The Relation of Science and Religion.pdf - Online Christian Library

The Relation of Science and Religion.pdf - Online Christian Library The Relation of Science and Religion.pdf - Online Christian Library
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SCIENCE' AND DIVINE INTERPOSITION. 307a unity-self-regulated by harmony of submissionto moral and physical law, and it mustbe governed by the Supreme Ruler in theharmonious application of these laws. Thereis no sphere of life into which the moral doesnot enter, and accordingly no sphere withinwhich prayer, which necessarily rests on moralconditions, may not apply.If next we pass to Scripture teaching concerningprayer, where alone we find full instructionon the subject, in precept, example,and a variety of encouragements, it will appearthat the warrant for prayer is found exclusivelyin the divine promise, and that theapplication of that promise is to every phaseof life, subject to moral conditions which areexplicitly revealed. Prayer is a privilege divinelybestowed through the Saviour, in accordancewith which fellowship with Cod isgranted on the merits of the Redeemer. Itsnature reveals the true harmony between Godand the moral creature, as a reality transcendingall physical existence and all knowledgecoining from study of physical law. The acceptingof this privilege, and the continuanceof its exercise are the tokens of returning harmonyof sinful man with the holy God. Ele-

308 SCIENCE AND RELIGION.vation in the exercise by steadily estel~ding inclusionof a wider circle of personal desire andactivity within the area of conscious fellowshipwit11 God, is the advance of the nioral natureinto fuller harmony with God, and with thewhole gover~iiilent of the universe. The teachingof Scripture which assures of all this, andguides man towards realization of it, clearlydistinguishes between material and moralgood, yet does not exclude the one any niorethan the other, but subordinates the physicalto the moral, harmonizing the two in recognitionof the supreme importance of allthat is moral. It does not exclude desire oftemporal good, but restricts its illustration todesire of " daily bread,"-assures us that ourFather knoweth we have need of such good,and will supply it,-and promises that havinggiven most freely what is best, he will assuredlygive that which is least.If then it be said that the answer to prayeris a miracle of divine interposition in humailhistory, of which science finds no trace, we donot marvel, for science does not extend its observationsto the inclusion of what pertains tothe higher life of man. If any man asks forevidence in an exclusively physical sphere that

308 SCIENCE AND RELIGION.vation in the exercise by steadily estel~ding inclusion<strong>of</strong> a wider circle <strong>of</strong> personal desire <strong>and</strong>activity within the area <strong>of</strong> conscious fellowshipwit11 God, is the advance <strong>of</strong> the nioral natureinto fuller harmony with God, <strong>and</strong> with thewhole gover~iiilent <strong>of</strong> the universe. <strong>The</strong> teaching<strong>of</strong> Scripture which assures <strong>of</strong> all this, <strong>and</strong>guides man towards realization <strong>of</strong> it, clearlydistinguishes between material <strong>and</strong> moralgood, yet does not exclude the one any niorethan the other, but subordinates the physicalto the moral, harmonizing the two in recognition<strong>of</strong> the supreme importance <strong>of</strong> allthat is moral. It does not exclude desire <strong>of</strong>temporal good, but restricts its illustration todesire <strong>of</strong> " daily bread,"-assures us that ourFather knoweth we have need <strong>of</strong> such good,<strong>and</strong> will supply it,-<strong>and</strong> promises that havinggiven most freely what is best, he will assuredlygive that which is least.If then it be said that the answer to prayeris a miracle <strong>of</strong> divine interposition in humailhistory, <strong>of</strong> which science finds no trace, we donot marvel, for science does not extend its observationsto the inclusion <strong>of</strong> what pertains tothe higher life <strong>of</strong> man. If any man asks forevidence in an exclusively physical sphere that

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