An Iroquois Legend

An Iroquois Legend

An Iroquois Legend


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Level 2- 3<strong>An</strong> <strong>Iroquois</strong> <strong>Legend</strong>Retold by Kelly DanielsIllustrated by Daniela Dogliani

Bear: Fox! You did this to me!Fox: It was a nice tail, Bear. The fish will like it. Haha!Bear: I’ll get you!Bear chases Fox. They exit.The EndWordList26

answerShe answers the math question.Bear did not answer.biteHe bites the cookie.“When they bite mine, I pull themup.”askShe asks a question.Bear asked, “Can I try?”catchI use my net to catch fish.Fox caught a lot of fish.bearThis is a bear.Long ago, Bear had a tail.coverThe rug covers something on thefloor.Bear was covered with snow.behindThe child is behind the tree.Fox said, “I will wait behind thosetrees.”cutYou cut paper with scissors.Fox cut a hole in the ice.2829

deepThe ocean is deep.The water was not deep there.hitHe hits the other man.Bear tried to hit Fox.foxThis is a fox.Bear met Fox.jumpThis animal jumps.Bear jumped up!frozenThe water is frozen.Bear’s tail was frozen in the ice!lakeThere are trees by the lake.Fox went to the lake.hillA hill is behind the trees.Fox saw a big white hill.madHe is mad.Bear was very mad.3031

noiseHe hears a noise.Bears also make sad noises in thewoods.rememberShe remembers the numbers.Maybe bears today remember theirtails.partPart of the circle is blue.Fox went to another part of the lake.sadHe is sad.Remembering their tails makes themsad.proudHer dog does tricks. She is proud ofit.Bear was proud of his tail.sitHe sits in the chair.Bear was still sitting by the hole.pullHe pulls the heavy block.“I will say, ‘Now, Bear!’ Then pullyour tail out.”snapThe chain snaps.Bear jumped up! Snap!3233

snowIn winter, it snows.That night, it snowed a lot.wake upThe baby wakes up.In the morning, Fox woke up.tailThis is a dog’s tail.“Look at my tail. It’s pretty!”winterSnow falls in winter.One winter day, Fox had an idea.tryShe tries to draw a picture.Bear was trying not to think.woodsThere are many trees in the woods.Bears also make sad noises in thewoods.turnThe ram turns to look at its baby.Bear turned to the hole.yellHe yells a lot.Fox yelled, “Now, Bear!”3435

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