The Relation of Science and Religion.pdf - Online Christian Library

The Relation of Science and Religion.pdf - Online Christian Library The Relation of Science and Religion.pdf - Online Christian Library
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EXPERIENCE: LWOM PAST CONFLICTS. 45to the vividness and apparent value of ourprospects, we are ever liable to overestimatethe importance of the present position, thussevering ourselves too readily from all thatlies behind. There may be reason for cuttingdown bridges in the rear, if there be apprehensionof cowardice in the ranks; but wherethe calmness and courage of resolute progressare found, there is no need for a yawningchasm behind. It is true, indeed, that justbeyond some bridges recently crossed, therelie a good many traces of humiliation. Andit is according to the tendency of humannature, whether religious or anti-religious, toturn away froin that which occasions uneasiness.But there is a moral, as well as an intellectualdemand, for thoroughness in recognizingthe continuity of events. The scielitificspirit can not excuse a covering up of pastfailures, as the formulating of verified resultsmust imply testinlony concerning them. It isof the very nature of religious conviction thatwe should learn from the failures of the past,and should advance out of them with higherwisdom. By common consent, therefore, wecan have no accurate survey of the presentsituation, without making account of what has

46 SCIENCE AN. RELIGION.been recently passed, as well as what may beregarded as pressing upon our notice in thesedays.We do not need to travel a long way tothe rear in order to discover how far astrayvr7e may be, both in expectations and in apprehensions;how readily we may get intoconfusion as to the interests involved in excitingcontroversies; and how much we needcaution, making allowance for our partial surveyof facts, and our uncertainty as to whatmay open up.By way of illustration, I shall refer to thehistory of discussions concerning so-called"spontaneous generation," mixed up with ascertainedfacts as to protoplasm, bathybius,or " living slime," as it has been called, andbacterium. The question eagerly discussedwas whether there might be origin of life,without development from germ, seed, orovum. The problem was one of those suggestionsapt to arise under pressure of newconjectures and theories. While the scientificworld was astir on the question of development,attention was turned for a time towardsthe possibility of a fresh beginning oforganic forms, life which should be no de-

EXPERIENCE: LWOM PAST CONFLICTS. 45to the vividness <strong>and</strong> apparent value <strong>of</strong> ourprospects, we are ever liable to overestimatethe importance <strong>of</strong> the present position, thussevering ourselves too readily from all thatlies behind. <strong>The</strong>re may be reason for cuttingdown bridges in the rear, if there be apprehension<strong>of</strong> cowardice in the ranks; but wherethe calmness <strong>and</strong> courage <strong>of</strong> resolute progressare found, there is no need for a yawningchasm behind. It is true, indeed, that justbeyond some bridges recently crossed, therelie a good many traces <strong>of</strong> humiliation. Andit is according to the tendency <strong>of</strong> humannature, whether religious or anti-religious, toturn away froin that which occasions uneasiness.But there is a moral, as well as an intellectualdem<strong>and</strong>, for thoroughness in recognizingthe continuity <strong>of</strong> events. <strong>The</strong> scielitificspirit can not excuse a covering up <strong>of</strong> pastfailures, as the formulating <strong>of</strong> verified resultsmust imply testinlony concerning them. It is<strong>of</strong> the very nature <strong>of</strong> religious conviction thatwe should learn from the failures <strong>of</strong> the past,<strong>and</strong> should advance out <strong>of</strong> them with higherwisdom. By common consent, therefore, wecan have no accurate survey <strong>of</strong> the presentsituation, without making account <strong>of</strong> what has

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