans hold a B.A. degree or higher comparedto only 24.4% of the total U.S. population.• Asian Americans are more likely to be in management,professional, and related occupations.• 53.2% of Asian Americans own their own homes.• The Asian American population in the U.S. is growing dramatically,at 6X the national average, with population expected to be 23million by 2020.• Asian Americans are extremely brand-conscious, with a totalbuying power growing at 2X the rate of the general population.PartnershipA goal of <strong>Yellow</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> is to develop a true partnership with ouradvertisers, working together to create an effective, successfuladvertising plan that translates into a long-term relationship. We areconstantly looking for ways in which to promote our advertisers,including events, product placement, and sponsorships. We connectboth small businesses and international corporations to a customerbase they are not currently reaching – a largely untapped market thathas robust purchasing power and is growing rapidly.Reaching the AudienceAs an advertiser in <strong>Yellow</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>, you have the opportunity tospeak directly to this incredible market – and demonstrate that youvalue them as customers. Our readers are loyal, active, invigoratedtrendsetters, who value their heritage and ethnicity while lookingforward to making their own mark in the world. <strong>Yellow</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> andour advertisers are there to be a part of and to document thatexcitement and growth.

<strong>2012</strong> <strong>Media</strong> <strong>Kit</strong><strong>2012</strong> Editorial CalendarJanuary/February.... Lunar New Year/ June........................................ WeddingsValentines Day July/August....................What’s HotMarch........................... Anniversary Issue September.................... Fall FashionSpring FashionApril........................ Art & EntertainmentMay....................................... House & HomeOctober............................ Food/WineNovember........................... ShoppingDecember............................... HolidayCalendar subject to changeAd Sizes (magazine finish size is 11” x 17”)<strong>Yellow</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> is the leadingsource of information aboutfashion; arts and entertainment;and social, charitable and culturalactivities to affluent, Englishspeakingand bilingual AsianAmericans in Houston andsurrounding areas.Full PageJunior PageHalf Page VerticalHalf Page Horizontal Quarter Page Eighth Pageadvertising@yellowmags.comP 713.528.6000F 832.436.17201990 Post Oak Blvd., Suite 815Houston, TX 77056Premium PositionsBack Cover, Inside Front Cover, Inside Back Cover, Masthead Half/Quarter

Advertising AgreementAdvertiser InformationCOMPANY NAMECONTACT NAMEADDRESSCITY/STATE/ZIPPHONEFAXE-MAILBilling InformationSAME AS ABOVEINSTEAD, SEND INVOICE TO:COMPANY NAMECONTACT NAMEADDRESSCITY/STATE/ZIPPHONEFAXE-MAILMY CHECK IS ENCLOSED FOR $PLEASE BILL MY CREDIT CARD$ AMEX VISA MCACCOUNT NUMBEREXP DATENAME ON CARD (PLEASE PRINT)SIGNATUREDATEInsertion Schedule (please check all appropriate circles)Terms and Conditions• The publisher reserves the right to cancel or reject any advertising at any time,and to add the word “Advertisement” at the top of any copy which, in thepublisher’s opinion, simulates editorial matter and might be misleading tothe reader.• <strong>Yellow</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>,“the publisher,” will not be bound by any conditions printedor otherwise, appearing on order blanks of copy instructions when suchconditions conflict with regulations set forth in this rate card.• Cancellations or rollovers to a future issue must be received in writing 10 daysbefore space closing date without penalty. Cancellations received within 10days before space closing deadline will be charged 30% of gross space rate.Cancellations received after deadline will be charged payment in full. Changesor corrections must conform to closing and materials deadlines.• All billing is subject to short-rate or rebate to earned rates, depending onfrequency actually used during the current publication year. Frequency is basedon the number of insertions used within a current publication year.• The publisher does not guarantee any level of readership or response for anadvertisement.• The publisher does not assume liability for the return of advertising printingmaterials unless specific written request is received. Materials will be storedby the publisher for 12 months.• Agreements, conditions, rates, rules or regulations not set forth or describedhere or in current rate card will not be binding.• Charges for changes from original layout and copy will be based on currentcomposition and litho alteration rates.• The advertiser or advertising agency assumes liability for all content, includingtext and illustrations, of advertising published and also assumes responsibilityfor any claims arising therefrom made against the publisher including all costsand attorneys fees associated with investigating and defending such claims.• The publisher shall be under no liability, other than forfeiture of payment thereof,for its failure for any cause, to insert an advertisement.• Advertiser/Agency must inform <strong>Yellow</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> by the 1st of month prior to adinsertion if new ad materials will be provided; otherwise previous ad will be run.• The publisher, advertiser and the advertising agency (if any) agree that thiscontract shall be subject to the laws and jurisdiction of the State of Texas.• Any advertising agency agrees to be liable for payment for any advertisementplaced in <strong>Yellow</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>’s publication on behalf of any client. If for anyreason <strong>Yellow</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> is required to take action, legal or otherwise, to collectany outstanding accounts, the advertiser and the advertising agency (if any)shall pay all costs to recover such outstanding accounts, including reasonableattorneys fees. Any disagreements that may arise shall be adjudicated in thecourts located in Houston, Texas.• Until credit can be established, first time advertisers are required to sendpayment along with their insertion order form. Any payment past due 30 daysor more will be charged to an interest rate penalty of 1.5%, plus forfeiture ofagency discount.Issue Full Junior 1/2 H 1/2 V 1/4 1/8 rate.........................................................................................Jan ‘12 $.........................................................................................Feb ‘12 $.........................................................................................Mar ‘12 $.........................................................................................Apr ‘12 $.........................................................................................May ‘12 $.........................................................................................Jun ‘12 $.........................................................................................Jul/Aug ‘12 $.........................................................................................Sep ‘12 $.........................................................................................Oct ‘12 $.........................................................................................Nov ‘12 $.........................................................................................Dec ‘12 $.........................................................................................TOTALINSERTIONSSUBTOTAL $.....................+ Placement Charge $.....................TOTAL PROGRAM $.....................NOTES: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________SIGNATURE*advertising@yellowmags.comP 713.528.6000F 832.436.17201990 Post Oak Blvd., Suite 815Houston, TX 77056DATE* Signature on this contract signifies that company representative has read andagrees to the terms and conditions of <strong>Yellow</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>. Publisher will not beliable for mistakes on digital artwork received without proofs. Please see printingspecifications for preferred file types.yellow agr012-12/11

Artwork RequirementsAcceptable media<strong>Yellow</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> accepts files on CD, email or FTP upload. Film is NOT accepted.File types supportedPress-ready PDF files are preferred. We also accept Adobe Photoshop files as well as TIFF and EPS files in the proper resolution.Make sure to include all screen and printer fonts (no “True Type” fonts accepted) and all include all document fonts and supportinggraphics/photos.NotesAll ads must be CMYK. All images must be in CMYK or Grayscale mode at 300dpi saved as TIFF or EPS, line art minimum resolutionis 600dpi at size of use. Maximum ink density for any CMYK image should be 280%. Please include all fonts used in your layout.If incorrectly formatted files are submitted, there may be extra charges required for correct production.Creative servicesThere is no production charge for camera-ready advertising. If you need assistance in designing your advertising, we have a staffwho will be happy to help you in order to maximize your marketing investment. These services can be provided at a discountedrate or may be at no charge with the necessary contract. Ask your account representative for more information.Ad sizesPlease note that ads in <strong>Yellow</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> do not bleed. All ad sizes are a reflection of live image area.Size Width HeightFull page 10.25” 16.25”..........................................................................................Junior page 7.5” 12.25”..........................................................................................1/2 page horizontal 10.25” 8”..........................................................................................1/2 page vertical 5” 16.25”..........................................................................................1/4 page 5” 8”..........................................................................................1/8 page 5” 3.875”..........................................................................................Marketplace 3.25” 2.5”..........................................................................................Please send ad materials to:<strong>Yellow</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>Att: Production1990 Post Oak Blvd., Suite 815Houston, TX 77056Questions about artwork?E-mail production@yellowmags.comor call Jeff Martin @ 214.335.7331All advertisements are accepted and published by <strong>Yellow</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> upon the representation that the agency and/or advertiser is authorized to publish theentire contents and subject matter there of. In consideration of its acceptance by <strong>Yellow</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>, the agency and/or advertiser will indemnify and save <strong>Yellow</strong><strong>Magazine</strong> from harm and against any loss or expense resulting from claims or suits based upon the contents of subject matter of those advertisementsincluding, without limitation, claims or suits for libel, violation of right of privacy, plagiarism and copyright infringement. <strong>Yellow</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> has the right to rejectany advertising.advertising@yellowmags.comP 713.528.6000F 832.436.17201990 Post Oak Blvd., Suite 815Houston, TX 77056yellow art012-12/11

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