The Relation of Science and Religion.pdf - Online Christian Library

The Relation of Science and Religion.pdf - Online Christian Library The Relation of Science and Religion.pdf - Online Christian Library
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SCIENCE AND DZVlNE INTERPOSITION. 291and an important service is rendered to theadvance of Christian evidence, if it be urgedby scientific men that a violation of the lawsof nature is inconsistent with what is now ascertainedas to the government of the physicalworld. This collision between old formsof statement and new forms of test is a gainto all interests concerned. It must press intonotice the inquiry as to the sense in whichthe old terminology was employed, and alsothe sense in which this new test is presented.If this comparison be prosecuted to its finalresult, no Christian believer will find himselfdisturbed by apprehension of a possible callto conflict with science, and no scientific menwill feel themselves drawn into antagonismwith the accredited forms of Christian beliefas to the miraculous. A few carefully statedpropositions should help towards making thisclear, if only these can be so drawn as to meetthe demands of science, and also accuratelyrepresent Christ's life.The testimony of science dealing with theevidence open to observation is that the lawsof nature, such as the laws of gravitation,transmutation of energy, and the developmentand support of living organism, are

292 SCIENCE AND RELIGION.fixed and unchangeable, so t,hat persistent antagonismto them is only conflict of a weakerforce with a stronger which must end in disasteror destruction to the weaker. Overagainst this we do not find it possible toplace any statement, either in the form ofdirect affirmation, or of inference deduciblefrom the implications of Christ's actions orwords, which can be regarded as directlycontradictory. On the contrary the deedsand sayings of Christ carry a multitude ofsuggestions in strict harmony with t.his generalteaching of science. When He wouldindicate to His hearers how they are guidedin their judgment by the uniformity of naturallaw, He points to the signs which theyinterpret in the aspect of the atmospheremorning and evening. When the suggestionis placed before Him that He should castHimself from an eminence in token of Hissuperiority to ordinary risks, He does nothint at a suspension of the law of gravitation,but teaches that man should not transgress thedivine will by rashly exposing himself to danger.When He would teach men to combinelabor and trust, He points them to the uniformprovision for the clothing and adorning

SCIENCE AND DZVlNE INTERPOSITION. 291<strong>and</strong> an important service is rendered to theadvance <strong>of</strong> <strong>Christian</strong> evidence, if it be urgedby scientific men that a violation <strong>of</strong> the laws<strong>of</strong> nature is inconsistent with what is now ascertainedas to the government <strong>of</strong> the physicalworld. This collision between old forms<strong>of</strong> statement <strong>and</strong> new forms <strong>of</strong> test is a gainto all interests concerned. It must press intonotice the inquiry as to the sense in whichthe old terminology was employed, <strong>and</strong> alsothe sense in which this new test is presented.If this comparison be prosecuted to its finalresult, no <strong>Christian</strong> believer will find himselfdisturbed by apprehension <strong>of</strong> a possible callto conflict with science, <strong>and</strong> no scientific menwill feel themselves drawn into antagonismwith the accredited forms <strong>of</strong> <strong>Christian</strong> beliefas to the miraculous. A few carefully statedpropositions should help towards making thisclear, if only these can be so drawn as to meetthe dem<strong>and</strong>s <strong>of</strong> science, <strong>and</strong> also accuratelyrepresent Christ's life.<strong>The</strong> testimony <strong>of</strong> science dealing with theevidence open to observation is that the laws<strong>of</strong> nature, such as the laws <strong>of</strong> gravitation,transmutation <strong>of</strong> energy, <strong>and</strong> the development<strong>and</strong> support <strong>of</strong> living organism, are

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