LSGG (Geneva)

LSGG (Geneva)

LSGG (Geneva)


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Airport Information<strong>LSGG</strong> (<strong>Geneva</strong>)JEPPESENJeppView Info<strong>Geneva</strong>, CHEN 46° 14.3' E 06° 06.6' Mag Var: 0.0°WElevation: 1411'Public, Control Tower, IFR, Landing Fee, CustomsPattern Altitude: 1089 feet AGLFuel: 100LL, Jet A-1Repairs: Major Airframe, Major EngineTime Zone Info: GMT+1:00 uses DSTRunway InfoRunway 05-23 12795' x 164' concreteRunway 05 (46.0°M) TDZE 1411'Lights: Edge, ALS, CenterlineDisplaced Threshold Distance 1082'Runway 23 (226.0°M) TDZE 1365'Lights: Edge, ALS, Centerline, REIL, TDZCommunications InfoATIS 135.575ATIS 124.75<strong>Geneva</strong> Tower 119.9<strong>Geneva</strong> Tower 119.7<strong>Geneva</strong> Tower 118.7<strong>Geneva</strong> Ground Control 121.675<strong>Geneva</strong> Ground Control 119.7<strong>Geneva</strong> Ground Control 118.7<strong>Geneva</strong> Apron Ramp/Taxi Control 121.85 Secondary<strong>Geneva</strong> Apron Ramp/Taxi Control 121.75<strong>Geneva</strong> Transit Approach Control 136.45<strong>Geneva</strong> Final Approach Control 120.3<strong>Geneva</strong> Approach Control 131.325<strong>Geneva</strong> Approach Control 121.3<strong>Geneva</strong> Arrival Control 136.25<strong>Geneva</strong> Departure Control 119.525Notebook Info

Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008.NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008<strong>LSGG</strong>/GVAGENEVA1.1. ATISATIS 135.57+ JEPPESEN21 DEC 07 10-1P1. GENERALJEPPESENJeppView, SWITZERLANDAIRPORT.BRIEFING1.2. NOISE ABATEMENT PROCEDURES1.2.1. GENERALThe following procedures are defined to avoid excessive noise at and in the vicinityof the APT and apply to all ACFT flying in IFR.Pilots may transgress these procedures only if the ACFT safety so requires.ACFT unable to comply with these prescriptions shall submit for approval to the APTAuthority those procedures they intend to apply.Avoid overflying the built-up areas adjacent to the APT in low altitudes.1.2.2. NIGHTTIME OPERATIONS (2200-0600LT)CHAPTER II ACFTChapter two ACFT are no longer permitted to use Swiss aerodromes.In exceptional circumstances (e.g. ACFT performing scheduled maintenance at anapproved maintenance facility at <strong>Geneva</strong> International APT), FOCA, in conjunctionwith the <strong>Geneva</strong> International APT Authority, can issue an exemption permit forchapter II ACFT to operate at <strong>Geneva</strong> International APT.Application forms are obtained from the <strong>Geneva</strong> International APT Authority.A completed form must be returned by FAX to the same authorities, at least threeworking days before the date of the planned flight.A copy of this form with 'permission granted ' by FOCA, must travel and remain withthe ACFT flight documents for the duration of the stay at <strong>Geneva</strong> International APT.Chapter two ACFT, holding an exemption permit, are subject to the followingrestrictions:- Landings and take-offs from MON to FRI between 0900-1900LT, except locallyrecognized holidays.The <strong>Geneva</strong> APT Authorities reserve the right to impose a fine on the applicant ifthe above is not respected.1.2.3. GENERAL AVIATION CENTER (GAC)The north apron (GAC) is closed for all ACFT between 2200-0600LT, except forambulance flights and towed ground movements.ACFT of more than 15000 KGS MTOW have no access to the General Aviation Center(GAC), except General Aviation ACFT of higher weight:a) which are considered as causing a low noise level and are approved by the APTAuthority, such ACFT are Mystere 900 & 50, Challenger, Jet Star II, GulfstreamGII & GIII, GIV only with handling agent's requests.b) on which technical work has to be executed within the workshop area ofTRANSAIRCO (Suisse) SA. These ACFT shall be towed by truck on the entire GACplatform.1.2.4. REVERSE THRUSTMore than idle reverse may be used only for operational or safety reasons.1.2.5. RUN-UP TESTSRun-ups are subject to a prior authorization of the APT Authority (Operationdivision, APRON CONTROL, TEL 7141, 7140).1.2.6. AUXILIARY POWER UNITS (APUs)Stands 1, 2, 3, 3A, 4, 5, 5A, 8, 9 to 12, 14 to 16, 31 to 34, 41 to 44These stands are equipped with fixed electrical power (400 Hz) and Pre-ConditionedAir (PCA) supplies. ACFT at these stands must use these services. The electricalpower will be connected prior to engine shutdown. PCA connection follows shortlyafter engine shutdown. The use of airborne APU is forbidden at these stands, except:- 5 minutes prior to engine start or push back, or- due to the lack of serviceable fixed power and/or PCA in which case the sameapplies as for 'other stands '.Other standsLicensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008.NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008<strong>LSGG</strong>/GVAGENEVA+JEPPESEN21 DEC 07 10-1P11. GENERALJEPPESENJeppView, SWITZERLANDAIRPORT.BRIEFINGAirborne APU can only be kept in operation 20 minutes after landing or started60 minutes before departure time.All standsThe airborne APU is tolerated for maintenance work on the ACFT. In that case, theservice period must be kept as short as possible.Furthermore, in particular cases, the APT authority may permit longer serviceperiods.In order to receive this authorization, the airline makes a duly motivated request.At General Aviation Center (GAC)At the General Aviation Center (GAC) the following regulation is applicable to theuse of APU:- at the maximum 15 minutes prior to departure- at the maximum 5 minutes after arrival- APU use for maintenance reasons is subject to an authorization by the APTauthority.1.3. LOW VISIBILITY PROCEDURES (LVP)LVP will be activated via RTF or ATIS with the phrase 'LOW VISIBILITY PROCEDURESIN OPERATION '.LVP becomes effective when RVR for TDZ is 550m or less and/or ceiling is 200' orless.Arriving ACFT are vectored so as to ensure an intercept of the LOC at least 8 NMfrom THR.ATC issues a clearance for an ILS approach regardless of the ILS category applied andthe weather conditions.Prior to commencing final apch the RVR value will be transmitted. Additionally,latest RVR values will be transmitted by Tower.Clearance to land will normally be transmitted prior an arriving ACFT reaches 2 NMfrom THR, in exceptional cases transmission may be delayed. In such cases pilotswill be informed accordingly.If weather conditions indicate substained improvement to RVR 550m or greater andceiling to 200' or greater, LVP are terminated.1.4. TAXI PROCEDURESOn apron, wing tip clearance is provided only, if ACFT main gear remains over theguidelines.TWY F usable in CAT I only.Available to ACFT of wake turbulence CAT MEDIUM.1.5. PARKING INFORMATIONOn stands 1 thru 19, 62, 72 thru 74 and 81 thru 89, push-back required.Stands 1 thru 16 equipped with ACFT Parking and Information System (APIS).Stands 17 thru 19 equipped with visual docking guidance system.When leaving stands 31 thru 44, LEFT turn mandatory, unless other instructions fromApron Control for two engine narrow body ACFT received.1.6. OTHER INFORMATION1.6.1. GENERALBirds in vicinity of APT.If needed, crews can request a system for deterrence against bird-collisions onApron frequency.RWY 23 and Grass RWY 23 right-hand circuit.RWY 05/23 grooved.Grass RWY 05/23 for single engine ACFT only.1.6.2. USE OF MODE S TRANSPONDERSelect the assigned Mode A code and activate the Mode S transponder at the requestfor push-back or taxi, whichever is first, and after landing until reaching parkingstand.Transponder shall be switched off immediately after parking.CHANGES: None.| JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.CHANGES: Parking information. Other information.| JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008.NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008<strong>LSGG</strong>/GVAGENEVA+JEPPESEN21 DEC 07 10-1P2JEPPESENJeppView, SWITZERLANDAIRPORT.BRIEFING2. ARRIVAL2.1. SPEED RESTRICTIONSMAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC.When passing over or abeam SLPs MAX IAS as broadcasted on ATIS or as cleared byATC. If in certain weather conditions or forACFT performance reasons pilots maynot be able to comply with the speed limitation, they shall inform ATC.2.2. NOISE ABATEMENT PROCEDURES2.2.1. GENERALThe following procedures are defined to avoid excessive noise at and in the vicinityof the APT and apply to all ACFT flying in IFR.Pilots may transgress these procedures only if the ACFT safety so requires.ACFT unable to comply with these prescriptions shall submit for approval to the APTAuthority those procedures they intend to apply.Avoid overflying the built-up areas adjacent to the APT in low altitudes.Approaches shall be carried out at an angle equal to or above the GS angle as definedby the ILS. The GS shall be chosen so as to maintain clean configuration as long aspossible, safety and ATC requirements considered. Landing configuration and correctapproach speed should be established passing at 4 NM from TDZ.2.2.2. NIGHTTIME OPERATIONS (2200-0600LT)Prior permission is required from the <strong>Geneva</strong> APT Authorities by all commercial &non-commercial air transport operations during the night bans described below.Permission to operate in the night ban is only granted in exceptional circumstances.COMMERCIAL AIR TRANSPORTArrivals are banned between 0001-0459LT. Between 0500-0559LT arrivals are onlypermitted provided the carrier- has submitted and received prior approval from the <strong>Geneva</strong> APT Authorities topublish an STA during this period, and- holds a <strong>Geneva</strong> APT slot during this time frame issued by Slot CoordinationSwitzerland.Delayed arrivals may be tolerated between 2400-0030LT. Prior approval from APTAuthority must be obtained.Ferry flight arrivals are banned between 2201-0559LT.Derogations from 2201-2400LT may be given by the <strong>Geneva</strong> APT authorities.Arrivals of supplementary flights during the night bans described above and carriedout during the period from the second Friday before Christmas (25 DEC) to the secondMonday after the 1 JAN are only permitted provided the carrier- has submitted and received prior approval from the <strong>Geneva</strong> APT Authorities topublish an STA during this period, and- holds a <strong>Geneva</strong> APT slot during this time frame issued by Slot CoordinationSwitzerland.Arrivals can only expect to receive an approach clearance if they are overhead GVAno later than 15 minutes before the respective night ban comes into effect.NON-COMMERCIAL AIR TRANSPORTArrivals are banned between 2201-0559LT. IFR traffic can only expect to receive anapproach clearance if they are overhead GVA no later than 15 minutes before therespective night ban comes into effect.EXCEPTIONS- Urgent flights of state or military ACFT with special authorization and/ordiplomatic clearance from the FOCA.- Urgent flights with permanent special authorization of the APT Authority, i.e.:- Search and rescue flights.- Law enforcement and supervision flights.- Medevac flights.- Relief flights in disaster cases.- Forced landings and alternate landings due to meteorological conditions and/oraircraft technical problems.Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008.NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008<strong>LSGG</strong>/GVAGENEVA+JEPPESEN21 DEC 07 10-1P3JEPPESENJeppView, SWITZERLANDAIRPORT.BRIEFING2. ARRIVAL2.3. CAT II/III OPERATIONSRWY 23 approved for CAT II/III operations, special aircrew and ACFT certificationrequired.2.4. RWY OPERATIONS2.4.1. MINIMUM RWY OCCUPANCY TIME2.4.1.1. GENERALPilots are reminded that rapid RWY vacating enables ATC to apply closer spacing onfinal approach, allowing maximum RWY utilisation and minimizing the occurence ofgoarounds. RWY 05Exit TWYs to be used whenever possible:For parking stands on South apron:- Heavy ACFT: TWY C (5413 '/1650m from DISPL THR) or TWY B (7710 '/2350m) fromDISPL THR);- Medium/Light/Small ACFT: TWY D (4265 '/1300m from DISPL THR).For parking stands on North apron:Medium/Small/Light: TWY Y (5249 '/1600m from DISPL THR). RWY 23Exit TWYs to be used whenever possible:For parking stands on South apron:- Heavy/Medium/Light/Small ACFT: TWY D (6562 '/2000m from THR)TWY C shall not be used, except on ATC instruction.For parking stands on North apron:- Medium/Light/Small: TWY Y (5905 '/1800m from THR).2.5. TAXI PROCEDURES2.5.1. WHEN RWY 23 IS IN USE:ACFT shall vacate the RWY via TWY D or E unless otherwise instructed by TWR. Ifinstructed to vacate via TWY C, ACFT shall clear the RWY and hold on TWY C,remaining clear OUTER TWY.2.5.2. SOUTH APRON:All arriving ACFT shall expedite vacating the RWY. When instructed by GENEVAtower, contact GENEVA apron. Pilot shall be in contact with GENEVA apron prior toentering OUTER TWY.2.5.3. NORTH APRONACFT proceeding to the NORTH apron shall expedite vacating the RWY via TWY Y or Zas instructed by GENEVA Tower. The ACFT will be instructed to contact GENEVAGround for taxi.2.6. OTHER INFORMATION2.6.1. IFR APPROACHACFT type must be reported at first contact with GENEVA Arrival; indication ofwake turbulence category is not necessary.CHANGES: Nighttime operations.| JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.CHANGES: Rwy operations. Taxi procedures.| JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008.NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008<strong>LSGG</strong>/GVAGENEVA+ JEPPESEN21 DEC 07 10-1P4JEPPESENJeppView, SWITZERLANDAIRPORT.BRIEFING3. DEPARTURE3.1. START-UP & PUSH-BACK PROCEDURESIf an ATC departure slot has been allocated to a pilot, he is allowed to start enginesnot before 15 minutes prior to the slot. Exceptions can only be granted by ATC.ACFT type must be reported with start-up clearance; indication of wake turbulencecategory is not necessarry.North Apron:When fully ready for start-up, pilot shall indicate the parking position and requestATC clearance, start-up and taxi clearance from GENEVA Ground.South Apron:When fully ready for start-up, pilot shall indicate the parking position and requestATC clearance from GENEVA Ground.Once ATC clearance received from GENEVA Ground, request start-up (push-back ifneeded) and taxi clearance from GENEVA Apron.All ACFT operator must ensure that push-back equipment is available for their ACFT.Request push-back clearance from GENEVA Apron.For the towing or push-back of an operating ACFT a general authorization only willbe given to the cockpit crew. Detailed instructions will be transmitted directly tothe driver.In any case, engine start-up shall be completed, when push-back procedure is ended.In any case, the ACFT rotating beacon shall be operated during the push-backprocedure.If security required, Follow-me cars will be escort ACFT during the push-backprocedure.3.2. NOISE ABATEMENT PROCEDURES3.2.1. GENERALThe following procedures are defined to avoid excessive noise at and in the vicinityof the APT and apply to all ACFT flying in IFR.Pilots may transgress these procedures only if the ACFT safety so requires.ACFT unable to comply with these prescriptions shall submit for approval to the APTAuthority those procedures they intend to apply.Avoid overflying the built-up areas adjacent to the APT in low altitudes.Climb tracks shall be flown according to <strong>Geneva</strong> SID charts.Climb-out shall be executed at the maximum gradient compatible with ACFT safety.Subsonic jet ACFT licensed according to ICAO Annex 16, Volume I, Chapter 2 areonly allowed to take-off between 0700-2000LT. APT authority may exceptionallygrant special authorizations if justified by important reasons.JET ACFT CLIMB-OUTPilots are requested to execute a rolling take-off.By-pass jet-engined ACFT:Take-off to 2900'Take-off powerTake-off flapsClimb at V 2 + 10 KT (or according climb gradient limitation)At 2900'Reduce power to not less than climb power2900' - 4400' Climb at V 2 + 10 KTAt 4400'Normal speed and flap retraction schedules to enroute climb.Straight jet-engined ACFT:Procedures as above apply except thrust reduction shall intervene at 2100'.Automatic monitoring equipment is used to check compliance with procedures statedabove.3.2.2. RUNWAY USAGEWhen RWY 23 is in use, take-offs from RWY 05 are authorized only if traffic permitsand only if the ACFT leaves the <strong>Geneva</strong> TMA in direction of FRI and/or take-off onRWY 23 is not possible for safety reasons.Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008.NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008<strong>LSGG</strong>/GVAGENEVA+JEPPESEN21 DEC 07 10-1P53. DEPARTUREJEPPESENJeppView, SWITZERLANDAIRPORT.BRIEFING3.2.3. NIGHTTIME OPERATIONS (2200-0600LT)Prior permission is required from the <strong>Geneva</strong> APT Authorities by all commercial &non-commercial air transport operations during the night bans described below.Permission to operate in the night ban is only granted in exceptional circumstances.COMMERCIAL AIR TRANSPORTDepartures are banned between 0001-0559LT. Between 2201-2400LT departures areonly permitted- if ACFT with a noise index less than 98 EPNdb are used to destinations (non-stopflights only) of more than 2700 NM, or- if ACFT with a noise index less than 96 EPNdb are used for all other destinations.Delayed departures may be tolerated between 2400-0030LT. Prior approval from APTAuthority must be obtained.Ferry flight departures are banned between 2201-0559LT.Derogations from 2201-2400LT may be given by the <strong>Geneva</strong> APT authorities.Departures of supplementary flights during the night bans described above andcarried out during the period from the second Friday before Christmas (25 DEC) tothe second Monday after the 1 JAN are only permitted provided the carrier- has submitted and received prior approval from the <strong>Geneva</strong> APT Authorities topublish an STD during this period, and- holds a <strong>Geneva</strong> APT slot during this time frame issued by Slot CoordinationSwitzerland.Departures can only expect to receive a departure clearance if they are ready tostart turbo-jet or turbo-prop engined ACFT or, in the case of piston engined ACFT, ifthey are ready to taxi, no later than 10 minutes before the respective night bancomes into effect.NON-COMMERCIAL AIR TRANSPORTDepartures are banned between 2201-0559LT. A departure clearance can only beexpected when ready to start turbo-jet or turbo-prop engined ACFT or, in the case ofpiston engined ACFT, if they are ready to taxi, no later than 10 minutes before therespective night ban comes into effect.EXCEPTIONS- Urgent flights of state or military ACFT with special authorization and/ordiplomatic clearance from the FOCA.- Urgent flights with permanent special authorization of the APT Authority, i.e.:- Search and rescue flights.- Law enforcement and supervision flights.- Medevac flights.- Relief flights in disaster cases.- Forced landings and alternate landings due to meteorological conditions and/oraircraft technical problems.CHANGES: None.| JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.CHANGES: Nighttime operations.| JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008.NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008<strong>LSGG</strong>/GVAGENEVA+ JEPPESEN21 DEC 07 10-1P6JEPPESENJeppView, SWITZERLANDAIRPORT.BRIEFING3. DEPARTURE3.2.4. NOISE CLASSIFICATION FOR JET ACFTSIDs KONIL 4C, 2D & 3J will only be assigned to Jet ACFT with noise classificationIV and V.CLASSIIIIIIB707 100B/ 300B/ 300CB720BB727 100/ 200B727 200 ADV (JT8D-15/-17)B737 100/ 200B737 200 ADV (JT8D-15/-17)B747 100 (F)/ 200 (C/B/F)B747 SPB747 300 SUDBAC1-11 200/ 300/ 400/ 500/ 539DC8 50 /61 /62 / 63DC9 20/ 30B727 200 ADV HushkitB737 200 ADV MixerB737 200 ADV HushkitB747 400DC8 70DC9 10/ 20 HushkitA300 / B2/ B4A300 600A310 300A340 200/ 300/ 500/ 600B767 200/ 200ER/ 300/ 300ERDC9 40 Hushkit (JT8D11)DC10 10/ 40IV A310 200A330 200/ 300B777 200/ 200ER/ 300/ 300ERMD87IL96 M/ 300Falcon 20/ 50/ 900VA319A320 100/ 200A321Antonov AN218 200/ 300AVRO RJ 70/ 85/ 100B717 200/ 300B737 300 to 900B757 200/ 300BEA BA146 100/ 200Canadair CL600 (ALF502)Canadair CL601 (GE-CF)Canadair RJ100ER/ 700Cessna C500/ C525/ C550/ C560ACFT TYPESDC9 40 (JT8D-11)DC9 40 ADV (JT8D-15)DC9 50/ 34Fokker F28 1-6000IL62 MIL76 M/ T/ TDIL86SE210 10B/ 10R/ 11R/ 12TU134 ATU154 A/ B/ B1/ B2Gulfstream IIHS125 400/ 600 (RR Viper)DC10 30/ 30ERMD11MD80/81/82/83Tristar L1011 500Yak 42Gulfstream IIITristar L1011 1-100/ 1-200TU154 M (Soloviev D30)Fokker VFW 614Morane MS 760Piaggio PD 808Yak 40Falcon 200 MystereJetstar L1329/ II (TFE 371)Mitsubishi MU300 Diamond 1/ BE40Sabreliner NA265 65-80 (TFE)Westwind IAI 1124 / 1125 / AJ25 (TFE)Cessna C650/ C750Corvette SN601 100Dornier DO328 300Embraer EMB145/ ER/ 170/ 190Falcon 10/ 2000Fokker F70/ F100Gulfstream IV/ VHS125 400 to 1000Learjet LR 30/ 45/ 50 / 60MD90TU204 100TU330 FreighterYak 242Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008.NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008<strong>LSGG</strong>/GVAGENEVA+ JEPPESEN21 DEC 07 10-1P7JEPPESENJeppView, SWITZERLANDAIRPORT.BRIEFING3. DEPARTURE3.3. RWY OPERATIONS3.3.1. MINIMUM RWY OCCUPANCY TIME- Pilots should be ready for a rapid line-up in sequence according to ATCinstructions.- Pilots should ensure that cockpit checks are completed prior to line-up and be ableto initiate the take-off roll immediately after receiving take-off clearance.- Pilots not able to comply with the avove requirements shall notify ATC as soon aspossible.CHANGES: None.| JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.CHANGES: New page.| JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008.NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008<strong>LSGG</strong>/GVAGENEVAATISApt Elev135.57 1411'27 APR 07JEPPESENAlt Set: hPaTrans level: By ATC Trans alt: 7000'Expect radar vectors to final approach.AKITO ONE NOVEMBER (AKITO 1N) [AKIT1N]AKITO TWO ROMEO (AKITO 2R) [AKIT2R]RWYS 05, 23 RNAV ARRIVALSRNAV (GNSS)NO TURN ONTO BASE UNLESS CLEAREDBY ATC OR DURING LOST COMMSJEPPESENJeppView, SWITZERLAND10-2 .Eff.10.May. .RNAV.STAR.25222^AKITON47 12.8E006 38.9(110.85 FRIR-319/D35)HOLDINGSOVER DINIGLicensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008.NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008<strong>LSGG</strong>/GVAGENEVAATISApt Elev135.57 1411'27 APR 07JEPPESENAlt Set: hPaTrans level: By ATC Trans alt: 7000'Expect radar vectors to final approach.JEPPESENJeppView, SWITZERLAND10-2A .Eff.10.May. .RNAV.STAR.BANKO TWO NOVEMBER (BANKO 2N) [BANK2N]BANKO TWO ROMEO (BANKO 2R) [BANK2R]RWYS 05, 23 RNAV ARRIVALSRNAV (GNSS)NO TURN ONTO BASE UNLESS CLEAREDBY ATC OR DURING LOST COMMS7000'002^1241^10,600'MSAGVA VOR1 7000'within 10 NMLIRKON46 34.3 E005 48.9At or aboveMAXGG503N46 05.8E005 41.8SLPMinimum BankMAX220 KTSTARAKITO 1NAKITO 2RCHANGES: None.7000'250 KT25^BOLGIN46 40.1 E005 56.3(110.85 FRI R-263/D53)D9D20.5 243^011^5D23KERADN46 14.1 E005 54.012145^(IAF)DINIGN46 29.7 E005 53.4135^By ATCAKITO 1N5.97.7221^SOVADN46 20.3 E006 02.9MAX 250 KTAKITO 2RAt or aboveSpeed Limit PointRWY05237000'11.9D188.7D10R325^264^GG507N46 26.5E006 12.0D6.1D11.6014^007^D39.5GG514N46 32.4 E006 20.8225^19AKITO 2R045^(IF Rwy 05)INDISN46 01.6 E005 47.8At or above7000'D115.4 CHAMBERYCBYN45 52.9 E005 45.4MAX220 KT028^8.8 8.5SLPGG518N46 54.4 E006 14.9D19.4135^By ATCDGENEVA115.75 GVA GVAN46 15.2 E006 07.96NOT TO SCALE1 7000'within 10 NMD18/25 GVAMRA FL120MHA 7000MAX FL240By ATCR325^GVAGVAD18(IF Rwy 23)ST PREXD113.9 SPR046^HOLDINGOVER SPR226^MHA 7000ROUTINGFrom AKITO via GG518 and BOLGI to LIRKO, then via DINIG to SOVAD,then via KERAD to GG503, continue on track. By ATC to INDIS tointercept final approach.From AKITO via GG518 and BOLGI to LIRKO, then via DINIG to SOVAD,then via GG507 to GG514, continue on track. By ATC to SPR to interceptfinal approach.146^020^MAX FL230AT OR BELOW 8000MAX 210 KTBy ATC| JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.326^N46 28.1 E006 26.9At or above7000'MAX 210 KT7000'200^002^MHA 70001MSAGVA VORMAX FL150241^10,600'HOLDINGOVER GOLEBMAX FL240MAX 250 KTMHA FL180 By ATCMHA FL200(IF Rwy 05)INDISN46 01.6 E005 47.8011^D9By ATC6.1315^GVA 33 DMEDGENEVA115.75 GVA GVAN46 15.2 E006 07.9At or above7000'D115.4 CHAMBERYCBYN45 52.9 E005 45.4STARBANKO 2NBANKO 2R350^By ATCD20.4SLP209^12BANKO2N(IF Rwy 23)ST PREXDSPR113.9 At or above7000'MAX 210 KT188^D9.6D6.1R124^D11.6077^064^4.9D11 D18PITOM226^ 045^N46 05.7E006 06.1225^ 8.8GG502N45 57.2 E005 54.0MAXCHANGES: Crossing at GOLEB withdrawn.170^RWY0523020^N46 28.1 E006 26.9220 KT200^Speed Limit PointMHA 7000MAX FL150SUVELN46 09.1 E006 21.1At or above11000'046^By ATCD19.38.7 8.5316^By ATC046^GG525N46 17.9E006 24.1BANKO2RBIVLON46 11.8 E006 15.2VALBU (IAF)N46 05.2 E006 29.4GOLEBAt or above N46 03.1 E006 33.814000'(GVA R-125/D22)647 304^226^MHA 7000MAX FL230AT OR BELOW 8000MAX 210 KTMAXAt or above10NOT TO SCALEGG512N46 23.8 E006 32.9250 KTBANKO 2R303^MAX220 KT7000'GG520N45 57.4 E006 46.1(GVA R-124/D32)At or above18000'BANKOSLPN45 49.2 E007 03.3(GVA R-125/D47)| JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.15304^ROUTINGFrom BANKO via GG520, GOLEB, VALBU and SUVEL to BIVLO, then viaPITOM to GG502, continue on track. By ATC to INDIS to intercept finalapproach.From BANKO via GG520, GOLEB, VALBU and SUVEL to BIVLO, then viaGG525 to GG512, continue on track. By ATC to SPR to intercept finalapproach.

Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008.NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008<strong>LSGG</strong>/GVAGENEVAATISApt Elev135.57 1411'27 APR 07JEPPESENAlt Set: hPaTrans level: By ATC Trans alt: 7000'Expect radar vectors to final approach.BELUS ONE NOVEMBER (BELUS 1N)RWY 05 RNAV ARRIVALRNAV (GNSS)NO TURN ONTO BASE UNLESS CLEAREDBY ATC OR DURING LOST COMMSJEPPESENJeppView, SWITZERLAND10-2B .Eff.10.May. .RNAV.STAR.[BELU1N]7000'002^1241^10,600'MSAGVA VOR1 7000'within 10 NMLicensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008.NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008<strong>LSGG</strong>/GVAGENEVAATISApt Elev135.57 1411'27 APR 07JEPPESENAlt Set: hPaTrans level: By ATC Trans alt: 7000'Expect radar vectors to final approach.BELUS ONE ROMEO (BELUS 1R)RWY 23 RNAV ARRIVALRNAV (GNSS)NO TURN ONTO BASE UNLESS CLEAREDBY ATC OR DURING LOST COMMSJEPPESENJeppView, SWITZERLAND10-2C .Eff.10.May. .RNAV.STAR.[BELU1R]7000'002^1241^10,600'MSAGVA VOR1 7000'within 10 NMNOT TO SCALE(IAF)D115.4 CHAMBERYCBYBELUSN45 40.5 E005 35.6MAX 250 KT(IF on return)INDISN46 01.6 E005 47.8At or above10000'At or above7000'N45 52.9 E005 45.4D032^14029^DR209^DGENEVA115.75 GVA GVAN46 15.2 E006 07.9MAX 220 KT9011^212^045^By ATC6.1315^D20.4MHA FL10020MAX FL140MAX 220 KTBy ATC209^12GG510N45 46.4 E005 48.2(GVA R-206/D32)020^R225^188^D9.6225^D6.1124^8.8226^PITOMN46 05.7 E006 06.1GG502N45 57.2 E005 54.0MAX200^MHA 7000MAX FL150220 KTBIVLON46 11.8 E006 15.2MAX220 KTNOT TO SCALE(IAF)D115.4 CHAMBERYCBYN45 52.9 E005 45.4D032^14029^GG502N45 57.2 E005 54.0R209^D GENEVA115.75 GVA GVAN46 15.2 E006 07.9At or above10000'212^7.3054^D20.4MHA FL100MAX FL140MAX 220 KTBy ATC209^12045^GG510N45 46.4 E005 48.2(GVA R-206/D32)020^188^D9.6(IF)ST PREXDSPR113.9 N46 28.1 E006 26.9At or above7000'MAX 210 KT200^D6.1124^8.8 8.7046^MHA 7000MAX FL150D11.6077^046^8.5064^PITOMN46 05.7 E006 06.1D19.3045^ 046^BetweenFL150 & 7000'316^By ATC226^GG525N46 17.9 E006 24.1BIVLON46 11.8 E006 15.26At or above7000'MHA 7000MAX FL230AT OR BELOW 8000MAX 210 KTBy ATCGG512N46 23.8E006 32.9MAX220 KTSLPBELUSN45 40.5 E005 35.6SLPSpeed Limit PointROUTINGFrom BELUS to CBY, then to INDIS, then to GVA, then to BIVLO, then via PITOM to GG502,continue on track. By ATC to INDIS to intercept final approach.CHANGES: RNAV STAR BELUS 1N estbld; BENOT 1N, 1P transf.| JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.ROUTINGFrom BELUS to CBY, then to GG502, then via PITOM, BIVLO and GG525 to GG512, continue ontrack. By ATC to SPR to intercept final approach.CHANGES: RNAV STAR BELUS 1R estbld; BENOT 1R, 1T transf.| JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008.NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008<strong>LSGG</strong>/GVAGENEVAATISApt Elev135.57 1411'27 APR 07JEPPESENAlt Set: hPaTrans level: By ATC Trans alt: 7000'Expect radar vectors to final approach.JEPPESENJeppView, SWITZERLAND10-2D .Eff.10.May. .RNAV.STAR.BENOT ONE NOVEMBER (BENOT 1N) [BENO1N]BENOT ONE PAPA (BENOT 1P) [BENO1P]RWY 05 RNAV ARRIVALSRNAV (GNSS)NO TURN ONTO BASE UNLESS CLEAREDBY ATC OR DURING LOST COMMS7000'002^1MSAGVA VOR1 7000'within 10 NMSLPBENOTN47 03.5 E007 10.4(SPR R-040/D46.3)241^10,600'Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008.NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008<strong>LSGG</strong>/GVAGENEVAATISApt Elev135.57 1411'27 APR 07Alt Set: hPaTrans level: By ATC Trans alt: 7000'Expect radar vectors to final approach.BENOT ONE ROMEO (BENOT 1R) [BENO1R]BENOT ONE TANGO (BENOT 1T) [BENO1T]RWY 23 RNAV ARRIVALSRNAV (GNSS)JEPPESENJEPPESENJeppView, SWITZERLAND10-2E .Eff.10.May. .RNAV.STAR.7000'002^1241^10,600'MSAGVA VOR1 7000'within 10 NMSLPGG503N46 05.8E005 41.8MAX220 KT135^By ATC5.9KERADN46 14.1E005 54.012(IF)INDISN46 01.6 E005 47.8(115.4 CBY R-011/D9)At or above7000'STARBENOT 1NBENOT 1PNOT TO SCALESpeed Limit PointD20.5 243^315^By ATCCHANGES: Chart reindexed.6.1D20.4SOVADN46 20.3E006 02.98.7D10209^12325^264^GG514N46 32.4 E006 20.8D6.1188^D9.6225^8.817.3D6.1124^GG502N45 57.2 E005 54.0MAX 220 KTAt or belowFL150028^225^D19.4D GENEVA115.75 GVA GVAN46 15.2 E006 07.9PITOMN46 05.7 E006 06.1020^BIVLON46 11.8 E006 15.2GVA200^051^32NEMOSN46 54.7 E006 54.4(SPR R-035/D32.8)BENOT 1N226^By ATC(BENOT 1N IAF)18208^226^14VADARN46 39.4E006 45.2(110.85 FRIR-250/D21)GG512N46 23.8 E006 32.9(GVA R-064/D19.3)231^(IAF)231^HOLDINGS OVERNEMOS VADARROUTINGFrom BENOT to NEMOS, then to GG514, then via SOVAD and KERAD to GG503,continue on track. By ATC to INDIS to intercept final approach.From BENOT to NEMOS, then to VADAR, then to GG512, then via BIVLO andPITOM to GG502, continue on track. By ATC to INDIS to intercept final approach.17.2MHA 7000MAX FL150MHA FL110MAX FL23017202^BENOT1PST PREXDSPR113.9 N46 28.1 E006 26.9At or belowFL150MAX 250 KT051^MHA 9000By ATCMAX FL230231^| JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.020^STARBENOT 1RBENOT 1TSLP200^DGENEVA115.75 GVA GVAN46 15.2 E006 07.9CHANGES: Chart reindexed.Speed Limit PointMHA 7000MAX FL150VEROXN46 43.7 E006 34.4R018^16198^R048^(IF)ST PREXDSPR113.9 N46 28.1 E006 26.9At or above7000'BENOT 1TMAX 210 KT17NEMOSN46 54.7 E006 54.4(SPR R-035/D32.8)1817BENOT 1T051^228^(IAF)BENOT1R051^202^231^By ATCSPRVADARN46 39.4 E006 45.2(110.85 FRI R-250/D21)SLPBENOTN47 03.5 E007 10.4By ATCNOT TO SCALE14MHA FL110MHA 9000MAX FL230MAX FL230231^040^D46.3046^HOLDINGOVER SPRROUTINGFrom BENOT to NEMOS, then to VADAR, then to SPR to intercept final approach.From BENOT via NEMOS to VEROX, then to SPR to intercept final approach.226^MHA 7000MAX FL230AT OR BELOW 8000MAX 210 KTBy ATC| JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008.NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008<strong>LSGG</strong>/GVAGENEVAATISApt Elev135.57 1411'144^24SLPGG517N46 56.4E005 26.4145^D50.2LIRKON46 34.3 E005 48.9GG503N46 05.8 E005 41.8MAX220 KTDIJON ONE NOVEMBER (DJL 1N)DIJON ONE ROMEO (DJL 1R)RWYS 05, 23 RNAV ARRIVALSDIJON LONGVIC111.45 DJLDN47 16.2 E005 05.8At or above7000'D115.4 CHAMBERYCBYCHANGES: Chart reindexed.27.2SOVADN46 20.3 E006 02.9At or aboveN45 52.9 E005 45.4STARDJL 1NDJL 1RRWY0523D9D20.5 243^011^5D23(IAF)DINIGN46 29.7 E005 53.4MAXDJL 1RKERADN46 14.1 E005 54.0135^By ATC250 KT7000'5.9Alt Set: hPaTrans level: By ATC Trans alt: 7000'Expect radar vectors to final approach.RNAV (GNSS)NO TURN ONTO BASE UNLESS CLEAREDBY ATC OR DURING LOST COMMS1227 APR 07DJL 1N11.9D18JEPPESEN8.7D10R325^225^264^GG507N46 26.5E006 12.0DJL 1R045^D6.1D11.6014^028^D19.48.8 8.5135^6By ATCBy ATCR325^046^GVAD18JEPPESENJeppView, SWITZERLAND10-2F .Eff.10.May. .RNAV.STAR.(IF Rwy 05)INDISN46 01.6 E005 47.8At or above7000'GG514N46 32.4 E006 20.8MAX220 KT(IF Rwy 23)ST PREXD113.9 SPR226^MHA 7000MAX FL230AT OR BELOW 8000MAX 210 KTBy ATCHOLDINGS OVERDINIG GVA326^MSAGVA VOR1 7000'within 10 NMROUTINGFrom DJL via GG517, LIRKO and DINIG to SOVAD, then via KERAD toGG503, continue on track. By ATC to INDIS to intercept final approach.From DJL via GG517, LIRKO and DINIG to SOVAD, then via GG507 toGG514, continue on track. By ATC to SPR to intercept final approach.SLPAt or above7000'MAX 210 KTD GENEVA115.75 GVA GVAN46 15.2 E006 07.9146^D18/25 GVAMRA FL120MHA 7000MAX FL240NOT TO SCALE7000'N46 28.1 E006 26.9020^002^Speed Limit Point| JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.1200^241^10,600'MHA 7000MAX FL150Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008.NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008<strong>LSGG</strong>/GVAGENEVAATISApt Elev135.57 1411'D011^D9D20.4209^Alt Set: hPaTrans level: By ATC Trans alt: 7000'Expect radar vectors to final approach.RNAV (GNSS)NO TURN ONTO BASE UNLESS CLEAREDBY ATC OR DURING LOST COMMS188^D9.6D6.1R124^4.9D11D11.6077^064^D19.347 D18 304^GVAGVA19 1213349^151^D49.7155^D61JEPPESENJeppView, SWITZERLAND10-2G .Eff.10.May. .RNAV.STAR.KINES ONE NOVEMBER (KINES 1N) [KINE1N]KINES ONE ROMEO (KINES 1R) [KINE1R]RWYS 05, 23 RNAV ARRIVALS(IF Rwy 05)INDISN46 01.6 E005 47.8At or above7000'STARKINES 1NKINES 1RDGENEVAGVAPASSEIRY116.6 PASN46 09.8 E006 00.0By ATC6.1315^D115.4 CHAMBERYCBYN45 52.9 E005 45.4115.75 GVAN46 15.2 E006 07.9RWY052312KINES1N(IF Rwy 23)ST PREXDSPR113.9 At or above7000'MAX 210 KTGG502N45 57.2 E005 54.0MAX020^PITOM226^ 045^N46 05.7E006 06.1SUVELN46 09.1 E006 21.1225^ 8.8SLP27 APR 07N46 28.1 E006 26.9220 KT200^NOT TO SCALECHANGES: Crossing at GOLEB withdrawn; chart reindexed.JEPPESENMHA 7000MAX FL150At or above11000'Speed Limit Point046^By ATC8.7 8.5By ATC046^GG525N46 17.9E006 24.1VALBUN46 05.2 E006 29.4At or above14000'316^226^KINES1RBIVLON46 11.8 E006 15.2ROCCAN45 44.7 E006 38.7350^SLPGG519N45 31.6 E006 42.1349^MSAGVA VOR1 7000'within 10 NMGG512N46 23.8 E006 32.9KINESN45 19.9 E006 45.3ROUTINGFrom KINES via GG519 and ROCCA to GOLEB, then via VALBU andSUVEL to BIVLO, then via PITOM to GG502, continue on track.By ATC to INDIS to intercept final approach.From KINES via GG519 and ROCCA to GOLEB, then via VALBU andSUVEL to BIVLO, then via GG525 to GG512, continue on track.By ATC to SPR to intercept final approach.350^6By ATCMHA 7000MAX FL230AT OR BELOW 8000MAX 210 KTMAXMAX250 KTKINES 1RAt or above170^MAX FL240MAX 250 KT33 DMEGVAMHA FL180 By ATCMHA FL200220 KT7000'| JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2006, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.1(IAF)GOLEBN46 03.1 E006 33.8(GVA R-125/D22)(PAS R-133/D37)7000'002^241^10,600'

Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008.NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008<strong>LSGG</strong>/GVAGENEVAATISApt Elev135.57 1411'LUSAR ONE NOVEMBER (LUSAR 1N) [LUSA1N]LUSAR ONE ROMEO (LUSAR 1R) [LUSA1R]RWYS 05, 23 RNAV ARRIVALSRNAV (GNSS)NO TURN ONTO BASE UNLESS CLEAREDBY ATC OR DURING LOST COMMSSLPLUSARN46 40.1 E005 10.8(SPR R-284/D54)At or aboveFL20013102^SAUNIN46 37.4 E005 28.7(SPR R-284/D41)At or aboveFL160GG503N46 05.8 E005 41.8STARLUSAR 1NLUSAR 1RMAX220 KTD115.4 CHAMBERYCBY14SOVADN46 20.3 E006 02.9Alt Set: hPaTrans level: By ATC Trans alt: 7000'Expect radar vectors to final approach.KERADN46 14.1 E005 54.012D9D20.5 243^011^CHANGES: Routing to final; chart reindexed.(IAF)DINIGN46 29.7 E005 53.4MAXLUSAR 1RAt or aboveN45 52.9 E005 45.4RWY0523By ATC135^By ATC5.9LIRKON46 34.3 E005 48.9250 KT7000'19 JAN 07NOT TO SCALEAt or above7000'145^LUSAR 1ND23511.9D18JEPPESEN8.7D10R325^264^D6.1D11.6014^028^D19.4R325^GVAD18JEPPESENJeppView, SWITZERLAND10-2H .RNAV.STAR.225^GG507N46 26.5E006 12.0045^(IF Rwy 05)INDISN46 01.6 E005 47.8At or above7000'GG514N46 32.4 E006 20.8LUSAR 1RMAX220 KT8.8 8.5135^6By ATCBy ATCBy ATC046^(IF Rwy 23)ST PREXD113.9 SPRMSAGVA VOR1 7000'within 10 NM226^MHA 7000| JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.1MAX FL230AT OR BELOW 8000MAX 210 KTBy ATCHOLDINGS OVERDINIG GVAROUTINGFrom LUSAR via SAUNI to LIRKO, then via DINIG to SOVAD, then viaKERAD to GG503, continue on track. By ATC to INDIS to intercept finalapproach.From LUSAR via SAUNI to LIRKO, then via DINIG to SOVAD, then viaGG507 to GG514, continue on track. By ATC to SPR to intercept finalapproach.326^7000'At or above7000'MAX 210 KTDGENEVA115.75 GVA GVAN46 15.2 E006 07.9146^D18/25 GVAMRA FL120MHA 7000MAX FL240020^002^SPEED RESTRICTIONMAX 250 KT below FL100or as by ATC.When passing over or abeam SLPsMAX IAS as broadcasted on ATISor as cleared by ATC. If in certainweather conditions or for aircraftperformance reasons pilots may notbe able to comply with this speedlimitation, they shall inform ATC.SLP Speed Limit PointN46 28.1 E006 26.9241^10,600'200^MHA 7000MAX FL150Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008.NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008<strong>LSGG</strong>/GVAGENEVAATISApt Elev135.57 1411'KERADN46 14.1E005 54.012D20.5 243^SOVADN46 20.3E006 02.9D20.48.7GG514N46 32.4 E006 20.8D10209^12Alt Set: hPaTrans level: By ATC Trans alt: 7000'Expect radar vectors to final approach.ULMES ONE NOVEMBER (ULMES 1N)ULMES ONE PAPA (ULMES 1P) [ULME1P]GG503N46 05.8E005 41.8MAX220 KTBy ATC135^By ATCULMES ONE ROMEO (ULMES 1R) [ULME1R]RWYS 05, 23 RNAV ARRIVALSRNAV (GNSS)5.9(IF)INDISN46 01.6 E005 47.8(115.4 CBY R-011/D9)At or above7000'315^By ATC6.1325^264^GG502D6.1188^D9.6225^D6.1124^8.8028^D19.4PITOMN46 05.7 E006 06.1(IF Rwy 23)ST PREXDSPR113.9 BIVLON46 11.8 E006 15.217R048^228^226^VADARN46 39.4E006 45.2ULMES 1R18JEPPESENJeppView^GG512N46 23.8 E006 32.9(GVA R-064/D19.3)At or belowMAXFL150250 KTSTAR RWYROUTINGULMES 1N 05 From ULMES via ESEVA to VADAR, then to GG514, then via SOVAD and2KERAD to GG503, continue on track. By ATC to INDIS to intercept finalapproach.ULMES 1P From ULMES via ESEVA to VADAR, then to GG512, then via BIVLO and2PITOM to GG502, continue on track. By ATC to INDIS to intercept finalapproach.ULMES 1R 23 From ULMES via ESEVA to VADAR, then to SPR to intercept final approach.2 No turn onto base unless cleared by ATC or during lost comms.CHANGES: Routing to final; chart reindexed.ByATC19 JAN 07SPEED RESTRICTIONMAX 250 KT below FL100or as by ATC.When passing over or abeam SLPsMAX IAS as broadcasted on ATISor as cleared by ATC. If in certainweather conditions or for aircraftperformance reasons pilots may notbe able to comply with this speedlimitation, they shall inform ATC.SLP Speed Limit PointNOT TO SCALEAt or belowFL150N45 57.2 E005 54.0MAX 220 KTJEPPESEN17.3225^GENEVA, SWITZERLAND10-2J .RNAV.STAR.17.2[ULME1N]N46 28.1 E006 26.9At or above7000'D GENEVA115.75 GVA GVAN46 15.2 E006 07.918ESEVA ULMESSLPN46 48.1 E007 00.9 N46 57.3(FRI R-280/D8.7)E007 17.6ULMES1N020^(IAF)(FRI R-250/D21)247^ULMES 1PMSAGVA VOR1 7000'within 10 NM046^14231^HOLDINGS OVERGVA VADAR200^MHA 7000MAX FL1507000'051^002^(FRI R-015/D11)15HOLDINGOVER SPRBy ATC226^MHA 7000MHA 9000MAX FL230AT OR BELOW 8000MAX 210 KTMAX FL230By ATC231^| JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2006, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.1241^10,600'FRIBOURGD110.85 FRIN46 46.7 E007 13.4

Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008.NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008<strong>LSGG</strong>/GVAGENEVAATIS Apt Elev135.57 1411'27 APR 07JEPPESEN10-2K.Eff.10.May.Alt Set: hPaTrans level: By ATC Trans alt: 7000'JEPPESENJeppView, SWITZERLAND.STAR.FRIBOURG ONE SIERRA (FRI 1S)FRIBOURG ONE TANGO (FRI 1T)241^ARRIVALSFROM NORTHEASTMSAGVA VOR1 7000' within 10 NM002^DDDR049^D9.47.9 15.7D17.3D45PINOTN45 59.1 E005 55.6SALEVN46 04.4 E006 04.0D241^271^Do notoverfly 1ROMOMN46 40.9 E006 58.2DN46 46.7 E007 13.4SLPR061^25FRI 1T12DR226^R046^046^D8HOLDING OVERROMOMBELKAD14.3 INEN46 03.8 E005 50.8D115.4 CHAMBERYCBYN45 52.9 E005 45.4ST PREXSPR113.9 SPRN46 28.1 E006 26.9PETALN46 22.2E006 18.1D33 CBYAt or aboveSLPNOT TO SCALEFRIBOURG110.85 FRI7000'10,600'36FRI 1S229^020^MHA 7000MAX FL150200^16.5ILS DMEGENEVAD(110.9)INEN46 13.8 E006 05.7GENEVA115.75 GVA GVAN46 15.2 E006 07.9D12/9MHA FL90MAX FL120MAX 170 KT241^9000'D36 FRIFL150At or below128.5226^6000'At or aboveAt or above7000'9.9FRIBOURG7000'At or aboveSpeed Limit PointBy ATC061^CHANGES:None.| JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008.NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008<strong>LSGG</strong>/GVAGENEVAATIS Apt Elev135.57 1411'Alt Set: hPaTrans level: By ATC Trans alt: 7000'BANKO SEVEN SIERRA (BANKO 7S)BELUS ONE SIERRA (BELUS 1S)DIJON SIX SIERRA (DJL 6S)ARRIVALSDSLP[BANK7S][BELU1S]FROM SOUTHEAST, SOUTHWEST & NORTHWESTDIJON LONGVIC111.45 DJLN47 16.2 E005 05.8GG517N46 56.4 E005 26.427 APR 07JEPPESEN10-2L.Eff.10.May.JEPPESENJeppView, SWITZERLAND.STAR.241^1002^SLPSpeed Limit Point7000'MSAGVA VOR10,600'1 7000' within 10 NM145^2427.2D50.2146^By ATCDJL 6SD18/25 GVAMRA FL120MHA 7000MAX FL2405326^D23DAt or aboveR325^D(IAF)R124^D2211 7 42710D32(IAF)GOLEBN46 03.1 E006 33.8035^ R215^15DD47(IAF)115.4 CHAMBERYCBYBANKO7S304^At or above10000'At or above11000'At or above14000'GG520N45 57.4 E006 46.1At or above18000'14DR209^SLPBANKON45 49.2 E007 03.3029^BELUS 1SSLPBELUSN45 40.5E005 35.6HOLDINGOVER GOLEBGVA 33 DMECHANGES:LIRKON46 34.3E005 48.9DINIGN46 29.7 E005 53.4STAR LTP 2S replaced by BELUS 1S; crossing at GOLEB withdr.NOT TO SCALE187000'020^200^D11 GVAMHA 7000MAX FL150GENEVA115.75 GVA GVAN46 15.2 E006 07.9At or above7000'N45 52.9 E005 45.4D18 GVA170^By ATCMHA FL180 By ATCMHA FL200MAX FL240MAX 250 KT350^| JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008.NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008Apt Elev1411'D3.2286^017^D6.5005^D6JEPPESENJeppView, SWITZERLANDJEPPESEN<strong>LSGG</strong>/GVAGENEVA13 APR 07 10-3 .RNAV.SID.GENEVADeparture (R)119.52D2 If unable to comply with climbgradient (PAS reached below3600') advise ATC prior toline-up or as soon as possiblewhen airborne. If not otherwiseinstructed, continue on GVAR-226 to KEMIT, climb inholding pattern to 7000' orabove, then join SID.KEMITD10 GVAD2.3 PASN46 08.2E005 57.72.3DEREMN46 21.4 E006 10.6226^2046^Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 7000'1. Contact GENEVA Departure when instructed. 2. SIDs are also minimumnoise routings. Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performanceis mandatory. 3. To expedite traffic, expect line-up clearancesat intersections unless operations require full runway length.KONIL THREE JULIETT (KONIL 3J)RWY 23 P-RNAV DEPARTUREGG603N46 16.1E006 03.56R046^D19.4 GVAInitial climb clearance[KONI3J]P-RNAV (GNSS)NOT AVAILABLE FOR JET AIRCRAFT WITHNOISE CLASSIFICATION I, II & IIIFOR CLASSIFICATION REFER TO 10-1P PAGESFOR ROUTE CONTINUATION AFTER KONIL REFER TO CHART 10-3NPASBy ATC -via airway Z 62At or above 7000'PASSEIRY116.6 PASN46 09.8 E006 00.014.7MAX 210 KTMinimumBank 25^043^1MSAGVA VOR1 7000' within10 NMFL90ROUTINGClimb on GVA R-226, when passing 1900' and not before D3 GVA (D4.7 PAS) turn RIGHT(MAX 190 KT, minimum bank 25^), proceed via GG603, DEREM and GLA to KONIL.CHANGES: Crossing at D3 GVA/D4.7 PAS.375 GLANDGLAN46 24.5 E006 14.7At or above4000'415226^Noise monitoring point3042^042^D21.8 GVA7.2 4.2 92 27At or above6000'D3 GVAD4.7 PASAt or above7000'DDGENEVA115.75 GVA GVAN46 15.2 E006 07.9ST PREXSPR7000'002^KONILN46 34.1 E006 27.5113.9 SPRN46 28.1 E006 26.9241^10,600'NOT TO SCALETurn when passing 1900' and not before D3 GVAMAX 190 KTMinimum Bank 25^EXPECT close-in obstacles, trees and buildingsright and left of runway up to 184' above DERelevation.This SID requires a minimum climb gradientof431' per NM (7.1%) up to 4600' 2.Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300431' per NM 539 719 1079 1438 1798 2157| JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2003, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008.NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008<strong>LSGG</strong>/GVAGENEVAGENEVADeparture (R)119.52D22 D8 GVAN46 09.7 E005 59.7226^23KEMITD10 GVAD2.3 PASN46 08.2E005 57.7CHANGES: None.Apt Elev1411'046^6R046^MOLUS2AD8.7 199^052^GG602N46 07.0 E006 04.010-3A9.9DD24074^16JEPPESENJeppView, SWITZERLANDTrans level: By ATC Trans alt: 7000'1. Contact GENEVA Departure when instructed. 2. SIDs are also minimumnoise routings. Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performanceis mandatory. 3. To expedite traffic, expect line-up clearancesat intersections unless operations require full runway length.PETALN46 22.2 E006 18.1[MOLU2A][MOLU2N]RNAV (GNSS)FOR ROUTE CONTINUATION AFTER MOLUS REFER TO CHART 10-3PPASPASSEIRY116.6 PASN46 09.8 E006 00.0D GENEVA115.75 GVA GVAN46 15.2 E006 07.9MAX 210 KTMinimumBank 25^45226^376JEPPESENMOLUS TWO ALFA (MOLUS 2A)MOLUS TWO NOVEMBER (MOLUS 2N)RWYS 23, 05 RNAV DEPARTURESSIDMOLUS 2AMOLUS 2NNOT TO SCALEWhen passing7000'but not beforeD8 GVARWY23056MinimumBank 25^13 APR 07At or above5000'Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300401' per NM 501 668 1003 1337 1671 200512046^ST PREXSPR 113.9 N46 28.1 E006 26.9MOLUS2NInitial climb clearance FL90MOLUSN46 26.6 E006 40.8069^D17.8.RNAV.SID.099^ D9.781MSAGVA VOR1 7000' within10 NMTINAMN46 21.6 E006 31.8051^Noise monitoring point3 If unable to comply with climb gradient (PASreached below 3600') advise ATC prior toline-up or as soon as possible when airborne.If not otherwise instructed, continue on GVAR-226 to KEMIT, climb in holding pattern to7000' or above, then join SID.ROUTINGClimb on GVA R-226, when passing 7000', but not before D8 GVA (PAS)turn LEFT, proceed via GG602 and TINAM to MOLUS.Climb on GVA R-046, proceed via PETAL to MOLUS.17000'002^MOLUS 2NFL100At or aboveFL100241^10,600'At or aboveRwy 23: EXPECT close-in obstacles, trees andbuildings right and left of runway up to 184'above DER elevation.Rwy 05: EXPECT close-in obstacles, woodsleft of runway up to 195' above DER elevation.MOLUS 2AThis SID requires a minimum climb gradientof401' per NM (6.6%) up to 5500'. 3| JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2003, 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

360^Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008.NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008<strong>LSGG</strong>/GVAGENEVAGENEVADeparture (R)119.52CHANGES: None.Apt Elev1411'D3610-3B331^JEPPESENJeppView, SWITZERLANDROUTING7000', but not before D8 GVA turn LEFT, 360^ track, inter-Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 7000'1. Contact GENEVA Departure when instructed. 2. SIDs are also minimumnoise routings. Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performanceis mandatory. 3. To expedite traffic, expect line-up clearancesat intersections unless operations require full runway length.(116.6 PAS R-002/D49)JEPPESENARBOS FIVE NOVEMBER (ARBOS 5N)RWY 05 DEPARTURENOT TO SCALEARBOSN46 59.1 E006 01.6D GENEVA115.75 GVA GVAN46 15.2 E006 07.9EXPECT close-in obstacles, woods leftof runway up to 195' above DER elevation.Climb on GVA R-046, when passingcept SPR R-331 to ARBOS.27 APR 0710D26 SPRAt or aboveFL200D8 GVAN46 20.8 E006 16.2When passing7000'but not beforeD8 GVA7.Eff.10.May.[ARBO5N]Initial climb clearance FL906046^812321D7000'002^.SID.1MSAGVA VOR1 7000' within10 NMST PREX113.9 SPRN46 28.1 E006 26.9Noise monitoring point241^10,600'| JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2004, 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008.NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008<strong>LSGG</strong>/GVAGENEVAGENEVADeparture (R)119.527000'002^1MSAGVA VOR1 7000' within10 NM1Apt Elev1411'D8 GVAN46 09.7 E005 59.7SIDBALSI 5A241^10,600'Noise monitoring pointWhen passing7000'but not beforeD8 GVAKEMITD10 GVAD2.3 PASN46 08.2 E005 57.7D115.4 CHAMBERYCBYN45 52.9 E005 45.4At or aboveFL200R050^182^8.1D18.16.5D28.5D4110-3CJEPPESENJeppView, SWITZERLANDTrans level: By ATC Trans alt: 7000'1. Contact GENEVA Departure when instructed. 2. SIDs are also minimumnoise routings. Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performanceis mandatory. 3. To expedite traffic, expect line-up clearancesat intersections unless operations require full runway length.D2226^2N46 01.1 E005 59.5BEVENN45 41.3 E005 58.4BALSI 6NAt or aboveFL190BALSIN45 28.7 E005 57.7RWY23BALSI 6N 05CHANGES: SIDs renumbered & revised.PASSEIRY116.6 PASN46 09.8 E006 00.0923.912.527 APR 07BALSI5AD8 GVAN46 20.8 E006 16.254R046^046^ MAX 210 KTMinimumBank 25^At or aboveFL100At or aboveFL120JEPPESEN3At or aboveFL150728.Eff.10.May.BALSI FIVE ALFA (BALSI 5A)BALSI SIX NOVEMBER (BALSI 6N)RWYS 23, 05 DEPARTURESWhen passing5000'but not beforeD8 GVAInitial climb clearance FL9016 2046^6 226^ 8D10 PASRUMILN45 51.7 E005 58.9D22 PASBALSI 6NDGENEVA115.75 GVA GVAN46 15.2 E006 07.9[BALS5A][BALS6N]230^185^NOT TO SCALE2 If unable to comply with climb gradient(PAS reached below 3600') advise ATCprior to line-up or as soon as possiblewhen airborne. If not otherwise instructed,continue on GVA R-226 to KEMIT,climb in holding pattern to 7000' orabove, then join SID.Rwy 23: EXPECT close-in obstacles, trees andbuildings right and left of runway up to 184'above DER elevation.Rwy 05: EXPECT close-in obstacles, woodsleft of runway up to 195' above DER elevation.These SIDs require minimum climb gradientsofBALSI 5A2401' per NM (6.6%) up to 5500'.BALSI 6N298' per NM (4.9%) up to 7800'.If unable to comply advise ATC..SID.Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300401' per NM 501 668 1003 1337 1671 2005298' per NM 372 496 744 992 1241 1489ROUTINGClimb on GVA R-226, when passing 7000', but not before D8 GVA (PAS)turn LEFT, intercept PAS R-182 via RUMIL and BEVEN to BALSI.Climb on GVA R-046, when passing 5000', but not before D8 GVA turnRIGHT, 185^ track, intercept CBY R-050 inbound, intercept PAS R-182via RUMIL and BEVEN to BALSI.| JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2006, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008.NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008<strong>LSGG</strong>/GVAGENEVAGENEVADeparture (R)119.52D147000'1MSAGVA VOR1 7000' within10 NMApt Elev1411'DD8 GVAN46 09.7 E005 59.7KEMITD10 GVAD2.3 PASN46 08.2 E005 57.712 209^2002^R031^2241^10,600'D115.4 CHAMBERYCBYN45 52.9 E005 45.42R050^BELUSN45 40.5 E005 35.6SIDBELUS 4APASSEIRY116.6 PASN46 09.8 E006 00.02BELUS4A, 4P1810-3DJEPPESENJeppView, SWITZERLANDTrans level: By ATC Trans alt: 7000'1. Contact GENEVA Departure when instructed. 2. SIDs are also minimumnoise routings. Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performanceis mandatory. 3. To expedite traffic, expect line-up clearancesat intersections unless operations require full runway length.211^2226^At or aboveRWY23BELUS 4N 05BELUS 4PBELUS 4PAt or above7000'D2 CBYCHANGES: SIDs renumbered & revised.17046^MAX 210 KTMinimum BANK 25^6 226^ 2 6R046^BELUS 4ACleared FLat or above FL100At or aboveFL12017 NOV 06543JEPPESEN397.Eff.23.Nov.BELUS FOUR ALFA (BELUS 4A)BELUS FOUR NOVEMBER (BELUS 4N)BELUS 4NInitial climb clearance FL9016 2GVA046^[BELU4A][BELU4N][BELU4P]BELUS FOUR PAPA (BELUS 4P)RWYS 23, 05 DEPARTURESONLY FOR TRAFFIC DESTINATION LFLB, LFLP AND BY ATCBELUS 4P5000'D2 GVATurn when passingbut not beforeD2 GVAD2 CBYBELUS 4P1Noise monitoring point230^185^D8 GVAN46 20.8 E006 16.2When passing5000'NOT TO SCALEDGENEVA115.75 GVA 2 If unable to comply with climbN46 15.2 E006 07.9 gradient (PAS reached below3000') advise ATC prior toline-up or as soon as possiblewhen airborne. If not otherwiseinstructed, continue onGVA R-226 to KEMIT, climbin holding pattern to 7000'or above, then join SID.Rwy 23: EXPECT close-in obstacles, trees andbuildings right and left of runway up to 184'above DER elevation.Rwy 05: EXPECT close-in obstacles, woodsleft of runway up to 195' above DER elevation.These SIDs require minimum climb gradients ofBELUS 4A2292' per NM (4.8%) up to 4800'.BELUS 4N298' per NM (4.9%) up to 7800'.If unable to comply advise ATC.BELUS 4PFL100 231' per NM (3.8%) up to 6700'.If unable to comply advise ATC.Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300298' per NM 372 496 744 992 1241 1489292' per NM 365 486 729 972 1215 1458231' per NM 298 385 577 770 962 1155ROUTINGClimb on GVA R-226 to D8 GVA (PAS), turn LEFT, intercept PAS R-211to CBY, CBY R-209 to BELUS.Climb on GVA R-046, when passing 5000', but not before D8 GVA turnRIGHT,185^ track, intercept CBY R-050 inbound to CBY, CBY R-209 toBELUS.Climb on GVA R-046, when passing 5000', but not before D2 GVA turnLEFT to PAS, PAS R-211 to CBY, CBY R-209 to BELUS..SID.but not beforeD8 GVA| JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2003, 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008.NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008<strong>LSGG</strong>/GVAGENEVALSE D20.1LSEGENEVADeparture (R)119.527000'002^R057^114.751MSAGVA VORApt Elev1411'1 7000' within 10 NM4.9D25D8 GVAN46 09.7 E005 59.7237^ARGISN45 58.3 E005 36.0DEPULN45 55.5 E005 29.7220 236^JEPPESEN10-3E .Eff.23.Nov.D8 GVAN46 20.8 E006 16.2226^2KEMITD10 GVAD2.3 PASN46 08.2E005 57.76 226^ 2 6R046^25JEPPESENJeppView, SWITZERLAND.SID.Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 7000'1. Contact GENEVA Departure when instructed. 2. SIDs are also minimumnoise routings. Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performanceis mandatory. 3. To expedite traffic, expect line-up clearancesat intersections unless operations require full runway length.DEPUL 1A7000'D8 GVAD046^ MAX 210 KTMinimum BANK 25^[DEPU1A][DEPU1P][DEPU1T]These SIDs require minimum climb gradientsofCleared FLDEPUL 1Aat or above FL1502401' per NM (6.6%) up to 5500'.At or above FL150DEPUL 1P, 1T231' per NM (3.8%) up to 6700'.If unable to comply advise ATC.Rwy 23: EXPECT close-in obstacles, trees andbuildings right and left of runway up to 184' Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300above DER elevation.401' per NM 501 668 1003 1337 1671 2005Rwy 05: EXPECT close-in obstacles, woodsleft of runway up to 195' above DER elevation. 231' per NM 298 385 577 770 962 1155Initial climb clearanceSIDDEPUL 1ADEPUL 1T241^10,600'NOT TO SCALEDEPUL 1PRWY2305CHANGES: ODVIL SIDs replaced by DEPUL SIDs; chart reindexed.DEPUL ONE ALFA (DEPUL 1A)DEPUL ONE PAPA (DEPUL 1P)DEPUL ONE TANGO (DEPUL 1T)RWYS 23, 05 DEPARTURESWhen passingbut not before17 NOV 06PASSEIRY116.6 PASN46 09.8 E006 00.0DEPUL 1P, 1TAt or above7000'When passing5000'but not beforeD8 GVA541ADEPUL 1P, 1TDEPUL12 If unable to comply with climb gradient(PAS reached below 3600') advise ATCprior to line-up or as soon as possiblewhen airborne. If not otherwise instructed,continue on GVA R-226 to KEMIT,climb in holding pattern to 7000' orabove, then join SID.FL90ROUTINGClimb on GVA R-226, when passing 7000', but not before D8 GVA (PAS)turn RIGHT, PAS R-236 via ARGIS to DEPUL.Climb on GVA R-046, when passing 5000', but not before D2 GVA turnLEFT to PAS, PAS R-236, proceed via ARGIS to DEPUL.Climb on GVA R-046, when passing 5000', but not before D8 GVA turnLEFT to PAS, then to ARGIS, then to DEPUL.371176 2046^DGENEVA115.75 GVA GVAN46 15.2 E006 07.9DEPUL 1TD2 GVATurn when passing5000'but not beforeD2 GVANoise monitoring pointDEPUL 1P| JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008.NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008<strong>LSGG</strong>/GVAGENEVAGENEVADeparture (R)119.52LF(TSA)-24Apt Elev1411'TUTAXN46 55.3E005 14.8(PAS R-326/D55)IBABAN46 52.6 E005 25.3To DJL1D4927 D14 D418D35D49D27331^002^ D49JEPPESENJeppView, SWITZERLANDROUTINGClimb on GVA R-226, when passing 7000', but not before D8 GVA (PAS) turn RIGHT, inter-cept PAS R-331 (DJL R-150 inbound) via KELUK to DIPIR, then to DJL or via LERDU to ARBOSor via IBABA to TUTAX.Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 7000'1. Contact GENEVA Departure when instructed. 2. SIDs are also minimumnoise routings. Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performanceis mandatory. 3. To expedite traffic, expect line-up clearancesat intersections unless operations require full runway length.3DDIJON LONGVIC111.45 DJLN47 16.2 E005 05.88293^DIPIRN46 40.2 E005 35.610-3F3 During activityof LF(TSA)-24routing via DJL.044^14KELUKN46 33.3 E005 41.12 If unable to comply with climb gradient(PAS reached below 3600') advise ATCprior to line-up or as soon as possiblewhen airborne. If not otherwise instructed,continue on GVA R-226 to KEMIT,climb in holding pattern to 7000' orabove, then join SID.D8 GVAN46 09.7 E005 59.7[DIPI4A]12KEMITD10 GVAD2.3 PASN46 08.2 E005 57.7226^2Initial climb clearance FL902R046^046^MAX 210 KTMinimumBank 25^1MSAGVA VOR1 7000' within10 NM| JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2003, 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.D.SID.EXPECT close-in obstacles, trees and buildingsright and left of runway up to 184' above DERelevation.This SID requires a minimum climb gradientof401' per NM (6.6%) up to 5500'. 2Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300401' per NM 501 668 1003 1337 1671 2005CHANGES: None.R150^Cleared FLat or aboveFL200At or aboveFL200To TUTAXAt or aboveFL220NOT TO SCALENoise monitoring point13 APR 07JEPPESENDIPIR FOUR ALFA (DIPIR 4A)RWY 23 DEPARTUREWhen passing7000'but not beforeD8 GVAARBOSN46 59.1 E006 01.6(113.9 SPR R-331/D36)31LERDUN46 50.4 E005 49.7At or aboveFL2004536 226^7000'7002^PASSEIRY116.6 PAS241^10,600'D GENEVA115.75 GVA GVAN46 15.2 E006 07.9N46 09.8 E006 00.0Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008.NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008<strong>LSGG</strong>/GVAGENEVAGENEVADeparture (R)119.52Apt Elev1411'2 If unable to comply with climbgradient (PAS reached below3600') advise ATC prior toline-up or as soon as possiblewhen airborne. If not otherwiseinstructed, continue onGVA R-226 to KEMIT, climbin holding pattern to 7000'or above, then join SID.D8 GVAN46 09.7 E005 59.7When passing7000'but not beforeD8 GVANOT TO SCALEKEMITD10 GVAD2.3 PASN46 08.2 E005 57.7226^22R046^DEREMN46 21.4 E006 10.620D10-3G017^D6.54JEPPESENJeppView, SWITZERLANDTrans level: By ATC Trans alt: 7000'1. Contact GENEVA Departure when instructed. 2. SIDs are also minimumnoise routings. Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performanceis mandatory. 3. To expedite traffic, expect line-up clearancesat intersections unless operations require full runway length.042^046^MAX 210 KTMinimumBank 25^[KONI4A]Initial climb clearance FL90KONILN46 34.1 E006 27.5043^13D6005^.SID.1MSAGVA VOR1 7000' within10 NMThis SID requires a minimum climb gradientof401' per NM (6.6%) up to 5500' 2 .If unable to comply advise ATC.ROUTINGClimb on GVA R-226, when passing 7000', but not before D8 GVA (PAS) turn RIGHT, intercept042^ bearing via DEREM to GLA, 043^ bearing to KONIL.CHANGES: SIDs KONIL 4C & 2D transferred.13 APR 074536 226^JEPPESENKONIL FOUR ALFA (KONIL 4A)RWY 23 DEPARTUREFOR SIDS KONIL 4C & 2D (RWY 23) REFER TO CHART 10-3G1FOR ROUTE CONTINUATION AFTER KONIL REFER TO CHART 10-3NNoise monitoring pointEXPECT close-in obstacles, trees and buildingsright and left of runway up to 184' above DERelevation.17PASSEIRY116.6 PAS375 GLANDGLAN46 24.5 E006 14.7N46 09.8 E006 00.0D GENEVA115.75 GVA GVAN46 15.2 E006 07.9| JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2004, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.D7000'002^241^10,600'ST PREXSPR 113.9 N46 28.1 E006 26.9Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300401' per NM 501 668 1003 1337 1671 2005

Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008.NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008<strong>LSGG</strong>/GVAGENEVAGENEVADeparture (R)119.52DPASSEIRY116.6 PASN46 09.8 E006 00.0CHANGES: New chart.Apt Elev1411'DEREMN46 21.4 E006 10.610-3G1017^D6.54JEPPESENJeppView, SWITZERLANDTrans level: By ATC Trans alt: 7000'1. Contact GENEVA Departure when instructed. 2. SIDs are also minimumnoise routings. Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performanceis mandatory. 3. To expedite traffic, expect line-up clearancesat intersections unless operations require full runway length.030^ 12413 APR 07153042^226^JEPPESENKONIL FOUR CHARLIE (KONIL 4C)KONIL TWO DELTA (KONIL 2D)RWY 23 DEPARTURES1Noise monitoring pointKONIL 4CBy ATC -via airway Z 627000'At or aboveEXPECT close-in obstacles, trees and buildingsright and left of runway up to 184' above DERelevation.375 GLANDGLAN46 24.5 E006 14.7At or above4000'7D3 GVAD4.7 PAS[KONI4C][KONI2D]NOT AVAILABLE FOR JET AIRCRAFT WITHNOISE CLASSIFICATION I, II & IIIFOR CLASSIFICATION REFER TO 10-1P PAGESFOR ROUTE CONTINUATION AFTER KONIL REFER TO CHART 10-3ND21.8 GVA9043^005^D6.SID.1MSAGVA VOR1 7000' within10 NMKONILD19.4 GVA N46 34.1E006 27.5At or above6000'At or above7000'D GENEVA115.75 GVA GVAN46 15.2 E006 07.92When passing 1900' and not beforeDMAX 190 KT25^Minimum Bank2These SIDs require a minimum climb gradientof431' per NM (7.1%) up to 4600'.If unable to comply advise ATC.KONIL 4C: Initial climb clearance FL90KONIL 2D: Initial climb clearance 7000'7000'ROUTINGClimb on GVA R-226, when passing 1900' and not before D3 GVA (D4.7 PAS) turn RIGHT,(MAX 190 KT, minimum bank 25^), 030^ track, intercept 042^ bearing via DEREM to GLA, 043^bearing to KONIL.002^ST PREXSPR 113.9 N46 28.1 E006 26.9NOT TO SCALED3 GVA241^10,600'Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300431' per NM 539 719 1079 1438 1798 2157| JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008.NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008<strong>LSGG</strong>/GVAGENEVAGENEVADeparture (R)119.521D8 GVAN46 09.7 E005 59.7When passing7000'but not beforeD8 GVAApt Elev1411'DKEMITD10 GVAD2.3 PASN46 08.2 E005 57.72226^2R046^143^11 7 4.4 9.6 23 14D20.4D53 D67Initial climb clearance FL90JEPPESENJeppView, SWITZERLANDJEPPESEN10-3H .Eff.23.Nov..SID.Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 7000'1. Contact GENEVA Departure when instructed. 2. SIDs are also minimumnoise routings. Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performanceis mandatory. 3. To expedite traffic, expect line-up clearancesat intersections unless operations require full runway length.Noise monitoring pointNOT TO SCALEPASSEIRY116.6 PASN46 09.8 E006 00.017 NOV 06MEDAM THREE ALFA (MEDAM 3A)MEDAM THREE BRAVO (MEDAM 3B)MEDAM THREE CHARLIE (MEDAM 3C)RWY 23 DEPARTURES046^MAX 210 KTMinimumBANK 25^EXPECT close-in obstacles, trees and buildingsright and left of runway up to 184' above DERelevation.These SIDs require a minimum climb gradientof401' per NM (6.6%) up to 5500'. 2Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300401' per NM 501 668 1003 1337 1671 20056[MEDA3A][MEDA3B][MEDA3C]MEDAM 3AAt or aboveFL180VANASN45 27.4 E006 44.8MEDAMN45 15.9E006 56.4ROUTINGClimb on GVA R-226, when passing 7000', but not before D8 GVA (PAS) turn LEFT, interceptPAS R-143 via ESAPI, VANAS to MEDAM.CHANGES: SIDs renumbered & revised; chart reindexed.54D16 PASMEDAM 3AAt or aboveFL110MEDAM 3BAt or aboveFL120MEDAM 3CAt or aboveFL130226^37GENEVAD115.75 GVA GVAN46 15.2 E006 07.91MSAGVA VOR1 7000' within10 NM2 If unable to comply with climb gradient(PAS reached below 3600') advise ATCprior to line-up or as soon as possiblewhen airborne. If not otherwise instructed,continue on GVA R-226 to KEMIT,climb in holding pattern to 7000' orabove, then join SID.D9 PASAt or aboveFL100D30 PASMEDAM 3BAt or aboveFL190MEDAM 3CAt or aboveFL2007000'002^ESAPIN45 53.4 E006 17.4MEDAM 3AAt or aboveFL140MEDAM 3BAt or aboveFL150MEDAM 3CAt or aboveFL160241^10,600'At or aboveFL200| JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2004, 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008.NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008<strong>LSGG</strong>/GVAGENEVAGENEVADeparture (R)119.52DApt Elev1411'1717 NOV 0610-3JR050^ D30143^D20.423D5314D67JEPPESENJeppView level: By ATC Trans alt: 7000'1. Contact GENEVA Departure when instructed. 2. SIDs are also minimumnoise routings. Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performanceis mandatory. 3. To expedite traffic, expect line-up clearancesat intersections unless operations require full runway length.PAS 3P2GENEVAD115.75 GVA GVAN46 15.2 E006 07.9EXPECT close-in obstacles, woods left ofrunway up to 195' above DER elevation.These SIDs require minimum climb gradientsofMEDAM 3N, 3P, 3Q298' per NM (4.9%) up to 7800'.PAS 3P231' per NM (3.8%) up to 6700'.MEDAM3N, 3P, 3Q.Eff.23.Nov.MEDAM THREE NOVEMBER (MEDAM 3N)MEDAM THREE PAPA (MEDAM 3P)MEDAM THREE QUEBEC (MEDAM 3Q)PASSEIRY THREE PAPA (PAS 3P)RWY 05 DEPARTURES1Noise monitoring pointPAS 3PPASSEIRY116.6 PASD2 GVATurn when passing5000'but not beforeD2 GVAN46 09.8 E006 00.0At or above7000'D115.4 CHAMBERYCBYN45 52.9 E005 45.4GENEVA, SWITZERLAND[MEDA3N][MEDA3P][MEDA3Q]ESAPIN45 53.4 E006 17.4MSAGVA VOR1 7000' within10 NMD8 GVAN46 20.8 E006 16.2Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300298' per NM 372 496 744 992 1241 1489231' per NM 298 385 577 770 962 1155MEDAMIf unable to comply advise ATC.N45 15.9 E006 56.4Initial climb clearance FL90SIDROUTINGMEDAM Climb on GVA R-046, when passing 5000', but not before D8 GVA turn RIGHT,3N, 3P, 185^ track, intercept CBY R-050 inbound to GG604, turn LEFT, 184^ track, interceptPAS R-143 via ESAPI, VANAS to MEDAM.3QPAS 3P Climb on GVA R-046, when passing 5000', but not before D2 GVA turn LEFT to PAS.CHANGES: SIDs renumbered, revised & transf; chart reindexed.7612046^JEPPESEN619184^185^230^GG604N46 12.1 E006 18.59.612MEDAM 3NAt or aboveFL140MEDAM 3PAt or aboveFL150MEDAM 3QAt or aboveFL160D30 PAS7000'When passing5000'but not beforeD8 GVA002^NOT TO SCALEMEDAM 3NAt or aboveFL180MEDAM 3PAt or aboveFL190MEDAM 3QAt or aboveFL200.SID.| JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.1241^10,600'VANASN45 27.4 E006 44.8At or aboveFL200Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008.NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008<strong>LSGG</strong>/GVAGENEVAGENEVADeparture (R)119.521D8 GVAN46 09.7 E005 59.7KEMITD10 GVAD2.3 PASN46 08.2 E005 57.7Apt Elev1411'D2226^2R046^17 NOV 06133^10-3K5.65D19.610.4 7D37JEPPESENJeppView, SWITZERLANDTrans level: By ATC Trans alt: 7000'1. Contact GENEVA Departure when instructed. 2. SIDs are also minimumnoise routings. Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performanceis mandatory. 3. To expedite traffic, expect line-up clearancesat intersections unless operations require full runway length.ONLY FOR FLIGHTS DESTINATION OR OVERFLYING ITALYPLANNED BELOW FL200 (AIRWAY G 32)Noise monitoring pointPASSEIRY116.6 PASN46 09.8 E006 00.06CHANGES: SIDs renumbered & revised54046^MAX 210 KTMinimumBANK 25^11226^37JEPPESENROCCA THREE ALFA (ROCCA 3A)ROCCA THREE BRAVO (ROCCA 3B)ROCCA THREE CHARLIE (ROCCA 3C)RWY 23 DEPARTURESWhen passing7000'but not beforeD8 GVAD9 PASROCCA 3AAt or aboveFL90ROCCA 3BAt or aboveFL100ROCCA 3CAt or aboveFL110D14 PASROCCA 3AAt or aboveFL110ROCCA 3BAt or aboveFL120ROCCA 3CAt or aboveFL130.Eff.23.Nov.[ROCA3A][ROCA3B][ROCA3C]GENEVAD115.75 GVA GVAN46 15.2 E006 07.9ROCCA 3AAt or aboveFL140.SID.1MSAGVA VOR1 7000' within10 NM2 If unable to comply with climb gradient(PAS reached below 3600') advise ATCprior to line-up or as soon as possiblewhen airborne. If not otherwise instructed,continue on GVA R-226 to KEMIT,climb in holding pattern to 7000' orabove, then join SID.ODIKIN45 56.5 E006 20.6ROCCA 3BAt or aboveFL150ROCCA 3C7000'002^D30 PASROCCA 3AAt or aboveFL180ROCCA 3BAt or aboveFL190ROCCA 3CAt or aboveFL200ROCCAN45 44.7 E006 38.7EXPECT close-in obstacles, trees and buildingsright and left of runway up to 184' above DERAt or aboveelevation.FL160These SIDs require minimum climb gradientsof401' per NM (6.6%) up to 5500' 2, then231' per NM (3.8%) up to 16200'.Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300NOT TO SCALE401' per NM 501 668 1003 1337 1671 2005231' per NM 298 385 577 770 962 1155Initial climb clearance FL90ROUTINGClimb on GVA R-226, when passing 7000', but not before D8 GVA (PAS) turn LEFT, interceptPAS R-133 via ODIKI to ROCCA.G 32241^10,600'| JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008.NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008<strong>LSGG</strong>/GVAGENEVAGENEVADeparture (R)119.52DApt Elev1411'133^EXPECT close-in obstacles, woods left of runwayup to 195' above DER elevation.These SIDs require a minimum climb gradientof298' per NM (4.9%) up to 16700'.Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300298' per NM 372 496 744 992 1241 148910-3LR050^ D30D16.63D19.67D37JEPPESENJeppView, SWITZERLANDTrans level: By ATC Trans alt: 7000'1. Contact GENEVA Departure when instructed. 2. SIDs are also minimumnoise routings. Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performanceis mandatory. 3. To expedite traffic, expect line-up clearancesat intersections unless operations require full runway length.D8 GVAN46 20.8 E006 16.217 NOV 06.Eff.23.Nov.[ROCA3N][ROCA3P][ROCA3Q]ONLY FOR FLIGHTS DESTINATION OR OVERFLYING ITALYPLANNED BELOW FL200 (AIRWAY G 32)PASSEIRY116.6 PASN46 09.8 E006 00.0GG605N45 58.6 E006 17.5184^185^Initial climb clearance FL90.SID.1MSAGVA VOR1 7000' within10 NMROUTINGClimb on GVA R-046 , when passing 5000', but not before D8 GVA turn RIGHT, 185^ track,intercept CBY R-050 inbound to GG604, turn LEFT, 184^ track, intercept PAS R-133 via GG605and ODIKI to ROCCA.CHANGES: SIDs renumbered & revised.7612JEPPESENROCCA THREE NOVEMBER (ROCCA 3N)ROCCA THREE PAPA (ROCCA 3P)ROCCA THREE QUEBEC (ROCCA 3Q)RWY 05 DEPARTURESWhen passing5000'but not beforeD8 GVAD115.4 CHAMBERYCBYN45 52.9 E005 45.48046^DGENEVA115.75 GVA GVAN46 15.2 E006 07.91412230^GG604N46 12.1 E006 18.5ODIKIN45 56.5 E006 20.61ROCCA 3NAt or aboveFL140ROCCA 3PAt or aboveFL150ROCCA 3QAt or aboveFL16010.4D30 PASROCCAN45 44.7 E006 38.77000'G 32002^NOT TO SCALEROCCA 3NAt or aboveFL180ROCCA 3PAt or aboveFL190ROCCA 3QAt or aboveFL200Noise monitoring point241^10,600'| JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008.NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008<strong>LSGG</strong>/GVAGENEVAGENEVADeparture (R)119.52LF(TSA)-24Apt Elev1411'SAINT-PREX THREE NOVEMBER(SPR 3N)SIROD THREE NOVEMBER(SIROD 3N) [SIRO3N]RWY 05 DEPARTURESD30 DJLARBOSN46 59.1 E006 01.6(116.6 PAS R-002/D49)Cleared FLat or above FL200R130^FL200At or above30D36 331^SIRODN46 43.6 E006 01.215DIJON LONGVIC111.45 DJLN47 16.2 E005 05.8DTo ARBOSD5010-3M1 7000' within10 NMJEPPESENJeppView, SWITZERLANDTrans level: By ATC Trans alt: 7000'1. Contact GENEVA Departure when instructed. 2. SIDs are also minimumnoise routings. Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performanceis mandatory. 3. To expedite traffic, expect line-up clearancesat intersections unless operations require full runway length.ST PREX113.9 SPRAt or aboveDFL200208N46 28.1 E006 26.926003^2TUTAXN46 55.3 E005 14.8(116.6 PAS R-326/D55)6 JUL 07FOR ROUTE CONTINUATION AFTER SPRREFER TO CHART 10-3QAt or above7000'293^CHANGES: SID SIROD 3N climb gradient withdrawn.IBABAN46 52.6 E005 25.3JEPPESEN27(116.6 PAS R-331/D49)310^SIROD 3NAt or aboveFL220R226^D8 GVAN46 20.8 E006 16.22SIROD 3NDuring activity of LF(TSA)-24routing via DJL.SPR 3N10.4360^Turn when passing7000'but not beforeD8 GVANoise monitoring point1SIROD 3NSPR 3NNOT TO SCALED1002^.SID.MSAGVA VORClimb on GVA R-046, when passing but not before D8 GVA turnLEFT, 360^ track, intercept DJL R-130 inbound to SIROD, then to DJLor to ARBOS or via IBABA to TUTAX.Climb on GVA R-046 to SPR.| JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2006, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.8241^1N46 15.2 E006 07.9GENEVA115.75 GVA GVAEXPECT close-in obstacles, woods left of runwayup to 195' above DER elevation.046^7000'610,600'2Initial climb clearance FL90SID ROUTINGSIROD 3N7000',7SPR 3N

Z 62Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008.NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008<strong>LSGG</strong>/GVAGENEVAGENEVA Departure (R)119.52Apt Elev1411'6 JUL 07JEPPESEN10-3NTrans level: By ATC Trans alt: 7000'JEPPESENJeppView, SWITZERLANDTRANSITION ROUTES AFTER KONILRNAV-EQUIPMENT COMPULSORYFOR FLIGHTS PLANNED AT OR ABOVE FL100.TRANSITION.TELNON46 46.3E007 16.3061^328By ATCSOSALN46 33.5 E006 53.1(FRI R-227/D19)DN46 46.7 E007 13.4KOREDN46 51.0E007 24.9Z 56FL110099^D9.7069^D17.8069^7MAA FL9034NON RNAVR249^20N 871UN 871012^D16D27092^2005^D6017^D6.5KONILN46 34.1 E006 27.5(223^ brg from 375 GLA)LES EPLATURESLPS 403 N47 05.0 E006 47.6FLORYN46 54.5 E006 35.1DELMON47 15.5 E007 09.6(113.2 HOC R-239/D24.1)BALIRN47 18.5 E007 16.9(113.2 HOC R-239/D18.3)GUDAXN46 47.1E007 29.4(GVA R-060/D64.7)7.6059^5.8W 102056^1818Z 63FL100NAMELN46 21.5 E006 17.0039^145611089^410By ATC TINAMN46 21.6 E006 31.8MOLUSN46 26.6 E006 40.8By ATC051^811N 871UN 871W 102Z 62W 103D9200'At or above11W 1031MSAGVA VOR1 7000' within10 NMSPR113.9 SPRST PREXN46 28.1 E006 26.9DEREMN46 21.4E006 10.67000'At or aboveLORBUN46 43.8 E006 31.7FL110At or above4.5D GENEVA115.75 GVA GVAN46 15.2 E006 07.9NOT TO SCALEFRIBOURG110.85 FRITraffic planned on airways N 871/UN 871:Proceed via route2 Z 63: KONIL - SOSALor on ATC request as alternate routes:3 Z 56: SOSAL - GUDAX.4 Z 62: DEREM - NAMEL - TINAM,cross DEREM at or above 7000',NAMEL at or above 9200'.Traffic destination LFSB:5 Outside MIL operating hours: after KONILexpect route via airways W 103 (LORBU -FLORY - LPS) and W 102 (LPS - DELMO)to BALIR, cross LORBU at or above FL110.Traffic destination LSGC:6 Outside MIL operating hours: after KONILexpect route via airway W 103 (LORBU -FLORY) to LPS,cross LORBU at or above FL110.Traffic planned on airway G 5 (MAA FL90):7 After KONIL intercept FRI R-249 inboundto FRI.241^002^7000'10,600'CHANGES:None.| JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2006, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008.NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008<strong>LSGG</strong>/GVAGENEVAGENEVA Departure (R)119.52Apt Elev1411'27 APR 07JEPPESEN10-3P.Eff.10.May.Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 7000'JEPPESENJeppView, SWITZERLAND.TRANSITION.TRANSITION ROUTES AFTER MOLUSRNAV-EQUIPMENT COMPULSORYFOR FLIGHTS PLANNEDAT OR ABOVE FL100By ATC061^228MOLUSN46 26.6 E006 40.8SOSALN46 33.5 E006 53.1(110.85 FRI R-227/D19)TELNON46 46.3 E007 16.3KOREDN46 51.0 E007 24.9RZ 56FL110N 871UN 871RN 871UN 8711120R099^D9.71MSAGVA VOR1 7000' within10 NMDTraffic planned on airways N 871/UN 871:Expect on ATC request alternate route:2 Z 56: SOSAL - GUDAX.GUDAXN46 47.1E007 29.4(GVA R-060/D64.7)7.6051^SPR113.9 SPRST PREXN46 28.1 E006 26.9D GENEVA115.75 GVA GVAN46 15.2 E006 07.9241^002^7000'10,600'NOT TO SCALECHANGES:None.| JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008.NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008<strong>LSGG</strong>/GVAGENEVAGENEVA Departure (R)119.52Apt Elev1411'27 APR 07JEPPESEN10-3Q.Eff.10.May.Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 7000'JEPPESENJeppView, SWITZERLANDTRANSITION ROUTES AFTER SPRRNAV-EQUIPMENT COMPULSORYFOR FLIGHTS PLANNED AT OR ABOVE FL100.TRANSITION.By ATCDD27DDDN46 46.7 E007 13.4MAA FL90376NON RNAVR241^BALIRN47 18.5 E007 16.9(113.2 HOC R-239/D18.3)DELMON47 15.5 E007 09.6(113.2 HOC R-239/D24.1)059^5.8W 102051^G 5061^R28Z 56FL110R20UN 871N 871056^18W 102039^14W 103061^LES EPLATURESLPS 403 N47 05.0 E006 47.6012^16W 1034 511LORBUN46 43.8 E006 31.7FLORYN46 54.5 E006 35.1SOSALN46 33.5 E006 53.1(FRI R-227/D19)TELNON46 46.3E007 16.3KOREDN46 51.0E007 24.9GUDAXN46 47.1E007 29.4(GVA R-060/D64.7)7.63073^1921MSAGVA VOR1 7000' within10 NMGENEVA115.75 GVA GVAN46 15.2 E006 07.9FL110At or aboveSPR113.9 SPRST PREXN46 28.1 E006 26.9NOT TO SCALEFRIBOURG110.85 FRITraffic planned on airways N 871/UN 871:Proceed via route2 SPR - SOSAL, cross SPR at or above FL100.or on ATC request as alternate route:3 Z 56: SOSAL - GUDAX.Traffic destination LFSB:4 Outside MIL operating hours: after SPRexpect route via airways W 103 (SPR-LORBU - FLORY - LPS) and W 102 (LPS -DELMO) to BALIR,cross LORBU at or above FL110.Traffic destination LSGC:5 Outside MIL operating hours: after SPRexpect route via airway W 103 (SPR -LORBU - FLORY) to LPS,cross LORBU at or above FL110.Traffic planned on airway G 5 (MAA FL90):6 After SPR via airway G5 to FRI.241^002^7000'10,600'To SOSALAt or aboveFL100CHANGES:Transitions established & revised. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2006, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008.NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008<strong>LSGG</strong>/GVA1411'Apt ElevN46 14.3 E006 06.6ATISGENEVA Ground (Cpt)16 FEB 07JEPPESEN10-9ApronJEPPESENJeppView, SWITZERLANDTowerGENEVAGENEVA Departure135.57 121.67 121.75118.7119.5206-0506-0606-071424'06-0873'AGLVOR23226^For AIRPORT BRIEFING refer to 10-1P pages46-15VAR 0^46-15Elev1365'AHoldingbaysFRANCESWITZERLANDCElev1407'NORTH APRONABOUTER TWYAIS + METDTEMPORARYPROHIBITEDAREAOUTER TWYTreesup to1509'1539'G1522'FZGRASS2700'823mY1539'1529'Y1Y1483'ARPControlTowerY2Y1522'C1575'1447'1625'1447'1572'1644'1562'1608'A12,795' 3900mBFOR PARKINGPOSITIONSSEE 10-9B1631'1661'1631'1575'1539'Limit of aproncontrol competence46-14 Touchdown pointsingle engine acftZ46-14Rwy 05 & 231470' 06-051601'06-06Touchdown pointsingle engine acftRwy 05 & 23AIS+MET1595'05046^FeetMeters0006-071641'10001523'5002000 3000 4000100006-0850001500CHANGES:Notes transferred to 10-1P pages.| JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1998, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008.NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008<strong>LSGG</strong>/GVA16 FEB 07Grass runway APAPI-L (4.0^, MEHT 11')23 Grass runway APAPI-L (4.5^, MEHT 12')4 APAPI-L unusable on short final.442087'1706'636m520mJEPPESENJeppView, SWITZERLANDADDITIONAL RUNWAY INFORMATIONUSABLE LENGTHSLANDING BEYONDRWYThresholdGlide SlopeTAKE-OFF05HIRL (60m) CL (15m) HIALS HST-BRVR 11,713' 3570m10,680'3255m223 HIRL (60m) CL (15m) HIALS-II TDZ REIL 1 RVR11,647' 3550m31 PAPI (angle 3.0^) HST-D & E2 LDA single engine acft:RWY 05:3 TAKE-OFF RUN AVAILABLERWY 05:From twy Z inttwy Y int9088' (2770m)6168' (1880m)From rwy headtwy F int12,795' (3900m)10,499' (3200m)twy Z int 9022' (2750m)twy E int 8530' (2600m)RWY 23:From twy Y inttwy Z int6627' (2020m)3707' (1130m)RWY 23:From rwy head 12,795' (3900m)twy B int 8531' (2600m)twy C/Y int 6562' (2000m)05JEPPESEN10-9A1496'2087'GENEVA456m636mWIDTH164'50m98'30m.JAR-OPS.ABCD12ApprovedOperatorsHIRL, CL& mult. RVR req125m150mTAKE-OFF 1Main rwy 05/23LVP must be in ForceRL, CL& mult. RVR req150m200mRL & CL200m250mRCLM (DAY only)or RL250m300mRCLM (DAY only)or RL400mOperators applying U.S. Ops Specs: CL required below 300m; approved guidance system requiredbelow 150m.2 With approved guidance system: 75m.CHANGES: Notes transferred to 10-1P pages.NIL(DAY only)500m600m800m| JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1998, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008.NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008<strong>LSGG</strong>/GVA16 FEB 07JEPPESEN10-9BJEPPESENJeppView, SWITZERLANDGENEVA06-05.4 06-05.5 06-05.6 06-05.7 06-05.8 06-05.906-0606-06.1 06-06.2 06-06.3 Y2 06-06.5 06-06.606-06.8 06-07 06-07.146-14.4HS106-07.246-14.446-14.346-14.246-14.146-1446-13.946-13.846-13.746-13.646-13.5GCOMPASSBASEGENERAL AVIATIONAIS + METAEROCLUBD4HANGAR 1OUTER TWYA1A2A3B1B2B3B4C1 C295C3 C495D 95E 95C C596C695BC795ANORTH APRONJKWRWY 05/23B5B6IFA4A5HANGAR 2GHL8687B8787A88HANGAR 3FYZINNER TWYEOUTER TWYHANGARLTWY INNER NORTH85HELIPAD 5HELIPAD 4HELIPAD 3HELIPAD 2HELIPAD 1Holdingpoint 05E84HS2PARKING GRASS (SINGLE ENG ACFT ONLY)6867666564D3D2 D7AIS + METD1 D606-05.4 06-05.5D506-0606-05.8 06-05.9 06-06.1 06-06.2 06-06.3 06-06.4 06-06.5 06-06.6 06-06.7 06-06.8 06-06.9SOUTHAPRON27 127 2881C 24 123 2381B81A83HS5LINK 182GRASS RWY 05/232612525HS1Y201AE201ControlTowerY1OUTER TWYLINK 23321121222LEGENDSatelliteParking positionTaxiwayLINK 3323430One way directionParking area3143855A3A43AIS + METLimit of aproncontrol competenceRUNWAY INCURSIONHOTSPOTS424440INNER TWY9Holdingpoint 23DLINK 410416361B61 6261A1112HS4YARPOUTER TWY14HS1HS2HS3HS4HS5INNER TWY15C16TERMINALAIS + METLINK 5HS31718AR12R11R10R91971RUNWAY INCURSION "HOT SPOTS"Cat 1 holding point on taxiway Y is not equipped withred light stop bar. Painted lines are reinforced withwig-wags to the sides. Do not cross unless explicitlycleared to enter runway.Cat 1 holding point on taxiway Z is not equipped withred light stop bar. Painted lines are reinforced withwig-wags to the sides. Do not cross unless explicitlycleared to enter runway.06-07CARGOTraffic vacating runway at taxiway C can becomeconflicting with respect to traffic on the Outer taxiway.Always hold short of Outer taxiway until instructedto proceed by GENEVA Apron.Traffic on Outer taxiway can become conflicting withrespect to traffic vacating runway at taxiway D.When in doubt, hold short of intersection and awaitinstructions by GENEVA Apron.Traffic on Outer taxiway can become conflicting withrespect to traffic vacating runway at taxiway E.When in doubt, hold short of intersection and awaitinstructions by GENEVA Apron.72737446-14.346-14.246-13.946-13.846-13.746-13.646-13.506-07.1 06-07.2CHANGES: Notes transferred to 10-1P pages. Gate Y and Z withdrawn.| JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2000, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008.NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008<strong>LSGG</strong>/GVAVISUAL DOCKING GUIDANCE SYSTEM16 FEB 07JEPPESEN10-9CJEPPESENJeppView, SWITZERLANDINS COORDINATESSTAND No. COORDINATES STAND No. COORDINATESGENEVASTOPPINGPOSITIONINDICATOR(Marker board)AZIMUTHGUIDANCEUNITYELLOWCENTERLINEGENERALThe visual docking guidance systemfor nose-in parking positions consiststhe following elements:1. AZIMUTH GUIDANCE UNIT2. YELLOW CENTERLINE3. STOPPING POSITION INDICATOR12 thru 455A89 thru 111214 thru 1617181921 thru 2627, 2831 thru 3441N46 13.7 E006 06.2N46 13.8 E006 06.3N46 13.8 E006 06.4N46 13.8 E006 06.3N46 13.8 E006 06.4N46 13.9 E006 06.4N46 13.9 E006 06.5N46 14.0 E006 06.6N46 14.0 E006 06.7N46 14.1 E006 06.7N46 14.1 E006 06.8N46 13.8 E006 06.2N46 13.9 E006 06.2N46 13.9 E006 06.3N46 14.0 E006 06.585, 868787A87B8895 thru 96121 thru 125127A1 thru A3A4, A5B1 thru B4B5, B6C1C2, C3C4 thru C7N46 13.7 E006 06.0N46 13.6 E006 06.0N46 13.6 E006 05.9N46 13.7 E006 06.0N46 13.6 E006 05.9N46 13.5 E006 05.7N46 13.8 E006 06.2N46 13.9 E006 06.2N46 13.6 E006 05.8N46 13.6 E006 05.9N46 13.6 E006 05.8N46 13.5 E006 05.8N46 13.6 E006 05.7N46 13.6 E006 05.8N46 13.5 E006 05.8AZIMUTH GUIDANCE UNITApproach the parking position along the yellow centerline so that bothvertical slots of the Azimuth Guidance Unit show GREEN. Adjustmentsto the left or right shall always be made towards the GREEN.REDGREENGREENGREENGREENRED4243, 446161A61B, 6263 thru 687172 thru 7481A thru 81C82 thru 84N46 13.9 E006 06.4N46 14.0 E006 06.4N46 14.1 E006 06.5N46 14.0 E006 06.5N46 14.1 E006 06.5N46 14.1 E006 06.6N46 14.3 E006 06.8N46 14.3 E006 06.9N46 13.8 E006 06.1N46 13.7 E006 06.1D1 thru D3D4D5 thru D7R9 thru R11R12N46 13.4 E006 05.7N46 13.5 E006 05.7N46 13.4 E006 05.7N46 14.2 E006 06.7N46 14.2 E006 06.8LEFT of centerline.Turn towards GREEN.(RIGHT)Aircraft on centerline.RIGHT of centerline.Turn towards GREEN.(LEFT)Stop at parking positions:PARKING WITHOUT MARSHALLERThe pilot has to stop by lining up the left side window of the cockpit with the STOP linetransmitted by GENEVA APRON.STOP lines use:STOP line 1, 2 or 3 will be transmitted by GENEVA APRON.STOPPING POSITION INDICATORThe aircraft is stopped at the correct position by means of the StoppingPosition Indicator. When the light tube, visible through the horizontalslot in the marker board, is aligned with the appropriate verticalreference mark, the aircraft has reached the correct stopping position.F-100B-737A-310A-320Position17OTHERTYPESB-747 SPB-747DC-10L-1011MD 11F-100B-737A-310A-320Position18OTHERTYPESB-747DC-10/MD-11L-1011B-747 SPPosition19F-100B-737A-320OTHERTYPESB-747 SPB-747B-767DC-10L-1011MD 11A detailed list concerning STOP lines for the different aircraft types is available at the AIS.For orders please contact:Aeroport International de GeneveServices Trafic AAUCase postale 1001215 Geneve 15FAX (022) 717 71 31On request, indications given by GENEVA APRON.Laser mirror APIS (Acft Parking and Information System):-Alignment of acft (azimuth guidance principle):Align according to the indications of APIS (Moire type light interference display, which indicatesif acft is left, right or centred on taxiing guide line).-Stopping of acft (stopping guidance principle):Slow down and stop as indicated by the APIS closing rate indicator (thermometer type display).-Remark:If APIS is switched off, the stand is not cleared for entry. Request assistance from GENEVA APRON.CHANGES: Notes transferred to 10-1P pages.| JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2000, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

BRIEFING STRIP TMPANS OPS 3Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008.NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008<strong>LSGG</strong>/GVAGENEVA20003000300020002000300050003000JEPPESEN17 NOV 06 11-1 .Eff.23.Nov.4000200030004000200050003000200020003000JEPPESENJeppView, SWITZERLANDILS DME Rwy 05ATIS GENEVA Arrival (APP) GENEVA Final (APP) GENEVA Tower Ground135.57 136.25120.3118.7 121.67LOCFinalGSILSINEApch Crs PAS VOR DA(H) Apt Elev 1411'Refer to110.9 046^ 3180'(1769') Minimums RWY1411'7000'MISSED APCH: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD on R-046 GVA to 4000'. At D2.9 INEpast the station continue climb to SPR VOR to 7000'.10,600'Cross D9.5 GVA at 4000' or above.Alt Set: hPa Rwy Elev: 51 hPa Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 7000'1. CAUTION: Expect turbulence on base and final apch. 2. Radar vectoring to INDIS maybe expected. 3. ILS DME reads zero at rwy 05 displ thresh. 4. ILS front course width 3^.5. GS azimuth coverage limited to 6^ NW. 6. False capture of LOC possible on left base.Monitor position using R-226 GVA.46-2046-1046-002648'4190'2044'LOC(GS out)3422'4432'INDIS3156'3596'LF(D)-743652'ILS DME046^ I 110.9 N E INED17.3 INE60 05069'PASSEIRYDP 116.6 A PASSD5.5 INE5318'046^D10.0BELKAINE3379'3612'15636'3612'196^INE4645'Gnd speed-Kts70 90 100 120 140 160ILS GS 3.00^ orLOC Descent Gradient 5.2%377 485 539 647 755 862MAP at D0.0 INE.JAR-OPS. STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 05ILSLOC (GS out)DA(H)C: 1615'(204')AB:MDA(H)(200') D: 1624'(213')(399')ABCD010.011.2MSA 7000' within 10 NM.6000PINOTD11.2 PASTemporaryProhibitedArea7.7226^7000D2.9 INED1.0 GVA3042'24524'LANDSWITZER3000FRANCE3000600020003000400020001ST PREXDS 113.9 P SPRRD9.5 GVAGENEVADG 115.75 V GVA A05-40 05-50 06-00 06-10 06-20INE DMEALTITUDEINDIS BELKAD17.3 INE D14.3 INE7000'046^ 046^D10.06000'via PINOT16.06560'14.05920'LOC4650'LOC3180'046^7000D4.0PAS VORGS 3180'D4.03.0 4.3 4.5 1.51611' 1810'D0.0INED5.5 INEGSINEGS 2735'046^INEHIALSFULL ALS out ALS outMaxKts MDA(H)RVR 550mRVR 900m100 2100' (689')RVR 1500m135 2100' (689')RVRRVR 1000m 1000mRVR 600mRVR 1800m 180 2400' (989')RVR 1400m RVR 2000m 180 2400' (989')CHANGES: Missed approach. Notes. Minimums.D14.3 INE12.05290'10.04650'8.04010'4.06.03380'D0.0046^INE4.02740'MSAGVA VORMAX FL 230MAX 210 KTat or below 8000226^002^4856'6575'4000300040002 LOC 2740'TCH displthresh 49'RWY 051411'GVA4000'on115.75R-046CIRCLE-TO-LANDNOT TO SCALEMHA 70002.02100'Not authorized South of airportVIS1500m1600m2400m3600m241^| JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2000, 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.BRIEFING STRIP TMPANS OPS 3Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008.NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008<strong>LSGG</strong>/GVAGENEVA300030005000300040004000LF(D)-53030002000500030004000JEPPESEN17 NOV 06 11-2 .Eff.23.Nov.50002000TemporaryProhibitedAreaISWSWITZERLANDFRANCE300040003000315^2000LS(D)-19300040002000300040004000JEPPESENJeppView, SWITZERLANDILS DME Rwy 23135.57 136.25120.3118.7 121.67LOCFinalGSILSApt Elev 1411'ISWApch Crs D4.0 ISWRA 216'DA(H)109.9 226^ 2650'(1285') 1565'(200') RWY1365'7000'MISSED APCH: Climb on R-226 GVA to 4000'. At D4.0 GVA continue climb10,600'to 7000'. At D9.5 GVA turn LEFT (MAX 185 KT) to intercept and follow1R-040 CBY to SPR VOR. For turns below 5000' MIM bank angle 25^.Alt Set: hPa Rwy Elev: 49 hPa Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 7000' MSAILS front course width 3^.GVA VOR3481'3652'5069'46-10ATIS GENEVA Arrival (APP) GENEVA Final (APP) GENEVA Tower Ground4058'5636'4262'5144'ISW2425'5052'4856' 5266'5318' 6562'05-50NOT TO SCALE06-10 06-20 06-302100'RWY 231365'2.5 0.5 1790' 5.97.3 1.21.3018.7Gnd speed-Kts70 90 100 120 140 160HIALS-IIGVA4000'ILS GS 3.00^ orREIL377 485 539 647 755 862PAPI PAPI onLOC Descent Gradient 5.2%MAP at D1.5 ISW.JAR-OPS. STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 23CIRCLE-TO-LANDILSLOC (GS out)RA 216'Not authorized South of airportDA(H) 1565' (200') MDA(H) 1810' (445')MaxFULL ALS out ALS out Kts MDA(H)VISARVR 900m100 2100' (689') 1500mRVR 1500mB135 2100' (689') 1600mRVRRVRC 550m RVR 1000m 1000mRVR 1800m 180 2400' (989') 2400mD46-3046-20LOC(GS out)CHANGES: Procedure.DG V AGENEVA115.75 GVAD4.0 GVA06-00D9.5 GVACHAMBERYDC 115.4 B CBYYISW DMEALTITUDETCH 58'D3.5 ISW2.02010'5574'D1.5226^040^4.02650'D4.0GS 2650'ISWG 375 GLANDL GLAAD4.5D4.0 ISWD1.5ISWLOC2790'RVR 1400m4272'6.03280'8.03920'D17.7D10.4 ISWGS 4670'D4.5 LOCISW 4660'RVR 2000mISWPETALD10.4 ISW10.04560'PETAL180046^226^3500'1DS P RST PREX113.9 SPRILS DMEI S W226^ 109.9 ISW226^2400' (989')60002140'30006217'226^2000500050003600m2000MAX FL 230MAX 210 KTat or below 80007000'6171'7362'12.0 14.0 16.05190' 5830' 6470'D17.7226^ISW002^MHA 7000241^MSA 7000'within 10 NM.SPRVOR5000115.75R-226| JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2000, 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

BRIEFING STRIP TM5 05 10 15PANS OPS 3Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008.NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008<strong>LSGG</strong>/GVAGENEVA3652'300030005069'500030004058'40004000LF(D)-5305636'300020004262'5000JEPPESEN17 NOV 06.Eff.23.Nov. 11-2A300040005144'50002000TemporaryProhibitedArea315^SWITZERLANDFRANCE3000ISW400030002000ISWLS(D)-19RWY 231365'3.8 6.4 7.3 1.20Gnd speed-Kts 70 90 100 120 140 160HIALS-IIGS 3.00^ 377 485 539 647 755 862REILPAPI PAPI300040002000300040004000JEPPESENJeppView, SWITZERLANDCAT II ILS DME Rwy 232425'5318'05-50 NOT TO SCALE06-10 06-20 06-3013481'ATIS GENEVA Arrival (APP) GENEVA Final (APP) GENEVA Tower Ground135.57 136.25120.3118.7 121.67LOCFinalGSCAT II ILSApt Elev 1411'ISWApch Crs D4.0 ISW RA 108'DA(H)109.9 226^ 2650'(1285') 1465'(100') RWY1365'7000'MISSED APCH: Climb on R-226 GVA to 4000'. At D4.0 GVA continue climb10,600'to 7000'. At D9.5 GVA turn LEFT (MAX 185 KT) to intercept and follow1R-040 CBY to SPR VOR. For turns below 5000' MIM bank angle 25^.Alt Set: hPa Rwy Elev: 49 hPa Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 7000'1. Special Aircrew & Aircraft Certification Required. 2. ILS front course width 3^.46-3046-2046-10.JAR-OPS.DG V AGENEVA115.75 GVAD4.0 GVA06-00D9.5 GVACHAMBERYDC 115.4 B CBYYTCH 58'D4.0GS 2650'DA(H)D4.0CAT II ILSABCDRA 108'1465'(100')RVR 300m 1D17.7PETALD10.4 ISWGS4670'ISWPETALD10.4 ISW226^5052'4856' 5266'Operators applying U.S. Ops Specs: Autoland or HGS required below RVR 350m.CHANGES: Procedure.D3.5 ISW5574'226^040^G 375 GLANDL GLAA4272'STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 23046^226^1DS P RST PREX113.9 SPRI S W226^60004000'on30006217'6562'2140'2000500050002000MAX FL 230MAX 210 KTat or below 8000ILS DME226^ 109.9 ISWD17.7ISW7000'226^002^MSAGVA VORMHA 7000MSA 7000'within 10 NM.SPRVOR18.7241^6171'7362'GVA5000115.75R-226| JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2000, 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.BRIEFING STRIP TMPANS OPS 3Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008.NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008<strong>LSGG</strong>/GVAGENEVA46-20200046-103000300020002648'4190'20003422'DO NOT OVERSHOOT25 DME Arc GVA46-003000D19.6 GVA GVA GVA GVA7000' 6000' [FD~5]5300'Gnd speed-Kts4432'3156'3596'3652'MAX 180 KT5318'MIM BANK ANGLE 25^.JEPPESEN17 NOV 06.Eff.23.Nov. 13-15069'1890'400020003379'300040003000GVA[6~VOR][3.74^]15636'3612'4000GVA[FD~5]2000GVA[6~VOR]GVA[MD~5]20003000GVA[MD~5]JEPPESENJeppView, SWITZERLAND(GPS) VOR DME Rwy 05ATIS GENEVA Arrival (APP) GENEVA Final (APP) GENEVA Tower Ground135.57 136.25120.3118.7 121.67VORFinal Procedure AltMDA(H) Apt Elev 1411'GVAApch Crs D11.9 GVA1890'(479')115.75 046^ 5300'(3889')RWY1411'7000'MISSED APCH: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD on R-046 GVA to 4000'. At D1.010,600'GVA past the station continue climb to SPR VOR to 7000'.1Cross D9.5 GVA past the station at 4000' or above.Alt Set: hPa Rwy Elev: 51 hPa Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 7000'1. CAUTION: Expect turbulence on base and final apch.2. Radar vectoring to INDIS may be expected.MSA GVA VOR22LF(D)-74271^046^3042'LANDSWITZER3000FRANCE05-40 05-50 06-00 06-10 06-205290'GVA(IAF)INDISD19.6 GVA70 90 100 120 140 160Descent Gradient 6.54% orDescent angle[3.74^]463 596 662 794 927 1059MAP at D3.0 GVAABCDGVA DMEALTITUDE046^.JAR-OPS.13.05740'INDIS3.4D16.2 D13.7 D11.9STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWYRVR1000mRVR 1200mRVR 1600mMDA(H)CHANGES: Missed approach. Note.05DGVA2050'5.9ALS outGENEVAG V A12.0 11.0 10.0 9.05350' 4950' 4550' 4150'2.5P A SPASSEIRYD116.6 PASD16.21.8(479')D6.0RVR 1500mRVR 2000mMSA 7000' within 10 NM.115.75 GVA226^D11.9D13.72960'19.6to INDIS046^70007000D6.0MDAD3.08.03760'3.0MaxKts100135180180046^4524'D3.0D1.0GVA7.03360'0.830002000[TCH displthresh 49']HIALS046^MAX FL 230MAX 210 KTat or below 8000ST PREXDS 113.9 P SPR RD9.5 GVAMDA(H)(689')TemporaryProhibitedArea300040004856'20006575'40003000| JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2000, 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.4000GVA VORRWY 05 1411'GVA4000'on115.75R-046CIRCLE-TO-LAND2100'2100' (689')2400' (989')2400' (989')226^5.02560'002^NOT TO SCALEMHA 70004.02170'Not authorized South of airportVIS1500m1600m2400m3600m241^

BRIEFING STRIP TMPANS OPS 3Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008.NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008<strong>LSGG</strong>/GVAGENEVAVORGVAMISSED APCH: Climb on R-226 GVA to 4000'. At D4.0 GVA continue climbto 7000'. At D9.5 GVA turn LEFT (MAX 185 KT) to intercept and followR-040 CBY to SPR VOR. For turns below 5000' MIM bank angle 25^.46-3030003000500030004000[TCH 58']LF(D)-53040003000200050003000JEPPESEN17 NOV 06.Eff.23.Nov. 13-2115.75 226^ 7000'(5635')3481'3652'46-205069'46-105318'LF(D)-7405-504058'5636'4262'Procedure AltD17.2 GVA4000GVA[MD23]5144'50002000TemporaryProhibitedAreaGVA[MD23]SWITZERLANDFRANCE30004000GVA[4~VOR]2790'GVA[4~VOR][3.00^]LS(D)-19GVA[FD23]JEPPESENJeppView 231365'1.0 3.0 5.9 7.3 1.20 0.318.7Gnd speed-Kts70 90 100 120 140 160HIALS-IIGVA4000'Descent Gradient 5.24% orREIL372 478 531 637 743 849 PAPI PAPI onDescent angle[3.00^]MAP at D1.0 GVASTRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 23CIRCLE-TO-LANDABCD3000315^2000MDA(H)1810'(445')GVA[FD23]D9.9 GVA[99VOR]2425'3000D9.9 GVA[99VOR]4660'GENEVA, SWITZERLAND(GPS) VOR DME Rwy 23ATIS GENEVA Arrival (APP) GENEVA Final (APP) GENEVA Tower Ground135.57 136.25120.3118.7 121.67Alt Set: hPa.JAR-OPS.DFinalApch Crs06-00D9.5 GVACHAMBERYDC 115.4 B CBYYCHANGES: Procedure.GENEVAG V A115.75 GVANOT TO SCALERVR 900mRVR 1000mRVR 1400mRwy Elev: 49 hPaD4.0GVA226^GVAVORMDA(H)040^5574'D1.01810'1790'(445')Trans level: By ATCD1.0D4.0Apt Elev 1411'400020003000RWY40001365'400060005052'4856' 5266'06-10 06-20 06-30D4.0GLANDG 375 L GLAA4272'GVA DME 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0ALTITUDE 2150' 2790' 3430' 4060' 4700'2090'ALS outRVR 1500mRVR 1800mRVR 2000mPETALD17.2PETAL3500'MaxKts100135180180Trans alt: 7000'226^046^12.05340'1DS P RD17.2226^ST PREX113.9 SPR7000'MDA(H)(689')2100'2100' (689')2400' (989')2400' (989')7000'600030006217'6562'1MSA GVA VOR2140'2000500050002000MAX FL 230MAX 210 KTat or below 80006171'7362'14.0 16.05970' 6610'226^002^MHA 7000MSA 7000'within 10 NM.SPRVOR5000115.75R-226Not authorized South of airportVIS1500m1600m2400m3600m241^10,600'| JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2000, 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.BRIEFING STRIP TMPANS OPS 3Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008.NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008<strong>LSGG</strong>/GVAGENEVA20003000300020002648'4190'20003422'4432'3156'3652'30004000400020003000300040002000Gnd speed-Kts70 90 100 120 140 160Descent Gradient 6.1% 432 556 618 741 865 98820003000JEPPESENJeppView, SWITZERLANDJEPPESEN17 NOV 06 18-1 .Eff.23.Nov. TMN 2.0 NM SRA Rwy 05ATIS GENEVA Arrival (APP) GENEVA Final (APP) GENEVA Tower Ground135.57 136.25120.3118.7 121.67RADARFinal Procedure AltMDA(H)Apch Crs D12.0 INEApt Elev1411'1990'(579')046^ 6000'(4589')7000'MISSED APCH: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD on R-046 GVA to 4000'. At D1.010,600'GVA past the station continue climb to SPR VOR to 7000'.1Cross D9.5 GVA past the station at 4000' or above.Alt Set: hPa Apt Elev: 51 hPa Trans level: By ATC1. CAUTION: Expect turbulence on base and final apch.2. ILS DME reads zero at rwy 05 displ thresh.46-2046-1046-00.JAR-OPS.ABCDAVAILABLE ONLY FOREMERGENCY OR PPR.3596'LF(D)-745069'5318'1990'3379'15636'3612'D14.3 INED16.5 GVA3042'4524'D1.0GVALANDSWITZER3000HIALSFRANCE05-40 05-50 06-00 06-10 06-20046^4910'INE3612'MDA10.0DG V AGENEVA115.75 GVA046^ 046^INDISD17.3 INED19.5 GVASTRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWYRVR1000mRVR 1200mRVR 1600mCHANGES: New procedure.MDA(H)D12.0INED14.2 GVAD10.0BELKA(579')05ALS outRVR 1500mRVR 2000mMSA 7000' within 10 NM.MaxKts100135180180Trans alt: 7000'046^ILS DMEI N E110.9 INE30002000MAX FL 230MAX 210 KTat or below 8000ST PREXDS 113.9 P SPRRD9.5 GVAMDA(H)(689')TemporaryProhibitedArea300040004856'20006575'GVA VOR4000300040001411'GVA4000'on115.75R-046CIRCLE-TO-LAND2100'2100' (689')2400' (989')2400' (989')MSA GVA VOR226^NOT TO SCALEMHA 7000RADAR FIX 11.0 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0ALTITUDE25600' 4800' 4500' 4100' 3700' 3400' 3000' 2600' 2210'BELKA D12.0INE2 Do not descend belowD14.3 INE D14.2 GVA D10.0D16.5 GVAthe descent profile.INE6000'5200'2.33.0046^60002.0APT002^Not authorized South of airportVIS1500m1600m2400m3600m241^| JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

BRIEFING STRIP TMPANS OPS 3Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008.NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008<strong>LSGG</strong>/GVAGENEVA46-303481'3652'46-20300046-105318'30005069'05-50500030004058'LF(D)-530400040005636'300020004262'500030004000JEPPESEN17 NOV 06 18-2 .Eff.23.Nov. TMN 2.0 NM5144'50002000TemporaryProhibitedAreaSWITZERLANDFRANCE3000400030002000LS(D)-192425'3500'MDARWY 231365'9.5 7.7 1.20 0.5Gnd speed-Kts70 90 100 120 140 160HIALS-IIDescent Gradient 5.2% 369 474 527 632 737 843REILPAPI PAPI3000400020003000400040006000JEPPESENJeppView, SWITZERLANDSRA Rwy 23ATIS GENEVA Arrival (APP) GENEVA Final (APP) GENEVA Tower Ground135.57 136.25120.3118.7 121.67Final Procedure AltMDA(H) Apt Elev 1411'RADAR Apch Crs D17.7 ISW226^ 7000'(5635')1830'(465')RWY1365'MISSED APCH: Climb on R-226 GVA to 4000'. At D4.0 GVA continue climbto 7000'. At D9.5 GVA turn LEFT (MAX 185 KT) to intercept and followR-040 CBY to SPR VOR. For turns below 5000' MIM bank angle 25^.Alt Set: hPa Rwy Elev: 49 hPa Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 7000'ILS DME reads zero at rwy 23 thresh.LF(D)-74RADAR FIXALTITUDEABCDAVAILABLE ONLY FOREMERGENCY OR PPR.206-00D9.5 GVACHAMBERYDC 115.4 B CBYYDG V ANOT TO SCALEGENEVA115.75 GVAD4.0GVASTRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 23I S WILS DME109.9 ISW1DS P RST PREX113.9 SPR5052'4856' 5266'06-10 06-20 06-3012.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.05200' 5600' 5900' 6200' 6500' 6800'2 Do not descend belowthe descent profile.D10.0ISW4600'.JAR-OPS.2.02060'RVR1000mRVR 1200mRVR 1600mCHANGES: New procedure.226^3.02400'GVAVORMDA(H)040^5574'1830'(465')4272'ALS outRVR 1500mRVR 2000mD17.7ISWD17.2 GVA226^D10.0 ISWMaxKts100135180180046^4000'D17.7 ISWD17.2 GVA226^MDA(H)(689')600030006217'6562'12140'2000500050002000MAX FL 230MAX 210 KTat or below 80006171'7362'5000GVA4000'on115.75R-226CIRCLE-TO-LAND2100'2100' (689')2400' (989')2400' (989')MSA GVA VOR7000'7000'MHA 7000226^MSA 7000'within 10 NM.4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 11.02700' 3000' 3300' 3600'4300' 4900'002^SPRVOR18.9Not authorized South of airportVIS1500m1600m2400m3600m241^10,600'| JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2000, 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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