The Relation of Science and Religion.pdf - Online Christian Library

The Relation of Science and Religion.pdf - Online Christian Library The Relation of Science and Religion.pdf - Online Christian Library
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HIGHER ORGANISMS. 229with the fanciful subdivisions of the outersurface of the human skull, under the nameof phrenology, represented on moulds of thehead, all marked with dividing lines and figures.This pretentious and unscientific assumptionof knowledge which no one possessed,has had its time of popularity, aided by ageneral recognition of comparative superiorityin head formation in persons of known ability.Any thing equivalent to an exact partitionof the bony covering protecting the brain,has not been favored by scientific observations;but these fanciful maps of the head,which have been sold cheap, and fully certified,may serve as a guide to a general notionof what has been attempted on the surfaceof the brain itself, after removal of theskull. The illustrative aid, however, consistsin nothing more than the suggestion of distinctareas, for there is no analogy betweenwhat has been discovered by the observationsnow to be described, and the "bumps" allegedto be found on the cranium.The conjecture which may be said to haveoriginated experiments as to localization wasthat there was a close resemblance betweenthe action of nerve energy, and an electric

230 SCIENCE AND RELIGION.current. The attempt made was to sinlilatethe action of the nerve cells, by discharginga current of electricity upon the grey matterof the brain, and recording the results whichcame under observation. Experiments werebegun in 1870 in Germany by Fritsch andHitzig, the dog being the animal experimentedupon. The investigation was undertaken alsoby Dr. Ferrier of King's College London, andmuch more extended and varied results werepublished by him in 1873. Confirmatorywork, executed with many precautions, wasundertaken on the subject in 1874 by a committeeof the New York Society of Neurologyand Electrology,-a committee which includedDrs. Dalton, Arnold, Beard, Flint, andMasson,-testing results by frequent renewalof the experiments; and at the same time, asimilar course of inquiry was being conductedin Paris by Carville and Duret.*By these investigations, the possibility ofelectric stimulation of the cortical or greymatter of the brain, and consequent activityof the nerve system has been fully established;and though there is still considerable diversity* For detailed narrative, see my work on The Relations ofMind and Brain, chap. iv. p. 79.

HIGHER ORGANISMS. 229with the fanciful subdivisions <strong>of</strong> the outersurface <strong>of</strong> the human skull, under the name<strong>of</strong> phrenology, represented on moulds <strong>of</strong> thehead, all marked with dividing lines <strong>and</strong> figures.This pretentious <strong>and</strong> unscientific assumption<strong>of</strong> knowledge which no one possessed,has had its time <strong>of</strong> popularity, aided by ageneral recognition <strong>of</strong> comparative superiorityin head formation in persons <strong>of</strong> known ability.Any thing equivalent to an exact partition<strong>of</strong> the bony covering protecting the brain,has not been favored by scientific observations;but these fanciful maps <strong>of</strong> the head,which have been sold cheap, <strong>and</strong> fully certified,may serve as a guide to a general notion<strong>of</strong> what has been attempted on the surface<strong>of</strong> the brain itself, after removal <strong>of</strong> theskull. <strong>The</strong> illustrative aid, however, consistsin nothing more than the suggestion <strong>of</strong> distinctareas, for there is no analogy betweenwhat has been discovered by the observationsnow to be described, <strong>and</strong> the "bumps" allegedto be found on the cranium.<strong>The</strong> conjecture which may be said to haveoriginated experiments as to localization wasthat there was a close resemblance betweenthe action <strong>of</strong> nerve energy, <strong>and</strong> an electric

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