The Relation of Science and Religion.pdf - Online Christian Library

The Relation of Science and Religion.pdf - Online Christian Library The Relation of Science and Religion.pdf - Online Christian Library
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APPENDIX.RELATIONS OF SCIENCE AND RELIGION. Page 34"Re who contemplates the universe from the religiouspoint of view, must learn to see that this whichwe call science, is one constituent of the great whole;and as such ought to be regarded with a sentimentlike that which the remainder excites. While he whocontemplates the universe from the scientific point ofview, must learn to see that this which we call Religionis similarly a constituent of the great whole; andbeing such, must be treated as a subject of sciencewith no more prejudice than any other reality. Itbehooves each party to strive to understand the other,with the conviction that the other has something worthyto be understood; and with the conviction thatwhen mutually recognized this something will be thebasis of a complete re~~n~iliati~a"-HE~~~T SPENCER,Iiirst Principles, p. 21.SPONTANEOUS GENERATION. Page 54.Professor Tyndafl, describing his own esperiments,says, " The esperiments have already extended to 105instances, not one of which shows the least counte-


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