now Him? - BB Centrum

now Him? - BB Centrum

now Him? - BB Centrum


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≥ foundationI Give Work to My HeartThis is the motto of the volunteercentre, Lékořice, which performsits activities in two of Prague’shospitals: Thomayer Hospital, Prague4, and University Hospital, KrálovskéVinohrady.The principal mission of Lékořice,how it was established, and where itprovides its service are the topics weaddressed in our interview with KarinPospíšilová, Executive Director of thiscivic association.Whenever I start speaking aboutLékořice, I can’t help laughing becausepeople sometimes mistake our name,meaning liquorice in English, for thenames of other herbs such as cinnamon,which sound similar in Czech, or evensavoury, which is, by contrast, completelydifferent. This is funny, a sense of humankindness. It is much easier to build arapport then. And this is what our workis about: ordinary human encounters,a smile. A warm smile will bring evengreater pleasure when seen in thosesituations where it is not expected. Wework in hospitals to provide support andassistance to patients as well as theirfamilies and hospital staff.Who was behind the genesis of Lékořiceand what was the main stimulus forestablishing this volunteer centre?Most of us founding mothers weresitting and breast-feeding our babies atthis genesis. We were five friends with“family management” at our fingertips.Logically, we came up with an idea ofgetting involved in activities outside ourown homes. We had the closest ties to thechildren in Thomayer Hospital. So we gotin touch with the Head Nurse to outlineour naive plan about how we laypeoplecould work in the hospital. Perhaps wehad the necessary good will, becauseotherwise we wouldn’t have so quicklybecome the first volunteers there. Andthe hospital staff who let us into theirterritory definitely didn’t lack good willeither.How many volunteers are presentlyassociated in Lékořice and who is mostactively involved in its activities?Since established in 2005, Lékořice hasbeen active in three Prague’s hospitals– we worked in IKEM between 2008 and2010, in addition to the TH and the UHKV - and over 500 regular volunteershave participated in the activities of ourcentres ever since. These people devoteabout two hours a week of their free timefor a period of at least three months. Butit might be for several years as well - ourlongest serving volunteer, Mrs Marjánka,has been with us since 2006. But wealso cooperate with so-called one-timevolunteers, people who, despite nothaving so much time, want to help. Thisis why they come to participate „only“in particular events, according to thecurrent needs. During recent years, wehave also managed to enlist cooperationand volunteers from commercialcompanies, who - aside from beingpatrons of our projects - help to fundthem. In view of this, people of workingage gradually increase their participationin our activities.As far as the numerical representation - itis proportional to the age. We have fewerhelpers from among the older people,but on the other hand, it is fair to say thatvolunteer work is highly valued by thesepeople, who, having it firmly anchoredin their programme, are also reliable anddedicated. Young people are, on the otherhand, in the majority. They are oftenstudents who are just looking aroundat the world and thinking about lifeand which occupation they will follow.Although the middle generations are thebusiest and the most tired from buildingtheir own careers, they are, as I see it, themost interesting. These people have notforgotten to contemplate the meaning oftheir activities and to consider the valuesof society. They are ready to continuedeveloping their personality, k<strong>now</strong>ingthat no pain, no gain. Volunteer activitiesare about a „balanced economy“ - I giveonly what I have to give, and I am nottoo embarrassed to receive it, becausethe sick are, rather than being poor,admirable people who are fighting adisease, enduring pain and showingmuch greater patience than I usually doat an ordinary meeting.Where do your volunteers work andwhich hospital wards are in the greatestdemand?In Thomayer Hospital and UniversityHospital Královské Vinohrady,prospective volunteers most frequentlyask about children. In terms of seniorpatients, the situation is worse, and itis the most difficult to volunteer in thedepartments where people between20 and 60 years of age are staying.Volunteering is voluntary for bothparties: the volunteer and the patientsalike. They must both want the mutualcontact and should find it pleasingand rewarding. The coordinators are22

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