The Relation of Science and Religion.pdf - Online Christian Library

The Relation of Science and Religion.pdf - Online Christian Library The Relation of Science and Religion.pdf - Online Christian Library
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simpler in tlie arrangement of its convolutions,but so closely approximating that the exactstate of the case is as nearly as possible described,if we say that the brain of the ape,while it is decidedly smaller, appears like aminiature of the human brain in a slightlyundeveloped state."The human brain is an elaborate organ, exceedinglycomplicated in its convolutions. Wecan not, indeed, describe it as the most coiivoluted,for the brain of the elephant is at leastas distinguished for the beauty and complicationof its folding, and the brain of the whaleis far more minute and detailed, presentingquite a multitude of minute convolutions.For descriptive purposes, the huinan brain isdivided into four superficial areas, known aslobes, and pretty clearly defined by certainnatural boundaries. From the lower part ofthe organ, entering at a point scarcely halfway back is a fissure or cutting running upinto the m ass in a direction uniformly incliningtowards the rear, known as the Sylvianfissure; while coming over the summit, ata point near the middle, and inclining downtowards that just described, is another fissure,known as the fissure of Rolando. By these* See Appendix XI.

226 SCIENCE AND RELIGION.two deeply cut hollows, the brain is markedoff into four separate areas superficially, afront and a rear lobe; and two central lobes,the one upper and the other under. Besidesthis there is a concealed and isolated lobe,described on account of its situation as anisland, which is covered from view by theoverlapping of the two sides of the Sylvianfissure. Such is a description in outline ofthe configuration of the human brain, to whichmust be added the statement that each lobe isfilled in with its own special arrangement ofconvolutions, each one having at least threewell defined lines of convolution. Each of thehemispheres is similarly arranged, though notby any means quite identical in disposal ofconvolutions, yet the general description nowgiven is strictly applicable to both. The twohemispheres, connected mainly with the ramificationof nerve fibre running to the oppositesides of the body, are united together a considerableway down by a transverse band ofnerve fibres, which at once unite the two intoone organ, and make the union so effected aliving efficient union by carrying a multitudeof lines of conlmunication from the one sideto the other. Just below this, in the interior

226 SCIENCE AND RELIGION.two deeply cut hollows, the brain is marked<strong>of</strong>f into four separate areas superficially, afront <strong>and</strong> a rear lobe; <strong>and</strong> two central lobes,the one upper <strong>and</strong> the other under. Besidesthis there is a concealed <strong>and</strong> isolated lobe,described on account <strong>of</strong> its situation as anisl<strong>and</strong>, which is covered from view by theoverlapping <strong>of</strong> the two sides <strong>of</strong> the Sylvianfissure. Such is a description in outline <strong>of</strong>the configuration <strong>of</strong> the human brain, to whichmust be added the statement that each lobe isfilled in with its own special arrangement <strong>of</strong>convolutions, each one having at least threewell defined lines <strong>of</strong> convolution. Each <strong>of</strong> thehemispheres is similarly arranged, though notby any means quite identical in disposal <strong>of</strong>convolutions, yet the general description nowgiven is strictly applicable to both. <strong>The</strong> twohemispheres, connected mainly with the ramification<strong>of</strong> nerve fibre running to the oppositesides <strong>of</strong> the body, are united together a considerableway down by a transverse b<strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong>nerve fibres, which at once unite the two intoone organ, <strong>and</strong> make the union so effected aliving efficient union by carrying a multitude<strong>of</strong> lines <strong>of</strong> conlmunication from the one sideto the other. Just below this, in the interior

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