now Him? - BB Centrum

now Him? - BB Centrum

now Him? - BB Centrum


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≥ MaranathaAutumn and Health That Never Fails...As the summer season gradually comes to an end, we are facing a more strenuousperiod. Autumn is, generally speaking, associated with extra demands on our immunesystem, frequent changes in the weather, the shortening of days and lengthening ofnights, higher smog levels at the beginning of the heating period, along with a dietpoor in nutrients.All of this obviously not only involves the enormousrisk of episodic and temporary outbreaks of cold, flueor tonsillitis, but also more severe diseases inherentin modern life such as arthritis in the joints, type 2 diabetes,cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis or brittle bone diseaseand cancer.What eases the transition between summer and autumn is ourwisdom and patience. Ideally, you should take some regularsteps to increase your hardiness throughout the summer,along with the sun and fresh air. Taking walks through openforests or parks, doing regular intensive and enduranceworkouts, going to bed before midnight and eating avegetarian diet that is rich in micronutrients such as vitamins,minerals, enzymes and other phytonutrients are consideredbest in our latitudes.What basic steps should not be forgotten?At the beginning of the day, it is considered ideal to spendsome time contemplating the direction and sense of our lives,along with cultivating an attitude of gratitude, humility andpatience. King Solomon’s Book of Proverbs or King David’sspiritual poetry seem particularly suitable to this purpose. It isadvisable to continue by stretching muscles for a short whileand have a short intensive workout and a short enduranceworkout.After the short exercise, we should take a quick shower,switching between warm and cold water. Always have acold one at the end to activate your immune system and toincrease the blood supply to limbs and the upper layers ofskin, which serves as a major detoxification and respiratoryorgan. Then we can indulge ourselves with a healthy andsubstantial breakfast. Rather than white bread and butteror margarine, sausages, eggs, black tea or coffee, we shouldhave cereal pudding with fruit and nuts or wholemealbread and vegetable spread, vegetables and nuts. The mostsuitable drinks include a grain drink made from green barley,freshly juiced root vegetables or, possibly, high-quality graincoffee such as YANNOH or CARO. This sort of breakfastis rich in polysaccharides, water and soluble fibres. Whilepolysaccharides are a perfect “fuel” and a staple source ofenergy, soluble fibres moderate the absorption of energy andnutrients, which is crucial for a stable metabolism duringthe morning hours, when the demand on our attentionand alertness is highest. Also, the high volume of insolublefibres helps to clean our intestines and micronutrients inabundance boost our immunity and nervous system, alongwith strengthening muscles and bones.We should gradually help our children and grandchildren getused to this sort of breakfast because during childhood andyouth they build upon this physical foundation for the rest oftheir lives, not to mention steering them away from bad habitspromoted by tacky adverts and seductive, poor-quality foods,such as white baguettes, sausages, waffles, candies, chips andchemically produced soft drinks.Those of you who have a sedentary profession, rememberto have short breaks of 30 to 45 minutes. It is recommendedto stand up from your computer and have a look at yourcolleagues :-) This is how your attention and mental resistanceto immediate stressful situations is strengthened. Also,don’t forget to follow a regular drink regime, as a real risk ofdehydration is tied to sedentary professions. These habits andattitudes will help you avoid unnecessary sore throats andcolds in autumn.I wish you great joy in the forthcoming days.Yours!Mgr. Libor Votoček– Tutor and Coordinator of the Maranatha Lifestyle project

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