The Relation of Science and Religion.pdf - Online Christian Library

The Relation of Science and Religion.pdf - Online Christian Library

The Relation of Science and Religion.pdf - Online Christian Library


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48 SCIENCE AND RELIGION.question is discussed. From the germ-cell,we pass down to an albuminous substancespread over the ocean-bed, said to have life,or we descend to microscopic organisms, suchas bacteria; <strong>and</strong> a step lower down still, weare introduced to the question whether inwater passed through the boiling process soas to guard against the presence <strong>of</strong> germinalforms, we may not witness the origin <strong>of</strong> life.<strong>The</strong> question so raised had additional interestbecause <strong>of</strong> the bearing it rnight have onthe first appearance <strong>of</strong> life in the history <strong>of</strong>this world. This interest was shared on bothsides, by those who held that creation is aconception not only alien to scientific thought(which it may well be *), but inconsistent withit; <strong>and</strong> by those who regarded creation as theonly conception adequate to meet rational requirements.<strong>The</strong> question had at the sametime a direct practical interest connected withpublic health, on acco~ult <strong>of</strong> its bearing uponthe diffusion <strong>and</strong> vital tenacity <strong>of</strong> spores orgerminal forms capable <strong>of</strong> spreading contagiousdisease.?* <strong>Science</strong> can not reach the beginning <strong>of</strong> things.t Fee Disease Germs, their Nature <strong>and</strong> Origin, by Beale. London,Churchill; Philadelphia, Lindsay <strong>and</strong> Blaikiston.

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