The Relation of Science and Religion.pdf - Online Christian Library

The Relation of Science and Religion.pdf - Online Christian Library

The Relation of Science and Religion.pdf - Online Christian Library


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HIGHER ORGANISMS. 20'7progress, or causing movement i11 an oppositedirection. Now these two characteristics-sensibilityto impression from without,<strong>and</strong> moveinent caused by an exercise <strong>of</strong> energyfrom within the organisill itself-are bothprovided for by means <strong>of</strong> the nerve systembelonging to the animal. This nerve systemvaries in the number <strong>and</strong> coinplexity <strong>of</strong> itsarrangements, according. to the compleaxity<strong>of</strong> the organism with which it is associated.As, therefore, we rise in the scale, passingfrom the s<strong>of</strong>t pulpy form <strong>of</strong> the lowest orders,to those formed in segments or rings, nextto those with distinct portions <strong>of</strong> organismfulfilling separate functions, as in insect life,wit11 head, body, <strong>and</strong> legs; <strong>and</strong> next pass upto the vertebrates, with back-bone <strong>and</strong> skeleton,on which is built up a more or less complicatedmuscular system, we find a nervesystem, growing in complexity along with theappearance <strong>of</strong> different orgalls <strong>of</strong> the body.And in all cases, this system fulfils these tw<strong>of</strong>unctions-sensibility to touch, <strong>and</strong> movement<strong>of</strong> the body. <strong>The</strong>se two are providedfor by distinct lines or nerve fibres; <strong>and</strong> inall cases, these two sets are conibined in acentre, thereby securing that the two sets

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