The Relation of Science and Religion.pdf - Online Christian Library

The Relation of Science and Religion.pdf - Online Christian Library The Relation of Science and Religion.pdf - Online Christian Library
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EXPERIENCE FROM PAST CONFLICTS. 75outburst of devotional feeling on the occasionof presenting her son Samuel before the Lord.In magnifying the greatness of God, she says,"the pillars of the earth are the Lord's, and hehath set the world upon them." * Next comethe utterances of Job, when enlarging on thepower of the Almighty. In one of his repliesto his irritating counsellors, when speaking ofthe works of Jehovah, he says, " which shakeththe earth out of her place, and the pillarsthereof tremble." j- In another passage ofsimilar construction, he says of God, " Hehath compassed the waters with bounds, untilthe day and night come to an end. The pillarsof heaven tremble, and are astonished athis reproof.'' f There is no Bible reader whocan readily fall into such an obvious mistakeas to treat these highly figurative utterances,as if they vere formal revelations concerningthe structure of the universe. As well mightwe, in reading the words of Paul concerningthe position and influence of prominent disciplesin the early church, in which he says thatJames, Cephas, and John " seemed to be pillars,"proceed to deduce from this statementthe revelation that the spiritual kingdom is a* I Samuel ii. 8. t Job is. 6. $ Job xxvi. 10, 11.

76' SCIENCE AND RELIGION.flat surface on which are based the pillars upholdingthe heavenly kingdom into which theSaviour has entered.This short reference to the structure andrelative position of the earth, will suffice toillustrate the fact that in dealing with the allegedconflicts between religion and science,it is needful to cast aside a number of manufactureddifficulties, which do not arise fromlegitimate interpretation of Scripture. Theparticular criticism here introduced is adoptedfor a general purpose,-to lessen complications,and secure a proper understanding ofthe actual relation of the Bible to scientificresearch.From a very early period in the history ofscientific inquiry, it has been more or lessclearly recognized that the Bible is not a science-revelation,but a revelation of religioustruth and duty, discovering the true ideal anddestiny of man in fellowship with God. Letus have it kept clear on both sides, that thereis no divine revelation of scientific truth. Natureis its own revelation, and the only revelation,whose secrets must be laboriouslysought out by successive generations of investigators,from all of whom is required pa-

EXPERIENCE FROM PAST CONFLICTS. 75outburst <strong>of</strong> devotional feeling on the occasion<strong>of</strong> presenting her son Samuel before the Lord.In magnifying the greatness <strong>of</strong> God, she says,"the pillars <strong>of</strong> the earth are the Lord's, <strong>and</strong> hehath set the world upon them." * Next comethe utterances <strong>of</strong> Job, when enlarging on thepower <strong>of</strong> the Almighty. In one <strong>of</strong> his repliesto his irritating counsellors, when speaking <strong>of</strong>the works <strong>of</strong> Jehovah, he says, " which shakeththe earth out <strong>of</strong> her place, <strong>and</strong> the pillarsthere<strong>of</strong> tremble." j- In another passage <strong>of</strong>similar construction, he says <strong>of</strong> God, " Hehath compassed the waters with bounds, untilthe day <strong>and</strong> night come to an end. <strong>The</strong> pillars<strong>of</strong> heaven tremble, <strong>and</strong> are astonished athis repro<strong>of</strong>.'' f <strong>The</strong>re is no Bible reader whocan readily fall into such an obvious mistakeas to treat these highly figurative utterances,as if they vere formal revelations concerningthe structure <strong>of</strong> the universe. As well mightwe, in reading the words <strong>of</strong> Paul concerningthe position <strong>and</strong> influence <strong>of</strong> prominent disciplesin the early church, in which he says thatJames, Cephas, <strong>and</strong> John " seemed to be pillars,"proceed to deduce from this statementthe revelation that the spiritual kingdom is a* I Samuel ii. 8. t Job is. 6. $ Job xxvi. 10, 11.

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