The Relation of Science and Religion.pdf - Online Christian Library

The Relation of Science and Religion.pdf - Online Christian Library The Relation of Science and Religion.pdf - Online Christian Library
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M.-llV'S PLACE IN THE WORLD. 253accounted for by the presence in the brainof myriads of thought cells, volitional cells,memory cells, imagination cells, and emotionalcells, has little on which to claim ahigh degree of consideration. Its most obviousscientific difficulties are these two, thatit implies a departure from the scheme ofbrain action scientifically established, andthat it passes away from the scientific appliaiicesemployed to obtain knowledge ofbrain action. The real discoveries whichhave been made are the existence of sensoryand motor apparatus, and the interactionof these two branches or divisions ofthe system. Beyond this, science has madeno advance. The scientific appliances bywhich these discoveries have been reachedare those available in post-mortem dissection,and in experiment under such exposureof the brain tissue as has been found compatiblewith functional activity of the organ.This conjecture of "mind-cells" does not eitherexperimentally or logically connect itselfwith the recent advances in knowledge ofthe brain. The system of sensory and motorapparatus spread over the body for whichthe brain is the great central and goverii-

254 SCIENCE AND organ does not under the scientific explanationof it already obtained, lead on bynatural sequence to the conjecture of additionaland greatly higher functions being assignedto the brain. Besides, the suggestionthat place should be found in the brain forsometlling more and higher than sensori-motoractivity, does not come from any necessitywhich has arisen in the course of scientificobservation. It is only because we know, ina manner quite different from that in whichscientific knowledge of nerve and brain hasbeen acquired, that man does observe, andreason, construct hypotheses and cherish expectations,contemplate rules of conduct andregulate his actions in accordance with them,that scientific inquirers, attempting to includethe whole range of human powers,have felt themselves urged forward to seekan explanation of the characteristics of mentallife which are the familiar facts of man'sexperience. The course of experiment hasnot brought them up to these facts; commonacquaintance with them has pressed onscientific inquirers the need for dealing withthem in order to make good the claim thatscience contains the explanation of all ex-

M.-llV'S PLACE IN THE WORLD. 253accounted for by the presence in the brain<strong>of</strong> myriads <strong>of</strong> thought cells, volitional cells,memory cells, imagination cells, <strong>and</strong> emotionalcells, has little on which to claim ahigh degree <strong>of</strong> consideration. Its most obviousscientific difficulties are these two, thatit implies a departure from the scheme <strong>of</strong>brain action scientifically established, <strong>and</strong>that it passes away from the scientific appliaiicesemployed to obtain knowledge <strong>of</strong>brain action. <strong>The</strong> real discoveries whichhave been made are the existence <strong>of</strong> sensory<strong>and</strong> motor apparatus, <strong>and</strong> the interaction<strong>of</strong> these two branches or divisions <strong>of</strong>the system. Beyond this, science has madeno advance. <strong>The</strong> scientific appliances bywhich these discoveries have been reachedare those available in post-mortem dissection,<strong>and</strong> in experiment under such exposure<strong>of</strong> the brain tissue as has been found compatiblewith functional activity <strong>of</strong> the organ.This conjecture <strong>of</strong> "mind-cells" does not eitherexperimentally or logically connect itselfwith the recent advances in knowledge <strong>of</strong>the brain. <strong>The</strong> system <strong>of</strong> sensory <strong>and</strong> motorapparatus spread over the body for whichthe brain is the great central <strong>and</strong> goverii-

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