The Relation of Science and Religion.pdf - Online Christian Library

The Relation of Science and Religion.pdf - Online Christian Library The Relation of Science and Religion.pdf - Online Christian Library
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RELATIONS OF ORGANISMS. 191his observations being given by Sir JohnLubbock."' The conclusion reached as to theutility of these contrivances for exclusion ofcreeping insects, is that they perform an auxiliarypart in the general plan for fertilizationwhich has been described. To allow the storeof honey to go to the ants would be merely tofeed them without any equivalent advantageto the flowers. To diminish the supply in thisway, might cause the bees to abandon manyflowers, and so greatly diminish fertilization.This would ultimately lead to short supplies,and probable extinction of several orders ofplants and animals, and accordingly these contrivancesto'hinder the access of ants, must beadded to those for facilitating the approachof bees, and other flying insects, affordingfurtl~er evidence of the adjustment of rivalinterests involved in the relations of the vegetableand animal kingdoms. The serriedspikes are a phalanx of bayonets planted forresistance of an advancing foe.Contemplating now the ants as in some respectsan excluded race, which with a largeshare of pugnacity can not find a basis of operations for contending against the bees, we* Scient@c Lectures, p. 36.

192 SCIENCE AND RELIGION.have to turn attention briefly on t,heir modssof life. The industry of the ant is proverbial,and can not fail to arrest the attention of anyone who spends a few minutes before anant-hill. But carefully recorded observationsprove it to be much greater than could havebeen imagined. Sir John Lubbock has renderedspecial service here by carefully notingthe t'ime occupied, as well as the amount ofwork done, thus preserving a series of observationsexceedingly suggestive in many ways,and having an important bearing on a considerablenumber of difficult questions connectedwith the relative powers of lower and higherorders of life. A similar service has beenrendered in America in the work of the Rev.H. C. McCook of Philadelphia, on The NaturalHistory of the Agricultural Ant of Texas,-a book recording careful and most importantobservations, adding much to the storesof knowledge concerning ants.*The work of the ants is directed mainly tothe two great objects of animal life, procuri~lgfood, and caring for the young, to which fallsto be added, the repelling of attacks upontheir nests, or removal of any thing obnoxious.They destroy great numbers of smaller* See Appendix X.

RELATIONS OF ORGANISMS. 191his observations being given by Sir JohnLubbock."' <strong>The</strong> conclusion reached as to theutility <strong>of</strong> these contrivances for exclusion <strong>of</strong>creeping insects, is that they perform an auxiliarypart in the general plan for fertilizationwhich has been described. To allow the store<strong>of</strong> honey to go to the ants would be merely t<strong>of</strong>eed them without any equivalent advantageto the flowers. To diminish the supply in thisway, might cause the bees to ab<strong>and</strong>on manyflowers, <strong>and</strong> so greatly diminish fertilization.This would ultimately lead to short supplies,<strong>and</strong> probable extinction <strong>of</strong> several orders <strong>of</strong>plants <strong>and</strong> animals, <strong>and</strong> accordingly these contrivancesto'hinder the access <strong>of</strong> ants, must beadded to those for facilitating the approach<strong>of</strong> bees, <strong>and</strong> other flying insects, affordingfurtl~er evidence <strong>of</strong> the adjustment <strong>of</strong> rivalinterests involved in the relations <strong>of</strong> the vegetable<strong>and</strong> animal kingdoms. <strong>The</strong> serriedspikes are a phalanx <strong>of</strong> bayonets planted forresistance <strong>of</strong> an advancing foe.Contemplating now the ants as in some respectsan excluded race, which with a largeshare <strong>of</strong> pugnacity can not find a basis <strong>of</strong> operations for contending against the bees, we* Scient@c Lectures, p. 36.

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