Trevor Brazile.indd - Wise County Messenger

Trevor Brazile.indd - Wise County Messenger

Trevor Brazile.indd - Wise County Messenger

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The Making of aChampiontrevor brazileWISE COUNTY MESSENGER • THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 2007

Thursday, December 27, 2007WISE COUNTY MESSENGER3For the more than17,000 fans packedinto the Thomas &Mack Center every night atthe National Finals Rodeoin Las Vegas, all the actionwas under the lights. It tookless than a minute for eachcompetitor in every eventto set a record, move up ordown in the standings orregret a missed opportunity.But what I learned afterseven days of following theworld’s number one cowboyis that the real story isbehind the scenes.Continued on next pageNUMBER ONE — When you’re the topcowboy in the world, walking into the lightwith your head held high, like <strong>Trevor</strong> <strong>Brazile</strong>,naturally you’re going to be wearing No. 1.Editor’s note: <strong>Messenger</strong>photographer Joe Duty spent aweek in Las Vegas covering <strong>Trevor</strong><strong>Brazile</strong>’s quest for a fi fth All AroundWorld Championship and his fi rstTriple Crown. The Decatur cowboyaccomplished everything he set outto do. Here are Joe’s thoughts on “themaking of a champion,” as told toDenny Deady.Layout & Design by Todd A. Griffi thView more photos at www.wcmessenger.com/outofthebox

TEXAS BOY— Sonny Burgessof Cleburneentertainsduring the CoolCowboy contestat the MirageHotel while avideo of <strong>Trevor</strong><strong>Brazile</strong> fl ashesbehind him.Before the finals, Iadmired <strong>Trevor</strong> <strong>Brazile</strong>.But that week showedme what he’s made of,and I left Las Vegaswith total respect forthe guy. He is a truechampion.I had no idea howLike <strong>Trevor</strong> & His Family...We’re Proud to CallGrandChampionsat PleasingCustomersLike You!Continued from previous page<strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong>Our Homefierce the competitionwas. In my mind, Idownplayed it a little,but halfway throughthe week I was convinced,“this is the realdeal.” <strong>Trevor</strong> is a professionaland he was inLas Vegas to take careof business. He was alreadya four-time WorldChampion All AroundCowboy when he arrivedin the city thatnever sleeps. He had achance to not only repeatin All Around, butalso had the opportunityto do something thathadn’t been done in 27years, and that was winrodeo’s Triple Crown.His few secondsunder the lights eachnight in the arena weresuch a small portionof what makes up thisguy. I watched himpractice every day, forhours on end. He madethe 20-minute driveto the practice facilitycoordinating everythingby phone. Cellphoneshave revolutionizedContinued on page 6Good things happento good people.Congratulations,<strong>Trevor</strong> & Thanksfor all you do for theyouth of Decatur.Jeff & Reba Bakker2-K PAWN & GUN SHOPFAN MAGNET— <strong>Trevor</strong> <strong>Brazile</strong>poses for aphoto with fans.WISE COUNTY MESSENGER Thursday, December 27, 2007

Thursday, December 27, 2007WISE COUNTY MESSENGER5MORE PRACTICE — <strong>Trevor</strong> <strong>Brazile</strong>throws a loop over a calf, alwaysenvisioning a perfect throw.CHECKING IT TWICE — <strong>Trevor</strong> <strong>Brazile</strong>takes a break to check the cinchon his saddle. The world champion isalways in tune to his horse’s needs.Photo Courtesy of Joe Duty/<strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong>TREVOR BRAZILE’STRIPLE CROWN AWESOMENESSIs Being Celebrated at David’s!Bring this ad in to TAKE AN ADDITIONAL 15% OFFalready marked down prices in every department.Offer excludes 13MWZ Wrangler Jeans and Saddles. Cannot be combined with any other coupon or discount card.Offer expires January 31, 2008.Congratulations, <strong>Trevor</strong>! 1410 S. FM 51, Decatur, TX 76234 - 940.627.3949

Continued from page 4the way cowboys dothings. When he gotto the practice area,his horse was saddled,warmed up and readyfor him. He talked byphone with his dad,Jimmy, every day untilhe joined his son in LasVegas. And of course hewas on the phone withhis wife, Shada, backhome in Decatur withPRESS ROOM — After treatment, <strong>Trevor</strong> <strong>Brazile</strong>picks up his run sheet in the press room.their eight-day old son,Treston.That first Sunday,I watched him in thesaddle, grimmacingin pain, suffering theeffects of a herniateddisc. He told me, “Teamroping doesn’t botherme too much, but gettingon the ground incalf roping feels likesomeone’s sticking aknife in my back.”After each event,Continued on next pageCongratulations<strong>Trevor</strong>,ShadaandTreston!Douglas Kyle, M.D.Decatur Women’sHealth CenterCongratulations<strong>Trevor</strong>. Youmake us allproud to callDecatur home!Lisa LuttrullTREATMENT — After each performance, <strong>Trevor</strong><strong>Brazile</strong> could be found in the Justin SportsMedicine area getting treatment on his back.Congratulations<strong>Trevor</strong> on winningthe Triple Crown.From all of us at...WISE COUNTY MESSENGER Thursday, December 27, 2007

Thursday, December 27, 2007WISE COUNTY MESSENGER7Continued from previous pagehe’d head to the JustinSports Medicine areafor ice and heat treatmentson his back. ByThursday, I saw a deideddifference in hisace. He may not havebeen pain-free, but Iould tell he was feelingbetter.After a couple of days,was hit with the relizationthat <strong>Trevor</strong>’sime was not his own.e followed a rigidchedule and despitehe nagging back pain,e never waivered. Heigned autographs foris sponsors for hours.e appeared on stagewith funnyman ClintRasmussen. Therealways seemed to bean ESPN mike in hisface, held by a reporterContinued on page 10POPULAR STAR — <strong>Trevor</strong> <strong>Brazile</strong> signs autographs for a mom andher three children. <strong>Brazile</strong> took time for everyone who wanted toshake his hand or get his autograph.CONGRATULATIONSon <strong>Trevor</strong>winning rodeo’s Triple Crown and thank-youto you and Shada for giving me the opportunityto construct your spectacular new home.Specializing in quality customhomes in the <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> area.Mike MacManus • McManus Custom Homes940-393-2919 • 35 Years Experience

8WISE COUNTY MESSENGER Thursday, December 27, 2007RODEO STARS — <strong>Trevor</strong> <strong>Brazile</strong>rides atop a stagecoachcarrying bull riding great TuffHedeman into the Thomas &Mack Center in Las Vegas.THE DAY AHEAD— Before leavingthe Mirage Hotelin Las Vegas,<strong>Trevor</strong> <strong>Brazile</strong>contemplates theday ahead.

Thursday, December 27, 2007WISE COUNTY MESSENGER9PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT— Before <strong>Trevor</strong> <strong>Brazile</strong>mounts his horse duringpractice, he takes severalopportunities to rope adummy.UNDER THE LIGHTS — In Round 9 of tiedownroping, <strong>Trevor</strong> <strong>Brazile</strong> shows intenseconcentration as his loop centers overthe calf’s head.

10WISE COUNTY MESSENGER Thursday, December 27, 2007FUNNY GUY — Clint Rasmussen (right) had <strong>Trevor</strong> <strong>Brazile</strong> laughingon his show in Las Vegas on stage at the Cowboy Christmas.Continued from page 7full of questions. Thedemands on his timewere incredible. And yetI’d see him staring ata pen of calves, studyingthe calf he hadjust drawn for the nextevent. He’d watch onecalf for maybe 15 minutes.He studied it andhis strategies wouldchange, depending onthe calf.<strong>Trevor</strong> has a phenomenalamount ofintuition, knowledgeand sheer determination.He stayed verycalm and cool, and Inever saw an ounce ofnervousness. He alwaysappeared comfortablearound people, whetherbeing interviewed orsigning autographs.He was especially goodContinued on next pageCongratulations,<strong>Trevor</strong>on ALL your accomplishments!115 South Trinity • Decatur • 940-627-5987 • FAX 940-627-1004www.messengerofficesupply.com

Thursday, December 27, 200711WISE COUNTY MESSENGERContinued from previous pagewith the kids. I reallyenjoyed watching himinteract with the specialneeds kids.Throughout the week,I put my camera equipmentto the test, muchlike <strong>Trevor</strong> pushed hisbody to the limit. I usedit the way it should beused and after sevendays, I had more thanContinued on next pageGOOD START —Header <strong>Trevor</strong> <strong>Brazile</strong>successfully ropes hiscalf and turns it forpartner Patrick Smithto handle the heelerduties.WATCHING THECOMPETITION— After postingan outstandingtime in tie-downroping, <strong>Trevor</strong> <strong>Brazile</strong>watches as acompetitor bests histime.CONGRATULATIONS on all youraccomplishments - especially to youand Shada on your new baby boy!Keep on keepin’ that all around titleon the right end of the arena!Your friends,George, Norma and Bubba Strait

12WISE COUNTY MESSENGER Thursday, December 27, 2007Continued from previous page21,000 images. Theweeklong quest forglory ended the way itshould have. After the10th and final roundSaturday night, all thelights went out in theThomas & Mack Cener.A stage was loweredrom the rafters. Lightlluminated only theworld championshipsaddles for each event.I saw <strong>Trevor</strong> climbthe stage, holding histwo gold belt buckles,one for the all-aroundtitle and one for thetie-down roping title.He looked totally spent.As he walked throughthe smoke provided bya machine, his familiargrin returned. He gazedat the tie-down saddleand touched it ever soContinued on page 14GOOD ROUND — <strong>Trevor</strong> <strong>Brazile</strong> acknowledges the crowd after an outstandingRound 4 of team roping with his partner, Patrick Smith.Role models for ouryouth like <strong>Trevor</strong><strong>Brazile</strong> make our job awhole lot easier!Congratulations toa young man with true gritand outstanding character.Sheriff David Walker<strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> Sheriff’s Dept.

Thursday, December 27, 200713WISE COUNTY MESSENGERHOMEWARD BOUND — <strong>Trevor</strong> <strong>Brazile</strong>has just completed his 10th and fi nalround of competition at the NationalFinals Rodeo in Las Vegas and all hecan think about is heading home toDecatur.FINAL RUN — <strong>Trevor</strong> heads outof the box for the fi nal time inRound 10 of the National FinalsRodeo. He missed on his fi rst tryin tie-down roping but kept hiscomposure to throw a secondrope to win the average andhence the world title.CONGRATULATIONSTREVOR!fromPastor Allen& Velda Batesand your churchfamily at

14WISE COUNTY MESSENGER Thursday, December 27, 2007IT’S ALL OVER — <strong>Trevor</strong> <strong>Brazile</strong> knows he’swon the Triple Crown and the energyis drained from his face. He awaits theonslaught of reporters.EYES ON THE PRIZE — <strong>Trevor</strong><strong>Brazile</strong> leaves the Mirage tohead for the practice facility,already concentrating onthe task ahead.ontinued from page 12gently. The grin widened. Iwondered if he was reflectngon what it had taken toet him to that point.When his name was anounced,the crowd cameo its feet. I felt the hairstand up on my neck andthe sensation all the wayto my feet. When he tookthe microphone, he said, “Iwant to thank all my fansand sponsors for the secondbest thing to happento me this year.”His reference to sonTreston as the most excitingmoment in his life saidall I needed to hear about<strong>Trevor</strong> <strong>Brazile</strong> the champion,<strong>Trevor</strong> <strong>Brazile</strong> theman.Continued on next pageCongratulations <strong>Trevor</strong>and Clint! Thanks forletting me tag along!What a Ride!Joe Duty

Thursday, December 27, 200715WISE COUNTY MESSENGERANOTHER BUCKLE— <strong>Trevor</strong> <strong>Brazile</strong>receives a beltbuckle at SouthPoint Hotel andCasino afterwinning Round8 of tie-downroping.ontinued from previous pageWith the light shiningon his two world championshipsaddles illuminatinghis face, I hadthe shot I had waitedseven days for. <strong>Trevor</strong>had his place in history,and we all have ahero we can look up to.BELIEVES IN PRACTICE — <strong>Trevor</strong><strong>Brazile</strong> practices as hard as hecompetes and fi nds time topractice every day.Thanks for takingus along on theride, <strong>Trevor</strong>!PO Box 149 • 115 South Trinity • Decatur • 940-627-5987 • www.wcmessenger.com

GreatTriple-Crown ChampDrives aGreat Klement Ram!Klement General Manager Robert Bishop and <strong>Trevor</strong> <strong>Brazile</strong>Karl Klement Dodge folks would like to personally congratulate <strong>Trevor</strong> <strong>Brazile</strong>,five-time PRCA All-Around World Title holder and Triple Crown Winner.And we welcome your new son, Treston Norris, to the Decatur Dodge Family!We’re so proud of you, <strong>Trevor</strong>, Shada and Treston!KLEMENTwww.karlklementdodge.comUS287 North, Decatur, Texas...Home of <strong>Trevor</strong> <strong>Brazile</strong>!

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