The Relation of Science and Religion.pdf - Online Christian Library

The Relation of Science and Religion.pdf - Online Christian Library The Relation of Science and Religion.pdf - Online Christian Library
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322 APPENDIX.Add to these considerations the evidence as to the singularintelligence shown by ants, and the theory whichmeasures intellect by brain structure is placed at agreat disadvantage. Whether science may not erelong point to some theory of mind connected withanimal existence must be matter of uncertainty. If,however, the easy and familiar operations of our ownintelligence are analyzed and classified; and if a statementof the ascertained functions of the brain is laidalongside, it will appear that nothing known to us inthe action of brain, can supply a science of the operationsof the human mind.TEE LARGE SIZED OB MULTIPOLAR CELLS. Page 257.On the functions of the large sized cells, it seemsdesirable to add a few words as to the direction inwhich evidence as to their functions actually points.For this purpose, a further quotation is desirable, referringto the number of fibres or processes passingoff from these large cells, distinguishing those whichbranch out into a fine net-work, and those which passdirectly to a nerve fibre. "One at least of the processesof a multipolar nerve cell does not branch, butbecomes directly continuous with a nerve fibre, andhas been named the axial-cylinder process."-ProfessorTurner's Human Anatomy, i. 201. This taken withthe facts given in Lecture VII, seems to favor the conclusions,(1) that the large cell spreads nerve energythrough the tissue of the brain, while each has at leash

APPENDIX. 323one direct line of communication with the system ofnerve fibres; (2) that the large cell has intimate andextended relations with the motor system.THE CONCEPTION OF DUTY. Page 273."Duty l Thou great, thou exalted name! Wondrousthought that workest neither by fond insinuation,flattery, nor by any threat, but by merely holdingup thy naked law in the soul, and so extorting for thyselfalways reverence, if not always obedience,-beforewhom all appetites are dumb, however secretly theyrebel,-whence thy original? "-KANT'S Critique of PracticalReason.

322 APPENDIX.Add to these considerations the evidence as to the singularintelligence shown by ants, <strong>and</strong> the theory whichmeasures intellect by brain structure is placed at agreat disadvantage. Whether science may not erelong point to some theory <strong>of</strong> mind connected withanimal existence must be matter <strong>of</strong> uncertainty. If,however, the easy <strong>and</strong> familiar operations <strong>of</strong> our ownintelligence are analyzed <strong>and</strong> classified; <strong>and</strong> if a statement<strong>of</strong> the ascertained functions <strong>of</strong> the brain is laidalongside, it will appear that nothing known to us inthe action <strong>of</strong> brain, can supply a science <strong>of</strong> the operations<strong>of</strong> the human mind.TEE LARGE SIZED OB MULTIPOLAR CELLS. Page 257.On the functions <strong>of</strong> the large sized cells, it seemsdesirable to add a few words as to the direction inwhich evidence as to their functions actually points.For this purpose, a further quotation is desirable, referringto the number <strong>of</strong> fibres or processes passing<strong>of</strong>f from these large cells, distinguishing those whichbranch out into a fine net-work, <strong>and</strong> those which passdirectly to a nerve fibre. "One at least <strong>of</strong> the processes<strong>of</strong> a multipolar nerve cell does not branch, butbecomes directly continuous with a nerve fibre, <strong>and</strong>has been named the axial-cylinder process."-Pr<strong>of</strong>essorTurner's Human Anatomy, i. 201. This taken withthe facts given in Lecture VII, seems to favor the conclusions,(1) that the large cell spreads nerve energythrough the tissue <strong>of</strong> the brain, while each has at leash

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