The Relation of Science and Religion.pdf - Online Christian Library

The Relation of Science and Religion.pdf - Online Christian Library The Relation of Science and Religion.pdf - Online Christian Library
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SCIENCE AND DIVINE INTERPOSITZOU. 303and the dreadful misery resulting from it.His belief in the harmony of the universerests on his belief in the fixedness of lawphysical as well as moral, and moral as wellas physical.But the Sxedness belonging to various ordersof law, subsisting in a state of interdependence,and involving subordination oflower to higher, needs some more exact interpretation.The fixedness of law, physical,intellectual, moral, and spiritual, in no caseinvolves fixedness of result, but varying resultsaccording to diversity of conditions. There isfixedness of physical law, but withal there isdiversity of weather, and seasons, and harvests,and that because a variety of conditionsare harmonized under fixed law. Thereis fixedness of intellectual law in accordancewith which accuracy of thought is determined,but diversity of result according to the materialswith which we deal. And so it is withmoral and spiritual law, providing for tfhe regulationof our higher life.What then needs to be pondered by wayof reaching an ampler interpretation of theformula of " fixed law " is that it does not inany case imply an iron rigidity of result, an

304 SCIENCE AND RELIGION.undeviating uniformity of occurrence. Thereis no region in which perpetual change can bemore accurately postulated than in the physicalworld. But there is order and system inthese changes, admirably illustrated in theweather forecasts of the present advancedstage of physical science, which are attainableonly by continual watching of shiftingconditions with application of fixed law tothe appearance of wind and cloud and rain.But there are no forecasts without these twothings, fised laws and varying conditions fortheir application. With the widsr generalizationwhich admits of recognition of fixedlaw, there is always the narrower, concernedwith variable conditions to which the wider isto be applied. So it is under moral law, andso under spiritual. So also does it hold whenour observation is directed on interdependenceof two orders of law, such as the moraland physical. This combination we have inhuman life, as it is subjected to both. Physicallaw reigns in human history as illustratedby the laws of health, which are Gxed irrespectiveof moral law, so that sewerage gaswill be prejudicial to health, apart from themoral character of a man. Moral law reigns

SCIENCE AND DIVINE INTERPOSITZOU. 303<strong>and</strong> the dreadful misery resulting from it.His belief in the harmony <strong>of</strong> the universerests on his belief in the fixedness <strong>of</strong> lawphysical as well as moral, <strong>and</strong> moral as wellas physical.But the Sxedness belonging to various orders<strong>of</strong> law, subsisting in a state <strong>of</strong> interdependence,<strong>and</strong> involving subordination <strong>of</strong>lower to higher, needs some more exact interpretation.<strong>The</strong> fixedness <strong>of</strong> law, physical,intellectual, moral, <strong>and</strong> spiritual, in no caseinvolves fixedness <strong>of</strong> result, but varying resultsaccording to diversity <strong>of</strong> conditions. <strong>The</strong>re isfixedness <strong>of</strong> physical law, but withal there isdiversity <strong>of</strong> weather, <strong>and</strong> seasons, <strong>and</strong> harvests,<strong>and</strong> that because a variety <strong>of</strong> conditionsare harmonized under fixed law. <strong>The</strong>reis fixedness <strong>of</strong> intellectual law in accordancewith which accuracy <strong>of</strong> thought is determined,but diversity <strong>of</strong> result according to the materialswith which we deal. And so it is withmoral <strong>and</strong> spiritual law, providing for tfhe regulation<strong>of</strong> our higher life.What then needs to be pondered by way<strong>of</strong> reaching an ampler interpretation <strong>of</strong> theformula <strong>of</strong> " fixed law " is that it does not inany case imply an iron rigidity <strong>of</strong> result, an

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