The Relation of Science and Religion.pdf - Online Christian Library

The Relation of Science and Religion.pdf - Online Christian Library The Relation of Science and Religion.pdf - Online Christian Library
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EXPERIENCE EiPOM PAST CONFLICTS. 73~css was upon the face of the deep," and recordsthe will of the Supreme Ruler at alater stage in these words, " And God saidlet the waters under the heaven be gatheredtogether into one place, and let the dry landappear," * does something quite the oppositeiof teaching that " the earth is a flat surface."Nor do the Scriptures teach that "theearth sustains the dome of the sky." In remotetimes such an opinion as to the restingplacefor the great dome had its supporters.But there is no pretext for attributing theteaching of this to the Bible. The scripturalstatement is " God made the firmament, anddivided the waters which were under the firmamentfrom the waters which were above thefirmament; and it was so. And God calledthe firmament Heaven." There is no readerof these words, even if he have only " an uncriticalobservation of the aspect of nature,"who can suppose that the " firmament " heremeans " the dome of the sky." This statementplaces certain waters " above the firmament,"and there is no one who is at oncea reader of the Bible, and an observer of nature,who thinks of the clouds as above the* Genesis i. 2, 9.

74 SCIENCE AND; but every one knows that there is anexpanse which bears these water treasuresfar up from the earth's surface. The wordrendered "firmament17'* from the Vulgate$rnzccmentunz, really means " expanse," andmost naturally and obviously refers to theatmosphere surrounding the earth, uponwhich the clouds are borne aloft, and carriedto and fro. Taking into account the wantof scientific knowledge of the structure of theearth in far past ages, and the representationsinconsistent with facts which found currency,the true marvel is that the statementsof Scripture so simply and naturally har~nonizewith discoveries not made till the sixteenthcentury of the Christian era. This isa marvel which will more deeply iqpress usthe longer it is pondered.If we extend our consideration to the crudernotions which found acceptance in the darkages, such as that to which Bruno referred,that the earth is a flat surface, supported onpill~lrs, the scriptural evidence pled in itsfavor appears grotesquely inadequate. Thepassages are these. First stands Hannah's* y:~, Raqia, from y?? to spread out.

EXPERIENCE EiPOM PAST CONFLICTS. 73~css was upon the face <strong>of</strong> the deep," <strong>and</strong> recordsthe will <strong>of</strong> the Supreme Ruler at alater stage in these words, " And God saidlet the waters under the heaven be gatheredtogether into one place, <strong>and</strong> let the dry l<strong>and</strong>appear," * does something quite the oppositei<strong>of</strong> teaching that " the earth is a flat surface."Nor do the Scriptures teach that "theearth sustains the dome <strong>of</strong> the sky." In remotetimes such an opinion as to the restingplacefor the great dome had its supporters.But there is no pretext for attributing theteaching <strong>of</strong> this to the Bible. <strong>The</strong> scripturalstatement is " God made the firmament, <strong>and</strong>divided the waters which were under the firmamentfrom the waters which were above thefirmament; <strong>and</strong> it was so. And God calledthe firmament Heaven." <strong>The</strong>re is no reader<strong>of</strong> these words, even if he have only " an uncriticalobservation <strong>of</strong> the aspect <strong>of</strong> nature,"who can suppose that the " firmament " heremeans " the dome <strong>of</strong> the sky." This statementplaces certain waters " above the firmament,"<strong>and</strong> there is no one who is at oncea reader <strong>of</strong> the Bible, <strong>and</strong> an observer <strong>of</strong> nature,who thinks <strong>of</strong> the clouds as above the* Genesis i. 2, 9.

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