The Relation of Science and Religion.pdf - Online Christian Library

The Relation of Science and Religion.pdf - Online Christian Library The Relation of Science and Religion.pdf - Online Christian Library
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20 SCIENCE AND RELIGION.cases, the shot has only sunk into sand bankswit11 no other result than heavy expenditure;in other cases, it has only shattered timberdefences which were going at any rate, andsoon to be abandoned. The worst result hasbcen that the whole district around has beenthrown into trouble under fear of disastrousresults. This description must be held to applyto outbreaks of theological fury, as wellas of scientific. I apprehend that there arefew friends of religion conversant with thehigher phases of intellectual life during theperiod to which reference is here made, whowill not grant that scientific theories havebeen assailed with undue severity, and quiteaeedless apprehension, under the influence ofreligious zeal. On the other hand, it is equallybeyond dispute that there has been in somescientific quarters an eagerness to interpretscientific theories in a manner adverse totheological belief, and often with undisguisedpleasure in the task, as if some real gain tothought and practical interests were to besecured by injury to religion. The best workon both sides has been done quite apart fromthese outbreaks of antagonism. But it wouldbe unwise to omit reference to them here, or

CONDITIONS OF THE INQUIRY. 21to overlook the lesson they convey, all themore that both sides admit reasonable groundfor regret. There has been, on the one hand,too great readiness in charging an atheisticconclusion as the logical result of scientifictheory; and, on the other, too hasty an assumptionthat newly recognized facts mustprove damaging to Christian faith. Detailedillustration would be in every sense undesirablehere, but outstaildii~g examples will readilyoccur. Take the theory of the Developmentof Species by Natural Selection, towhich detailed reference will be made hereafter,which has a great multitude of factsto favor it, and at the same time a mass offacts presenting most serious logical difficulties;it is obvious that even if this theorywere accepted in the form in which it is atpresent propounded, not only would the rationalbasis for belief in the Divine existericeand government not be affected by it, but thedenialid on a Sovereign Iiitelligence would beintensified. The contrast in the form of thegeneral question may be represented thus: inthe one case, to account for the origin of va-ried forn~s of life entirely distinct and independent;in the other, to accoui~t for an ori-

20 SCIENCE AND RELIGION.cases, the shot has only sunk into s<strong>and</strong> bankswit11 no other result than heavy expenditure;in other cases, it has only shattered timberdefences which were going at any rate, <strong>and</strong>soon to be ab<strong>and</strong>oned. <strong>The</strong> worst result hasbcen that the whole district around has beenthrown into trouble under fear <strong>of</strong> disastrousresults. This description must be held to applyto outbreaks <strong>of</strong> theological fury, as wellas <strong>of</strong> scientific. I apprehend that there arefew friends <strong>of</strong> religion conversant with thehigher phases <strong>of</strong> intellectual life during theperiod to which reference is here made, whowill not grant that scientific theories havebeen assailed with undue severity, <strong>and</strong> quiteaeedless apprehension, under the influence <strong>of</strong>religious zeal. On the other h<strong>and</strong>, it is equallybeyond dispute that there has been in somescientific quarters an eagerness to interpretscientific theories in a manner adverse totheological belief, <strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong>ten with undisguisedpleasure in the task, as if some real gain tothought <strong>and</strong> practical interests were to besecured by injury to religion. <strong>The</strong> best workon both sides has been done quite apart fromthese outbreaks <strong>of</strong> antagonism. But it wouldbe unwise to omit reference to them here, or

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